Cali? I seriously doubt it. What about the progressive glasses-wearing ultra-blue white states? Cali has a huge ethnic population which is why it's so democrat. Tons of thugs and gangsters and tough guys in Cali. A lot of people in Cali vote blue for benefits as well. In white-progressive states, people vote blue to give benefits to rapish, demon looking Somalians who come in and fuck their wives.
Minnesota is really bad (little Sweden). I bet Oregon or like, New Hampshire would be really bad too. Y'know, the more intellectual states. Cali is not known for being intellectual.
Look at IQ by state and country, and you will see that the kinder and more intelligent the men, the more domineering and angry the women become, and the more pressure they put on those men to cuck for Jafar and Aluh'qumar or whatever the fuck dirty Somali names are.