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Experiment Where do you lean politically?

Where do you lean politically?

  • Far right

    Votes: 22 21.6%
  • Right

    Votes: 10 9.8%
  • Centre right

    Votes: 18 17.6%
  • Centre

    Votes: 5 4.9%
  • Centre left

    Votes: 8 7.8%
  • Left

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • Far left

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 8.8%
  • Don’t care

    Votes: 24 23.5%

  • Total voters
I'm to the right of crazy.


I'm right because I know I'm right on quite a few things...

Ps both left & right plagiarize & appropriate from each other all the time fyi depending on time & circumstances...
center right

This but I pick & choose leftist ideals & practices as when the situation arises so in effect 55:45 or 60:40 proportion... too long to go into though.

That's why I'm centre right because I know that's the right way to go about things.
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When I think of the left all I can think of is feminism, SJW, Hillary supporters, and #MeToo
And to all the left and far-left leaning incels: fuck you for siding with feminists and foids.
I don't side with them, I've never voted in my life, nor will I ever do so. While I think politics are secondary(nonexistence is better), I just despise capitalism. Funny thing is, as I've mentioned on this forum before, I used to be a white nationalist stormfrontcel, until I realized what I was actually doing.

It's all cope, coping with loneliness, coping with fear, none of it is real. Every monument and border carved into the ground is as transitory as the existence of a single day.

Also, conservatism is a meme, everything left to conserve is already gone. Both sides are sockpuppets for the elite, I hold nothing but contempt for western governments, democracy is a joke.

I don't blame you for feeling that way though, as I despise the same people as you.
I just don't care about politics. I just want government to leave me alone.

If you "want the government to leave you alone" then I have news for you: you do care about politics and you're on the far right.

I prefer limited government and economic freedom, but I don't vote for any party anymore. I don't turn to government to solve my problems.

Not voting doesn't mean you don't care about politics; it merely means you realize your vote is unlikely to change anything. It's rational behavior.

Again, preferring limited government and economic freedom puts you firmly in the far right camp, even if you don't identify yourself as far right.
Every political party hates incels, so I don't like any of them.

But the left hates incels and loves feminism a lot more than the right. Pretending that both sides' treatment of inceldom is equal is ridiculous.
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21% of incels don't care about politics? WTF?

So you all are totally indifferent as to whether leftists (nearly all of which are hardcore feminists and most of which are foids) or conservatives (only some of which are feminists and most of which are men) are in power?

Apparently there are far more fakecels here than I thought.

And to all the left and far-left leaning incels: fuck you for siding with feminists and foids.
Lowiq for you to assume people who don't care about politics are fakecels they could be blackpilled enough to know that politics will not make women desire betas instead of chads
I don't side with them, I've never voted in my life, nor will I ever do so. While I think politics are secondary(nonexistence is better), I just despise capitalism. Funny thing is, as I've mentioned on this forum before, I used to be a white nationalist stormfrontcel, until I realized what I was actually doing.

It's all cope, coping with loneliness, coping with fear, none of it is real. Every monument and border carved into the ground is as transitory as the existence of a single day.

Also, conservatism is a meme, everything left to conserve is already gone. Both sides are sockpuppets for the elite, I hold nothing but contempt for western governments, democracy is a joke.

I don't blame you for feeling that way though, as I despise the same people as you.
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Lowiq for you to assume people who don't care about politics are fakecels they could be blackpilled enough to know that politics will not make women desire betas instead of chads

Nobody is claiming that politics will make women desire betas instead of Chads.

What I am claiming though is that leftists, if given more political power, will undoubtedly try to make life the worst possible hell for incels in every way imaginable. You might think it's bad now but I assure you it can get much, much worse. And incels should be afraid of this. There is more at stake here than you seem to think.

Incels are terribly mistaken if they think that both sides of the political spectrum are equally hostile towards them.
Nobody is claiming that politics will make women desire betas instead of Chads.

What I am claiming though is that leftists, if given more political power, will undoubtedly try to make life the worst possible hell for incels in every way imaginable. You might think it's bad now but I assure you it can get much, much worse. And incels should be afraid of this. There is more at stake here than you seem to think.
Voting will not change shit and more and more normies/cucks will vote for left to appease women and bring more gynocentrism, right has lost politics will not solve the problem we will need more of revolution to get things in order voting is deslusion and revolution anytime soon is unlikely
Voting will not change shit and more and more normies/cucks will vote for left to appease women and bring more gynocentrism, right has lost politics will not solve the problem we will need more of revolution to get things in order voting is deslusion and revolution anytime soon is unlikely

In case you missed it, the candidate that normies/foids/cucks wanted elected into the most powerful office in the world lost to Donald Trump, a candidate whose voter base consists mostly of men and anti-feminists.
Tbh i don't really care
I am a centre-right conservative traditionalist patriarchist.

The far right are generally low IQ and obsessed with race, for some stupid reason.

The left are cucked feminists.
Obsessed with saving our people from extinction more like it...
Obsessed with saving our people from extinction more like it...

“Our people”

This is such a cucked attitude. “Your people” have deliberately and consciously rejected you and ostracised you. Why the fuck do you feel any affinity with them or want to “save” them?
In case you missed it, the candidate that normies/foids/cucks wanted elected into the most powerful office in the world lost to Donald Trump, a candidate whose voter base consisted mostly of men and anti-feminists.
Jfl at you for still having faith on politics despite having donald trump the west is dommed to be gynocentric i guess you see it but ignore this because politics can still be a good cope at this point for some
It's 4:00am here in curryland now, gonna sleep now i will make a post tommorow explaining how gynocentrism cannot be solved with politics
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Jfl at you for still having faith on politics despite having donald trump the west is dommed to be gynocentric

Do you not realize that the leftist feminists, cucks and foids passionately hate Donald Trump? Do you ever stop and ask yourself why this might be?

Here's a hint: Trump is the ultimate anti-feminist, and he wants to take power away from foids/cucks. This is a good thing for incels, since foids and cucks want to maximally harm us.

i guess you see it but ignore this because politics can still be a good cope at this point for some

To not care about politics is to be a child. Politics runs the world. Politics is everything.

If you're going to call politics a cope, you might as well call adulthood a cope.
As far as I can tell, no political parties are advocating for the things that I'd like to see - no censorship, less handouts except for single male NEETs, lower/removed AOC, lower retirement age for males, equality in terms of tax spending between sexes relative to tax contribution - therefore I refuse to label myself in any way. Both sides are cucked hard tbh.
Generally I like capitalism and detest most social programs, since they almost always are gynocentric and hardly ever have any benefits to single males.
I dislike democracy though I do realize that possibly the only better option is a tyranny of a wise and just paragon (AI maybe?).
By the way, right and left have completely different meanings depending on where you live. In pretty much most of Europe right means "conservative socialists" and left means "progressive socialists", for example. Then there's that one ancap party that is batshit, balances on the election threshold and isn't taken seriously by anyone. Fuck the politics on this continent tbh, I'm not even voting anymore
“Our people”

This is such a cucked attitude. “Your people” have deliberately and consciously rejected you and ostracised you. Why the fuck do you feel any affinity with them or want to “save” them?
i dont care personally , but i always liked right wing people and ideolog more .
It feels more grounded in Reality .
I'm not a political activist currently, but I kinda like the ideas of National Socialism.
Again, preferring limited government and economic freedom puts you firmly in the far right camp, even if you don't identify yourself as far right.

Far right? Isn't that fascism and authoritarianism? Because I'm neither (Unless you're trying to pigeon hole me).
Fuck politics its a waste of time
Whatever keeps my gf from leaving me :soy:
t. ziocuck
No, you are the cuck here, with your nationalist attitudes. Neither am I a member of the "national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel"
dont give a fuck about politics, either way oy vey still wins.

I am far right in terms of economics, libertarian socially, but quasi-reactionary at the same time.
Right libertarian
Far right? Isn't that fascism and authoritarianism?

No, the "far right = fascism and authoritarianism" narrative is a lie that the left has been pushing for decades. The bigger the government, the better the chances of fascism and authoritarianism. And it's leftists that want bigger governments.

Far right = minarchism and anarcho capitalism, which is the opposite of fascism and authoritarianism.

Because I'm neither (Unless you're trying to pigeon hole me)

If you want limited government in any form whatsoever, you are definitely "far right" by today's standards, as the political climate is heavily left-leaning. You "pigeon-holed" yourself by admitting that you prefer limited government.

Leftists and centrists have zero tolerance for anything except a massive increase in the role of government (public healthcare, free college, more funding towards public education, etc.), and even those on the center-right aren't trying to cut the government anymore (unfortunately); they're just in favor of expanding its role more slowly.

The right wants to keep the government at its current size (which is by no means a "limited government"), which leaves the far-right as the only group that actually wants to decrease the size of government.

Every incel should be on the far-right, as one of the main functions of governments is to steal incels' money and funnel it to foids, cucks, and Chads under the pretense of "public education, public health, welfare, etc."
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