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When Russia annexes these 4 provinces we will be attacking into Russia itself



Aug 25, 2019

This is current Russian military control of the 4 SE provinces of Ukraine.

The Rubicon will then be crossed if we are launching offensives into Russia. And also opens up other Russian territory to be attacked.
If the Ukrainians start being overwhelmed by this mass mobilization in Russia.. we can send in more Slavs. Poland and Romania's armies can go in next.
Fuck off globohomo feminist. If you're in favor of jewish globohomos, you're against incels.
I got to say this is getting old. It's not amusing or entertaining to see the U.S. middle class pay for a shit war to save a homosexual wannabe Hollywood star or the cucks who have supported him. This thing would have likely gone better had the U.S. not been fully taken over by homo worshippers back when Biden won.
If the Ukrainians start being overwhelmed by this mass mobilization in Russia.. we can send in more Slavs. Poland and Romania's armies can go in next.
Romania? They have an army? JFL kek.
Romania? They have an army? JFL kek.

Its only like 75,000 men but they can probably get like 100,000 more at least by calling up the reserves. The plan earlier in the war if Russia kept gaining ground was Romania and Poland's armies would take defensive positions freeing up Ukrainian divisions to go to the frontlines.

What Romania is worried about is they used to be in the Warsaw Pact and they don't want Russia on their borders again. Whereas in Hungary and Slovakia there is way more pro-Russian sentiment.
Its only like 75,000 men but they can probably get like 100,000 more at least by calling up the reserves. The plan earlier in the war if Russia kept gaining ground was Romania and Poland's armies would take defensive positions freeing up Ukrainian divisions to go to the frontlines.

What Romania is worried about is they used to be in the Warsaw Pact and they don't want Russia on their borders again. Whereas in Hungary and Slovakia there is way more pro-Russian sentiment.

May I ask why you are so interested in seeing this union of confused Eastern European countries backed by these US leftist? I mean I know that American politics is usually confusing to non-Americans but you must see how detrimental this is to the economy of the US? And even Europe. Anyone who doesn't want to participate in this shit show is being cast aside like a bigot.
those slavs are meant to die for nothing more than ever

May I ask why you are so interested in seeing this union of confused Eastern European countries backed by these US leftist? I mean I know that American politics is usually confusing to non-Americans but you must see how detrimental this is to the economy of the US? And even Europe. Anyone who doesn't want to participate in this shit show is being cast aside like a bigot.

The US tried isolationism in WWII era. After Germany took over part of Czechoslovakia the US remained neutral. Instead of getting behind France, Belgium, Holland and Poland. Even when those countries went down the US still didn't get involved. But by the time we did then we faced this vast Reich.

Say Russia would be satisfied with just taking Ukraine. Then we could possibly let Ukraine go down even though they asked for our help and to join us, but we would have peace. But in reality Ukraine would add 41 million to Russia, 300-400,000 soldiers to Russia's army, and the economic resources of Ukraine. Then Russia will be going for the next country and the next country.

On the other hand say Russia does appear to be satisfied with these 4 SE provinces in Ukraine and not trying to go farther.. then the US doesn't have to push it, we can buildup the Ukrainian army to make it improbable that Russia would attack beyond that. But who is to say if Russia has a huge army there they won't try for Mykolaiv, Odessa and Kharkiv as an example.
Let's take this step by step....
The US tried isolationism in WWII era. After Germany took over part of Czechoslovakia the US remained neutral. Instead of getting behind France, Belgium, Holland and Poland. Even when those countries went down the US still didn't get involved. But by the time we did then we faced this vast Reich.
First of all, I'm surprised that this sort of goofy war is something you have compared to WWII, my friend. America entered WWII because Japan attacked them (surface level) and on a deeper level because they were still on a forward moment with Christianity mostly driving the behavior of soldiers and commanders alike. That moment is long gone. They recognised an Evil that was not profitable or beneficial for the world long term. They may have recognised that Hitler's Germany had started far away from that spirit of Christianity and also that it was overt Chad worship of themselves. I believe they entered the war cause they suspected this was wrong on some level. Also, this reshaping of the European countries was brought about by Germany invading so many other European lands by force. Ukraine is nothing like what France was, or what the U.K. was, or what Poland was. I don't think Russia really represents a threat to the U.S. IF the U.S. is making the right moves. Whereas pre-WWII and nuclear weapons it's impossible to say what Japan and Germany were going to consider and how far they were going to go. WWII needed to happen. Plain and simple. Defending the criminal stae of Ukraine and with people's lives and money is not at all worth the gains for the Western world. In fact it's seemingly causing more chaos than good for everyone involved. There is a chance I could be wrong, but all signs point to this ending badly, whereas it impossible to know how Putin would have reacted had the U.S. Dems been nice and moreover had there been solidarity among political parties in the US. When the U.S. appears strong and reasonable, Putin would not be so unreasonable. It seems as though the control room of this War is Democrate) Liberals and putting Putin in his place is some sort of power obsession they have with further demolishing the idea right wingers have of anyone like Trump from rising in America.
Say Russia would be satisfied with just taking Ukraine. Then we could possibly let Ukraine go down even though they asked for our help and to join us, but we would have peace. But in reality Ukraine would add 41 million to Russia, 300-400,000 soldiers to Russia's army, and the economic resources of Ukraine. Then Russia will be going for the next country and the next country.
I don't know if that's completely true. Maybe if the U.S. was reasonable and the EU were reasonable, he would not. Maybe he just does want Ukraine back in the fold. If he really started country hopping AFTER taking Ukraine, then I'd say fine, there is reason to go to war with him. This would still not hurt the U.S./U.K until much later, so there would be plenty of time to act against him. Having several shitty territories is not goin to make Putin's Russia a match for Western Europe and America together. But now we will never know because we started supporting this idiot Zelensky. Too late.
On the other hand say Russia does appear to be satisfied with these 4 SE provinces in Ukraine and not trying to go farther.. then the US doesn't have to push it, we can buildup the Ukrainian army to make it improbable that Russia would attack beyond that. But who is to say if Russia has a huge army there they won't try for Mykolaiv, Odessa and Kharkiv as an example.
I feel like this would be the likely scenario. Unless he had some super agreements with China/NK/Iran for world domination, then it would have likely stopped there.

Again I'm not saying I'm absolutely certain, but more and more it's appearing like a very bad decision to plunge America into more problems by supporting Ukraine. I think we all knew this was bound to happen the ways things in the U.S. are going. This is the end of Western civilization's prosperity in every single way.
Let's take this step by step....

First of all, I'm surprised that this sort of goofy war is something you have compared to WWII, my friend. America entered WWII because Japan attacked them (surface level) and on a deeper level because they were still on a forward moment with Christianity mostly driving the behavior of soldiers and commanders alike. That moment is long gone. They recognised an Evil that was not profitable or beneficial for the world long term. They may have recognised that Hitler's Germany had started far away from that spirit of Christianity and also that it was overt Chad worship of themselves. I believe they entered the war cause they suspected this was wrong on some level. Also, this reshaping of the European countries was brought about by Germany invading so many other European lands by force. Ukraine is nothing like what France was, or what the U.K. was, or what Poland was. I don't think Russia really represents a threat to the U.S. IF the U.S. is making the right moves. Whereas pre-WWII and nuclear weapons it's impossible to say what Japan and Germany were going to consider and how far they were going to go. WWII needed to happen. Plain and simple. Defending the criminal stae of Ukraine and with people's lives and money is not at all worth the gains for the Western world. In fact it's seemingly causing more chaos than good for everyone involved. There is a chance I could be wrong, but all signs point to this ending badly, whereas it impossible to know how Putin would have reacted had the U.S. Dems been nice and moreover had there been solidarity among political parties in the US. When the U.S. appears strong and reasonable, Putin would not be so unreasonable. It seems as though the control room of this War is Democrate) Liberals and putting Putin in his place is some sort of power obsession they have with further demolishing the idea right wingers have of anyone like Trump from rising in America.

I don't know if that's completely true. Maybe if the U.S. was reasonable and the EU were reasonable, he would not. Maybe he just does want Ukraine back in the fold. If he really started country hopping AFTER taking Ukraine, then I'd say fine, there is reason to go to war with him. This would still not hurt the U.S./U.K until much later, so there would be plenty of time to act against him. Having several shitty territories is not goin to make Putin's Russia a match for Western Europe and America together. But now we will never know because we started supporting this idiot Zelensky. Too late.

I feel like this would be the likely scenario. Unless he had some super agreements with China/NK/Iran for world domination, then it would have likely stopped there.

Again I'm not saying I'm absolutely certain, but more and more it's appearing like a very bad decision to plunge America into more problems by supporting Ukraine. I think we all knew this was bound to happen the ways things in the U.S. are going. This is the end of Western civilization's prosperity in every single way.

The cost sounds insane like $250 billion dollars a year. But the US Federal government's annual budget is more than $5,000 billion dollars a year. So that is 1/20th the federal budget. Which the Federal budget is around 20% of the US economy. So the war is costing the US around 1% of our economy.

Its like if you make $100,000 a year, and you have a new cost of $1,000 a year. Is it significant.. ya but its not that big of a deal in economic terms. Basically we are taking money we would have sent to Afghanistan and now sending it to Ukraine. And Iraq now doesn't need much help with high oil prices and things more stabilized there.

For Russia even in Russia they probably don't know for sure what they would do if they get Ukraine. But no doubt Russia would be in a substantially stronger position and could then be more aggressive than otherwise. At a minimum Russia would take control of Moldova, and probably flip Hungary to being in the Russian camp, which then would link up Russia by land to Serbia. And Bulgaria would likely join the Russian camp. And Slovakia is 50/50 which way it would go. Meanwhile others like Italy are becoming more pro-Russian to begin with, not counting if Russia was getting that powerful.

A legitimate national security issue in Russia is they don't want Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in NATO and right near Russia's big cities. Those countries were part of the Soviet Union and realistically NATO can't defend them as is, let alone a stronger Russia that we weren't standing up to. Russia also can legitimately make Finland be at least neutral as they don't want NATO there on their borders either. These small countries the Russian army could roll over.
its not easy for Russia, I am afraid. China will need to pressure Taiwan heavily.
In a phone call with Biden in July, Chinese leader Xi Jinping warned about Taiwan, saying “those who play with fire will perish by it”.

  • China's air force has rapidly grown in size and capability, adding advanced stealth fighter jets like the J-20.
If the Ukrainians start being overwhelmed by this mass mobilization in Russia.. we can send in more Slavs. Poland and Romania's armies can go in next.
I highly doubt the mass mobilization will do anything. These conscripts are unmotivated, untrained, and poorly equipped. It's going to be a meat grinder.
At this point, I actually expect Ukraine to do something at this point that enables Russia to just push in all three fronts simultaneously, East from Russia, South from Crimea and North from Belarus. Probably, just start overwhelming Ukraine to the point that the whole Ukrainian army starts to melt away do to fears of being surrounded, probably running across the border into Poland like little girls.

Western Media is painting a false narrative that Ukraine will be able to withstand and that there are mass protest in Russia against the war and mobilization, when in reality only a few Russians (A few retarded liberals in Russia) are actually against it and most Russians to some degree support it. I prefer Telegram and other Non-western social media. Twitter has these Vermin "Nafo" Faggot Pro-Nato trash people that constantly flag down anyone seemingly going against the Pro-Ukraine Western narrative (chibi dog in Avi or twitter banner art) because they don't want Westerners like me to see through their Bullshit and see Ukraine take a major L, soon. I believe that Dam in Krivy Rog that the Russians destroyed and raised the level of the Inhulets River is just a very very small taste of what is going to happen next month and into Winter.

Nato will not admit that it is openly attacking Russia, but in short, Ukraine will and that will speed up its capitulation.
Do you think the mass mobilization will even change anything?

I feel like Russia is just fucked. Ukraine has superior technology and is entrenched in their positions. Russia already had to pull out of Kiev siege and Kharkiv siege. These conscripts aren’t gonna change anything, especially when Russia is having supply issues
At this point, I actually expect Ukraine to do something at this point that enables Russia to just push in all three fronts simultaneously, East from Russia, South from Crimea and North from Belarus. Probably, just start overwhelming Ukraine to the point that the whole Ukrainian army starts to melt away do to fears of being surrounded, probably running across the border into Poland like little girls.

Western Media is painting a false narrative that Ukraine will be able to withstand and that there are mass protest in Russia against the war and mobilization, when in reality only a few Russians (A few retarded liberals in Russia) are actually against it and most Russians to some degree support it. I prefer Telegram and other Non-western social media. Twitter has these Vermin "Nafo" Faggot Pro-Nato trash people that constantly flag down anyone seemingly going against the Pro-Ukraine Western narrative (chibi dog in Avi or twitter banner art) because they don't want Westerners like me to see through their Bullshit and see Ukraine take a major L, soon. I believe that Dam in Krivy Rog that the Russians destroyed and raised the level of the Inhulets River is just a very very small taste of what is going to happen next month and into Winter.

Nato will not admit that it is openly attacking Russia, but in short, Ukraine will and that will speed up its capitulation.

Ya this mobilization looks way bigger than 300,000 men. It looks into the millions. I have been thinking also Russia will want to attack on multiple fronts where there isn't heavy Ukrainian defenses and fortifications. Like East from Russia like you are saying. And your point about North from Belarus is a very good one. They have to overwhelm the Ukrainian army, so the Ukrainians can't concentrate all their forces along the current front lines.

Thats also why I wasn't joking when I said we will have to send in the Romanian and Polish armies.. even if they put on Ukrainian army uniforms and are merged into the Ukrainian army... the US is going to be paying for it either way and commanding all of them. So it doesn't make much difference if they have one uniform or another on.

NATO is trying to up the air defenses of Ukraine to slow down the long range cruise missiles of Russia. Russia's cruise missiles are one area Russia wisely invested a lot of money in and has systems at least matching the West. And now there is the Iranian drones showing up too which look very effective so far.

Potentially if faced with 3 fronts all with heavy duty Russian manpower, it could also force Ukraine to give up the 4 SE provinces. But I'm not sure either side is willing to stop the war.
The cost sounds insane like $250 billion dollars a year. But the US Federal government's annual budget is more than $5,000 billion dollars a year. So that is 1/20th the federal budget. Which the Federal budget is around 20% of the US economy. So the war is costing the US around 1% of our economy.
This is silly reason brother. You can't say "hey the US seems to me like they can afford it to give up the money" People are hurting man ! Money is in scarce supply for the middle class. It's costing the U.S. money that will come out of a WHOLE TONNE of necessary things. Maybe there is some part of the amount which can be spared, but not much. It's not 1% of your economy that you need to consider, ITS THE DESOLATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS ABILITY TO OPERATE AS A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for its own county (USA). Either they are constantly overreaching in their powers, and there is corruption, OR they are not accomplishing their duties.
Its like if you make $100,000 a year, and you have a new cost of $1,000 a year. Is it significant.. ya but its not that big of a deal in economic terms. Basically we are taking money we would have sent to Afghanistan and now sending it to Ukraine. And Iraq now doesn't need much help with high oil prices and things more stabilized there.
It's coming out of the pocket of people who are making both 100K a year and soon (if not already) people who are making 25K a year ! When programs get cut PEOPLE SUFFER !
For Russia even in Russia they probably don't know for sure what they would do if they get Ukraine. But no doubt Russia would be in a substantially stronger position and could then be more aggressive than otherwise. At a minimum Russia would take control of Moldova, and probably flip Hungary to being in the Russian camp, which then would link up Russia by land to Serbia. And Bulgaria would likely join the Russian camp. And Slovakia is 50/50 which way it would go. Meanwhile others like Italy are becoming more pro-Russian to begin with, not counting if Russia was getting that powerful.
AGAIN, the reason we do not know this is because the Globohomo EU and U.S. rushed into stupid ideological and emotionally infused masturbation ! You don't really know how Putin would have responded to positive treatment from the West. Of course, I don't care for Putin or Russia much, but there is a threshold for spitting on someone and a big country.
A legitimate national security issue in Russia is they don't want Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in NATO and right near Russia's big cities. Those countries were part of the Soviet Union and realistically NATO can't defend them as is, let alone a stronger Russia that we weren't standing up to. Russia also can legitimately make Finland be at least neutral as they don't want NATO there on their borders either. These small countries the Russian army could roll over.
I give up man. Honestly this view you have of Russia is very EU liberal centric and demands that Americans give their left but to protect... :feelsautistic::feelsUgh:
In a phone call with Biden in July, Chinese leader Xi Jinping warned about Taiwan, saying “those who play with fire will perish by it”.

  • China's air force has rapidly grown in size and capability, adding advanced stealth fighter jets like the J-20.
Honestly, I believe every single one of the EU+American actions has compromised them and made this scenario of Russian + China threat more likely.

The way Russia describes it's relationship with China is 'Not allies, but better than allies'.
Lets say we didn't do anything and Russia took over Ukraine and Moldova like they were talking about. And then made a union that also included Belarus. Ok then Russia jumps from 146 million to 200 million. And now Russia borders Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Russia's army goes from 1,020,000 in 2021 to lets say 1,500,000 in 2024 in this scenario. And Hungary flips and allies with Russia, and then Russia is linked up with Serbia by land. And lets say its 50/50 in Slovakia but they stay with the West. And Bulgaria gets a pro-Russian government and Greece goes neutral.

And tensions in let us say 2025 are boiling over with China, so China decides at that point to get more behind Russia with heavy duty military manufacturing, money and high tech weaponry. Which China has the full right to supply Russia with whatever China wants, its their ally.

Then we would be hoping @JayGoptri is right that Russia is actually a peace loving country and has no further ambitions for territories. But let us say Russia was peace loving but in 2025 changes their mind and now has a bunch of more demands.

You see how the West can't have any guarantee that Russia will stop in Ukraine or that China won't back Russia more strongly at any time.

Russia thinks the same way for the West. Even if the West legitimately has no current intentions of trying to take over/break apart Russia, what guarantee does Russia have that down the road the West won't try that. That is why Russia wasn't willing to let Ukraine go with the West without a fight.
This is silly reason brother. You can't say "hey the US seems to me like they can afford it to give up the money" People are hurting man ! Money is in scarce supply for the middle class. It's costing the U.S. money that will come out of a WHOLE TONNE of necessary things. Maybe there is some part of the amount which can be spared, but not much. It's not 1% of your economy that you need to consider, ITS THE DESOLATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS ABILITY TO OPERATE AS A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for its own county (USA). Either they are constantly overreaching in their powers, and there is corruption, OR they are not accomplishing their duties.

It's coming out of the pocket of people who are making both 100K a year and soon (if not already) people who are making 25K a year ! When programs get cut PEOPLE SUFFER !

AGAIN, the reason we do not know this is because the Globohomo EU and U.S. rushed into stupid ideological and emotionally infused masturbation ! You don't really know how Putin would have responded to positive treatment from the West. Of course, I don't care for Putin or Russia much, but there is a threshold for spitting on someone and a big country.

I give up man. Honestly this view you have of Russia is very EU liberal centric and demands that Americans give their left but to protect... :feelsautistic::feelsUgh:
"left nut"

Then we would be hoping @JayGoptri is right that Russia is actually a peace loving country and has no further ambitions
Where did I say that "Russia is a peace loving country" please do not misquote me. I said "we wouldn't KNOW how Putin would have responded had the EU + U.S. Globohomo goof troop not rushed off into "muh Ukraine" bullshit. China is another story altogether, I think.
I got to say this is getting old. It's not amusing or entertaining to see the U.S. middle class pay for a shit war to save a homosexual wannabe Hollywood star or the cucks who have supported him. This thing would have likely gone better had the U.S. not been fully taken over by homo worshippers back when Biden won.
Actually, America protecting Jewish financial interests is what is keeping your degenerate country afloat. Would you prefer to slave 16 hours in a sweatshop, the way Bangladeshis do it? If not, then you have to support the Jew.

Regarding the topic at hand - most Russian nationalists consider Putin a Western puppet who has done everything to lose, and nothing to win. Just a few days ago, they have exchanged literal Jewkrainian neo-Nazis for a shithead Medvedchuk (who did jack all to further Russian interests in the Ukraine to begin with).

My personal prediction - when the RF annexes those provinces, and then loses them to the Jewish horde, the RF will go monkey mode and nuke Kiev - merely to justify a nuclear annihilation by the Washington ZOG régime. Maximum repost.

I'm Ukrainian btw, and I'm really sad I'm still alive, I would definitely enlist in the draft but I'm to autistic, and losing your feet is not the same as committing seppuku.
Then we could possibly let Ukraine go down even though they asked for our help and to join us, but we would have peace.
Saying that the Ukraine asked America for anything is akin to thinking that dolls can talk. It's like a horror movie with living puppets... or you're just retarded. The Ukraine is currently self-destructing to please its Judaeo-Negroid masters. The Ukraine started the war in 2014.

The US tried isolationism in WWII era. After Germany took over part of Czechoslovakia the US remained neutral. Instead of getting behind France, Belgium, Holland and Poland. Even when those countries went down the US still didn't get involved. But by the time we did then we faced this vast Reich.
WW2 was merely a Judaeo-Christian crusade against Hitler's NSDAP. Nothing more, nothing less. If America had been serious about existing and not dying, they would have killed all Japanese and Mexicans, and would certainly starved the Chinese to death. Instead, all America has done is bred foreigners everywhere, and turned China into a super-power. The Christian self-hatred knows no bounds.
Actually, America protecting Jewish financial interests is what is keeping your degenerate country afloat. Would you prefer to slave 16 hours in a sweatshop, the way Bangladeshis do it? If not, then you have to support the Jew.
Slow your roll buddyboyo. Yes it is true that Eastern European Jews are important, at some point the core of the U.S. will turn against them(non-jews), and with it younger American-Jews and some folk Israeli side as well. The end of Western society is coming, and I won't be working in no sweatshop because I'll likely be dead by the time things get that bad. But one has to say what they believe is right.
Regarding the topic at hand - most Russian nationalists consider Putin a Western puppet who has done everything to lose, and nothing to win. Just a few days ago, they have exchanged literal Jewkrainian neo-Nazis for a shithead Medvedchuk (who did jack all to further Russian interests in the Ukraine to begin with).
I don't think or see that as the real problem. He's not a Western puppet. He certainly envys them from afar and it shapes his thinking and actions so you could say he desires to be accepted by them and leave a legacy so, yes that can be psychologically dangerous but..

.. it's the Libtards and Zelensky running this drama for real also.

My personal prediction - when the RF annexes those provinces, and then loses them to the Jewish horde, the RF will go monkey mode and nuke Kiev - merely to justify a nuclear annihilation by the Washington ZOG régime. Maximum repost.
So you are saying what the Russian state really wants is total anarchy, world nihilsim in war? In that case, yes you would be right to say support Ukraine. But I'm not so convinced he's after that. I don't presume to know about China and the Russian-deepstate's motivations though.
I'm Ukrainian btw, and I'm really sad I'm still alive, I would definitely enlist in the draft but I'm to autistic, and losing your feet is not the same as committing seppuku.
Volunteer if you wish my friend. Do what you need to do for peace of mind.
Last edited:
Romanians are not slavs.
Ya this mobilization looks way bigger than 300,000 men. It looks into the millions. I have been thinking also Russia will want to attack on multiple fronts where there isn't heavy Ukrainian defenses and fortifications. Like East from Russia like you are saying. And your point about North from Belarus is a very good one. They have to overwhelm the Ukrainian army, so the Ukrainians can't concentrate all their forces along the current front lines.

Thats also why I wasn't joking when I said we will have to send in the Romanian and Polish armies.. even if they put on Ukrainian army uniforms and are merged into the Ukrainian army... the US is going to be paying for it either way and commanding all of them. So it doesn't make much difference if they have one uniform or another on.

NATO is trying to up the air defenses of Ukraine to slow down the long range cruise missiles of Russia. Russia's cruise missiles are one area Russia wisely invested a lot of money in and has systems at least matching the West. And now there is the Iranian drones showing up too which look very effective so far.

Potentially if faced with 3 fronts all with heavy duty Russian manpower, it could also force Ukraine to give up the 4 SE provinces. But I'm not sure either side is willing to stop the war.

The Ukrainian Air Defense Team :feelskek: shooting down an Iranian Suicide Drone in Odessa.
No, what I mean is that Russia will just turn Western and Central Ukraine (Kiev West to Lviv as those people are more Anti-Russian and Russians care less about them than Eastern Ukrainians that identify as Russians or who prefer Russia than Nato) into Grozny, by relentlessly bombarding it from all directions which will make Air Defenses less useful.

What America and Europe didn't account for, is how far Russia is willing to go like with the Mobilization, and the support the United States can give will not be enough to turn the tides of Battle. Good example is how Western Stockpiles of ammunition are being depleted due to giving Ukraine and them spending through it.

No, once Russia has all it's forces ready and is carrying out an Offensive, they will just go all the way to the Polish border due to neither side being interested in Diplomacy anymore. Ukraine's best and last time for any diplomacy was right after their Kharkov Offensive (Always want to negotiate from a position of Strength), but they are deluding themselves they will take everything back including Crimea.
Lets say we didn't do anything and Russia took over Ukraine and Moldova like they were talking about. And then made a union that also included Belarus. Ok then Russia jumps from 146 million to 200 million. And now Russia borders Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Russia's army goes from 1,020,000 in 2021 to lets say 1,500,000 in 2024 in this scenario. And Hungary flips and allies with Russia, and then Russia is linked up with Serbia by land. And lets say its 50/50 in Slovakia but they stay with the West. And Bulgaria gets a pro-Russian government and Greece goes neutral.

And tensions in let us say 2025 are boiling over with China, so China decides at that point to get more behind Russia with heavy duty military manufacturing, money and high tech weaponry. Which China has the full right to supply Russia with whatever China wants, its their ally.

Then we would be hoping @JayGoptri is right that Russia is actually a peace loving country and has no further ambitions for territories. But let us say Russia was peace loving but in 2025 changes their mind and now has a bunch of more demands.

You see how the West can't have any guarantee that Russia will stop in Ukraine or that China won't back Russia more strongly at any time.

Russia thinks the same way for the West. Even if the West legitimately has no current intentions of trying to take over/break apart Russia, what guarantee does Russia have that down the road the West won't try that. That is why Russia wasn't willing to let Ukraine go with the West without a fight.
Here's a video where Jordan Peterson is saying (more or less) the same thing I'm saying about the internal issues of the West in consideration of the Western support for the Ukrainian war efforts. The rambling cuck of a professor takes 1 our to say what he could in 5 minutes because he's a charlton, unable to describe the real problems, so he spends most of his time decorating his videos with a bunch of pedantic psychology jargon and glad handing himself like a clueless ivory tower douchebag.

View: https://youtu.be/JxdHm2dmvKE

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