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JFL When I was 16 I tried PUA in real life and ended up being a jestermaxxing beta that lost to blackops2cel's twin brother



Jesus Christ Conquers
Mar 20, 2024
I began watching Coach Redpill, Richard Coper, and The33Secrets when I was fourteen years old, I'd spend hours per day watching their videos and I considered them gods. I even tried copying the33secret's hair style. However, whenever I tried their teachings online they always failed, and of course I used the "It's different in real life!" cope, and thought that for years until one day, when I was sixteen I decided to try it in-person. I had never tried PUA in real life before, but I was confident it would work. In the end I just ended up being a simp.

I was waiting for someone to leave a room in the building we were in, I was standing next to her, and I made some kind of joke about the delay, apparently she found it funny. I forgot what happened after, but I asked for her Instagram and then had to part ways. I thought I was some genius, but it would later be revealed the situation was nothing like I thought it was, I was being fooled

I told a PUA coach what had happened and asked for advice on what my next move should be. This is the advice he wanted to charge me for:

He told me to start flirting with her in 1500s English

I started doing so and she got very confused, and began joking about me to some of her friends.

Two days after knowing her I decided to do the stupid "make your intentions known" technique and told her straight up "You should be my girlfriend" and I got rejected very quickly, she said she's "not ready" for a relationship AKA "Wait until I'm post wall, then we'll talk" From there on she'd often talk about her ex boyfriends, she told me she's had over 10 boyfriends. Gross.

A day after this, I asked her to be my girlfriend for the second time and this time she got quite upset and told me she was interested in one of her friends, literally blackops2cel's twin brother

After this, another "PUA Expert" friend of mine told me to ask her what she liked about him, and she listed ALL the things he mogged me at, height, social skills etc.

Then a week later she never spoke to me again
Do tell lol
tldr I started approaching girls at work trying to get their numbers and ask them on dates. I ended up being interrogated by HR roasties on two separate occasions for roughly an hour each time about "making my coworkers uncomfortable" and almost lost my job. I was a complete laughing stock after that and got completely ostracised by everyone
tldr I started approaching girls at work trying to get their numbers and ask them on dates. I ended up being interrogated by HR roasties on two separate occasions for roughly an hour each time about "making my coworkers uncomfortable" and almost lost my job. I was a complete laughing stock after that and got completely ostracised by everyone
That was funny. I went through something similar but I didn't try redpill cringe in the real world.
To this day I still cringe at all the retarded shit I did back in my pua/redpill phase.
Did you actually pay for the advice?
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: @NoIdeaWhatToDo @ItsovERfucks kekfuel
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: @NoIdeaWhatToDo @ItsovERfucks kekfuel
This shit is too funny :feelskek:
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
I used to watch Cope on Command but PAYING one of those grifters is next level
How did you even pay at 14 ?
It would not be the first time I received bad advice from them. One of them was 6ft and told me, a 5'7 manlet, that height doesn't matter. He said I was a 7/10 which is ridiculous. Another told me to propose to a black foid acquaintance of mine just because she liked Trump. That would not have worked.
The craziest thing is I took this advice and, before trying it, thought it would work. It never occurred to me that Chad doesn't need to do such a thing.
One time when i was 25 I went to a bar and did PUA. I was talking to a girl and her boyfriend came out.
Everyone was waiting for a taxi. She then looked at me and said ''fuck off fugly'' while i was actually just
engaging in neutral conversation. I never deserved it and she tried to create alarm and distress.

It pissed me off so much that I attacked her boyfriend and me and a friend kicked them to the curb as
their taxi turned up. On that day i never went to a bar to talk to women again.
One time when i was 25 I went to a bar and did PUA. I was talking to a girl and her boyfriend came out.
Everyone was waiting for a taxi. She then looked at me and said ''fuck off fugly'' while i was actually just
engaging in neutral conversation. I never deserved it and she tried to create alarm and distress.

It pissed me off so much that I attacked her boyfriend and me and a friend kicked them to the curb as
their taxi turned up. On that day i never went to a bar to talk to women again.
Sounds like an absolute win
More like Coach Blue Pill and Dick Roper.
Those 2 in particular are hurting men not helping.
It would not be the first time I received bad advice from them. One of them was 6ft and told me, a 5'7 manlet, that height doesn't matter. He said I was a 7/10 which is ridiculous. Another told me to propose to a black foid acquaintance of mine just because she liked Trump. That would not have worked.

I thought about this for a while because i had friends who were suffering from manletism and they were
chads/chad-lites and had no problem with women. It seems manletism affects average men as a death sentence.

the wizard of oz dancing GIF

This is essentially how women portray average manlets. Those with Autism get it worse.
I thought about this for a while because i had friends who were suffering from manletism and they were
chads/chad-lites and had no problem with women. It seems manletism affects average men as a death sentence.

the wizard of oz dancing GIF

This is essentially how women portray average manlets. Those with Autism get it worse.
Glad your Done with that retarded shit

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