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When did you last see a homeless woman?



Eternal President of Iraq
May 23, 2020
This is one of the things which just straight up proves female privilege. There are a lot of homeless men in my city, many of whom I've seen for years. Homeless women on the other hand are rare as fuck (must be like 1 for every fifty men) and they don't last long. I wonder how many white knights they fight off a day, having to reject their offers for a free house to live in.
today some gypsy foid came up to me and asked for some money
I've never seen a young or middle aged homeless woman. Just some old hags.
Never seen a homeless foid, most homeless people I have seen are always ugly and short oldcels, or sometimes crack addicts (who are sub 5'10 as well).
Never saw one
It's also rare for me to see homeless men, I only see some when I travel to the capital
Never seen one. But if they do exist they probably wanted chads to betabuxx so its voluntary choice.
Isn't it something like 80% of the homeless are men??
today some gypsy foid came up to me and asked for some money
NEVER give money to a gypsy (I know you didn't, but still). Regardless of gender they are absolute scum, stealing to them is like lying to women. It's as innate to them as breathing, they are literally the most ungrateful subhuman garbage on the planet.

Sometimes I give money to homeless men, not just random ones but some of the ones who live in my neighbourhood who've been friendly/always say hello, just because it must be hard as fuck to be a homeless man. I don't give a fuck if they spend it on alc or heroin or whatever, they need something that strong to ease the pain. JFL at normies thinking they're helping the homeless by donating to some ridiculous charity, you're a much better friend to them if you just straight up give them a bottle of booze.
Isn't it something like 80% of the homeless are men??
There's no way it's that low, it has to be at least 95%.
There are no homeless people here, really. The government's got everyone covered, even the beggars here have a place to live but they just choose to spend their money to get extra $$$
Walked past a homeless couple there a few days ago, the guy asked me for money but I ignored him, if he hadn't had that foid with him, I would have gave a quid
Funny is they don't even have to spread their legs for free rent. Soys make me sick.
There are no homeless people here, really. The government's got everyone covered, even the beggars here have a place to live but they just choose to spend their money to get extra $$$
Where do you live? Sounds like a heaven to me.
In my city we have an old schizo woman called the herb witch of the herolake (at least thats what teenagers call her).
She usually collects old bottles but if she catches you smoking a joint she runs towards you and screams "can I get a toke?"

But aside from that, none.
Funny is they don't even have to spread their legs for free rent. Soys make me sick.
Legit they are fucking pathetic, every time I see the soy meme face I legit want to smash the nearest male feminist's head into a fucking wall.
Last time I kicked a foid out of her house
I don't remember
a long time ago
In the capital I will probably find some
Almost a year now I suppose. I had just finished my labor in the city, I was walking to the Subway Train when I noticed a homeless white women.

Some cuck would probably have helped her if she wasn't obese.
Like 6 years ago or something? I just remembered i was on my way from school when i saw her.
The Netherlands!
I always wondered what dutchcel life was like. They're pretty near the UK and they seem less "foreign" than like French or German people. I would get heightmogged on a minute-ly basis though.
oh it's Chadland :feelsugh: :feelshehe:
Yeah, you can get social security but you'll be mentally insecure with all the brutal mogging from not only males but also females.
I always wondered what dutchcel life was like. They're pretty near the UK and they seem less "foreign" than like French or German people. I would get heightmogged on a minute-ly basis though.
Get used to be heightmogged and facemogged by guys (obviously) but the mogging doesn't stop there. Also get used to girls heightmogging you, facemogging you and oddly enough even bonemogging you on a daily basis. They have great facial bones that many here would die for. They won't be racist to your face if you're an ethnic curry like me, they'll just hide it. The younger generation doesn't want to be labeled as racist so they'll try to be polite but sometimes there will be girls who show their disliking but only through body language. The older generations, however, are still racist as fuck and not even covertly about it, they're open. They'll give you mean looks - especially if they are in their senior years - and the middle-aged ones just give off those "Fuck off foreigner" vibes even if you're born here like I am.
Used to see them all the time when I lived in LA tbh

Mostly black foids

Never seen a homeless Rice or Curry
I can't recall.
yesterday tbh, but they're always very old
12 years ago, and she was old too. Likely a retired prostitute, cuz she had kids.
I saw a sexy homeless girl piss herself in front of a McDonald's once. Turned me on tbh ngl ded srs!
Last one (if she was legit) was prob like a year ago. She was really old. I threw her one of my energy bars I tend to carry around with me. I feel like that was low key simping.
This is one of the things which just straight up proves female privilege. There are a lot of homeless men in my city, many of whom I've seen for years. Homeless women on the other hand are rare as fuck (must be like 1 for every fifty men) and they don't last long. I wonder how many white knights they fight off a day, having to reject their offers for a free house to live in.
like in June i saw some old looking crack homeless foid. they are rare though
Homeless foids are often homeless because they chose to stick with a homeless chad instead of a betabux.

These women would rather be homeless than to simply have sex with most men.
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All homeless people in Finland are men now that I think of it.
There are so many places to help women but every institution shits on (ugly) men
When I used to catch the train to wagecuck a foid came on and gave a speech about how they were homeless due to domestic violence and was begging for money. I of course did not give any money.
Recently there's one in town, but she's disappeared, looked like 40+ though
A few months ago. She stumbled in front of my car in an attempt to rob me in a fast food drive thru
This is one of the things which just straight up proves female privilege. There are a lot of homeless men in my city, many of whom I've seen for years. Homeless women on the other hand are rare as fuck (must be like 1 for every fifty men) and they don't last long. I wonder how many white knights they fight off a day, having to reject their offers for a free house to live in.
I know a few from my Homelsesscel days, they were all Crackwhores who would let anyone fuck them for crack. I used to look at the crackhead guy's arguing with eachother, and falling out over these hideous creatures and think "Bruh, seriously?!" :feelsUgh: Even at homeless level, foids still create havoc and have a modicum of worth because of their (in these Crackwhore's cases) disease-ridden holes. Here's a few choice, homeless Crackwhores from where I use to live that do anything with any guy desperate enough to touch them for Crack. I took the pics of these Hellhags btw lol:

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I know a few from my Homelsesscel days, they were all Crackwhores who would let anyone fuck them for crack. I used to look at the crackhead guy's arguing with eachother, and falling out over these hideous creatures and think "Bruh, seriously?!" :feelsUgh: Even at homeless level, foids still create havoc and have a modicum of worth because of their (in these Crackwhore's cases) disease-ridden holes. Here's a few choice, homeless Crackwhores from where I use to live that do anything with any guy desperate enough to touch them for Crack. I took the pics btw lol:

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Fuuuuck they look rough. Legit post it's fucking crazy the things "men" will do for even bottom of the barrel trash foids. I'm a UKcel too but crack isn't popular at all around where I live, used to think it was mainly an American thing for some reason even though it's easy to make.

How did you end up being homeless? Must've been fucking exhausting.
Fuuuuck they look rough. Legit post it's fucking crazy the things "men" will do for even bottom of the barrel trash foids. I'm a UKcel too but crack isn't popular at all around where I live, used to think it was mainly an American thing for some reason even though it's easy to make.

How did you end up being homeless? Must've been fucking exhausting.
Basically 9 years ago government legislation regarding Housing Benefit changed, and to be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate of Housing Benefit you had to be over 35 instead of 25 (which it used to be). So as I was only 27 when this rule change occurred, I couldn't afford my rent anymore and eventually became a Homelesscel for 5 and a half years. I managed to hold on when the rule change occurred (April 2011) for 3 years using savings until July 2014 and then I was fucked. As a single bloke and also a hardcore Alcoholiccel, the council basically told me to fuck off and there was no way they would help me :feelsbaton::feelsbaton::reeeeee::reeeeee:

Lol, yeah as I said I know of a few homeless crackwhore harlots and they are just basically the same stock model of nasty, skanky, skinny ass vacuous hoes that have two single driving forces. Crack, and how to bag the best-looking male crackhead to feed their crack and chad addiction, and shelter. The dude in that top photo is a mate of mine, he used let me crash in his crackden for a few months last year, and EVEN HE choose a crackwhore, fleabag over his friendship with me lol :feelsUgh: :feelskek: The guy's 10 years older than me (he's 47) and a Truecel, yet as soon as he smelt that sweet, rancid, probably HIV-ridden pussy I was quickly kicked off his couch and told to stay in his nasty, horrible fly-infested kitchen so him and "Muh Queen" ( :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelskek:) could have the living room to themselves lmfao!! I made a thread about this a year ago:

I coped in this post above by saying I was ok with it, and I did eventually make the kitchen liveable, but I hated him for choosing a smackrat crackwhore over me (a mate that's known him for years).

She ended up getting him beat to within an inch of his life earlier this year (he suffered a fractured hip, broken arm, broken wrist, fractured ribs, fractured cheekbone, broken nose) all over crack, and all his money and drugs were stolen, and meanwhile she got off with a younger, thugmaxxed crackhead bloke.


Whilst he spent 2 weeks in ICU (Intensive Care) and on his hospital release, LOST HIS FLAT due to complaints from the neighbours about all the dodgy characters (me included) that were hanging around the place intimidating them, and for his flat being a shithole.

Luckily (ironically as this will sound) I nearly died in December 2019 from organ failure, and was hospitalised for 2 and a half weeks. From there I entered rehab for 3 months and am now off alcohol and drugs after 20 years. On leaving there I was provided with supported accommodation from the council, which is my own little council bedsit with onsite carers, and will never be homeless again :dab:

Meanwhile this dude is in a drug-addicted homeless hell of his own making, and I have basically washed my hands of him. He betrayed me on the first whiff of validation from a "female" (if you can call those disgusting smackrats that). Therefore he made his bed, so lie in it (outside :feelskek:)

I'm gonna make thread about this I think. Turned into one of those replies lol. Sorry for the ramble Bro.
Basically 9 years ago government legislation regarding Housing Benefit changed, and to be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate of Housing Benefit you had to be over 35 instead of 25 (which it used to be). So as I was only 27 when this rule change occurred, I couldn't afford my rent anymore and eventually became a Homelesscel for 5 and a half years. I managed to hold on when the rule change occurred (April 2011) for 3 years using savings until July 2014 and then I was fucked. As a single bloke and also a hardcore Alcoholiccel, the council basically told me to fuck off and there was no way they would help me :feelsbaton::feelsbaton::reeeeee::reeeeee:

Lol, yeah as I said I know of a few homeless crackwhore harlots and they are just basically the same stock model of nasty, skanky, skinny ass vacuous hoes that have two single driving forces. Crack, and how to bag the best-looking male crackhead to feed their crack and chad addiction, and shelter. The dude in that top photo is a mate of mine, he used let me crash in his crackden for a few months last year, and EVEN HE choose a crackwhore, fleabag over his friendship with me lol :feelsUgh: :feelskek: The guy's 10 years older than me (he's 47) and a Truecel, yet as soon as he smelt that sweet, rancid, probably HIV-ridden pussy I was quickly kicked off his couch and told to stay in his nasty, horrible fly-infested kitchen so him and "Muh Queen" ( :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah::feelskek:) could have the living room to themselves lmfao!! I made a thread about this a year ago:

I coped in this post above by saying I was ok with it, and I did eventually make the kitchen liveable, but I hated him for choosing a smackrat crackwhore over me (a mate that's known him for years).

She ended up getting him beat to within an inch of his life earlier this year (he suffered a fractured hip, broken arm, broken wrist, fractured ribs, fractured cheekbone, broken nose) all over crack, and all his money and drugs were stolen, and meanwhile she got off with a younger, thugmaxxed crackhead bloke.

View attachment 323590

Whilst he spent 2 weeks in ICU (Intensive Care) and on his hospital release, LOST HIS FLAT due to complaints from the neighbours about all the dodgy characters (me included) that were hanging around the place intimidating them, and for his flat being a shithole.

Luckily (ironically as this will sound) I nearly died in December 2019 from organ failure, and was hospitalised for 2 and a half weeks. From there I entered rehab for 3 months and am now off alcohol and drugs after 20 years. On leaving there I was provided with supported accommodation from the council, which is my own little council bedsit with onsite carers, and will never be homeless again :dab:

Meanwhile this dude is in a drug-addicted homeless hell of his own making, and I have basically washed my hands of him. He betrayed me on the first whiff of validation from a "female" (if you can call those disgusting smackrats that). Therefore he made his bed, so lie in it (outside :feelskek:)

I'm gonna make thread about this I think. Turned into one of those replies lol. Sorry for the ramble Bro.
Fuck mate that's quite a fucking story haha, you definitely should make it into a thread, was a great read. That's fucking ridiculous that the council caused you to be homeless like that, once again supposed first world countries shitting on men for no fucking reason.

That "mate" of yours, what a wanker haha, so typical for "men" to betray their own mates just for some fucked up nasty bitch. Glad he got what he had coming though. And congrats on getting clean, fellow ex alchie here it can be hard as fuck. You said that guy is 47, I wonder if he was this incel trying to get laid by shit talking incels on reddit :feelskek::
Fuck mate that's quite a fucking story haha, you definitely should make it into a thread, was a great read. That's fucking ridiculous that the council caused you to be homeless like that, once again supposed first world countries shitting on men for no fucking reason.

That "mate" of yours, what a wanker haha, so typical for "men" to betray their own mates just for some fucked up nasty bitch. Glad he got what he had coming though. And congrats on getting clean, fellow ex alchie here it can be hard as fuck. You said that guy is 47, I wonder if he was this incel trying to get laid by shit talking incels on reddit :feelskek::
Yeah I know, it sucked bigtime, if i'd been a pregnant foid I'd have been alright. Still, I cope by looking at it as "character building."

And no, this mate of mine is is a fucked-up mess whose been an Alcoholicel/Junkiecel from age 12, and is also a complete technology Luddite. Definately not him. That guy in the Reddit posts is @FrothySolutions, I feel kinda bad for him still holding onto such unrealistic hope. I've been to the parties he craves to go to and as an ugly man, all that happens is you stand with the other ugly men (if there is any others) and watch everyone else have a good time and "pair-up" in front of you, all whilst you get smashed drunk to cope. Well, if you were me you did anyway lol.
Never have
Yeah I know, it sucked bigtime, if i'd been a pregnant foid I'd have been alright. Still, I cope by looking at it as "character building."

And no, this mate of mine is is a fucked-up mess whose been an Alcoholicel/Junkiecel from age 12, and is also a complete technology Luddite. Definately not him. That guy in the Reddit posts is @FrothySolutions, I feel kinda bad for him still holding onto such unrealistic hope. I've been to the parties he craves to go to and as an ugly man, all that happens is you stand with the other ugly men (if there is any others) and watch everyone else have a good time and "pair-up" in front of you, all whilst you get smashed drunk to cope. Well, if you were me you did anyway lol.
MOGS me brutally at going to parties
Yeah I know, it sucked bigtime, if i'd been a pregnant foid I'd have been alright. Still, I cope by looking at it as "character building."

And no, this mate of mine is is a fucked-up mess whose been an Alcoholicel/Junkiecel from age 12, and is also a complete technology Luddite. Definately not him. That guy in the Reddit posts is @FrothySolutions, I feel kinda bad for him still holding onto such unrealistic hope. I've been to the parties he craves to go to and as an ugly man, all that happens is you stand with the other ugly men (if there is any others) and watch everyone else have a good time and "pair-up" in front of you, all whilst you get smashed drunk to cope. Well, if you were me you did anyway lol.
MOGS me brutally at going to parties
Yeah I know, it sucked bigtime, if i'd been a pregnant foid I'd have been alright. Still, I cope by looking at it as "character building."

And no, this mate of mine is is a fucked-up mess whose been an Alcoholicel/Junkiecel from age 12, and is also a complete technology Luddite. Definately not him. That guy in the Reddit posts is @FrothySolutions, I feel kinda bad for him still holding onto such unrealistic hope. I've been to the parties he craves to go to and as an ugly man, all that happens is you stand with the other ugly men (if there is any others) and watch everyone else have a good time and "pair-up" in front of you, all whilst you get smashed drunk to cope. Well, if you were me you did anyway lol.

Fuck mate that's quite a fucking story haha, you definitely should make it into a thread, was a great read. That's fucking ridiculous that the council caused you to be homeless like that, once again supposed first world countries shitting on men for no fucking reason.

That "mate" of yours, what a wanker haha, so typical for "men" to betray their own mates just for some fucked up nasty bitch. Glad he got what he had coming though. And congrats on getting clean, fellow ex alchie here it can be hard as fuck. You said that guy is 47, I wonder if he was this incel trying to get laid by shit talking incels on reddit :feelskek::

No, I'm a different 47 year old Redditor. I'm FrothySolutions. The shit talker is this guy.

This is one of the things which just straight up proves female privilege. There are a lot of homeless men in my city, many of whom I've seen for years. Homeless women on the other hand are rare as fuck (must be like 1 for every fifty men) and they don't last long. I wonder how many white knights they fight off a day, having to reject their offers for a free house to live in.
saw a foid homeless mentally fat nigger who smelled like shit. but I have never seen a white homeless foid in long tine
No, I'm a different 47 year old Redditor. I'm FrothySolutions. The shit talker is this guy.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/virgin/comments/icdc9g/those_here_who_are_virgins_not_by_choice_what_do/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/gs8gvz/need_advice_how_do_i_get_invited_to_a_big_house/

This is the guy that @ReturnOfSaddam was on about and thought was my 47 year old friend. These posts are made by you, are they not? @FrothySolutions

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/virgin/comments/icdc9g/those_here_who_are_virgins_not_by_choice_what_do/

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/gs8gvz/need_advice_how_do_i_get_invited_to_a_big_house/

This is the guy that @ReturnOfSaddam was on about and thought was my 47 year old friend. These posts are made by you, are they not? @FrothySolutions

Yes, I am that FrothySolutions. But @ReturnOfSaddam was talking about another 47 year old Redditor who shit talks incels.
Yes, I am that FrothySolutions. But @ReturnOfSaddam was talking about another 47 year old Redditor who shit talks incels.
Fuck mate that's quite a fucking story haha, you definitely should make it into a thread, was a great read. That's fucking ridiculous that the council caused you to be homeless like that, once again supposed first world countries shitting on men for no fucking reason.

That "mate" of yours, what a wanker haha, so typical for "men" to betray their own mates just for some fucked up nasty bitch. Glad he got what he had coming though. And congrats on getting clean, fellow ex alchie here it can be hard as fuck. You said that guy is 47, I wonder if he was this incel trying to get laid by shit talking incels on reddit :feelskek::

Then why did he link this thread with your posts in it if he was on about the other Reddittor?

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