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When did the incelosphere become so afraid of Jewish people?

  • Thread starter FrothySolutions
  • Start date
Doctors make more money off circumcision as a newborn. They tell the parents it’s normal and cleaner and healthier.
I’m seething with rage as I type this, literally. I was fine today then I click on my notifications and type this up and now I’m fucking angry.

For what it's worth, it's weirder in the West to not be circumcized. So to be this mad, you would have to have been taught at some point along the way how precious your foreskin was.
I do think it's important not to censor TOO much. The forum should be for incels (those who desire intimacy with women but haven't had it in a long period of time) but other than that I really think they should be kept loose.

The JQ is prominent because it's most likely true, that's all.
I do think it's important not to censor TOO much. The forum should be for incels (those who desire intimacy with women but haven't had it in a long period of time) but other than that I really think they should be kept loose.

The JQ is prominent because it's most likely true, that's all.

I'm not suggesting censorship, I'm just wondering when the prevailing tone of inceldom changed, and why then.
For me, the jews is just a codeword for "the establishment", I never use it to refer to the actual jews as in jewish people. I call those kikes.
Same for me, the elite that runs the show is not only rich jews, probably it has more whites. I knew only two jewish families and they are both full of incels.
:feelsUgh:Every vaccine propaganda media has been applauding Israel:feelsUgh:
I'm not suggesting censorship, I'm just wondering when the prevailing tone of inceldom changed, and why then.

Probably just because clown world has ramped up so much since then, don't you think?
Probably just because clown world has ramped up so much since then, don't you think?

I don't like the progression of the world either, but I don't think the Jews did this. And maybe I'm wrong. But if I don't think the Jews did this, why would so many others? Why would they go right to the idea that the Jews did this?
I don't like the progression of the world either, but I don't think the Jews did this. And maybe I'm wrong. But if I don't think the Jews did this, why would so many others? Why would they go right to the idea that the Jews did this?

I mean, the phrase "go right to" suggests that it was like an impulse thing and/or somehow was not based on rational thought, research, etc.

I personally came to the conclusion not as some kind of kneejerk reaction or like plucking a group out of a hat, but because I felt that the evidence backed it up.
Now that it's 2022, I've been thinking about what the year might have in store for the community. And the years past. Even before this forum was a thing. And the more I think about it, the more the generational differences are apparent.

Like associating Jewish panic with inceldom. I'm pretty sure that's a relatively new thing. You look 2017cels like @Angry_runt, they're not blaming Jews. And then more differences start to become apparent. Because r/incels was quite a different place from this forum. For one, you could worship women there. And it was open to the idea of female inceldom. And people didn't hate their own race. And it was generally not as defeatist.

So why are 2017cels the way they are, and why are latter-year-cels the way they are? Where did their respective attitudes come from? Is it because 2017cels are from Reddit that they are the way they are? Or was 2017 as a whole just different from latter years? Were latter years simply more conducive to Jewish panic and earlier years simply more conducive to feminine worship?

Or was it the rules Sarge put in place when he founded his new incel nation? The rules of the forum say no worship and no bragging. Nothing about Jews, but those first two things probably had a hand in changing the culture. Looking at the 2017 incelosphere vs. the 2021 incelosphere, I can't help but be intrigued by what the 2022 incelosphere will look like.
Maybe you should be afraid :feelsLSD:
Nobody here is afraid of you and other Jews, bro, so you can take it easy. Don't know what gives you that idea. We give everyone shit here. Niggers, sand niggers, cumskins, shitskins, kikes, chinks. We call out the bullshit where we see it and that's all there is to it. Nobody is spared from criticism, because of their ethnicity or skin color.

You are definitely a glownigger, the Jew defending, the constant bluepill, the failure to grasp inceldom while being one of most postmaxxed people
No, no. Ol' Frothy is... How do I put this delicately?... Special. He's a socially uncalibrated guy in his 40s who appears to be lacking some social developmental milestones and wishes to relive his early 20s.

He usually comes off as a bit :bluepill: and dumb, but he tries, and I believe he means well. Besides, he's Jewish himself, so it's understandable that you would expect this kind of thread from him.
Jews eat the bullet
Nobody here is afraid of you and other Jews, bro, so you can take it easy. Don't know what gives you that idea. We give everyone shit here. Niggers, sand niggers, cumskins, shitskins, kikes, chinks. We call out the bullshit where we see it and that's all there is to it. Nobody is spared from criticism, because of their ethnicity or skin color.

No, no. Ol' Frothy is... How do I put this delicately?... Special. He's a socially uncalibrated guy in his 40s who appears to be lacking some social developmental milestones and wishes to relive his early 20s.

He usually comes off as a bit :bluepill: and dumb, but he tries, and I believe he means well. Besides, he's Jewish himself, so it's understandable that you would expect this kind of thread from him.

I'm not saying anyone means anything personally with all the Jew stuff. I'm not saying they don't either. This isn't about anyone's feelings, this is strictly about how today Jews are not just a point of fun, but an actual inceldom topic. Whereas in 2016/2017 they weren't yet. And I wonder why.
I'm not saying anyone means anything personally with all the Jew stuff. I'm not saying they don't either. This isn't about anyone's feelings, this is strictly about how today Jews are not just a point of fun, but an actual inceldom topic. Whereas in 2016/2017 they weren't yet. And I wonder why.
That's from trolls and shills influencing the forum.
Now that it's 2022, I've been thinking about what the year might have in store for the community. And the years past. Even before this forum was a thing. And the more I think about it, the more the generational differences are apparent.

Like associating Jewish panic with inceldom. I'm pretty sure that's a relatively new thing. You look 2017cels like @Angry_runt, they're not blaming Jews. And then more differences start to become apparent. Because r/incels was quite a different place from this forum. For one, you could worship women there. And it was open to the idea of female inceldom. And people didn't hate their own race. And it was generally not as defeatist.

So why are 2017cels the way they are, and why are latter-year-cels the way they are? Where did their respective attitudes come from? Is it because 2017cels are from Reddit that they are the way they are? Or was 2017 as a whole just different from latter years? Were latter years simply more conducive to Jewish panic and earlier years simply more conducive to feminine worship?

Or was it the rules Sarge put in place when he founded his new incel nation? The rules of the forum say no worship and no bragging. Nothing about Jews, but those first two things probably had a hand in changing the culture. Looking at the 2017 incelosphere vs. the 2021 incelosphere, I can't help but be intrigued by what the 2022 incelosphere will look like.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/w8lgLV0f19aD/
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Funny thing is that this is common knowledge to a lot of people across many cultures outside of the insular US and other Western countries who aren't subjugated by their media propaganda. It's just one of those facts of life in the background that people understand and keep in the back of their minds, but don't let it affect their daily life. Their media has done an incredible job of brainwashing the people to think that any criticism of Jewry is anti-Semitism, and so the average person's knee-jerk reaction to mentioning anything of the sort is vehemently hostile.

I remember speaking to a Brazilian guy once and he told me that calling somebody a Jew in his country is worse than insulting their mother. :feelshaha:
I am an 2017 cel and I blame Jews, more specifically Zionist Jews (those up in the hierarchy) because probably regular Jews have no idea what is going on. Jews infiltrated all the governments on earth and work towards one world government (especially last 100 years). A part of the plan is to reduce the world population for easier control. Controlling the reproduction is an important part of it and it includes encouraging contraceptives, abortion and LGBT. They own almost all the world media. You won't see them directly but they finance all these stuff through investment companies because they hold a huge capital and even governments owe money to Jews and they are in huge debt. All central banks on earth are owned by them. USA is not country but a corporation and owned by them (no joke long to explain this one). That is why they follow all their plans, all the corona bullshit and buy vaxxes. Because they have no other way. Anti-Semitism was a term created to give Jews ultimate immunity from any criticism. Because if they are criticized on mass scale then the whole plan can collapse. It is a plan to rule the 99% with 1% population under forever slavery regime.
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Esoteric interpretation of the Old Testament (Tanakh).

Noah (Nakh) people in the flesh.

View: https://youtu.be/XS3EHEsLz6g
Hebrews in the flesh • [UWSL]Music in Tubal • Gog u-Magog[/UWSL]

View: https://youtu.be/We4lsSx8OD8

What is received, from qabal to receive.

51B62037 3750 44B6 9FEF 11512B27B553

Israel is fakery.

AE417482 1079 4CF3 9970 6880942A097D

Qabala is the ancient capital of Caucasian Albania (Todays Azerbaijan). Qabala was located in the middle of the 2,500-year-old Silk Road, and was mentioned by Arabic historian Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri as "Khazar". Azerbaijani historian Abbasgulu Bakikhanov mentioned in his book Gulistani Irem that Kabbalah were in fact Qabala.

*Note: Archaeological evidence of biblical Shem is nearby.
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Jews are to be blamed for everything wrong in the world
The newer the people, the higher the chances that they got filtered down from the Trump-era Gamergate/rightoid circlejerks i.e. they were too busy being fucked in the brain by the "anti-SJW" stuff to think about inceldom
We didn't tbh

it's just this forum allows (mostly) free speech so I say JEW for humor frequently

When did the incelosphere become so afraid of Jewish people?​

when we began to realize that they not only ritualistically flayed the flesh off of the penises of newborn baby boys, but also put the bleeding penises into their mouths and sucked

You look 2017cels like @Angry_runt, they're not blaming Jews.
Just doesn't know better.

Were latter years simply more conducive to Jewish panic
Latter years mean more time for information to spread about Jewish degeneracy. In earlier times people are just less aware.

I didn't even learn about Metzitzah until about a year ago even though it's had light MSM coverage about the herpes outbreaks it caused in baby boys since the early 2000s.

This despite me being very open to reading stuff critical of Jews for years. The full extent of their degeneracy and IRL vampirism just gets overlooked even amongst casual critics.

The very fact this has been going on nearly two millenia since the Rabbinist reform shows they must be in control. If they weren't this would be the #1 thing people would be talking about in respect to jews.

I'm thinking at some point they did (it got framed as "blood libel" because it was so degen they didn't want to mention it was the penis the blood was sucked from) which is why they invented the holohoax to reframe all jewish discussion and deplatform critics of Rabbinist-invented priya+circumcision+metzitzah which the traditional pre-Christian Jews never practised with their conservative milah that only snipped the akroposthion
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Now that it's 2022, I've been thinking about what the year might have in store for the community. And the years past. Even before this forum was a thing. And the more I think about it, the more the generational differences are apparent.

Like associating Jewish panic with inceldom. I'm pretty sure that's a relatively new thing. You look 2017cels like @Angry_runt, they're not blaming Jews. And then more differences start to become apparent. Because r/incels was quite a different place from this forum. For one, you could worship women there. And it was open to the idea of female inceldom. And people didn't hate their own race. And it was generally not as defeatist.

So why are 2017cels the way they are, and why are latter-year-cels the way they are? Where did their respective attitudes come from? Is it because 2017cels are from Reddit that they are the way they are? Or was 2017 as a whole just different from latter years? Were latter years simply more conducive to Jewish panic and earlier years simply more conducive to feminine worship?

Or was it the rules Sarge put in place when he founded his new incel nation? The rules of the forum say no worship and no bragging. Nothing about Jews, but those first two things probably had a hand in changing the culture. Looking at the 2017 incelosphere vs. the 2021 incelosphere, I can't help but be intrigued by what the 2022 incelosphere will look like.
Maybe you should be afraid :feelsLSD:
One thing I know is I wouldn't be incel without hypergamy explosion due to social media
You're a kikesucking faggot. Kikes are adding fuel to the fire. Kikes invented dating apps and porn to fuel gynocentrism/female-hypergamy. Kike fermented the environment in which we are incel. We would have a tradwife that we would beat the shit out of if it wasn't for these kikes. The Taliban are the best example of anti-kike aktion. We need something like that. To reiterate, fuck kikes and fuck kikesuckers like you.
The only kikes that I might have common ground with would be ones that married with negresses and bred out their kike genetics or escortcel kikes that have been rejected by kikewhores.
I mean, the phrase "go right to" suggests that it was like an impulse thing and/or somehow was not based on rational thought, research, etc.

I personally came to the conclusion not as some kind of kneejerk reaction or like plucking a group out of a hat, but because I felt that the evidence backed it up.

Based fatso admin.

I am an 2017 cel and I blame Jews, more specifically Zionist Jews (those up in the hierarchy) because probably regular Jews have no idea what is going on. Jews infiltrated all the governments on earth and work towards one world government (especially last 100 years). A part of the plan is to reduce the world population for easier control. Controlling the reproduction is an important part of it and it includes encouraging contraceptives, abortion and LGBT. They own almost all the world media. You won't see them directly but they finance all these stuff through investment companies because they hold a huge capital and even governments owe money to Jews and they are in huge debt. All central banks on earth are owned by them. USA is not country but a corporation and owned by them (no joke long to explain this one). That is why they follow all their plans, all the corona bullshit and buy vaxxes. Because they have no other way. Anti-Semitism was a term created to give Jews ultimate immunity from any criticism. Because if they are criticized on mass scale then the whole plan can collapse. It is a plan to rule the 99% with 1% population under forever slavery regime.

Nailed it.

One thing I know is I wouldn't be incel without hypergamy explosion due to social media

If the elites didn't want Incel to be common, it wouldn't be. It's all on purpose. So, you are probably right.
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This thread was a mistake. All I wanted to do was reflect on the history of the incel community, how topics of discussion and culture differed from 2016/2017 to now. But I'm getting notifications to this day over this fucking ghost story. I've never unwatched a thread in my long and storied career of inceldom, but this might be the first.
This thread was a mistake. All I wanted to do was reflect on the history of the incel community, how topics of discussion and culture differed from 2016/2017 to now. But I'm getting notifications to this day over this fucking ghost story. I've never unwatched a thread in my long and storied career of inceldom, but this might be the first.
Juice will not replace us.
Jews have caused a lot of the problems we see today.

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