If you are short, under 6 foot - its over for you. No girl want a short guy
If you are fat - its over for you. You need under 10% body fat.
If you are balding - its over for you. Girls want a male with a full head of hair
If you are poor - its over for you. If you have a job, that's not enough. You are compared to rich white chads.
If you have a small dick - its over for you. No girl want a guy with a small dick. You need at least 7 inches.
If you have glasses - its over for you. Glasses look like a disabled man
If you are really disabled, for example wheelchair - its over for you
If you are old - its over for you too. Age pill hits men too.
If you are older than 50 - its over
If you are ethnic, asian or arabian in a white country - its over for you
If you are muslim - its over for you too
If you have a low IQ, you are dumb as fuck - its over for you. No girl want a dumb guy
If you live with your parents - its over for you. Just imagine, you are 30 years old and you live with your grandma and want to invite a girl and they come and see your grandma - its over
If you dont have an expensive car - its over for you
If you have a small frame - its over for you
If you go MGTOW - then you realize its over for you. Because MGTOW is a coping movement. White chads don't go MGTOW
The requirements to get pussy increase day by day. Its over.