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What's your worst bullying experience?



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
I was only bullied at the last year of high school but it was kind of brutal emotionally..

I was friends at first with this guy, dude is a chadlite very low inhib, a lot of sociopathic symptoms. 
He was using me and bullying when he was my friend. I don't know why I told him to "fuck off" at first but I just wanted friends and I had nobody else..
When he stole my money, it was only like $2 but I don't care at the end of the day he stole it so I called him out on it on facebook messages and he was obviously denying it like a fucking sociopath I shit you not.. and then I told him to fuck off. Then the bullying starts.. I ACTUALLY didn't want to go to high school.. Imagine you want good grades and all that but you can't accomplish them because of some retard. This guy would come behind me and I shit you not legit spit on my head, throw stuff to me in the class etc.. I won't go into details really. 
The MOST annoying thing was that I COULD NOT DO SHIT TO HIM and that pissed me off so much.. He had a group of friends, even if I did shit to him his friends would fuck me up. I wrestled with him for fun once( I actually like wrestling and I win 95% of the time ) and he actually dropped me on the ground like I was nothing so obviously he was 3x stronger now.

Now sometimes I have fantasies of slitting his throat, killing him with a hammer like in the video 3 guys 1 hammer, coming behind with a bat and smacking the shit out him. Literally destroying his fucking face with my bat or hammer.. Smashing his fucking bones, hearing him cough on his fucking blood and suffocate. Also what pisses me off is that I cannot do that shit because of new technology, all that DNA and shit and I am not a professional killer, I haven't killed anyone in my life obviously. Maybe if there was a chance once in life where I could kill this bitch.. Oh fuck I would get such a satisfaction smashing this dude's face. I would smile while hammering his face into the fucking floor. I have such hatred at this dude it's unbelievable. 

This dude is stealing cars and selling them on facebook to people. He is a true criminal, a true sociopath(I really think so).
I am not inclined towards aggression but I occasionally have nightmares where I would attempt to murder a certain person from my childhood. He would be immune to my initial blows and I would inadvertently torture him in my desperation to kill him. These incidents made me a little scared of myself.

Not willing to disclose all of his crimes but he was notorious for setting animals on fire. I would risk life imprisonment in order to end his life.
I dream about killing this man with all my being, but anytime I'm close to doing so he somehow manages to disarm me and strangles me to death; I wish I could go back in time and end him by any means.
As a kid I'd get the shit kicked out of me by older kids, tossed off high hills, hit with a crowbar, had my things stolen, etc. I'd take that over the crippling isolation I've endured since then though tbh. Negative interaction is at least interaction.
I was yelled at by my 48 year old piece of shit guitar teacher when I was 15 for basically no reason for 5 minutes straight, literally the guy screaming at the top of my lungs about how I'm "ungrateful" or some shit because my parents paid for my guitar while he had to cut down trees when he was a kid or w/e. Piece of shit 5'6 manlet was probably just venting about being a loser living in a tiny shack in an upscale neighborhood for his entire adult life with no wife, no kids, no accomplishments.
Abomination said:
I was yelled at by my 48 year old piece of shit guitar teacher when I was 15 for basically no reason for 5 minutes straight, literally the guy screaming at the top of my lungs about how I'm "ungrateful" or some shit because my parents paid for my guitar while he had to cut down trees when he was a kid or w/e. Piece of shit 5'6 manlet was probably just venting about being a loser living in a tiny shack in an upscale neighborhood for his entire adult life with no wife, no kids, no accomplishments.

i understand being an incel but not taking it out on kids, thats not ok
Czes said:
Abomination said:
I was yelled at by my 48 year old piece of shit guitar teacher when I was 15 for basically no reason for 5 minutes straight, literally the guy screaming at the top of my lungs about how I'm "ungrateful" or some shit because my parents paid for my guitar while he had to cut down trees when he was a kid or w/e. Piece of shit 5'6 manlet was probably just venting about being a loser living in a tiny shack in an upscale neighborhood for his entire adult life with no wife, no kids, no accomplishments.
i understand being an incel but not taking it out on kids, thats not ok
Yep, I still rage about it 8 years later and want to smash the guy's face in, which I might do after I get my degree and don't have to worry about expulsion anymore
Not sure it counts as "bullying" but I will tell a story I have told many times before. In high school I was already insecure and anxious to the point of being suicidal. Then I'm standing in the lunch line one day, and some popular female (Who apparently got an abortion 2 years later) looks at me and 'whispers' to her friend "I think he's disgusting". It was BRUTAL
Probably being in jail, it was hard being a college-age framecel with medium-long hair. I just took it in stride. I did show up to two fights that were supposed to go down but neither time did the other dude man up. I also got sucker punched on the basketball court but I don't really count that, it was a little 5'4'' manlet who was probably angry at existence and upset that I had perfect coverage on his midget self.
blickpall said:
Probably being in jail, it was hard being a college-age framecel with medium-long hair. I just took it in stride. I did show up to two fights that were supposed to go down but neither time did the other dude man up. I also got sucker punched on the basketball court but I don't really count that, it was a little 5'4'' manlet who was probably angry at existence and upset that I had perfect coverage on his midget self.
How long were you in jail for?
ItheIthe said:
Not sure it counts as "bullying" but I will tell a story I have told many times before. In high school I was already insecure and anxious to the point of being suicidal. Then I'm standing in the lunch line one day, and some popular female (Who apparently got an abortion 2 years later) looks at me and 'whispers' to her friend "I think he's disgusting". It was BRUTAL
If someone did that to me I'd walk by them with a tray full of food and "accidentally" spill the contents on them.
Abomination said:
How long were you in jail for?

Around 5 months during the episode I'm talking about, much shorter stints in the past (1 or 2 days, 5 days, 2 weeks, etc.).
this was by far my worst incident.

7th grade
gym class
i was changing in the locker room
the lights shut off, couldn't see anything.
i get rushed by 3/4 guys and beat up. physically.
punched in the stomach as hard as possible, bookbags thrown. i was thrown to the ground and loogied on.

i was beat up at least 5 times in middle school. the same guy would throw basketballs to my face as hard as possible. once my nose caught it and it bled. another time my middle finger caught it and it stoved. had to wear a bandage for a week. and any time the power went out or there was a dark corner in the school i was getting punched in the stomach full force.
theson said:
If someone did that to me I'd walk by them with a tray full of food and "accidentally" spill the contents on them.

I would "accidentally" pour some fresh hot soup on her princess head and take pleasure in her screeches of agony.

8th grade, I'm going hard in gym class because it's Cone Bombardment and who doesn't love that? Well it's the end of the year and it's really hot, the gym was always extra humid anyway. I work up an enormous sweat. A girl tags my sweaty back, and then yells "Ewwww". Then I heard her go over to a whole group of girls and start talking about how disgusting I was. That was really good for self-esteem
weservenomsg said:
this was by far my worst incident.

7th grade
gym class
i was changing in the locker room
the lights shut off, couldn't see anything.
i get rushed by 3/4 guys and beat up. physically.
punched in the stomach as hard as possible, bookbags thrown. i was thrown to the ground and loogied on.

i was beat up at least 5 times in middle school. the same guy would throw basketballs to my face as hard as possible. once my nose caught it and it bled. another time my middle finger caught it and it stoved. had to wear a bandage for a week. and any time the power went out or there was a dark corner in the school i was getting punched in the stomach full force.

Jeez. I'm lucky to have gone to school in the 21st century. I'm assuming that these incidents occurred in the 80s or 90s when bullies attacked physically, not only mentally
blickpall said:
Elaborate please? This must be after my time.

It was an advanced form of dodgeball. If you get out you go to the other side of the gym, but there's some sort of way you can make it back in, I forget how though.
ItheIthe said:
It was an advanced form of dodgeball. If you get out you go to the other side of the gym, but there's some sort of way you can make it back in, I forget how though.

Ah, okay. We've had something similar, with the "prison" in the back and we used smaller puffy balls which we could throw to the prison for them to catch and be safe. Was called "prison ball" LOL.
I had a "friend" who used me for money and food and often told me I was a fat cunt (when I was for that time period) in 6th grade. He even told me that if I lost weight that I would never find anyone.

Boy was he right.
I was 14. Having a high T puberty has its side-effects, mainly you get uncontrollable boners 24/7 and can't stop fantasizing about girls. I would get random boners in class, which was hell on earth. I would excuse myself to the bathroom, where I would wait out the boners (never masturbated on school property).

Anyway, some people thought I would go to the toilets to relief myself, so two douchebags took out their camera phones and started taking photos from above the toilet wall. Thankfully I wasn't masturbating and was just taking a shit and no penis was seen that day, but it didn't stop them from showing the pic to everyone.

I end up taking my revenge by hacking one of the guy's Hotmail account by answering an easy security question (this was pre social media). Sadly I didn't find any dirt on him, but I ended up changing the password and security question and locking him out of the account and it took him forever to get access back.
blickpall said:
Ah, okay. We've had something similar, with the "prison" in the back and we used smaller puffy balls which we could throw to the prison for them to catch and be safe. Was called "prison ball" LOL.

Mine was called jail ball and had the same rules. It must be a universal game for School PE in the USA.
ItheIthe said:
blickpall said:
Elaborate please? This must be after my time.
It was an advanced form of dodgeball. If you get out you go to the other side of the gym, but there's some sort of way you can make it back in, I forget how though.
O shit I played that type of dodgrball when I was a kid tbh

Btw every single story so far is fucking brutal
When I was in high school, a girl asked me out as a joke. Being the naive teenager I was, I thought she was serious and she burst out laughing and said something along the lines of "HAHAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS OMG YOU'RE AN UGLY LOSER!".

I remember being so fucking mad but because it was a girl that did it I couldn't do shit. If a guy make fun of me to my face I at least had the option to fight him.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
When I was in high school, a girl asked me out as a joke.  Being the naive teenager I was, I thought she was serious and she burst out laughing and said something along the lines of "HAHAHA YOU THOUGHT I WAS SERIOUS OMG YOU'RE AN UGLY LOSER!".

I remember being so fucking mad but because it was a girl that did it I couldn't do shit.  If a guy make fun of me to my face I at least had the option to fight him.

They should give girls a 10-pack of ropes every morning before they go to school, so they can at least hand you a solution when they treat you this way. Fuck, that's brutal.

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