It's actually not. Nassim Taleb has torn a new asshole to self-satisfied atheists who gleefully thought they had defeated Pascal's wager. I don't remember in which of his books it is, but he basically explains how even if the Christian God has only a 0.0000000000000001% probably of existing, you're better off believing than not believing since the penalty for error is infinite negative utility. It's all about asymmetric risk.
You didn't understand what i said at all then.
I'm talking about infinite possibilities.
Here, i made one "X god will send religious people to the worse hell possible, something beyond imagination, beyond any conception"
Since i don't believe in your christian god, i have absolutely 0 reason to prefer any possibility to another if i'm agnostic, so the X god i talked about has as much chance of being real as the christian god, therefore Pascal Wager makes no sense.
Since my X god also has 0.0000000000000001% and punished only religious, it counteracts your dumb wager and makes you look stupid.
"Y god will punish people who made a wager in his sacred name, as he gave them a brain and rationality, and they thought they can use it to dupe him, therefore he reserved the worst chatiment for them and only for them"
You didn't refute shit, you just repeated the same baseless assertions, included the same assumptions (with "mainstream religions" instead of "Christianity") and assumed that if there is a god it has to be a god who gave a shit about communicating 2000 years ago in a shitty dusty book full of repetitive parables. And it's not even true that Christianity have the worse hell among mainstream religions, and christians don't even agree about what hell is supposed to be like..
", seems quite unlikely and runs counter to every human narrative so far on religions."
The part about it's still "Abrahamic god" is retarded. If you read the Coran, you'll see that "Allah" consider people who believe in the divinity the christ as the worse ATHEISTS EVER, and consider the bible as a falsehood. We are talking about an envious here, why did he suddenly become a god full of consideration and ready to do compromissions ?
seems unlikely to whom ? The majority narrative is worthless.
It seems actually as likely to me as the possibility of a religious god that is the created of the universe of all its complexities but still ressembles to humans in their basic monkey emotions of revenge and loving praise.
Also, to end this i'll copy/paste the first comment
Pascal's Wager is still undefeated.
Only as one of the most ridiculous and easily discarded arguments ever."
Also, let's put into practice this retarded argument.
Send me 100 dollars or i'll torture you for eternity as i discovered a glitch in the matrix that would make me able to control the simulation, and i would reserve for you
@Fontaine the worse punition possible. Even if there is 0,0000000001% for this to be true, what's 100 dollars compared to such an awful possibility ? So following your line of logic, you'll send me 100$.