I wouldn't say extermination, but society should replace them with hyperrealist robots that look like Stacey's, these robots would look like real women but wouldn't have the obvious worldly defects that real women have. No skin or hair imperfections, no malice nor prejudice or incorrect judgement. Sure it's not 'real' so it wouldn't feel authentic, but hardly anything is 'authentic', everything happens based on a transactional basis, it sounds cynical but it is what it is. You can't develop a pair bond or whatever but I'd be willing to make this sacrifice to replace the purpose of real women.
A huge chunk of society is incel now (maybe 10-30%), and having these robots around will alleviate the situation for the lonely men out there, it can make society far more productive than it is right now which will be good for the long term economy. Society should promote the positivity of using these robots so soys and cucks don't begin stigmatising it, that will only make people who need not using it. Whichever country can produce the best of these Robots has potential bank to make from this future lucrative industry.