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Discussion whats your opinion on ugly females?

Before I was blackpilled, I used to be very picky. Now I'll take any ugly female.
Still holes so toilets
I'll take ugly over landwhale any day.
There is no difference between an ugly and a beautiful female...
All of them are picky and hypergamous
They shouldn't be allowed to breed. That will weaken inceldom if ugly foids were denied the ability to birth.

all toilets are evil
Has more SMV than over 95% of men.
Is this the line to fill out the application to love an ugly foid? It sure is a long line...
Female is female. Just because my dick doesn't move for them doesn't mean they aren't just as cunty and live life on easy mode compared to me. Fuck em. And not the way they want from chad.
Depends on how ugly, but I still would.
Just no landwhales. NEVER LANDWHALES.
As long as the female has a good personality and shares my interests, I wouldn't give a fuck what they look like or how much they weigh pewpew.
Hating ugly females because they’re ugly is retarded and hypocrisy because we’re ugly.

the issue isn’t that females are ugly, its that the ugly females only go for attractive males. In this way I actually hate them more than attractive females because they aren’t even attractive and want an attractive mate
Tbh i don't have much of an opinion, they don't give a shit about me, so i don't give a shit about them either.
Only for sex, or a long term relationship?
Only for sex. I think betabuxxing and getting married are cucked so never plan on having a LTR.
its not hypocrisy, men have much more value than their looks
But we’re ugly. Of course foids should look “better” than their male counterpart due to them only being good for sex but when I say ugly I don’t mean something like fat where they can just change it and not fuckin eat
Hating ugly females because they’re ugly is retarded and hypocrisy because we’re ugly.

the issue isn’t that females are ugly, its that the ugly females only go for attractive males. In this way I actually hate them more than attractive females because they aren’t even attractive and want an attractive mate
Chad having Stacy is the natural order of things, it makes sense.

But when Chad starts fucking everything in a 500-mile radius, it makes every female that exists believe they have a chance to actually lock Chad down and they ignore their looksmatch.

It's enraging pewpew
Hating ugly females because they’re ugly is retarded and hypocrisy because we’re ugly.

the issue isn’t that females are ugly, its that the ugly females only go for attractive males. In this way I actually hate them more than attractive females because they aren’t even attractive and want an attractive mate
This. Also OP is a massive standardcel.
its not hypocrisy, men have much more value than their looks
:bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:Yeah but not in the sexual market place
Even the ugliest females fantasize over dating chads and actually think that they have a chance, they're just as despicable as the stacys
They are only holes, like any women
Hating ugly females because they’re ugly is retarded and hypocrisy because we’re ugly.

the issue isn’t that females are ugly, its that the ugly females only go for attractive males. In this way I actually hate them more than attractive females because they aren’t even attractive and want an attractive mate
If we all got our looksmatch the problem would be solved, but they got tinder and want above their looks level. Degernate holes
I have sympathy for them. I realized some propably lonely 1-4/10 while shopping. They still have a higher smv and potential for a good "normal" life than 90% of this forum. Maybe not in every female is the hypergamy and narcissistic ego awakened, when they didn't have tinder or are on university, where Chad f*cks all and normies the rest, but these cases must be rare.

Sometimes I only desire the closeness and touch of a female being and her body. Sometimes just the hearing, the way she speaks. I'm more interested in personality, that is, kindness.Looks are important, but I have less of a limit - she has to look interesting somehow. I couldn't cope with hyperfeminine, so the stacys were always just eye-catchers. Or its internal coping, because they are even more out of reach...
my looksmatches that wont date me
They are only holes, like any women
Lol. There's an old Spanish saying: "None is ugly where she pees."

What grinds my gears is "ugly" foids refusing to looksmaxxing. They have so much at their disposal to look hot at least, but many of them refuse all of that (skin showing clothes, cool haircuts, fakeup, depilation...) They have the privilege to fake their looks, yet they throw it away. Dumb if you ask me, specially if they call themselves femcels.
They are useless in my opinion, cucks are desperate as fuck when they date them
Ugly females want me dead just as much as beautiful females, maybe even more
If they aren't fat, they've always been the girls I wanted to date the most. Never was one for shooting too far out of my league, unless all the ugly girls were wider than they were tall.
I would if I could
they are my looksmatch and I would date
Useless, should be cast out of the gene pool (they project their subhumanity hard onto males). At least ugly men still have functional value.
I have pretty lose standards, generally.
Volcel, but I wouldn't
@Edmund_Kemper dani would fuc

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