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Discussion Whats your opinion on ER?

I read his manifesto
he literally killed Incels

I respect Ted Bundy more than this fucktard
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he literally killed Incels

I respect Tend Bundy more than this fucktard
did he? in the manifesto he says he only wanted to go after sex havers
did he? in the manifesto he says he only wanted to go after sex havers

well what he said and what he did is two different things, guy killed 3 ricecels and only like 2 foids
well what he said and what he did is two different things, guy killed 3 ricecels and only like 2 foids
i mean he was yolo shootin
but @OwlGod ur right he was a bit of a tard
He was a delusional, entitled, self-hating aspie. He had some interesting insights though.
did he? in the manifesto he says he only wanted to go after sex havers
His original plan of going ER at the sorority house was foiled so he instead planned to lure people into his apartment to take them out. He of course had to kill his asian roommates (who people assume to be incel based on being Asian alone, brutal racepill) so he could do his plan of luring. The plan was discarded thus he simply went ER in his car instead.
he had a nice manifesto, very articulate but he still looks like a fakecel/failed normie and he still killed ricecels the very opposite of what his goal shouldve been. mass shooter rating id say about 4/10. nowhere near the levels of the chad 8.5/10 new zealand shooterr

Brenton isnt a chad though, he's a pretty unattractive looking white guy and I'd say ER mogs him facially.

Yeah i dont get why he brutally stabbed other ricecels, thats fucked up.
He was racist against asians despite being half asian himself. He hated seeing curries and ricecels with white foids. I don't consider him to be an incel hero at all. A true incel hero would acknowledge the misery of ugly men and do their best to kill as many chads and stacies as possible.
Brenton isnt a chad though, he's a pretty unattractive looking white guy and I'd say ER mogs him facially.

I meant Chad 8.5/10 as in his shooter score. Guy saw the vegas shooting and was like "hold my suppressor". Fuck, that video was so funny.
He did put incels in the spotlight and led a lot more brothers to see the light than would have otherwise. Personally I respect Cho Seung-Hui (PBUH) more
Mentalcel Locationcel
What do you think of ER?

Why did he become bad?
Was he a good man who turned bad, or a bad man who did bad things?
Who is to blame?

Should we just expect men to be lonely, isolated, suicidal and incel and then expect them to just silently rot in their misery?

Isnt it time women help incels and give us sex? It will solve most problems in the world and relieve a lot of pain.
Is it reasonable that men go into their 30s being hugless, sexless and kissles? How is that ever gonna work out long term for society?

If one woman would have kissed ER, he wouldnt have done his massacre. Women can literally save lives, but kissing an incel is not worth the benefit.
Extreme social inhibition. His friend/neighbor said that when they were outside, and their were beautiful girls all around he would just sit at the curve and look away.
ER is a faggot and a traitor he killed his ricel roomates and constantly talked shit about men uglier than himself and in the same boat. Sure, he was based but he was fucking insane.
true he was a hERo for nailing those foids but he seemed more like a failednormie to me tbh, plus he never tried approaching at all and wanted hot blonde gigastacies
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What do you think of ER?
Magnificent. I see him more as a victim than a murderer.
Why did he become bad?
Because of this fucked up society in which only looks matter.
Was he a good man who turned bad, or a bad man who did bad things?
He was a supreme gentleman who got so low inhib he killed people.
Who is to blame?
Foids and jews. Especially the jews who were in responsibilities in the 1970s-1980s
I fucking hate ER.

a) is literally Chadlite

b) killed double men than holes

c) only got 6 body count, less than either of the holes he killed

Honestly shootermaxxing is real. Only Chadlites and Chads go on shootings, with a few exceptions (Cho Seung-Hui). Look at Breivik or Tarrant. Literally mogs most dudes into oblivion.
He should've ER on jesuits
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ER was always a good person. What he did was right. He is based and should be taken seriously
imagine ER's life under quarantine
All he had to do was kpop maxx but he didn't, no respect for the Ricecel killer who got cucked by a door
What do you think of ER?

Why did he become bad?
Was he a good man who turned bad, or a bad man who did bad things?
Who is to blame?

Should we just expect men to be lonely, isolated, suicidal and incel and then expect them to just silently rot in their misery?

Isnt it time women help incels and give us sex? It will solve most problems in the world and relieve a lot of pain.
Is it reasonable that men go into their 30s being hugless, sexless and kissles? How is that ever gonna work out long term for society?

If one woman would have kissed ER, he wouldnt have done his massacre. Women can literally save lives, but kissing an incel is not worth the benefit.
He was a fakecel.
If youre not a ricecel or hapacel, asking this question is like millionaire asking why people are poor.

Listen ER was a hapacel first and foremost. Women did not like him because he was a mostly Asian looking hapa. Had he just been a tall muscular white looking Hapa, LOTS of foids would have given him attention especially for having a bit of Asian blood/appearance exotic (by this they mean 25% or less Asian genetics/appearance).

White incels are so privileged and clueless even on this forum lmao.

On top of that, his other white half was the typical white incel type, alt-right/stormfront-cel type. ER hated his half asian side and concluded (correctly) that most women strongly avoided him because of his asian appearance (he had massive fuller lips than the vast majority of Asian dudes and he was HALF asian). His first victims were poor clueless ricecels trying to betabuxx one day in life.

ER can burn in hell. Thats where I agree with normies and chads/stacies. Thats it.
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If inceldom grows exponentially over the next 100 years and causes the collapse of society, civil wars, nuclear holocaust, it's entirely possible that inceldom could become a psuedo-religion and political ideology. Imagine the kind of change that would be possible if a majority of men were incels and elected an incel to be the president and a neo-incel-fascist movement sweeps the country and they abolish women's rights and restore peace and order. In that case, ER will almost certainly be regarded as a prophet and founder of the movement and a savior of mankind.

(although unlikely, it could happen)
Stupid fucking idiot that forced PUAHate to close. Fuck him.
A great man and an inspiration (in terms of his philosophy)
What did you think of ER?

I think ER is a very misunderstood person.

I don't think he was the great incel saint people think he was. I have read his manifesto several times and while he hated women honestly his main issues were with his own racial identity more than anything. I just laugh when i see the Isla Vista shooting described as a "Misogynist attack". He killed 6 people that night - 4 of them were men and 3 of them were Asian. His room mates. He stabbed them hundreds of times. Honestly given his obvious resentment to his Asian ancestry his main hatred seemed to be racial in nature.

He was an extremely disturbed individual. I don't even know where to begin with the conditions he suffered from - likely sociopathy born out of his autism. I think in those cases its described as "attendant sociopathy". I think he was set such a terrible example - especially by his parents whether it was his absent supplicating beta father or his mother who catered to his every whim and to a degree seemed to poison him against his father in order to leverage more money out of him. His farther seemed to care much more about his career and likely chasing actresses like his step mother Soumaya than attending to his own children and was quite irresponsible with his money.

Honestly you see that in his writing - in his early years despite the fact they were aware he must have had issues they just dragged him around like he was a loose end instead of preparing him for anything that was happening he just seemed to be dragged from one new situation to the next. Despite the fact he had socialisation issues they made it difficult for him to fit in at school by not starting on time. I can't imagine a more negative environment for a kid that LA.

Honestly though his mental state and his grip on reality was fraying in his later teenage years. Endlessly complaining about his lot in life - it would all be better if a hot blonde white goddess would come along. Like no. It wouldn't. He had so many issues he would have probably ended up in a VERY toxic relationship with some gold digger who was as narcissistic as he was. It probably would have ended in a murder suicide. I don't know if it was autism or some other facet of his mental issues that made him so obsessed with blonde white girls but he had much deeper issues. Probably stemming from a sense of abandonment as a child and worsened by his mothers pandering.

Also his grandiose attitude about himself that he was to good for work - really its the best argument you could make for not spoiling your kids. It turns them into little shits - to sound a bit like Lt. Col J.V Dubois (retired) - Something given has no value.

Why did he become bad?

I don't think he was a bad person necessarily despite all the TERRIBLE influences on his development and his autism, narcissism and borderline sociopathy. I think he had some terrible influences in his life. It's evident he suffered a psychotic break - one minute he saves his little brother by pulling him out of the pool - again it speaks to the character of his father and Soumaya and the people he was around. Leaving a toddler unattended around a pool because they were to busy partying. The E-mails that were leaked shed some light on how his mother played to his worst instincts and honestly as bad as Soumaya was i think she was the best influence out of all of them.

Then you quite clearly notice a change how Elliot went from saving his brothers life to planning to murder him! Evidently something finally broke him - maybe being sent away to college and isolated or the rift with his father or childhood best friend is what finally did it. The day of retribution may have been inevitable for him when there was nothing to hold his worst impulses in check. Honestly i can tell a lot of you youngcels - especially those of you who are teenagers. If you have any friends you may not have them for long when normies start having families.

In his manifesto he talks about a meeting he had with some old acquaintances at the Getty centre in LA (at least i think it was the Getty centre) and the guy named as meeting him said the events as he talks about in his manifesto were very different to what actually went down that he was acting very strange and freaked him out a bit.

Was he a good man who turned bad, or a bad man who did bad things?

I think he was a good man - with many issues that should have made him bad.

"Each man is a little war" - Dune - Frank Herbert

In the war between the good and the bad - the bad won. He did bad things. You know its quite clear he didn't want to go through with it. He kept putting the date of the day of retribution back. He clearly tried to drown out the pain with booze and material possessions. He even wanted to get caught before he did it with the police visit to his apartment after his first aborted run.

Who is to blame?

At the end of the day he chose to become a killer - that said the path to his murderous rampage was paved by his illness, his parents, his upbringing, the degenerate shit hole that is Commiefornia. People will take so much but everyone has a limit. You place enough isolation, rejection, mental illness and degeneracy on someone and they will break.

Honestly i think ER is a great case for why you should probably take your teenage son to the brothel when he comes of age so he can get some experience with women. I think also its a clear case of lack of male role models and honestly guys who are dysfunctional need to be made the charge of a man who can keep an eye on them. Instead of sending him off to college he should have been sent to work with someone like his dads friend who was renovating the house.

Criticisms of ER aside - his manifesto will come to be seen as one of the defining criminal documents of our generation. Elliot was a little younger than me but many of his experiences and his pop culture influences really speak to older millennials and 90's kids. I think his manifesto should be taken as a how to manual of how not to fuck up your child.

His sainthood in the Incelisphere is also interesting given he had many less than stellar things to say about "Incels" although as someone who had been active in the days of the old "Incel Support" forum on vbulletin when it and "LoveShy" were the only games in town maybe there was some reason for disdain towards these communties. They were tone policed by soycucks and triggered feminists and were full of sex havers.

It's ironic in my opinion - The Normies reaction to ER was in many ways what launched the modern Incelisphere in my opinion.
ER killed three truecels as his first victims. They were his nerdy Asian roommates. His quotes went something like this, "Full Asian men are ugly, how can women not like a beautiful Eurasian like me".

When I first read that passage in his manifesto several years back I just laughed. When I first saw the video of him talking in his BMW at the golf course I honestly cringed. Asian men tend to have full lips (which most women find very unappealing on a guy) but THIS guy's lips were just fuckin massive so who the hell was he to talk. Dude looked like he couldn't even bench the standard 45lbs bar.

ER can rot in hell. Only thing I agree with chads and stacies.

He is the epitome of a reject. The male progeny of an incel tier white male that ascends with a lowly noodlewhore which is all too pervasive in western society.
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Nowadays I think he was a mentally ill victim of injustice who unfortunately yielded to evil.

The most evil people are psychopaths, but most of the evil is not committed by psychopaths but rather by people who let the adversities they face turn them to hatred and, consequently, evil. Facing adversity with serenety to still relinquish turning to hatred and evil is a great strength.
Saint Elliot had a lot of epic or relatable quotes like, "I've been going through college for 2 and a half years now, and in those 2 and a half years, I've had to rot in bleak and sad loneliness."
"A beautiful environment is the darkest hell if you have to experience it all alone"
"You denied me a happy life, and in turn, I will deny all of your life, it’s only fair."

I wish he was still here, he had a way with words and he was based af, but at the same time we probably wouldn't know about him if he was. :cryfeels:
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Until we meet, may he spray all the foids he wants with vanilla latte's in the heaven's above.

Saint Elliot had a shitty step mom who clearly didn't want her betabuxxer's kids around, and she took it out on him. Then he was bullied by Monette Moio, ostracized his whole life, and thrown off a ledge. What he did was self-defense, he didn't initiate anything. The day of retribution was completely avoidable, and he delayed it by an entire year to give Isla Vista one last chance. Instead they threw him off that ledge and laughed at him.

ERmaxxing is legit though, he's got bitches now.

Who the fuck is that thot, trying to become popular by parasitizing our Saint?
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