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Venting What's the point of going to partys when your a non-chad male?



Aug 15, 2018
I haven't been to a party with foids in it for atleast 10 years. I've always been rejected and none of them have shown interest in me, even looksmatched ones. A couple of minutes ago i got invited to a house party involving people who are 5-7 years older than me, in other words 35 year olds. The owner of the house is a loudmouth, bald rather big normie tier guy. There might be younger people but i highly doubt it and even if there were they are most likely taken. I'm pretty sure most of the invited people are parents. I don't drink alcohol anymore, i see it as a useless cope now and drinking with other people sucks because i can't stand their taste in music and low IQ behaviour.

I don't even have any clean clothes, haven't washed them in 2 weeks or so. I could wash them in time but in the end it wouldn't be worth it. I would just waste my time and become the laughing stock there, the elephant framecel in the room. The person who invited me (my brothers wife) said "Why don't you come along?, it might be fun to look at people" JFL. It's like she knows i'm incel and i have no chance to ascend there anyway so the only reason for me to go there is to look at people. I gotta be honest, it can be fun to look at drunk stupid people but only for an hr or so. After an hr i feel like my IQ drops. Would you take the minimal pretty much non-existence chance to ascend tonight if you were in my shoes? A 29-year old framecel with no clean clothes. Or would you rather stay at home and watch midsomer murder? That's my two options for today and i only have 6 hrs to decide.
stay the fuck at home do not go to parties as incel it will be nothing but a bad experience
male friends and to get drunk
So that foids can compare us to Chads and deem them more attractive.
Just found out that my obnoxious golddigging half aunt is going there, can't stand her guts. She's nearing 50 and thinks she's still in her 30s or something. So pathetic.
what music do you like?
what music do you like?
Almost everything except for pop, RnB, Hip hop, dance, trance and 80s metal because that's exactly what they will play at the party. I mostly listen to neo folk and video game music.
Apparently damaging your hearing with loud music, while drinking and jumping around is "fun" to normies idk
They are coping. Atleast chad don't have to jump around and he can wear earplugs then get laid by all the foids. Same with any foid really.
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You can't get into parties easily if you aren't friends with guys in frats or they are thinking of accepting you into frats.
If you have bad genetics, people don't want to look at you or have you standing around. That's the rule.
You could maybe grope drunk foids, but it would be extremely risky.
Parties are not fun for incel-tier or low tier normie type people. They never have been. Incels are usually completely excluded or never invited anyway, and the low tier normies get to be wallflowers subtly excluded from the circles of more popular people. Which is basically everybody else there.
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Parties are not fun for incel-tier or low tier normie type people. They never have been. Incels are usually completely excluded or never invited anyway, and the low tier normies get to be wallflowers subtly excluded from the circles of more popular people. Which is basically everybody else there.
True. I've always felt out of the group when i'm at partys. Not that i want to be a part of the group anyway but attention from foids would be awesome with the intention of sex or relationship of course, if not they would probably just want to make me their orbiter. I think incels should keep that in mind whenever a foid talks to them at partys (if that ever happens). They probably just want to make you their orbiter.
True. I've always felt out of the group when i'm at partys. Not that i want to be a part of the group anyway but attention from foids would be awesome with the intention of sex or relationship of course, if not they would probably just want to make me their orbiter. I think incels should keep that in mind whenever a foid talks to them at partys (if that ever happens). They probably just want to make you their orbiter.

I tried going to parties when I was a teen and undergraduate, sort of as a hanger-on to a friend group, and it was always nightmare. I was counting the minutes until I could go home, the alcohol didn't even help to make it easier. The low key horror of parties was best described for me by Tom Wolfe in his Bonfire of the Vanities - chapter 15 where the main character 'gets lost' at a fancy cocktail party and the clusters of party goers who have conversations constantly softly and gently ignore or exclude him.
I went to one “party” and I hated it. I prefer to LDAR at home
Parties only make sense if you're 6/10 minimum (preferably 8/10), and are NTmaxxed.
Wouldn't recommend it. Only reason to go to a party as an incel is if you have good friends who you can have a laugh with going or if there's some benefit like being able to buy drugs you can't normally get or something.

Finding some girl almost certainly isn't going to happen, parties attended by 30 year olds are much different than those attended by people in their teens or early 20s. You won't find any crazy drunk foids at this type of party, the atmosphere will be much less wild. Unless you've heard it's an actual house party (which it's hard to see a NT 35 year old throwing), it'll be a "social gathering" where people just mingle, drink small amounts of alcohol and try to find ways to humblebrag about their lives, careers, relationships etc.
Wouldn't recommend it. Only reason to go to a party as an incel is if you have good friends who you can have a laugh with going or if there's some benefit like being able to buy drugs you can't normally get or something.

Finding some girl almost certainly isn't going to happen, parties attended by 30 year olds are much different than those attended by people in their teens or early 20s. You won't find any crazy drunk foids at this type of party, the atmosphere will be much less wild. Unless you've heard it's an actual house party (which it's hard to see a NT 35 year old throwing), it'll be a "social gathering" where people just mingle, drink small amounts of alcohol and try to find ways to humblebrag about their lives, careers, relationships etc.
I guess you're right. What bugs me is my brothers wife really wants me to go for some reason. I think it's because she wants to belittle me infront of the group and feel more special, shes basically a 33 yr old 4/10 landwhale on tutorial mode, she don't want to feel like she's the least attractive at the party. I would love to explain to her why i wont come but she would hate my guts if i told the truth. That the party members are basically post wall foid cumdumpsters, everyone is taken and the majority are parents anyway so what's the point.
I guess you're right. What bugs me is my brothers wife really wants me to go for some reason. I think it's because she wants to belittle me infront of the group and feel more special, shes basically a 33 yr old 4/10 landwhale on tutorial mode, she don't want to feel like she's the least attractive at the party. I would love to explain to her why i wont come but she would hate my guts if i told the truth. That the party members are basically post wall foid cumdumpsters, everyone is taken and the majority are parents anyway so what's the point.
Obviously I don't know her so I very well could be wrong but I doubt she wants to belittle you tbh, unless she's been a bitch to you before. Would be weird for your brother's wife to pointlessly start something. She's probably just doing the foid thing where they act like they really want or care about something kind of as a means of virtue signalling, either that or maybe she senses/knows you're not sociable so she's trying to "fix you" or whatever.

But in any case keep in mind the party will almost definitely be like what I described, and those types of events aren't fun at all. And yeah if there's a load of parents there it'll be even worse, expect to here "Ohhh and little billy is 2 now, teehee he knows so many words!!!" and foids cooing and fake adoring other people's babies waiting to show off their own. I wouldn't go. Make up some excuse or say you didn't feel well if you need to.
Non chads must be there so stacies and beckies have an excuse for being chads harem. They can just say “we aren’t his harem, it’s just a party we all came to and coincidentally all had an orgy with them (chads), we could have ended up with any random guy here teehee”

It’s a cover up so they can all blow chad Without it looking too obvious as to why they are all there.
I wouldn't go to that shit if I were you.
Most non-chad man are there to get whats left from Chad's flirt rampage because sometimes when a foid gets used up and thrown by a Chad she looks for a normie guy to talk with her feelings.Or they are just troops and bootlickers friends of Chad

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