It has been proven, multiple times, that the more sex/partners a woman has, the less effect oxytonin has on her. This severely diminishes her ability to pair bond with her husband, therefore making it far more difficult for her to love him and far more likely that she will try to divorce rape him. Divorce statistics back this up with a passion. And while the studies don't touch on this as much, there is also the idea that the more sex a woman has the less she will pair bond with her kids.
Beyond that multiple partners implies a low moral fiber and hedonistic tendencies, and implies a lack of foresight regarding STDs ect.
And all that is before we start discussing telegony.
I wouldn't rule out a woman who has had a limited sexual history, but if she has taken multiple dicks she will either have to be independently wealthy (to offset the risk of divorce rape) or really go the extra miles to prove she is worthy wife material..... Which, let's be honest, women never give extra effort to non-Chads so that will never happen.