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Whats the most romantic thing you've ever done with a foid



Jun 8, 2023
I think I shook a foid’s hand once.
D-d-do waifus c-count as foids *seethes* :feelsbadman:
I held a girls hand in my community service class. She thought I was mentally disabled and was doing me a service.
I held a girls hand in my community service class. She thought I was mentally disabled and was doing me a service.
It was a class activity where I had to act blind walking down stairs btw
one time in high school i saw a popular kid tell a few girls a joke and they laughed
few months later i reused the joke and they called me an unfunny smartass
I asked a very very plain girl out during winter. Like she was a low tier Becky, I can't stress enough how looksmatched we were.
Anyhow I invited her to a cafe that we both knew and luckily because it was the middle of winter and because the interior was closed we got to enjoy the sight of some gigantic icicles outside. (it was in southern Romania where a real winter is rare)

Said foid at free the date decided to ghost me and we haven't talked since. It was pretty awkward but I literally did everything right, I made smalltalk, I tried initiating conversation, however she always gave two sentence answers.

I haven't had a real date since.
Full on sexual intercourse of course:chad:
I murdered the skank
Nothing romantic because that means some kind of mutual feelings. But once the girl that friendzoned me and used me as her beta asswipe back when I was 20 and naive and retarded more than I am now, she came with me to get croissants and tea. And in my head I thought it was like a fake date. But she only came because I had a car and none of her friends were around at that time. If anyone offers you a free lift to a shop you woul probably say yes even if you didn't like them. Anyway I never saw her again for like 6 years and never will again and she probably fuck some white chad now who has probably married her already anyway. Not like I had a chance, as I already got rejected straight up.
After class i approached a girl with a question regarding an assignment, i had no romantic interest in my mind at that second. After she answered it she seemed to go out of her way to make small talk so then we walked and spoke a bit about random things and then it ended with us exchanging numbers. We could have kept walking and talking but my autism and my genuine bewildering of the situation that such a thing was happening made me make up an excuse to walk away. I told her that i was going to the campus gym but invited her over but she said no. That was the last time she ever spoke to me, i was able to message her a bit and kept asking her about meeting up to talk again but she always dodged it and eventually ghosted me. That was what i consider my first real interaction with a woman and nothing like it has happened since, the worst part is i dont understand why she never followed through.

Maybe she realized i was an incel or that i was not a normie from us talking. I wish she had responded, i wouldnt be here otherwise.
Only romantic things I've done with femtards is in those shitty Renpy visual novels.
Redemption For Jessika
one time in high school i saw a popular kid tell a few girls a joke and they laughed
few months later i reused the joke and they called me an unfunny smartass
Halo/failo effect pill destroyed me
one time in high school i saw a popular kid tell a few girls a joke and they laughed
few months later i reused the joke and they called me an unfunny smartass
You need to make her laugh bro women love funny guys bro just have a sense of humor bro
I've hugged several foids outside of my family (not romantically of course)
In kindergarten there were (obligatory) rhythmic classes where we were learning some dances. Because of uneven number of kids I usually had to dance with male teacher but sometimes when someone was absent there was a spare foid I could dance with.

(She felt humiliated by being left with me so she was scratching my hand, stepping on my feet and telling me that I stink or give her weird looks)
We looked deeply into each others eyes. Well really I was staring at her for five minutes from across the room behind her and she turned around. We made eye contact and I immediately looked away. That's the closest to physical contact with a foid I can remember and that was years ago
i don't know what that means.
Telling you would get me banned.
Literally nothing
I listened to my PUA coach and then she laughed at me

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