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What's the most embarassing thing you ever had to do in gym class at school?



May 13, 2018
I remember when I was 15, it was middle school last year (Yes middle school lasts until 15 in Spain) and in gym class we had to make groups and dance a choreography that we had to invent. It was embarassing because of course nobody wanted me in their group so the teacher put me in a group of 4 because all other groups were of 5, but the worst part was that they had the great idea of making a part of the choreography a pair dance. It's not so difficult to imagine who had to dance alone in that part :feelscry:Everybody laughed of course :feelsrope: To make everything worse the only song availible for the choreography was "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire, which I find pretty awful lol.

The video of the dance is still in youtube somewhere, I could never find it so I suppose none else and probably nobody cares (It's not even in the school youtube channel) so it kinda relaxes me.
take my shoes off for weighing. people noticed my 4" lifts in my shoes and my extreme manletism, then they took my lifts out and started bludgeoning me on the head with them
My shoe fell off when I was running the bases in whiffleball.
fitness tests / while being a framecel
When I was 4th grade, some black girl outran me and tagged me in capture the flag. She was and still is super athletic but it was still pretty embarrassing because I was still in the "girls have cooties" phase of things. Don't have many embarrassing memories in gym class though
take my shoes off for weighing. people noticed my 4" lifts in my shoes and my extreme manletism, then they took my lifts out and started bludgeoning me on the head with them
Did that actually happen?
Not P.E, but in recess in 4th grade I was super autistic and couldn't catch a football(even short passes). I was also a manlet and got constantly bullied and lifemogged by a tall Chadlite.
My embarrassing story is extremely similar to yours. They made us dance and shit in middle school and recorded it, putting it on public for the whole world to watch. That pissed me off, especially because I just stood there.
Not P.E, but in recess in 4th grade I was super autistic and couldn't catch a football(even short passes). I was also a manlet and got constantly bullied and lifemogged by a tall Chadlite.
At recess I would just lurk the premises by myself because I had nobody to "hang out" with. I looked like the only one alone.
I was tiny up until my last year of hs but I was still as strong as everyone else ,they were all weak betas like myself.
I was actually considered somewhat good.
At recess I would just lurk the premises by myself because I had nobody to "hang out" with. I looked like the only one alone.
Lol same,the amount of sandwiches eaten in the toilets...
Probably not the MOST embarrassing but I played against girls for one semester in high school. Our coach was female and divided people up by skill level. I think she did this so the very gifted and athletic people wouldn't outshine the others and make them feel bad but that meant a lot of the boys played in competition with each other which meant the only people left for me was this other boy who had to be 400 pounds and then all the girls. I played basketball with a 400 pound HS boy and a group of girls since they were in my skill level. I was never athletically inclined though I did have a good physique. I am just not coordinated is all. So what I would do is I would, and I hate myself for saying this, always go on the opposite team as the fat boy and steal his balls and guard him to make me look better against the girls. My God it is so embarrassing to actually type.

We also had to go bowling for one semester. My God I hate bowling so much. The shoes. The fake laughs. The fake fun. I used to bowl like a 40 and that was with me half trying. Near the end I would just wait outside for the 1-2 hours while everyone bowled. My teacher said I had to participate or else she would give me 0 credit but I always told her to just give me a 0 then because I'm not having fun and I hate bowling. Think she felt bad for me. She gave me a 100 in that class.

This was embarrassing but for a different reason which I'm sure some incels will relate with. The most cringey part of Gym was when we had to partner up with someone. I would obviously never have a friend to partner with so I'd get partnered with a random girl since my school had more girls than boys. But right before I would see all the girls frantically try and find a partner so they wouldn't have to be partnered up with a boy. Then when the unlucky one saw she would be partnered up with me I would just see her face and demeanor drop to an all time low. She would look so sad like I had just raped her Mom right in front of her. Those girls would never even participate. We would do partner squats or partner push-ups and they would always just try and get away from me. I remember one time we had to do a trust fall. The girl just put her arm on my shoulder and whispered, "Just tell her (the coach) we did the trust fall." and when the coach came around I said we had done it already and the coach gave us participation credit. I didn't even get to touch her at all. Really pissed me off.
It was penis measuring day and my penis was measured as the smallest in the gym class.
I recoiled and flinched so many fucking times when balls were being sent my way. I'm straighter than anyone else on this forum tbh tbh
My shorts ripped at the crotch when I tried to do a split.

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