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What's the deal with racistcels?



Nov 11, 2017
Do they not realize the completely irony/hypocrisy of hating someone based on unchosen inherent characteristics? 
It's serious and complete bullshit
do you not hate females? they haven't chosen to be born that way either, but are deserving of hate nonetheless.

i'm ethnic myself and despise the whites, but that argument makes little sense
Racistcels should not be allowed here.
It's cope, I used to be a racist because I could feel superior to at least some people because of my skin.
In reality, I'm inferior to most people and I'm aware of that now.
I'll give anyone a chance on a personal level. But I still stay away from dark neighbourhoods
I don't hate niggers for looks, they kinda look like monkeys and their skin like shit but that's not the main reason
cyborgglory said:
Do they not realize the completely irony/hypocrisy of hating someone based on unchosen inherent characteristics? 
It's serious and complete bullshit

In my opinion racistcels exist only because of bad experiences with said group of people. A few people of that race make the rest look bad. It has always been that way doesn't matter if its the jews, black people etc.

As example i live in germany and in the last years the refugee crisis hit europe hard during the syrian war. Over the years about 3 million refugees came to germany, from these only a handful of people commited crimes like rape or killing. But this was enough that people went rioting, fighting with refugees and burning refugee houses/camps here. From those 3 million perhabs 100 commited such crimes and make the rest look bad. The same shit with boo hoo they will overtake europe. About 80 million people live in germany, how should 3 million take over anything lol?
knajjd said:
do you not hate females? they haven't chosen to be born that way either, but are deserving of hate nonetheless.
no, i don't hate females BECAUSE they are female. i don't even hate every female. just the society/culture of hypergamy.

if men were given the same advantages in life that women were granted, i'm sure we would all be hyper sexual monsters.
Who cares if someone is racist or not, doesn't make a difference online.
grayjedi90 said:
In my opinion racistcels exist only because of bad experiences with said group of people. A few people of that race make the rest look bad. It has always been that way doesn't matter if its the jews, black people etc.

As example i live in germany and in the last years the refugee crisis hit europe hard during the syrian war. Over the years about 3 million refugees came to germany, from these only a handful of people commited crimes like rape or killing. But this was enough that people went rioting, fighting with refugees and burning refugee houses/camps here. From those 3 million perhabs 100 commited such crimes and make the rest look bad. The same shit with boo hoo they will overtake europe. About 80 million people live in germany, how should 3 million take over anything lol?

> From those 3 million perhabs 100 commited such crimes and make the rest look bad.

JFL @ being this naive and retarded

Yeah right, 100 people can cause mass rapes and crimes all over the country. Must be some pretty amazing people.
Also keep in mind your 80 million is a bunch of emasculated pussy "men", brainwashed womyn and Turks. Plus only like 8% of your people would fight for their country lmao. Even fucking Moldova could invade you at this point.
cyborgglory said:
no, i don't hate females BECAUSE they are female. i don't even hate every female. just the society/culture of hypergamy.

if men were given the same advantages in life that women were granted, i'm sure we would all be hyper sexual monsters.

surely no racist's hate is as trivial as just "they are ethnic" either. ask and you'll receive an answer such as "lower IQ", "higher predisposition to crime and violence", etc. of course, most of the hate actually just stems from the abysmal genetics (failo effect) of ethnics.

you SHOULD hate them all just for being female considering they've evolved to be treacherous and disloyal scumbags. that's what happens when a creature is too physically weak for outright combat to be an option. think of it like hating mosquitos, ticks and the sort.
VLÖ said:
Also keep in mind your 80 million is a bunch of emasculated pussy "men", brainwashed womyn and Turks. Plus only like 8% of your people would fight for their country lmao. Even fucking Moldova could invade you at this point.
true and honest speculation from someone who gets all of their facts from /pol/
VLÖ said:
> From those 3 million perhabs 100 commited such crimes and make the rest look bad.

JFL @ being this naive and retarded

Yeah right, 100 people can cause mass rapes and crimes all over the country. Must be some pretty amazing people.
Also keep in mind your 80 million is a bunch of emasculated pussy "men", brainwashed womyn and Turks. Plus only like 8% of your people would fight for their country lmao. Even fucking Moldova could invade you at this point.

lol show me those mass rapes because i dont know of any, with legit sources pls. Stop believing any of your putin communist propaganda news. Also those 100 crimes happened over 3 or 4 years so thats not many over that amount of time, more rapes or crimes were commited by locals. If you don't live here stop talking shit you dont know about.
cyborgglory said:
true and honest speculation from someone who gets all of their facts from /pol/

Nice projecting, I've only been like once on /pol/.

However I know that people there are so fucking stuck in their shame mentality that if you spat in their face they'd kneel down and suck your dick.

grayjedi90 said:
lol show me those mass rapes because i dont know of any, with legit sources pls. Stop believing any of your putin communist propaganda news. Also those 100 crimes happened over 3 or 4 years so thats not many over that amount of time, more rapes or crimes were commited by locals.

What about that New Years' incident in Köln?

"but m-m-muh fake news!"
"it happened so long ago!"
"the locals did it"

gg no re
grayjedi90 said:
In my opinion racistcels exist only because of bad experiences with said group of people. A few people of that race make the rest look bad. It has always been that way doesn't matter if its the jews, black people etc.

As example i live in germany and in the last years the refugee crisis hit europe hard during the syrian war. Over the years about 3 million refugees came to germany, from these only a handful of people commited crimes like rape or killing. But this was enough that people went rioting, fighting with refugees and burning refugee houses/camps here. From those 3 million perhabs 100 commited such crimes and make the rest look bad. The same shit with boo hoo they will overtake europe. About 80 million people live in germany, how should 3 million take over anything lol?

How will they take over Europe? They reproduce at higher rates and their median age is lower. Demographics is destiny. Just how America went from vast majority white to only small majority white in like two generations.
What about that New Years' incident in Köln?

"but m-m-muh fake news!"
"it happened so long ago!"
"the locals did it"

gg no re

No rapes there women were groped by a group of refugee people and thats it. Police came and arrested them. Foreign media likes to blow shit out of propotion and make others look bad.

not_here_4_points said:
How will they take over Europe? They reproduce at higher rates and their median age is lower. Demographics is destiny. Just how America went from vast majority white to only small majority white in like two generations.

If i look arround me i can tell you maybe the first few generation of immigrants breed like crazy but younger generations almost have the same birthrate as germans.
not_here_4_points said:
How will they take over Europe? They reproduce at higher rates and their median age is lower. Demographics is destiny. Just how America went from vast majority white to only small majority white in like two generations.

Lol at this cope, what are you, A paki/Iraqi coper? It's a well known fact that most western newspapers do EVERYTHING in their power to not put the menas in a bad light.
Most racistcels have hate for their own race
Incels belong to the same race regardless of color.
_incelinside said:
Most racistcels have hate for their own race

+ white skin is just objectively the most beautiful, no arguing that
I really hate the gaslighting by the jews and liberals here.....

Facts from the FBI and Department of Justice on blacks in America:
• Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, 53% of all murders, and 1 in 3 rapes, all while making up less
13% of the US population. Source: FBI Crime Statistics, table 43
• As of 2008, young black men kill 7 times more often than young white men.
Source: Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008 Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010, page 11
• 42% of all cop killers are black. Source: Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Race and Sex of Known Offender, 2004–2013
• 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Source: Black Victims of Violent Crime, page 3
• 14,000 interracial rapes take place a year, and 99.9% are black men raping white women. Source: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables
• In 2013, blacks made up nearly 38% of the total prison population, despite being only 13% of the general population. Source: Jail Inmates, Midyear 2013, Statistical Tables
• Blacks are more likely to have a gene that causes violence. Source: The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors
• The poorest whites are less likely to go to prison than rich blacks. Source: Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
• There is no racial discrimination in the justice system. Blacks just commit more crime because of their low intelligence and high propensity for violence. Source: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Facts on the family dynamics and education achievement of blacks in America:
• 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: National Vital Statistics Reports Births, 2010
• In 2012, the mean SAT critical reading score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing, it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: National Center for Education Statistics
• The racial gap on the SAT is so large that the poorest white children, from families that earn less than $20,000 a year, do better than the wealthiest blacks, from families that earn 200,000 a year or more. Source: Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
• 67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: US Census surveys and National Kid Count
• At both the fourth grade and eighth grade level, there is an achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in every state. Source: How Black and White Students in Public Schools Perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
• Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in blacks than in whites. 48 percent of black women are infected with genital herpes. Source: CDC

Facts on the intelligence levels of blacks in America and around the world:
• Blacks have an average IQ of just 85, while white people have an average IQ of 100. Africans have an even lower average IQ score of 70-75. Higher IQ is a factor in causing people to not commit crime, to live longer and healthier lives, to earn more money, to perform better at every type of job, and to make better decisions. Source: Intelligence Predicts Health and Longevity, but Why?
• In a 2013 survey of top IQ researchers, 83% said that Africans were the least intelligent race in the world because of their genes. Source: Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests

For people who claim that blacks' poor IQ scores are caused by poverty:
• In 1976, Harvard psychologists looked at how black children adopted by upper-middle class white American families performed on IQ tests. Black children adopted by white parents averaged 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). Since the black children grew up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions, only genetics can account for their low IQ scores. Regardless of wealth or environment, the racial IQ gap remains. Source: The Science of Mental Ability, pages 483-489

What if IQ tests are biased against blacks?
• There are IQ tests like the Raven's Progressive Matrices which don't have any language or words and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well. In fact, the Black-White IQ gap has been observed in South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada, and many other nations around the world. Source: Jensen Effects among African, Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

For people who say that race differences in IQ are just "white supremacy":
• IQ tests made by white people reliably show that East Asian countries have the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are between the Asian and African countries, but are uniformly much closer to East Asia than to Africa. Source: Race and IQ: A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It

IQ differences become more important at higher IQ levels:
• Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. Source: Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability

Blacks' low IQ scores is linked to their criminality:
• The average American criminal has an IQ 85, which is the exact same IQ score as the average black. Source: 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook

What academics have to say about black intelligence in their own words:
From the peer-reviewed paper The Totality of Available Evidence Shows the Race IQ Gap Still Remains:
The average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively.
Our review of the literature shows that Black-White IQ differences in the United States have remained at 15 to 18 points, or 1.1 standard deviations, for nearly a century.
From the peer-reviewed paper Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability:
The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on poverty, IQ is largely genetic. From the peer-reviewed paper Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings:
Some evidence suggests that heritability might increase to as much as 80% in later adulthood but then decline to about 60% after age 80.
Why does IQ matter? From the article Social Consequences of Group Differences in Cognitive Ability:
Thousands of studies have looked at the impact of mental abilities on school and job performance, and large national longitudinal studies in both Europe and the United States have shown that IQ is related to various forms of socioeconomic success and failure.
BonePressed said:
+ white skin is just objectively the most beautiful, no arguing that

Eurocentrism. There is no such thing as the most objectively beautiful race. White people are considered the most attractive because of status
Because racism is as natural as the human sex drive. It is a useful tool to keep uncivilized barbarians from ruining your civilization.

You're basically white knighting for groups of people who give nothing to whites in return. A racial beta cuck ignoring your own desires to benefit more savage men.
Machiavelli said:
I really hate the gaslighting by the jews and liberals here.....

Facts from the FBI and Department of Justice on blacks in America:
• Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, 53% of all murders, and 1 in 3 rapes, all while making up less  
13% of the US population. Source: FBI Crime Statistics, table 43
• As of 2008, young black men kill 7 times more often than young white men.
Source: Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008 Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010, page 11
• 42% of all cop killers are black. Source: Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Race and Sex of Known Offender, 2004–2013
• 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Source: Black Victims of Violent Crime, page 3
• 14,000 interracial rapes take place a year, and 99.9% are black men raping white women. Source: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables
• In 2013, blacks made up nearly 38% of the total prison population, despite being only 13% of the general population. Source: Jail Inmates, Midyear 2013, Statistical Tables
• Blacks are more likely to have a gene that causes violence. Source: The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors
• The poorest whites are less likely to go to prison than rich blacks. Source: Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
• There is no racial discrimination in the justice system. Blacks just commit more crime because of their low intelligence and high propensity for violence. Source: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Facts on the family dynamics and education achievement of blacks in America:
• 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: National Vital Statistics Reports Births, 2010
• In 2012, the mean SAT critical reading score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing, it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: National Center for Education Statistics
• The racial gap on the SAT is so large that the poorest white children, from families that earn less than $20,000 a year, do better than the wealthiest blacks, from families that earn 200,000 a year or more. Source: Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
• 67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: US Census surveys and National Kid Count
• At both the fourth grade and eighth grade level, there is an achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in every state. Source: How Black and White Students in Public Schools Perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
• Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in blacks than in whites. 48 percent of black women are infected with genital herpes. Source: CDC

Facts on the intelligence levels of blacks in America and around the world:
• Blacks have an average IQ of just 85, while white people have an average IQ of 100. Africans have an even lower average IQ score of 70-75. Higher IQ is a factor in causing people to not commit crime, to live longer and healthier lives, to earn more money, to perform better at every type of job, and to make better decisions. Source: Intelligence Predicts Health and Longevity, but Why?
• In a 2013 survey of top IQ researchers, 83% said that Africans were the least intelligent race in the world because of their genes. Source: Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests

For people who claim that blacks' poor IQ scores are caused by poverty:
• In 1976, Harvard psychologists looked at how black children adopted by upper-middle class white American families performed on IQ tests. Black children adopted by white parents averaged 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). Since the black children grew up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions, only genetics can account for their low IQ scores. Regardless of wealth or environment, the racial IQ gap remains. Source: The Science of Mental Ability, pages 483-489

What if IQ tests are biased against blacks?
• There are IQ tests like the Raven's Progressive Matrices which don't have any language or words and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well. In fact, the Black-White IQ gap has been observed in South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada, and many other nations around the world. Source: Jensen Effects among African, Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

For people who say that race differences in IQ are just "white supremacy":
• IQ tests made by white people reliably show that East Asian countries have the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are between the Asian and African countries, but are uniformly much closer to East Asia than to Africa. Source: Race and IQ: A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It

IQ differences become more important at higher IQ levels:
• Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. Source: Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability

Blacks' low IQ scores is linked to their criminality:
• The average American criminal has an IQ 85, which is the exact same IQ score as the average black. Source: 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook

What academics have to say about black intelligence in their own words:
From the peer-reviewed paper The Totality of Available Evidence Shows the Race IQ Gap Still Remains:
The average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively.
Our review of the literature shows that Black-White IQ differences in the United States have remained at 15 to 18 points, or 1.1 standard deviations, for nearly a century.
From the peer-reviewed paper Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability:
The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on poverty, IQ is largely genetic. From the peer-reviewed paper Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings:
Some evidence suggests that heritability might increase to as much as 80% in later adulthood but then decline to about 60% after age 80.
Why does IQ matter? From the article Social Consequences of Group Differences in Cognitive Ability:
Thousands of studies have looked at the impact of mental abilities on school and job performance, and large national longitudinal studies in both Europe and the United States have shown that IQ is related to various forms of socioeconomic success and failure.

Who gives a flying fuck tbh.
Machiavelli said:
I really hate the gaslighting by the jews and liberals here.....

Facts from the FBI and Department of Justice on blacks in America:
• Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, 53% of all murders, and 1 in 3 rapes, all while making up less  
13% of the US population. Source: FBI Crime Statistics, table 43
• As of 2008, young black men kill 7 times more often than young white men.
Source: Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008 Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010, page 11
• 42% of all cop killers are black. Source: Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Race and Sex of Known Offender, 2004–2013
• 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Source: Black Victims of Violent Crime, page 3
• 14,000 interracial rapes take place a year, and 99.9% are black men raping white women. Source: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables
• In 2013, blacks made up nearly 38% of the total prison population, despite being only 13% of the general population. Source: Jail Inmates, Midyear 2013, Statistical Tables
• Blacks are more likely to have a gene that causes violence. Source: The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors
• The poorest whites are less likely to go to prison than rich blacks. Source: Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
• There is no racial discrimination in the justice system. Blacks just commit more crime because of their low intelligence and high propensity for violence. Source: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Facts on the family dynamics and education achievement of blacks in America:
• 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: National Vital Statistics Reports Births, 2010
• In 2012, the mean SAT critical reading score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing, it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: National Center for Education Statistics
• The racial gap on the SAT is so large that the poorest white children, from families that earn less than $20,000 a year, do better than the wealthiest blacks, from families that earn 200,000 a year or more. Source: Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
• 67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: US Census surveys and National Kid Count
• At both the fourth grade and eighth grade level, there is an achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in every state. Source: How Black and White Students in Public Schools Perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
• Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in blacks than in whites. 48 percent of black women are infected with genital herpes. Source: CDC

Facts on the intelligence levels of blacks in America and around the world:
• Blacks have an average IQ of just 85, while white people have an average IQ of 100. Africans have an even lower average IQ score of 70-75. Higher IQ is a factor in causing people to not commit crime, to live longer and healthier lives, to earn more money, to perform better at every type of job, and to make better decisions. Source: Intelligence Predicts Health and Longevity, but Why?
• In a 2013 survey of top IQ researchers, 83% said that Africans were the least intelligent race in the world because of their genes. Source: Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests

For people who claim that blacks' poor IQ scores are caused by poverty:
• In 1976, Harvard psychologists looked at how black children adopted by upper-middle class white American families performed on IQ tests. Black children adopted by white parents averaged 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). Since the black children grew up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions, only genetics can account for their low IQ scores. Regardless of wealth or environment, the racial IQ gap remains. Source: The Science of Mental Ability, pages 483-489

What if IQ tests are biased against blacks?
• There are IQ tests like the Raven's Progressive Matrices which don't have any language or words and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well. In fact, the Black-White IQ gap has been observed in South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada, and many other nations around the world. Source: Jensen Effects among African, Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

For people who say that race differences in IQ are just "white supremacy":
• IQ tests made by white people reliably show that East Asian countries have the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are between the Asian and African countries, but are uniformly much closer to East Asia than to Africa. Source: Race and IQ: A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It

IQ differences become more important at higher IQ levels:
• Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. Source: Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability

Blacks' low IQ scores is linked to their criminality:
• The average American criminal has an IQ 85, which is the exact same IQ score as the average black. Source: 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook

What academics have to say about black intelligence in their own words:
From the peer-reviewed paper The Totality of Available Evidence Shows the Race IQ Gap Still Remains:
The average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively.
Our review of the literature shows that Black-White IQ differences in the United States have remained at 15 to 18 points, or 1.1 standard deviations, for nearly a century.
From the peer-reviewed paper Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability:
The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on poverty, IQ is largely genetic. From the peer-reviewed paper Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings:
Some evidence suggests that heritability might increase to as much as 80% in later adulthood but then decline to about 60% after age 80.
Why does IQ matter? From the article Social Consequences of Group Differences in Cognitive Ability:
Thousands of studies have looked at the impact of mental abilities on school and job performance, and large national longitudinal studies in both Europe and the United States have shown that IQ is related to various forms of socioeconomic success and failure.

I can't read
Being racially aware is seperate from the whole inceldom.
Every race is different from each other, in terms of extreme basic attributes like physiology and (average) mental capabilities. This is a fact. Those who denies this fact are nothing but morons. "All human being are equal irrespective of race" is a lie, no they are not equal, they can't be equal. Making them equal means you are denying the evolutionary reality. Yes, when it comes to human rights, everyone should be treated equal. But inherently, no human race is equal to each other. It's like you are denying the idea of "species".

Now which race is superior to which one is a completely different topic, and it's very subjective. Depends on a specific episode of the time line of human evolution (or history).
is it racist to lay facts like iq by race? what racism against whites? oh wait thats not possible lmfao

nothing worse than weak minded white guilt sheep
Racist need to be taken into gas chambers and cooked in ovens.
Being racist is completely natural.
Machiavelli said:
I really hate the gaslighting by the jews and liberals here.....

Facts from the FBI and Department of Justice on blacks in America:
• Blacks commit 56% of all robberies, 53% of all murders, and 1 in 3 rapes, all while making up less
13% of the US population. Source: FBI Crime Statistics, table 43
• As of 2008, young black men kill 7 times more often than young white men.
Source: Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008 Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010, page 11
• 42% of all cop killers are black. Source: Law Enforcement Officers Feloniously Killed, Race and Sex of Known Offender, 2004–2013
• 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks. Source: Black Victims of Violent Crime, page 3
• 14,000 interracial rapes take place a year, and 99.9% are black men raping white women. Source: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2007 Statistical Tables
• In 2013, blacks made up nearly 38% of the total prison population, despite being only 13% of the general population. Source: Jail Inmates, Midyear 2013, Statistical Tables
• Blacks are more likely to have a gene that causes violence. Source: The 2-repeat allele of the MAOA gene confers an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors
• The poorest whites are less likely to go to prison than rich blacks. Source: Race, Wealth and Incarceration: Results from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
• There is no racial discrimination in the justice system. Blacks just commit more crime because of their low intelligence and high propensity for violence. Source: No evidence of racial discrimination in criminal justice processing: Results from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health

Facts on the family dynamics and education achievement of blacks in America:
• 73% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Source: National Vital Statistics Reports Births, 2010
• In 2012, the mean SAT critical reading score for college accepted students was 428 for blacks and 527 for whites. For mathematics, it was 428 for blacks and 536 for whites. For writing, it was 417 for blacks and 515 for whites. Source: National Center for Education Statistics
• The racial gap on the SAT is so large that the poorest white children, from families that earn less than $20,000 a year, do better than the wealthiest blacks, from families that earn 200,000 a year or more. Source: Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
• 67% of black children grow up without a father, compared to 25% for whites and only 17% for Asians. Source: US Census surveys and National Kid Count
• At both the fourth grade and eighth grade level, there is an achievement gap between whites and blacks in both mathematics test scores and reading test scores in every state. Source: How Black and White Students in Public Schools Perform on the National Assessment of Educational Progress
• Gonorrhea rates are 30 times higher in blacks than in whites. 48 percent of black women are infected with genital herpes. Source: CDC

Facts on the intelligence levels of blacks in America and around the world:
• Blacks have an average IQ of just 85, while white people have an average IQ of 100. Africans have an even lower average IQ score of 70-75. Higher IQ is a factor in causing people to not commit crime, to live longer and healthier lives, to earn more money, to perform better at every type of job, and to make better decisions. Source: Intelligence Predicts Health and Longevity, but Why?
• In a 2013 survey of top IQ researchers, 83% said that Africans were the least intelligent race in the world because of their genes. Source: Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests

For people who claim that blacks' poor IQ scores are caused by poverty:
• In 1976, Harvard psychologists looked at how black children adopted by upper-middle class white American families performed on IQ tests. Black children adopted by white parents averaged 89 on IQ tests at age 17 (slightly better than the 85 average for blacks nationally). Since the black children grew up in white families with good socioeconomic conditions, only genetics can account for their low IQ scores. Regardless of wealth or environment, the racial IQ gap remains. Source: The Science of Mental Ability, pages 483-489

What if IQ tests are biased against blacks?
• There are IQ tests like the Raven's Progressive Matrices which don't have any language or words and rely entirely on visual pattern recognition. Even then there is a marked difference between black and white IQ scores, not only in America but internationally as well. In fact, the Black-White IQ gap has been observed in South Africa, the Netherlands, Canada, and many other nations around the world. Source: Jensen Effects among African, Indian, and White engineering students in South Africa on Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

For people who say that race differences in IQ are just "white supremacy":
• IQ tests made by white people reliably show that East Asian countries have the highest IQ scores. African countries have on average the lowest. European countries are between the Asian and African countries, but are uniformly much closer to East Asia than to Africa. Source: Race and IQ: A Theory-Based Review of the Research in Richard Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It

IQ differences become more important at higher IQ levels:
• Overall, 18% of Asians have an IQ over 120, 10% of whites do and only 1% of blacks. Nearly 84% of blacks have an IQ below 100, which is slightly below the average IQ for whites. The ratio of white Americans to black Americans who have an IQ over 125 is 30:1. Source: Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability

Blacks' low IQ scores is linked to their criminality:
• The average American criminal has an IQ 85, which is the exact same IQ score as the average black. Source: 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook

What academics have to say about black intelligence in their own words:
From the peer-reviewed paper The Totality of Available Evidence Shows the Race IQ Gap Still Remains:
The average IQ for African Americans was lower than those for Latino, White, Asian, and Jewish Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 113, respectively.
Our review of the literature shows that Black-White IQ differences in the United States have remained at 15 to 18 points, or 1.1 standard deviations, for nearly a century.
From the peer-reviewed paper Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability:
The IQ gap between blacks and whites in the United States—15-17 points—has not changed since it was first measured nearly a century ago. Both races’ test scores rose during the century, but the gap remained as large at the end of the century as at the beginning despite considerable social change.
For those looking to pin the lower IQ scores of blacks on poverty, IQ is largely genetic. From the peer-reviewed paper Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings:
Some evidence suggests that heritability might increase to as much as 80% in later adulthood but then decline to about 60% after age 80.
Why does IQ matter? From the article Social Consequences of Group Differences in Cognitive Ability:
Thousands of studies have looked at the impact of mental abilities on school and job performance, and large national longitudinal studies in both Europe and the United States have shown that IQ is related to various forms of socioeconomic success and failure.
Whoooooooooo fuckin cares
knajjd said:
do you not hate females? they haven't chosen to be born that way either, but are deserving of hate nonetheless.

i'm ethnic myself and despise the whites, but that argument makes little sense

oh please chad  :'(
iiiTeMpeR said:
knajjd said:
do you not hate females? they haven't chosen to be born that way either, but are deserving of hate nonetheless.
i'm ethnic myself and despise the whites, but that argument makes little sense
oh please chad :'(

jsut look at a mirror
Nautica1983 said:
Racist need to be taken into gas chambers and cooked in ovens.
I don't hate blacks but I definitely don't want to live near them. They are too low inhib and violent.
i_a_m_i said:
I don't hate blacks but I definitely don't want to live near them. They are too low inhib and violent.

 *Ghetto blacks*

Me and Tellem T are nothing like them.
_incelinside said:
Most racistcels have hate for their own race

fuckin degrassi gif in your sig, Drew torres is a true chad, i have binged wacthed degrassi like crazy, not my proudest decision, the youtube comments were truly blackpilling

Tellem--T said:
_incelinside said:
Most racistcels have hate for their own race
fuckin degrassi gif in your sig, Drew torres is a true chad, i have binged wacthed degrassi like crazy, not my proudest decision, the youtube comments were truly blackpilling
lol i also binged that show
Sometimes I wish I was female, so I could sit in bed all day with my hands on my tits.
Anyway, back to the point.
Maybe some guys hate on others because they're insecure about what they have. And honestly, how can you blame them for that?
NormieCunt97 said:
Sometimes I wish I was female, so I could sit in bed all day with my hands on my tits.
Anyway, back to the point.
Maybe some guys hate on others because they're insecure about what they have. And honestly, how can you blame them for that?

Me too <3, but I wouldn't do the degenerate things though.

I want to lead/trick guys and girls on thinking that they have a chance with me, If I were a girl. I'll remain as a virgin.

I just want to feel desired by other people strongly  :D
Akarin said:
I do nigger

Tellem T is ghetto as fuck

this is true, i grew up in the roughest neighbourhoods in toronto, i was og low inhib nigger back in the day, but i moved to white place and my inhibition got higher, i was a bully a thhief and use to live up to being a stereotypical nigger, now i just rot,neet and gymcel in peace,
idkwattodowithlife said:
Me too <3, but I wouldn't do the degenerate things though.

I want to lead/trick guys and girls on thinking that they have a chance with me, If I were a girl. I'll remain as a virgin.

I just want to feel desired by other people strongly  :D

Damn dude that's deep.
I'd probably be a huge slut.
But to each his own :D :D :D
NormieCunt97 said:
Damn dude that's deep.
I'd probably be a huge slut.
But to each his own :D :D :D
I used to think that I would slut it up too, but I want to milk the opportunities, and take advantage of people.

I just want to make sure that Normies, Lesbian Stacies/girls, and Chads are sexually frustrated enough that they can't have or own me ;).
idkwattodowithlife said:
I used to think that I would slut it up too, but I want to milk the opportunities, and take advantage of people.

I just want to make sure that Normies, Lesbian Stacies/girls, and Chads are sexually frustrated that they can't have me ;).

Well that's a good idea too.
You could have people do all kinds of shit for you
And they'd do it just in hopes of getting some of that puss, only to be disappointed by a quick hug and "thank you byeeee"  :bigsmile:
cyborgglory said:
Whoooooooooo fuckin cares

You’re a god damn nigger 

I hope you get fucking Ebola for being an apathetic piece of shit

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