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SuicideFuel Whats the closest you've been to killing yourself?

  • Thread starter NEETUglyTurbomanlet
  • Start date


Oct 14, 2023
I havent been very close.

I wanted to kill myself at the train station before so i drove there at night. parked in the car park. sat on a bench near the train and watched them come by. i noticed they even have a soft thing on the front of the train to stop people killing themselves. and they slow down to come past stations instead of going 100% speed.

i sat there crying on the bench trying to get myself to do it. but i couldnt so i just went home.

then i got a letter 1 week later with a $80 fine for parking in the train car park without paying

how fucking brutal. pretty much sums up my life.

Whats the closest you've been to killing yourself?
I tried hanging myself once
Recklessly driving and almost spinning out and crashing on the highway. Fastest I went was 115mph. Ended up pulled over by a police officer who said I "could've killed someone" :feelzez:
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I went to a high rise and tried to get to the roof to jump off of it. But there was a security card blocking the roof access, so I went home like a pussy. Wish I had just found a way to jump though. My life has gone downhill so much since then.
I thought about it quite a lot recently, but decided I'd never do that to myself.
Not eating for a day when I was in middle school. I failed when my mom brought chicken home.
I admit that right now I'm too much pussy to kill myself. I want to set myself up for suicide, maybe any advice? I can't endure these humiliations at the university anymore.
Probably the weeks before I quit school.

Or the weeks I spend in a psychatric facility. After getting out of there I had the additional motivation to kill myself so they could not lock me up like that again.

Actually, the real closest I have gotten might be me rushing my scooter down the mountain we used to live on when I was a young boy and almost crashing into a car. Was a few fractions of a second off of being send flying downhill or just face first into the windshield. But that was completly unintentional, so I guess that wouldn't count in this context.
I admit that right now I'm too much pussy to kill myself.
Same. I feel like a shell of a human who has nothing left but death. If I had the balls to go through with it, I probably would.
I admit that right now I'm too much pussy to kill myself. I want to set myself up for suicide, maybe any advice? I can't endure these humiliations at the university anymore.
There are no advices. If you leave, always leave with a positive K/D in Call of Duty.
Putting off going to the doctor for a decade, in the end i had to have 6 hours surgery. Because of the chronic ear infection some weird skin grew all over inside my ear canal, almost reached brain and i lost hearing.
Sometimes i have the impulsive thought to cut my throat open when i have a knife in my hand. I also cut my arm and thigh a few times
I ran in front of a car, but the driver managed to swerve past me. It wasn't really a suicide attempt though, I just didn't care if it hit me or not.
I jumped of a 20 foot bridge on to a road in front of a moving car.

I had a brain injury, broke my ankle and wrist, a few spine and facial fractures.

that was in early 2021 and I still have a limp which wont go away

I also lost all nerve and muscle movement of my right eyebrow, which I cant move at all
I starved myself for a month. The reason I stopped was because my mom messaged me to ask if I was okay.
Other than that I threw myself off of a tall bridge but for some reason only sustained minor injuries because God likes to prolong my suffering.
If I had access to a gun I would've been dead a long time ago, the only reason I am alive is because painless instant suicide is too hard to procure.
i once had an autistic meltdown because of noise sensitivity and punched through a window and my artery was open so i lost enormous amount of blood. Couldve died that day if i didnt get any help
Never tried it

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