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Experiment What's one pill or theory you don't agree with the blackpill



I wake up when the city sleeps
Dec 11, 2022
The comments should be :feelsPop:
I used to think a woman’s body count didn’t matter, but then I realized how retarded that was. “Yay. My first gf at 32. It doesn’t matter that she’s sucked and fucked 100+ guys. She chose me in the end.” :feelskek:
this thread is shit-tier, inkwells shouldnt make negative remarks/disagreements about the blackpill, ever.
Dick size doesn't matter, is that what you are saying
If you have average size dick, you should not delute yourself into thinking that your dick size is preventing you from ascending
If you have average size dick, you should not delute yourself and thinking that your dick size is preventing you from ascending
True. Even if it’s too small, it is most likely not the cause of your inceldom. If you can’t even get a girl in bed, she will never even see your dick, so it doesn’t matter
this thread is shit-tier, inkwells shouldnt make negative remarks/disagreements about the blackpill, ever.
You can if it's something doesn't make sense, the basics of blackpill is untouchable but there are some parts of bp like Just be first, just be xyz which are debatable
I used to think a woman’s body count didn’t matter, but then I realized how retarded that was. “Yay. My first gf at 32. It doesn’t matter that she’s sucked and fucked 100+ guys. She chose me in the end.” :feelskek:
That’s why “ascending” after age 18 isn’t a miracle. “I’m just experiencing one of the most basic human experiences as a complete adult when everyone else had it so many times now it’s as normal as eating or drinking. I’m sure she is gonna love me just as much as I love her.” COPE. She’s experienced it so many times and so readily available at all times in her life that you are nothing to her. Literally no more significant than a goddamn candy bar she consumes just cause it feels good. If you’re lucky, you will mean as much to her as a basic cheap car for transportation purposes only. She will place slightly more value on you than a food item, but she has had so many cars and you are one of the worst. She will instantly trade ya in on a faster or nicer one.

You will never mean to her what a nice car means to me. One of my cars was in the family for over 14 years and is rare and cool (think Chad). This car is not easily replaceable and will always have a place in my heart. My daily driver car is just a basic cheap SUV I got for 4k. It’s good for use, but had very little emotional attachment and can be replaced with another one. The other car is so deeply attached to me that I will remember everything about it forever and nothing could replace it (think her first boyfriend Chad)
This and any other "Just be any race" pill
Jbw is legit. You only see noodles with white normies/ltns not the other way around. And other 'just be a certain race's are jokes
I don’t really think there is a single part I disagree with. Just parts I think are over emphasized and ones that are underrated
Jbw is legit. You only see noodles with white normies/ltns not the other way around. And other 'just be a certain race's are jokes
If that were true then this forum would just be Ethnics.is.

What do you think is holding the whitecels on here back from ascending?
If that were true then this forum would just be Ethnics.is.

What do you think is holding the whitecels on here back from ascending?
Jbw is true for normies whites. There is no just be game for normie ethnics
If that were true then this forum would just be Ethnics.is.

What do you think is holding the whitecels on here back from ascending?
They are volcel scums who aren't willing to seamaxx/racemix or are severely autistic
If that were true then this forum would just be Ethnics.is.

What do you think is holding the whitecels on here back from ascending?
I am white and jbw is still legit. An identical in all ways except skin color ethnic version of me would be treated far worse
I am white and jbw is still legit. An identical in all ways except skin color ethnic version of me would be treated far worse
True skin colour halo is real, I have experienced it several times
True skin colour halo is real, I have experienced it several times
I haven’t experienced a halo from being white, but it saves you from the failo being ethnic is. People would be far more suspicious of me if I was ethnic
True. Even if it’s too small, it is most likely not the cause of your inceldom. If you can’t even get a girl in bed, she will never even see your dick, so it doesn’t matter
The dickpill is not about getting girls in bed. The dickpill is about wheter you can or not pleasure a girl with your dick.
True. Even if it’s too small, it is most likely not the cause of your inceldom. If you can’t even get a girl in bed, she will never even see your dick, so it doesn’t matter
It can be. I know the lack of confidence in having a micropenis, it fucks you up in so many ways which can make someone inkwell
The dickpill is not about getting girls in bed. The dickpill is about wheter you can or not pleasure a girl with your dick.
Some users here say shit like "I have a 5 inch penis, it's so over for me".
The dickpill is not about getting girls in bed. The dickpill is about wheter you can or not pleasure a girl with your dick.
Yeah, but some guys twist it and act like a small dick is the reason they can’t get girls in bed in the first place
It can be. I know the lack of confidence in having a micropenis, it fucks you up in so many ways which can make someone inkwell
Average is around 5 inch, very little amount of people have micro penis and too many people claim it
It can be. I know the lack of confidence in having a micropenis, it fucks you up in so many ways which can make someone inkwell
I can understand that to an extent. It’s not the reason why you can’t get girls though. Just try to imagine if Jeremy Meeks had a small dick. Even if he did, do you think his outcome would have changed much? I doubt it, cause his looks carried all. Females would still want him even knowing about his small dick.
that the sole defining aspect that matters is height, there’s plenty of tall cels, me included, my problems are definitely external and i know im probably about to make some short cels seethe.
I am white and jbw is still legit. An identical in all ways except skin color ethnic version of me would be treated far worse
Wouldn't you have ascended by now if all that you needed to do is be white?

Being white is definitely a plus but it's not all that you need to ascend imo
Any Just Be -theory except Just Be Chad
Wouldn't you have ascended by now if all that you needed to do is be white?
Think deeper. JBW doesn’t mean all whites can ascend easily. Just means they have a higher SMV than a facially identical ethnic would be. And it’s real. If I was ethnic people would be suspicious of me far more, and I’d have even lower chances of ever ascending. Even if JBW doesn’t halo you, it does prevent an extra failo from bringing you down further.
Being white is definitely a plus but it's not all that you need to ascend imo
Exactly. This is how JBW is meant to be interpreted
Think deeper. JBW doesn’t mean all whites can ascend easily. Just means they have a higher SMV than a facially identical ethnic would be. And it’s real. If I was ethnic people would be suspicious of me far more, and I’d have even lower chances of ever ascending. Even if JBW doesn’t halo you, it does prevent an extra failo from bringing you down further.

Exactly. This is how JBW is meant to be interpreted
Maybe I'm taking the saying to literally.

Usually when I see people say "JBW" they are saying that all you need to ascend is to be white
Maybe I'm taking the saying to literally.
I can tell. Autism trait to take everything literally. A joke flew right over my head earlier on here
Usually when I see people say "JBW" they are saying that all you need to ascend is to be white
Only retards say that. It just increases your chances with all else the same, not guarantees anything.
I used to think a woman’s body count didn’t matter, but then I realized how retarded that was. “Yay. My first gf at 32. It doesn’t matter that she’s sucked and fucked 100+ guys. She chose me in the end.” :feelskek:
I can tell. Autism trait to take everything literally. A joke flew right over my head earlier on here

Only retards say that. It just increases your chances with all else the same, not guarantees anything.
Jbw means being white raises your smv. If you're a littral abomination than it isnt gonna make the cut.
If you have average size dick, you should not delute yourself into thinking that your dick size is preventing you from ascending
Even if your dick is a 2'incher if you manage to get to see pussy it is very unlikely the foid will deny you sex over your size.

Sure she will probably never match with you again but to her it will be amusing and a chance to humiliate you. Having a small dick definitely sucks in many ways but it won't stop anyone from having sex.
Even if your dick is a 2'incher if you manage to get to see pussy it is very unlikely the foid will deny you sex over your size.

Sure she will probably never match with you again but to her it will be amusing and a chance to humiliate you. Having a small dick definitely sucks in many ways but it won't stop anyone from having sex.
it will lead you to getting cucked if it's that small.
Slavpill disproves the idea of universal JBW. It 100% exists in western countries, SEA, and many other places though, but some of the reasons are cultural. Others (light hair/eyes, height, etc) are genetic. Basically, I partially believe in JBW, but it's not as major a pill as many here make out.
It may not be blackpill exactly, more like redpill, but some users here do post shit like that.
I always laugh when I see that some lonely ulgy man writes something like:
she rejected good guys and therefore she will be lonely old cat lady, or she will have to settle with betabucks.
I always laugh because this women will still have 1000 times better life than ugly men writing those things.
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Think deeper. JBW doesn’t mean all whites can ascend easily. Just means they have a higher SMV than a facially identical ethnic would be. And it’s real. If I was ethnic people would be suspicious of me far more, and I’d have even lower chances of ever ascending. Even if JBW doesn’t halo you, it does prevent an extra failo from bringing you down further.

Exactly. This is how JBW is meant to be interpreted
It is true.

I am already a discount white as I am Slavic and my facial features are a disaster however if I was ethnic, my facial features wouldn't be a disaster, they would be completely unredeemable. Having very brown-curry skin is such a debuff, being a nigger is 10x better than being a curry. Because race is more than just looks, it is also the social aspect of it, curries are perceived as poor and low-quality, if they were the richest nation on earth like America they would be perceived way differently. Yet niggers due to slavery have been 'standardized' in the west, you can tell which nigger is from the West and which from Africa now days, one gets the 'West' halo the other does not despite their features being similar.

Look at China, when the gooks were poor before all insane pseudo-planned economy capitalism mix shit that went down there, they were looked down upon, and seen as low quality. Now they are still definitely worse quality than Korean and Japanese gooks but yet their status has risen drastically and so did their race status and quality along with it.

Though looks are still the larger end of this equation.

I will test just how useful the JBWmaxxing is in reality in the coming months in Philippines. I do not know if I can pass the looks threshold but on the other hand I have seen many other older Slavic men getting with 20-year-old-somethings Filipinas. I am pretty old at 29 but still, 29 is not as old as 35+. This is probably the last chance I can get to pull this off so I can't afford another year of coping and rotting like all the 7 previous years I tried to SEAmaxx. That won't happen anymore as that person no longer exists.
it will lead you to getting cucked if it's that small.
Of course.

You can forget about long-term romantic success. You will get cucked, abused, made fun of and humiliated constantly.

But you will not be an incel and you can ascend.

I think height and race matter more than face (if the guy is ltn and up)

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