It sure as shit isn't a fuck fest, especially for us incels. There are chads, normies, and the guys who never get any. My time in the military is really what blackpilled me and cause me to naturally discover the JBW theory, though. Even the ugliest of dudes somehow managed to go on leave and come back with a wife. Hell, one of the most insufferable guys I knew who literally had no redeeming qualities (no looks, absolutely shit personality, and his breath also smelled like ass) somehow managed to find a wife. They may all ended up being cucks, but at least they found a woman willing to give up the pussy.
There was this one dude I knew who legit looked like the yellow dude from sin city. There was also a literal fedora wearing fat guy as well. They were still single as far as I know. The fedora guy had a bunch of female friends, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got laid eventually. The yellow bastard may probably still be an incel. Some guys tried to buy a prostitute for him while they were in the the Philippines and she even rejected him. Brutal. So much for JBWIA.