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LDAR what would it take you to join the military?



Stay asleep
Aug 15, 2018
im in the usa

i would do it without question if i was guaranteed access to funded jb pussy

but as it stands, i will stay the fuck away from it
You are definitely not going to get guaranteed access to that. Quite the opposite, as you know, you'll be around virtually all men for years.

I laughed at the military for a long time, and of course I hate the burgerstan military machine fighting wars for weasely globalists, but the structure and routine of the military is probably good for molding young men without direction in their lives.
I would gladly go to jail for draft dodging before going to fight and die for government overlords.
I’ll fight for the Turkish military.
i would do it without question if i was guaranteed access to funded jb pussy

but as it stands, i will stay the fuck away from it
The military is for ppl who struggle to get food and shelter bro... No normal person would want to join. They love to sing their praises but vets are treated like shit.
War with israel
dont have a choice kek its mandatory for me to spend 6 months militarymaxxing
Unlimited pussy and free Subway for life
Military joins us tbh
They’d need to grease the wheels for me before I would ever consider it
I would proudly fight for the SS but I would never fight for Israel
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To be man, not fag. But would not joing lithuanian, fuck lithuania, and their militarism propagation because of "russian treat"
Permission to kill cucks
I actually prepared and planned on joining the Army after high school, but was turned away for some medical reasons.

Now that I think about it, I would have been miserable in the military. In order to do well in the military you need to be at least Chadlite material, love working in teams, and love obeying authority. Those traits are the polar opposite of me.
Free sliding genio, orbital rim implants and skin laser surgery. Daily reminder that you MUST go to military in Russia just lol
There isn't anything that would make me join.

Fuck risking my life for the sake of some bullshit war.
they don't have anything to offer me
I would gladly go to jail for draft dodging before going to fight and die for government overlords.
Give me access to JB pussy, money and social status.
Not only do i get to fuck JBs when i'm on duty but also when i come home, i have a JB wife i married.
prime loyal jb pussy and enough money for rest of my life to live on
The military is far worse than what it sounds
It is comparable to high school with no breaks and more suffering
Military life is not for most incels
if i get really good weapons and good money
fighting against the US
Losing everything that I have, well I had very little to begin with anyways.
I couldn't ever imagine how much of a cuck you need to be to be a military worker, especially if you die for them. They fight *literally* for jews, USA gives massive cuts to Israel. Being in the military is more cucked than watching your wife get fucked by 10000 black bulls at the same time
Lack of money
im in the usa

i would do it without question if i was guaranteed access to funded jb pussy

but as it stands, i will stay the fuck away from it
Physical, non-sexual intimacy with woma(e)n
you get absolutely nothing when you get back.

the only thing you can get out of military service is some kind of personal victory and triumph, if you fought for the right people and somehow managed to avoid getting maimed

all wars will be kikewars for the time being, so fat chance at that
i always wanted to join the army since i was 6 but sadly i cant due to my bad eye sight and anxiety plus nobody cares about soldiers where i am from they care more about some black guy that got killed then a soldier that died for his country
Military is a bad cope
Tried the military thing, almost got through basic but failed due to fitness, Run time was hot garbo no matter how much I tried, Even passed out a couple times. They told me to go home and train, try again. I think now I could hack it and kill it, but I really despise the daily retardation and the people. The routine was really refreshing though, even though the issued rifle was laughably bad.
If I can have a cushy desk job flying drones like I'm playing Pilotwings? Something in surveillance?
- A legitimate war to save our country.
- Non cucked leadership.
- A family that's worth dying for.
- Patriarchy laws that punish my wife for cheating on me.
I won't join the military , but I'll fight a war for any army really. Military is boring , but fighting in a war allows e to kill legally and that would be fun.
Already joined the military and left it.

It was far better than going to college right out of highschool. There is absolutely nothing cucked about it (US military at least). I got out with a free colelge degree, over $20k in my bank account, a security clearance, and unique job experience. The only people who are in danger of dying are there because they volunteered to be there. The US military is basically its own society, there are a fuck ton of jobs that you can take that'll put you far away from combat.
Maybe I’d join if I didn’t have to work for the rest of my life.
Anything else about the experience?

It sure as shit isn't a fuck fest, especially for us incels. There are chads, normies, and the guys who never get any. My time in the military is really what blackpilled me and cause me to naturally discover the JBW theory, though. Even the ugliest of dudes somehow managed to go on leave and come back with a wife. Hell, one of the most insufferable guys I knew who literally had no redeeming qualities (no looks, absolutely shit personality, and his breath also smelled like ass) somehow managed to find a wife. They may all ended up being cucks, but at least they found a woman willing to give up the pussy.

There was this one dude I knew who legit looked like the yellow dude from sin city. There was also a literal fedora wearing fat guy as well. They were still single as far as I know. The fedora guy had a bunch of female friends, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got laid eventually. The yellow bastard may probably still be an incel. Some guys tried to buy a prostitute for him while they were in the the Philippines and she even rejected him. Brutal. So much for JBWIA.

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