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Serious What would it take for you to willingly defend you country during a war?

What would it take for you to willingly defend you country during a war?

  • A piece of pussy (girlfriend)

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Wife and kids

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • Family (no wife and kids)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Property in the country

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • Benefits

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 29.1%

  • Total voters
El Enemigo

El Enemigo

Dec 20, 2021
I've seen many say they would willingly go if they had a wife and kids to protect, honestly, I think leaving your family like that during war times I believe is worst, it's not like they could not be attacked by "fellow compatriots"

I'm curious to see what the forum thinks tbh, would you die for pussy? :feelshehe:
Benefits or property.
Depends on whether I hate the enemies enough
Takedown my internet and I'm gonna take down your country(yes putin).
War is retarded if its over resources, the only war i would fight is jew slaughter other than that flee to safety with people i care.
Niggas dying for pussy be like:
IMG 20220228 WA0007

Voted wife and kids but if we'd lose, I'd die and my wife and daughter would get raped. So it would make more sense to let others do the fighting and then commit honorable suicide together if the war is lost
If i had a wife and kids and was accepted by the community then i might
who would die in a war for some pussy? aint no pussy worth that
Literally everything that most men had in the past or at least had a chance of reasonably attaining.

I'd fight for my country if I had :

- A sense of community (Soulless globalist world that we live in now and I live in NYC in isolation.)
- A Wife (Hypergamy and feminism gone rampant destroyed this.)
- A plot of land with a house and garden. (Literally only possible now if you have a 6-figure job minimum, and you have to be a millionaire to have this in most major cities.)
- A government that cared about the integrity of it's nation-state (The United States is a literal joke at this point. Letting millions of illegal immigrants in for instance.)
- A sense of freedom (Anti-human oversocializing policies run the world now)

Literally what every baby-boomer could attain at one point. I'd easily fight for my country if I was afforded all of this no question.
With no wife and kids there's nothing to defend.
I don't care for politics, nationalism, and fighting wars started by men in suits who use the blood of citizens to reap profits and control.

I would only fight if the invaders were antagonistic towards non-combatants and civilians, and if they "appropriated" their wealth and properties. Otherwise, I don't give a shit who wants to plant their flag and play king.
I don't care for politics, nationalism, and fighting wars started by men in suits who use the blood of citizens to reap profits and control.

I would only fight if the invaders were antagonistic towards non-combatants and civilians, and if they "appropriated" their wealth and properties. Otherwise, I don't give a shit who wants to plant their flag and play king.
What? Isn't that what happens to the losing side in every war? The civilians eat shit and lose their lands either because they get destroyed or owned by the winning side
I was talking to a coworker about this, and I said the only country I'll fight for is one where I'll be the leader; so it'd technically be everything on the poll.:feelshmm:
What? Isn't that what happens to the losing side in every war? The civilians eat shit and lose their lands either because they get destroyed or owned by the winning side
Only if the invaders are pillagers and marauders. In most modern cases, collateral damage aside, the goal is simply the takeover of government. If that could happen peacefully (extremely low probability), then there wouldn't be a need to move in your army and subjugate the government by force.

What you're talking about is typically relic of old wars fought in the past where generals and leaders would promise their military hordes riches, women, and lands. Unfortunately, it's also somewhat dependent on the type of government that is invading. Communist Maoists, for example, would waltz in and just take your shit and kill you if you objected, because LOLCOMMUNISM.
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Justus Grossbier doesn't meet the IQ requirements for the U.S military.

Aspie John: Excluded due to height and other things...
I'd fight for my country if I had :

- A sense of community (Soulless globalist world that we live in now and I live in NYC in isolation.)
- A Wife (Hypergamy and feminism gone rampant destroyed this.)
- A plot of land with a house and garden. (Literally only possible now if you have a 6-figure job minimum, and you have to be a millionaire to have this in most major cities.)
- A government that cared about the integrity of it's nation-state (The United States is a literal joke at this point. Letting millions of illegal immigrants in for instance.)
- A sense of freedom (Anti-human oversocializing policies run the world now)
I would only fight if the invaders were antagonistic towards non-combatants and civilians, and if they "appropriated" their wealth and properties. Otherwise, I don't give a shit who wants to plant their flag and play king.

Very much this.

We've seen especially clearly in the past two years that we are governed by tyrans. Why would I care if an other one wants to replace the ones in charge?

There is no reason to do anything unless the new rulers appear to be even worse.

I mean, for all we know the invader could be a liberator, so I'd give him a chance.
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Only if the invaders are pillagers and marauders. In most modern cases, collateral damage aside, the goal is simply the takeover of government. If that could happen peacefully (extremely low probability), then there wouldn't be a need to move in your army and subjugate the government by force.

What you're talking about is typically relic of old wars fought in the past where generals and leaders would promise their military hordes riches, women, and lands. Unfortunately, it's also somewhat dependent on the type of government that is invading. Communist Maoists, for example, would waltz in and just take your shit and kill you if you objected, because LOLCOMMUNISM.
Dude, do you live in a bubble? That outcome is not a "relic"
It just happened in Afghanistan with the taliban. :feelsugh:
But you make a fair point, the current Ukraine vs Russia seems mostly political and those wars are not worth fighting for
It just happened in Afghanistan with the taliban. :feelsugh:
How did that happen? How was the money and property of the local populace stolen by the invading NATO forces? I mean systematically, not the occasional criminal squad who decided to kill a small village, steal their valuables, and rape their women. (I'm not defending NATO or the invasion, but I need you to clarify.)
I would do it for like 5 bucks :feelshaha: [UWSL]i dont even give a shit anymore at this point :feelshaha:[/UWSL]
The enemy would need to be maniacs who are likely to kill, pillage, enslave, or sodomize me if they win. Even then, I’d aim to support the war effort as far away from the front lines as possible. At that point, I’d gladly work in the defense industry or for national intelligence.
a nation that isn't racially homogeneous and anti-degeneracy is never worth fighting for
How did that happen? How was the money and property of the local populace stolen by the invading NATO forces? I mean systematically, not the occasional criminal squad who decided to kill a small village, steal their valuables, and rape their women. (I'm not defending NATO or the invasion, but I need you to clarify.)
How did that happen? Wtf
Many left because of the takeover, meaning many taliban apropiated of those lands, just as an example.
What do you think happen to those properties? Did the taliban simplify won the war and the land and then left after establishing their politics?
War is retarded if its over resources, the only war i would fight is jew slaughter other than that flee to safety with people i care.
Enjoy the (((Great Reset))) :feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
How did that happen? Wtf
Many left because of the takeover, meaning many taliban apropiated of those lands, just as an example.
What do you think happen to those properties? Did the taliban simplify won the war and the land and then left after establishing their politics?
Leaving your home because of a takeover does not necessarily imply that your property was lost to the takeover. I've been connected to the events that have occurred in that country for the past 20 years (no, I'm not a glownigger). The locals tell me that some Taliban have moved into empty, unclaimed homes, while others are thugs who claim they're the Taliban to do the same. Some have come back to the country to show their proof of ownership and have claimed their homes back to try and sell them.

That shitshow is a mixed bag, but I get what you're saying.
Other: nothing. The USA is a police state run by a satanic cabal of cannibalistic pedophiles, and all the tax money goes to the rich politicians wiping their asses with it, and towards whores who get their abortions paid for them after getting raw dogged in the back of Chad's 1996 Honda Civic. I would never fight for this fucking country, but I don't hate those who do.
my country is a ponzi scheme. I didn't choose to be a citizen of it, and apparently everyone can become one making it meaningless anyway. I have nothing in common with the people who uphold its values. the people who run it want to fuck me in the ass.

no sane person should bother unless their country is a high-trust community in which people are honest, respectful, cut from the same cloth and feel a sense of communityship with one another, as opposed to being a den of international hyenas
Absolutely nothing would make me fight for my country, this country is a shithole, nothing to be saved here.
Pussy, wife and kids, or property. Any of those will do. Mostly want a wife and kids
I just want an excuse to die..

Literaly nothing. I'm not doing it for soyciety, I'm doing it for myself and my bros. Plus I'm too lazy to learn russian.
The enemy would need to be maniacs who are likely to kill, pillage, enslave, or sodomize me if they win. Even then, I’d aim to support the war effort as far away from the front lines as possible. At that point, I’d gladly work in the defense industry or for national intelligence.
ok glowie
Plus I'm too lazy to learn russian.
Eh, it's not that bad. If you have no problems with pronunciations and stress on your vocal chords, it's just like any other language (alphabet, syntax, grammar, and vocabulary).
I've seen many say they would willingly go if they had a wife and kids to protect, honestly, I think leaving your family like that during war times I believe is worst, it's not like they could not be attacked by "fellow compatriots"

I'm curious to see what the forum thinks tbh, would you die for pussy? :feelshehe:
Your wife will get dicked down by the chad who ran to not fight. That’s why many military people get cucked while they are away on missions.
I would need to have a guarantee that at the end of the war, that in return for winning the war I receive virgin wife of my choosing, she would need to be in her prime and age of consent/marriage lowered to that age. I would also need to be gauanteed a house of reasonable size, and a good job with pension and yearly raises that exceed inflation.

This is basically what the soldiers of WW2 received. From 1945 through until the 1970s it was a tremendous economic boom era. I have no fucking idea how the military is still able to convince idiots to risk dying for their country... for absolutely no reason.
Literally nothing, even if I had a loyal foid I'd just run away with her. No way in hell I'm fighting for kike purposes
Literally nothing, even if I had a loyal foid I'd just run away with her. No way in hell I'm fighting for kike purposes
How to run away with her if they ban men from leaving the country? Just like cuckraine did
How to run away with her if they ban men from leaving the country? Just like cuckraine did
get away through some forest. I don't get why is everyone leaving with their car, the first thing you would block to stop people from leaving is the roads :society::society:
Over 100 k dolars
I'm good with Putin's 7 million rubles policy but that only applies if I die so I can't get money amyway
I'm good with Putin's 7 million rubles policy but that only applies if I die so I can't get money amyway
And a Russian or ukrainian gf so I can move out with her on a farm in the middle of Siberia it sounds like a dream I'm coping too much:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:

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