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what was your SMV status throughout your childhod and how did it change if it did?



Nov 28, 2017
i dont remember anything before 5 other than unironically being severly autistic(like shitting myself constantly autistic) but according to my brother even then i had far more AMV(attraction market value since young kids wouldnt be interested in sex) to other kids than i do now. im going to be honest here. my family moved and when i arrived in my new school my cuteness, confidence, "humor"(i was naturally a class clown at the time) and charm made me the chad of those days.  after that we all moved schools and my chad status went to just normie clown although my looks were still relatively good. i was young and dumb so i though they were laughing with me when they were laughing at me and i kept doing it. somedays i feel like travelling back in time and laying a beatdown on my pre pre-teen self. anyway. then years later we moved schools again and the school i went to, i would graduate being a completely different person. the 6 years i spent completely changed who i am at core. this change in persona probably fucked up my SMV even more. when i first entered at the time we all hadnt gone through puberty and i had no acne and was average weight so i was normie tier in looks. as the years went on i slowly changed from normie tier to incel. then after that i moved again and here i am now, antisocial, misanthropist and incel. now im probably not even a 5.
As a kid I genuinely had attractive features for that age. Like compared to other kids up until like 7 lmao.
I was a good looking kid. Was even called a future lady-killer at one time, kek.

Ultimately, I never broke out of manletism and started baldceling at 23, so it was over for me. Even before that, I hardly had any opportunities to escape. FHOs would stare, but never talk. I was Friend Zoned. Bleh.

'I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum which is what I am. Let's face it.'
I feel you buddy boyo.. My chin wasn't recessed when I was a kid
BlackPill47 said:
I was a good looking kid. Was even called a future lady-killer at one time, kek.

Ultimately, I never broke out of manletism and started baldceling at 23, so it was over for me. Even before that, I hardly had any opportunities to escape. FHOs would stare, but never talk. I was Friend Zoned. Bleh.

'I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum which is what I am. Let's face it.'

Everyone says nice things to children even if they're lies. It's often those who know the parents of the child who say such nice things. It's all a bunch of virtue signaling not grounded on any objective reality
As a prepubescent boy in a conservative religious milieu it was extremely high.
Currently Rotting said:
Everyone says nice things to children even if they're lies. It's often those who know the parents of the child who say such nice things. It's all a bunch of virtue signaling not grounded on any objective reality

These compliments were from third parties. A long time ago now of course.
In fourth grade every girl in my class was in love with me lmao. Doesn't make much sense because looking at old pictures I was a 6/10 at best.
My ears have been enormous for my whole entire life, and they looked even more ridiculous on a pre-pubescent munchkin who was also a little chubby. My deepset eyes were engulfed in chubby cheeks and made me look like a cross between a pig and an elephant as a result.

My face peaked when I was around 14/15. I was ~145 lb. (65 kg) and ~5'9'' (175 cm) so my jawline looked good, skin cleared up nicely, I had just taken my braces off, ate healthy, and did a lot of sports. My body peaked around ~19 when I worked 55 hours/week in a factory doing strenuous labor; I was back to around 145 (weighed 180 at 18 after breaking my ankle and losing all my muscle from soccer/gymastics), strong body, but my face was already fucked because I broke my nose, had a  shit diet, drank mad beer and smoked mad cigarettes. It's been about 10 years since then and it's been just steadily downhill, year in, year out. I have a mutated babyface but I have no time to work out.

I know that this isn't that impressive but this is still my absolute peak at 19. Me from 19 years ago mogs me so fucking hard. Lean is everything.

I was an attractive kid. Then puberty hit, depression hit, I got fat, I stopped growing vertically, and by the age of 16 I was a full-blown truecel.
nerdic abo mong from womb to tomb ofc
age 0-10 i was around 7/10
11-15 i was 2/10
16-22 3/10
23 - 4/10
I looked better with a more narrow soft feminine face (before puberty) than a square face (after puberty), lol. Now, I look pretty scary, and women avoid me.
weservenomsg said:
age 0-10 i was around 7/10
11-15 i was 2/10
16-22 3/10
23 - 4/10

you might be a chad by around 50 /s
Absolute 0 and it dropped to unfixable negative levels after 22.
i cant believe you guys are vegeta coping about what you looked like as kids

no one cares

its all about what you looks like when girls wanted to touch and fuck penis
Almost everyone looks normal as a kid. Kids have the cuteness factor which makes them valuable even among other kids.
i_a_m_i said:
Almost everyone looks normal as a kid. Kids have the cuteness factor which makes them valuable even among other kids.
This is pretty much true, 100% my man.
i_a_m_i said:
Almost everyone looks normal as a kid. Kids have the cuteness factor which makes them valuable even among other kids.

eh, according to femoids incels still have the cuteness factor as teens and adults, although its a COMPLETELY different type of cute. like the "he is so autistic he will never get laid" cute.
I had quite a few female friends back when I was a kid and they actually seemed to enjoy my presence.

Then puberty hit and I became repulsive to everything female.

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