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Brutal What was the worst thing someone said to you?



Proud misogynist
Oct 21, 2023
In school, I used to be dubbed pussy repellant because of how ugly I was and how ugly people like you should die. Foids also told me that I looked like a rodent and that they got repulsed when they touched me.
That tallfag nigger in 6th grade that mocked me for being alone and the whole class laughed

My then-"best friend" in 7th grade who told me to go away and stop following him

My oneitis in 10th grade who cancelled the date we were supposed to have

Plus all the times people mocked me for my height, my skin color or my hair color

I went through some serious shit
"Don't touch me."

-My oneitis who was sitting across the room from me when I asked her if she was feeling ok
I don't remember, I've forgotten most of it.
It's the only way I can sleep at night.
"I would kill myself if I were you"

Been told that so many times.
Called a bunch of nicknames for my big forehead, which my receding hairline never helped.

Some nicknames for having acne: "volcano face" "pizza face" etc.

"twig arms" or "noodle arms" in reference to my wrist/arm size.

And a few others....
That tallfag nigger in 6th grade that mocked me for being alone and the whole class laughed
Death to all tallfags, they're the most insufferable fuckers out there.
My then-"best friend" in 7th grade who told me to go away and stop following him
Mogs me for having a friend or someone who wants to be seen with you.
My oneitis in 10th grade who cancelled the date we were supposed to have
How did you even get that far with a foid?:giga:
Plus all the times people mocked me for my height, my skin color or my hair color
Yes the height part I can relate to
I went through some serious shit
Same brocel:feelsrope:
This happened awhile back

Got accused of having a Napoleon Complex by some random wagie foid... Now what I was doing to provoke that.

Standing in line waiting at the self-checkout. I also got laughed and taunted by the other store employees when I went back into the store to get something I forgot
How did you even get that far with a foid?:giga:
I had a crush on her for months.
One day I asked her out to go on a date later that week and she said yes.
Then I thought "wow finally at 15 yo I'll know how it feels to have a gf".
And when we were supposed to go, she told me that she changed her mind and that she didn't want to go.
Two weeks later she got a jock chad bf.
This one basketball player used to tell me to kill myself and he would buy me a gun do he could watch. He still got Chad worshipped by foids and normfags doing this in front of them. As long as you smile and laugh as a chad you can say any sociopath shit to incels and get away with it
"I don't know why you keep living ?"
I had a crush on her for months.
One day I asked her out to go on a date later that week and she said yes.
Then I thought "wow finally at 15 yo I'll know how it feels to have a gf".
And when we were supposed to go, she told me that she changed her mind and that she didn't want to go.
Two weeks later she got a jock chad bf.
Damn, these foids are chads little fuck dolls since they were young.
Foid told me she loved me and adored me only to turn on me not long after that revealing her previous words to be nothing but pure bullshit.

I realized soon afterwards that she merely used me to feel good about her life (I was but a momentary distraction for her) as it was crumbling all around her at the time.

Highschool never ends for us my friends.

Meaning foids don’t magically mature and grow out of being selfish cunts once they age out of their teen years.

They will use you for your time and attention and lead you on if you’re not careful giving you nothing substantial in return if you’re incel tier genetics (substantial of course referring to sex, love and lasting companionship.)

Even Chad bares the brunt of Foid selfishness, immaturity and emotional instability with the 75% divorce rate statistic as evidence.
"We used to be proud of you, now we are ashamed of you." - My mother
In school, I used to be dubbed pussy repellant because of how ugly I was and how ugly people like you should die. Foids also told me that I looked like a rodent and that they got repulsed when they touched me.
i been told many terrible things, been told i look like the guy from up, my chin was terrible, i had cheeks that are fat, i was short, they said nobody likes me, they said how i was ugly etc
A grade school teacher once told me to wash my hair in front of the class.
Lots of things

For example when the girl I asked to prom said she would think about it just not to find anyone to go with her and later go with me as "friends". Then she kept gravitating AWAY from me just to ask me if I'm going to the afterparty (which I didn't go to) and probably to be fucked by chad
I can't remember most of the obscenities people have told me, but can strongly recall their actions. And I was alone, taking the abuse.

It's in the past now, it's what makes us stronger in character.
I got punched in the bag of the head while pissing in a urinal, turned around, my penis accidentally showed, a rumor spread that I had a small penis, then most people called me small-penis George (not my real name) for the rest of year.
I got punched in the bag of the head while pissing in a urinal, turned around, my penis accidentally showed, a rumor spread that I had a small penis, then most people called me small-penis George (not my real name) for the rest of year.
foidlet said “why do u look like that”
my dad told me he wanted to kill me
No 10000th pussy for your face (I've only ascended with 999)
A girl in highschool told me I was gonna be a 40 year old virgin
A girl in highschool told me I was gonna be a 40 year old virgin
I was about to start raging in front of her but I had to keep it cool and act like I wasn't bothered
Bullied for being a “white arab” . Called tomato cuz I used to go red a lot. Literal fucking racism but no one cares when it happens to a white guy. If it was a black nigger he’d get more sympathy
9th grade: told that I smell and my nose is ugly

10th grade: laughed at by a group of popular kids and called a retard despite me having higher grades than them

11th grade: foid told me that no woman would ever be with me unless they were paid due to my looks and pERsonality

12th grade: teacher told me they pitied me and good luck in the world
the lengthy loud eww always gets me
I can't think of anything. I've been treated pretty well. I don't have anyone to blame my failings on besides myself.

You're not good looking

You're going to be a bum

I don't want to work with you

Oh, you're going? Never mind

And in kindergarten two kids kept slamming my head on the school bus window
Back when I was at school a foid told me to suck my own dick.
As a kid, I was told I have a hackfresse, dachschaden, look Albanian, etc.
Well at school they also used to refer to me as "freak" and "weirdo" most of the horrible things I was called came from my so called "friends" when I was younger and my disgusting family. My mother outright said she hated me twice and that she wishes I was never born, she also constantly remarked on how "disgusting" I looked
In school, I used to be dubbed pussy repellant because of how ugly I was and how ugly people like you should die. Foids also told me that I looked like a rodent and that they got repulsed when they touched me.
I only received 1 complement in my life and it didn't even have anything to do with my looks JFL.

One time the girl said I had a nice shirt.

That was the only complement I have ever received from a woman ever.
Tallfags shouldn't have a place on this forum
“Ew I don’t want that thing” technically not said to me but said about me. Worse than any insult I’ve ever been hit with.

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