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Blackpill What was the last rejection that drove you to this insanity?



Shit Tier denim genes
Feb 17, 2018
I had a long history of rejections and I chalked it up as bad luck, but for me it was when I confronted my crush and told her I liked her since we have been getting friendly for about a month. She stared coldly into my eyes and said she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. I remembered walking home that day thinking that it was alright and i’ll try again when she is ready. 23 days later I saw her holding hands with a guy bigger and taller than me. That was the moment where every single memory of all my rejections from all the times that I tried came crashing back at me and left me crippled for at least a week. I skipped all my classes and starved myself for about 4 days in my dorm sleeping most of the time. At the end of it, I acknowledge that it wasn’t going to ever happen. And everything seemed...pointless. So what are your stories?
Started off getting rejected by 7/10 Stacies back in school. Figured that was typical so I started going after average girls. Still no luck. Finally tried ugly fat chicks and they all rejected me too. When 1/10 women don't want you, you know it's over. That's when the mindfuck begins.

I used to have some luck getting convos going, back when people used craigslist. That is until they'd ask me for a face pic and my height, then it was ghosting time. I don't even get online responses these days ever since everyone switched over to Tinder and OkCupid, where your face is displayed right away. Real life is same because again they see face/height. Jfl at being ugly short ethnic.
When i found out that i'm going bald at 16.
Took a coworker out for sushi for lunch. She didn't eat anything. Afterwards, she never spoke to me casually. Not sure what I did wrong, she was talking normally during the lunch.

That moment blackpilled the fuck out of me.
Took a coworker out for sushi for lunch. She didn't eat anything. Afterwards, she never spoke to me casually. Not sure what I did wrong, she was talking normally during the lunch.

That moment blackpilled the fuck out of me.

She realized you wanted to bone.
After years of rejection, lowering my standards, trying to "looksmax" unsuccessfully, attending seminars, even at one point hiring a "life coach" with money I basically had to starve myself to save up for, I befriended (online) a girl any of you would reasonably rate 0/10. I mentioned it in another thread, her face was deformed. I have Crouzon Syndrome myself, but objectively I think I may actually have been better looking than her, as she was probably near 400 pounds and wheelchair bound to boot.

Still, beyond all that, I slowly grew closer to her, speaking to her nearly every night for weeks, building a friendship, sharing stories. She would laugh at my jokes. We had a lot in common. We had never met in person (she lived several states away) but I would absolutely have been willing to overlook my initial lack of physical attraction to her. I actually, honestly did grow attracted to her personality. I would have relished the thought of being physically intimate, even making love, to this woman who most normies, based on looks, would consider absolutely unfuckable in even the most drunken and desperate circumstances.

I eventually approached her, told her I was beginning to develop feelings for her. She just said "oh..." and then "sorry, I just don't feel that way about you. Sorry." I never saw her around again after that, ever. She either deleted her account or blocked me.
had a girl i used to work with lead me on for over a year, this was when i was 19 at the time, i still cringe at how fucking dumb i was.

I was just an orbiter to her.
had a girl i used to work with lead me on for over a year, this was when i was 19 at the time, i still cringe at how fucking dumb i was.

I was just an orbiter to her.
This. There are girls who are nice to you but ignore you in the presence of friends and chad. Just stop interacting with them
After years of rejection, lowering my standards, trying to "looksmax" unsuccessfully, attending seminars, even at one point hiring a "life coach" with money I basically had to starve myself to save up for, I befriended (online) a girl any of you would reasonably rate 0/10. I mentioned it in another thread, her face was deformed. I have Crouzon Syndrome myself, but objectively I think I may actually have been better looking than her, as she was probably near 400 pounds and wheelchair bound to boot.

Still, beyond all that, I slowly grew closer to her, speaking to her nearly every night for weeks, building a friendship, sharing stories. She would laugh at my jokes. We had a lot in common. We had never met in person (she lived several states away) but I would absolutely have been willing to overlook my initial lack of physical attraction to her. I actually, honestly did grow attracted to her personality. I would have relished the thought of being physically intimate, even making love, to this woman who most normies, based on looks, would consider absolutely unfuckable in even the most drunken and desperate circumstances.

I eventually approached her, told her I was beginning to develop feelings for her. She just said "oh..." and then "sorry, I just don't feel that way about you. Sorry." I never saw her around again after that, ever. She either deleted her account or blocked me.
Jesus. I want to kill myself after reading this
Took a coworker out for sushi for lunch. She didn't eat anything. Afterwards, she never spoke to me casually. Not sure what I did wrong, she was talking normally during the lunch.

That moment blackpilled the fuck out of me.
Fuck man that’s literally what happened to me on so many accounts. It’s the ghosting that you get when you show just a tiny little bit of interest.
This. There are girls who are nice to you but ignore you in the presence of friends and chad. Just stop interacting with them
Holy shit this. Literally my female "friends". We are friends when we are alone it seems only and when they need someone to go clubbing/outside with.
Fuck this life.
After years of rejection, lowering my standards, trying to "looksmax" unsuccessfully, attending seminars, even at one point hiring a "life coach" with money I basically had to starve myself to save up for, I befriended (online) a girl any of you would reasonably rate 0/10. I mentioned it in another thread, her face was deformed. I have Crouzon Syndrome myself, but objectively I think I may actually have been better looking than her, as she was probably near 400 pounds and wheelchair bound to boot.

Still, beyond all that, I slowly grew closer to her, speaking to her nearly every night for weeks, building a friendship, sharing stories. She would laugh at my jokes. We had a lot in common. We had never met in person (she lived several states away) but I would absolutely have been willing to overlook my initial lack of physical attraction to her. I actually, honestly did grow attracted to her personality. I would have relished the thought of being physically intimate, even making love, to this woman who most normies, based on looks, would consider absolutely unfuckable in even the most drunken and desperate circumstances.

I eventually approached her, told her I was beginning to develop feelings for her. She just said "oh..." and then "sorry, I just don't feel that way about you. Sorry." I never saw her around again after that, ever. She either deleted her account or blocked me.
Legit suicide fuel
I She stared coldly into my eyes and said she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. I remembered walking home that day thinking that it was alright and i’ll try again when she is ready. 23 days later I saw her holding hands with a guy bigger and taller than me.

NEVER EVER EVER TRUST FEMALES. They are all degenerate cunts who lie.
This. There are girls who are nice to you but ignore you in the presence of friends and chad. Just stop interacting with them

i havent interacted with females in 2 years...

im 22.
i've never talked to a female before

maybe one day i'll do it so they can spit in my face and tell me to fuck off before they call the cops

better than this existence for sure.
i've never talked to a female before

maybe one day i'll do it so they can spit in my face and tell me to fuck off before they call the cops

better than this existence for sure.
how are you incel if you've never asked a girl out
how are you incel if you've never asked a girl out

because i know my place, there's no point getting your ego absolutely crushed when you already know what's going to happen

besides my inhibition is way too high anyway, i wouldn't even know the first thing to do. i might get a panic attack,throw up, and cry if she even said yes
I had a related story with a femoid I was friends with about a month. She also said that she isn't looking for a boyfriend right know. 2 weeks later she got a very tall boyfriend. His face looks fucking Ogre and he's very bossy around her. Why keep femoids falling always for the same kind of faggots? It's so fucking frustrating. Since then I want to die. I don't care if she rejected me, just don't fall for those tall scumbags for fucks sake.
I had a related story with a femoid I was friends with about a month. She also said that she isn't looking for a boyfriend right know. 2 weeks later she got a very tall boyfriend. His face looks fucking Ogre and he's very bossy around her. Why keep femoids falling always for the same kind of faggots? It's so fucking frustrating. Since then I want to die. I don't care if she rejected me, just don't fall for those tall scumbags for fucks sake.

I have noticed this as well, every relationship I have ever seen, the guy treats the girl like absolute shit and she just can't get enough, REGARDLESS of looks level. Even my normie friend who I considerably mog both in looks and height, got a relationship, LITERALLY lied that he wasn't a virgin just to fuck her, and bosses her around. He is high IQ as fuck though, because that's not his real personality. He's actually a very nice guy, but only acts that way around her.

Just be a fucking NT dickhead bro
When a girl that sent me nudes stood me up on a date and it turned out that she sent them to every male in class.

Legit still want to Kms about that.
Last rejection was back in 2012, made me depressed as fuck
This Arab chick, gave me the good old “I don’t give my number out”. After that I never tried again.

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