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Brutal What was the biggest blackpill you ever received from a foid?

Too many to count

Worst one I can think of recently was that I got accused of having a Napoleon Complex for no reason, my crime was checking out at the hardware store lololol
Another femdomcel i see :feelsokman:
A little, not into the whole gimp suit thing or whatever that crazy but I like the idea of a taller bigger foid, I could go for any size foid, I would like the idea of her acting a bit bossy or dominant at first but then half way through I get fed up with it and then reverse the roles on her. Just a fantasy since I am on this forum lol
Yes, but that doesn't mean I am a fakecel. That was/is just a visa and money scam, which the back then "purple-pilled" me fell for.
Well impossible to know your situation, it still sounds wild as fuck to be a divorcee incel but I see what you mean, did some foid use you for a green card? I see it was also kissless marriage.
Worst one I can think of recently was that I got accused of having a Napoleon Complex for no reason, my crime was checking out at the hardware store lololol
I have been told I have a Napoleon Complex one time, are you a fellow manlet. Your story at the hardware story sounds interesting if you wish to share.
Well impossible to know your situation, it still sounds wild as fuck to be a divorcee incel but I see what you mean, did some foid use you for a green card? I see it was also kissless marriage.
Yes you are right; I have reached levels of inceldom only few ever achieve.
Being mistake for my collegecels brother's father, it was so over facial hair to cover subhuman chin is cope you just look like an oldcel at 25
I think I mentioned this story once. Was at a party and a mutual friend of mine and this low-key racist white chadlite got a new housemate, this Indian foid. I tried to show interest in her, talk to her about her hobbies etc. Anyways fast forward a few hours and in front of me she basically jumped my chadlite friend and started making out with him. TBF to my friend even he found it awkward to he basically got her into his car and took her home, which stopped my humiliation a bit. But still, fucking suifuel. For reference, I'm 5ft curry, she was ~5ft7 curry and my friend was ~6ft1 white.
Being slapped by a girl when I was in primary school before hitting that bitch back I got into massive trouble and got shouted at by the Scottish headmaster who was 6ft something tallfag while I was a sub 4ft manlet it was brootal, it was then I realized society was blackpilled as the girl got no punishment despite starting it and I was a social pariah. Its probably where I get my anti social tendencies
A from the beginning kissless and sexless marriage that only cost me time and money, yes some people had to learn certain things the hard way (me).
You came out your marriage a virgin?
I think I mentioned this story once. Was at a party and a mutual friend of mine and this low-key racist white chadlite got a new housemate, this Indian foid. I tried to show interest in her, talk to her about her hobbies etc. Anyways fast forward a few hours and in front of me she basically jumped my chadlite friend and started making out with him. TBF to my friend even he found it awkward to he basically got her into his car and took her home, which stopped my humiliation a bit. But still, fucking suifuel. For reference, I'm 5ft curry, she was ~5ft7 curry and my friend was ~6ft1 white.
Brutal race and heightpill, looks like no amount of pERsonality helped.
You came out your marriage a virgin?
There was no sexual contact in the "marriage" that was more intense than holding hands for pictures. But at least I could hold her hands.
Next marriage I'll have, maybe I can kiss the bride if I pay extra money JFL
There was no sexual contact in the "marriage" that was more intense than holding hands for pictures. But at least I could hold her hands.
Next marriage I'll have, maybe I can kiss the bride if I pay extra money JFL
Just brutal. What a waste of money
When a former co worker out right told me she prefers her men "a little more toxic" (translation : I'm so ugly I make getting smacked around and cheated on seem enjoyable)

When same former co worker actually took friends and family to my new job to literally treat me like a freakshow exhibit to show how ugly and awkward I am.

When my silverback looking sheboon bitch co worker who learned of my history of rejections out right told me, that quote unquote "women would rather get knocked on their ass than be with a baldy headed rat faced little fuck like you"

Honorable mentions to the numerous women who rejected me in favor of men who cheated on them, hit them, abused/neglected their kids, date raped them, got them arrested, and in a few cases, almost killed them. Pretty monstrous shit by societal standards, but hey, I'm short and overweight and have a weird looking face, so I don't deserve to even take you out to dinner and a movie...
When I was a teen, I had a conversation with a girl and we were supposed to tell jokes. Once it was her turn she told me that I am beautiful. This was my blackpill moment.
I had one foid pick out every little detail that is wrong with my face, she also used to take the piss out of me for being so quiet and said that I was the most boring person that she's met.
I remember at my old job a few years ago there was this one bitch that I hated that told me that I “looked like the type of guy who hates valentines day”. This was completely unprovoked. It was obvious that what she meant by this was that I was an ugly loser who gets no pussy.

She was also dating the dude that bullied me so I hated her for that reason as well

Honestly I don’t know if I could ever forgive her for saying that to me.
my mom saying shit like she didnt give a shit when her 1st husband was in a coma
and she thought he would die anyway so she left him
even though they had 2 kids and were married

she said that to me, my little sister and with my dad in the room

i have more but ive had foids call me school shooter, rapist, tell me i smell like shit
ive seen my sisters betabux guys, fuck chad, drug dealers etc... without consequence. They make good money now, are educated
and one is married to engineer.

i mean there are so many stories like that. I think every single foid is a walking blackpill if you just pay attention.
When I was 18 and still went to nightclubs hoping to "score", a foid acquaintance casually said she only went there to enjoy the [positive reinforcement that come from simpish behavior] and always came back home with her foid friends. She said there was just too much competition there... she mentioned there were "more than 100 [foids] for every man in nightclubs." I told her 2/3 of the club goers are actually men. She replied she was aware of that, and she swore by her numbers and told me I was being silly, implying >99,5% of men are subhuman, and that's in the upper classes who can afford to go to nightclubs at all.

I never went clubbing ever again.
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The school boys that bullied me convinced the girls to ask me to the dance. After I said yes they then said they where joking and everyone laughed at me.
Brutal Season 6 GIF by Bachelor in Paradise
42A04747 29CF 4C51 830E 8A00F17E9DD3
B35F5416 7488 49A0 90EC 787ED84B067F
There’s power in your face specifically the middle . If you’re attractive as shown that means you literally have more bone growth in your face as supposed to those who aren’t . Meaning you have more social dominance over others, you receive more attention/positive attention, you’ll have more respect the more mid face growth you have. It’s truly a magical piece of the human face that holds the most value I can do a full descriptive and detailed article about it .
I remember at my old job a few years ago there was this one bitch that I hated that told me that I “looked like the type of guy who hates valentines day”.
That is a great, ambiguous insult tbf.
I had some girls in public next to me talk about how they would never date a guy under like 5'10
They made sure I would hear it, I'm 5'5 btw

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