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What therapists think about incels

It's not too bad of an echo chamber here. I observe lots of different views and disagreements
That top comment is absolutely terrible for a place devoted to therapy. It assumes a lot of traits of the person just because of the group that they identify with. You aren't supposed to assume negative shit about patients, wtf.
My cousin told me that the therapist he saw suggested some early form of PUA. Just approach women and play a character. It landed him in the hospital and I had my first visit since birth seeing him there when I was 11. He offed himself a few years later partly due to the misguided suggestions of “therapists”.
Fuck. Normies really dont understand us at all
>Incels are horrible people with absolutely disgusting mentalities!
>Learning Pick Up is also fucking abhorrent, if you have to do that then you're a bad person!
They WANT us to remain incels, they WANT us to off ourselves. They don't care about us and never will care about us unless they care because the want us fucking DEAD.

Normies can suck my big fat black cock. I'm glad this forum isn't overrun with them like /r/braincels is.
That top comment is absolutely terrible for a place devoted to therapy. It assumes a lot of traits of the person just because of the group that they identify with. You aren't supposed to assume negative shit about patients, wtf.
It might be fake then.
Also fuck the fake concerned tone they always have in subs like these. "Oh my, poor bastards are just retarded ain't they? Ah man, if only they would snap out of their retardation..." Fucking condescending pieces of shits. They act like they're above us, as if the only thing that didn't separate us and them were looks and upbringing. They pretend like all of us have mental illnesses, and sure, plenty here do, but not all of us do. Inceldom isn't an illness, it's just one of the many inevitabilities of black pill truths. I'm not mentally ill because I can't get laid, that shit is hard to do, especially if you're an ugly-ass ethnic minority in America with niche hobbies and interests.
Again, if you normies are lurking reading this post, suck my big fat American BBC grade dick.
Someone doxx them and get them fired for ruining the code of conduct.
The irony is alot of therapists are incels themselves.
Albert Ellis was an American psychologist who in 1955 developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).

No matter how anxious I was, whenever I saw a woman sitting alone on a park bench, I immediately—no debate!—sat next to her on the bench. I allowed no excuses as to how she looked, how old she was, whether she was tall or short, and so on. No excuses! I just forced myself, very uncomfortably, to sit next to her, whereupon, immediately, many of the women I sat next to quickly got up and walked away. All told, I think I approached and sat next to 130 women that month of August. Thirty, or almost a third of them, immediately walked away. Very discouraging! But that left me with an even hundred who still stayed—which was good for research purposes!

Not at all daunted, I spoke to the remaining hundred women just as I had planned to do. I spoke about the flowers, the trees, the weather, the birds, the bees, the book or paper they were reading—anything, just to make conversation. Nothing brilliant or clever. Nothing personal. No remarks about their looks or anything else that might make them afraid of me and make them turn away or leave. Just one hundred ordinary statements.

Well, the hundred women did speak back to me, some very briefly, some for an hour or more. I soon got many of them in animated conversation. When they seemed willing, I asked them about their work, their families, their living arrangements, their hobbies, interests, and so forth. Regular conversations, just as I would have had if I had been formally introduced to them.

As for my primary purpose in talking to them—to ask for a date, see them regularly, go to bed with them, and perhaps marry one of them—I got absolutely nowhere. Nowhere at all. For out of the hundred women I talked with, I was able to make only one date—and she didn’t show up for it! She talked with me for two hours, kissed me goodbye when she left, and agreed to meet me later in the park for a date that night. But she never showed up. And, foolishly, I neglected to ask for her phone number, so I never saw her again. How tragic! How disappointing! But I still survived. And thereafter, I always asked for the phone number of the women I met and dated!

Within that month of getting rejected by a hundred women, I completely lost my social anxiety and, especially, my fear of encountering strange women in strange places. For I saw, cognitively, that nothing terrible happened as a result of my rejections. None of the women I talked to took out a knife and cut my penis off. None of them vomited and ran away. None of them called a cop. No, no terrible thing, which I had so often imagined would happen, actually occurred. Instead, I had many pleasant conversations with these women, enjoyed having them, learned a great deal about women that I had not previously known, got increasingly less uncomfortable and afraid to talk to them, and had several other fortunate results. Best of all, I almost immediately got over my fear of approaching women, and for the rest of my life I have been able to speak to and try to date literally hundreds of them whenever I chance to meet them in parks, on trains, at airports, and other public places. I now have no fear of doing so, and even though I normally get rejected for sex, love, and marriage by the vast majority of them, my social anxiety has gone for good. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! My fear of doing poorly with women and being rejected was gone!
Albert Ellis was an American psychologist who in 1955 developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).
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No matter how anxious I was, whenever I saw a woman sitting alone on a park bench, I immediately—no debate!—sat next to her on the bench. I allowed no excuses as to how she looked, how old she was, whether she was tall or short, and so on. No excuses! I just forced myself, very uncomfortably, to sit next to her, whereupon, immediately, many of the women I sat next to quickly got up and walked away. All told, I think I approached and sat next to 130 women that month of August. Thirty, or almost a third of them, immediately walked away. Very discouraging! But that left me with an even hundred who still stayed—which was good for research purposes!

Not at all daunted, I spoke to the remaining hundred women just as I had planned to do. I spoke about the flowers, the trees, the weather, the birds, the bees, the book or paper they were reading—anything, just to make conversation. Nothing brilliant or clever. Nothing personal. No remarks about their looks or anything else that might make them afraid of me and make them turn away or leave. Just one hundred ordinary statements.

Well, the hundred women did speak back to me, some very briefly, some for an hour or more. I soon got many of them in animated conversation. When they seemed willing, I asked them about their work, their families, their living arrangements, their hobbies, interests, and so forth. Regular conversations, just as I would have had if I had been formally introduced to them.

As for my primary purpose in talking to them—to ask for a date, see them regularly, go to bed with them, and perhaps marry one of them—I got absolutely nowhere. Nowhere at all. For out of the hundred women I talked with, I was able to make only one date—and she didn’t show up for it! She talked with me for two hours, kissed me goodbye when she left, and agreed to meet me later in the park for a date that night. But she never showed up. And, foolishly, I neglected to ask for her phone number, so I never saw her again. How tragic! How disappointing! But I still survived. And thereafter, I always asked for the phone number of the women I met and dated!

Within that month of getting rejected by a hundred women, I completely lost my social anxiety and, especially, my fear of encountering strange women in strange places. For I saw, cognitively, that nothing terrible happened as a result of my rejections. None of the women I talked to took out a knife and cut my penis off. None of them vomited and ran away. None of them called a cop. No, no terrible thing, which I had so often imagined would happen, actually occurred. Instead, I had many pleasant conversations with these women, enjoyed having them, learned a great deal about women that I had not previously known, got increasingly less uncomfortable and afraid to talk to them, and had several other fortunate results. Best of all, I almost immediately got over my fear of approaching women, and for the rest of my life I have been able to speak to and try to date literally hundreds of them whenever I chance to meet them in parks, on trains, at airports, and other public places. I now have no fear of doing so, and even though I normally get rejected for sex, love, and marriage by the vast majority of them, my social anxiety has gone for good. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! My fear of doing poorly with women and being rejected was gone!

That guy is fucking insane tbh

I wouldn't even do that if I were Chad, the balls on that guy lol.
you cant really help people unless you've been through the shit yourself. best advice here is be white have money (which i need to work on somehow) and go to Thailand!
therapists are narcissistic bluepill spitters in my experience with them.
i was counselled by some random fat cunt on a star wars game who came to the conclusion that i was 'frustrated and lonely', then when i asked how do you think someone ends up like that he didnt know what to say and the entire server fucking bullied him till he quit, amazing.

btw he was having a go at me because i beat him in a duel

he was one of the most delusional and narcistic people i've ever met online, "i counsel kids like you... they are frustrated... lonely." YOU'RE A GROWN ASS MAN (despite me being 16 at the time), fucking fat cunt, people like him i'd slap up irl
no one mentions theyre incel irl
fake news.
off-topic, but I finally got a hot therapist. It's been a while, wish me luck guys
therapist - "women are not attracted to you because of your personality, that will be $200 thankyou, I will see you again next week where we will continue to blame you for the way women treat you"

which is why i have refused to ever see a therapist for my "problems", therapists are the normies on reddit mocking us

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