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What The Hell Is This Aspergers Nonsense?

  • Thread starter FrustratedWhiteMale
  • Start date


Jul 26, 2018
When I was a kid, there was no Aspergers. Autism was very rare.
We did have retarded people back then. We had Mongoloid, Willowbrook and so forth.
When I was kid, the people with social difficulty were called nerds, weird, misfits and awkward.
There was no special ed back then. Everyone went to normal school, except the Willowbrook kids.
It was so much bette before Aspergers. I would rather be called a Homosexual, then Aspergers.
By the way, kids did call each other retard back then. If I was a kid today, I would definitely be Aspergers. I probably would be in special education too.
There were people in my family, in the 1920's, that I could've sworn were Aspergers, but they got married anyway. I think this Aspergers thing is being overblown, like The Holocaust.
Yes, there was a Holocaust, yes, we have social difficulty, but this Asperger's nonsense has got to go.
I feel, that calling someone Aspergers, is a polite way of calling someone retarded.
There are many other new terms, which are tantamount to calling someone a retard, such as taking the short bus, special. I hate that word special. I would rather someone call me a retard than special, or Aspergers' for that matter
It sounds like a Disillusioned thread. Low IQ, no need to say.
I actually agree. All being labelled with aspergers did was make me extra self conscious as a teenager and very weary of being "outed" by doing or saying something so awkward during a social interaction that it would cause the solar system to implode.
old man yells at cloud
Aspergers and autism has always existed but it gets over diagnosed now tbh. Doctors are too eager to diagnose people with shit so any sign of slight awkwardness or social issues now gets labeled as autistic. I was diagnosed with autism (numerous doctors btw) until I actually went to a specialist who said while I wasn't NT I wasn't autistic either.
Like I say, this is just another label to call people. I would rather just be called a retard. Also, back in the 1970's, people were called stupid, idiot, dumb. I would take those terms over Aspergers any day.
STFU asphergers males are more likely to commit suicide because having a fundmental social failure means because we are social animals that they are in an essence less then. https://psychcentral.com/news/2014/...re-likely-in-adults-with-aspergers/76016.html
Love isin't for people like us, we are just expected to be successful over productive gears rotting away behind a welder or a desk somewhere. They ingore they fact that there is no love or any other emotions towards us other then yay you worked hard like a good boy! All I want is to have someone just one girl love me is that so much of me to ask?
I think I wouldnt have autism if my parents werent selfish cunts and birthed me at such a old age
Like I say, Aspergers' is a polite way of calling someone a retard.
Getting diagnosed with ASD makes you eligible for NEETbuxx. You are given rightful reparations for your life's suffering and spared the torment of wageslavery - not a bad deal, in the final analysis.

Like I say, Aspergers' is a polite way of calling someone a retard.

It's merely social retardation, and often comes with compensatory forms of intelligence.
Just because they werent diagnosed doesnt mean they didnt have it.

This is pretty low IQ
Anyway OP, Aspergers is a very real thing. It has destroyed any chance I have of getting laid.

Just over 1% of adult males with Aspergers will ever have sex. :feelsrope:
autism is made up bullshit

it's just shyness
Getting diagnosed with ASD makes you eligible for NEETbuxx. You are given rightful reparations for your life's suffering and spared the torment of wageslavery - not a bad deal, in the final analysis.

It's merely social retardation, and often comes with compensatory forms of intelligence.
Where do you live that this is the case? Northern Europe? Because here in Southern Europe you need some appalingly debilitating disability to get that. I was tested for a 33% disability and the minimum in Spain is 67%. Insane, considering 85% of ASD sufferers are unemployed with a college degree. I'll keep voting center-left just in case they do something about it, which I doubt but whatever.
autism is made up bullshit

it's just shyness
Cope, I've been like this since the day I was born. It doesn't make sense for an infant to be "shy".

Low IQ thread.
Just because they werent diagnosed doesnt mean they didnt have it.
Years ago, you could get away with it.
Asperger men got married had jobs and so forth.
It was rare for. man to be unmarried back then. Almost any man could get a woman back then. He could be ugly, awkward, low paying job.
I saw it with my own eyes. A lot of men in the 1970's , who were "awkward" got girls. Maybe not models, but they did get girls.
and yes, if a girl was awkward back then, she might not meet.
I saw a lot more old maids, then unmarried men back then, in the 1970's.
There were many unmarried women in my family, who didn't have children. They would've grabbed an In-cel.
Asperger in general is the new thing.
Years ago, they would say you have depression.
In a few years, they would say you are born in the wrong body.
Of course there are legit aspies.
Years ago, you could get away with it.
Asperger men got married had jobs and so forth.
It was rare for. man to be unmarried back then. Almost any man could get a woman back then. He could be ugly, awkward, low paying job.
I saw it with my own eyes. A lot of men in the 1970's , who were "awkward" got girls. Maybe not models, but they did get girls.
and yes, if a girl was awkward back then, she might not meet.
I saw a lot more old maids, then unmarried men back then, in the 1970's.
There were many unmarried women in my family, who didn't have children. They would've grabbed an In-cel.
Well the world has changed. That still doesnt change the fact autism has always existed.
its a fallback term for people who are incapable of adjusting like normal adults
Vacciness + chemtrails + chemicals in water and food like plastic/birth control/fluoride/chlorine = autism and asperger epidemic
Where do you live that this is the case? Northern Europe? Because here in Southern Europe you need some appalingly debilitating disability to get that. I was tested for a 33% disability and the minimum in Spain is 67%. Insane, considering 85% of ASD sufferers are unemployed with a college degree. I'll keep voting center-left just in case they do something about it, which I doubt but whatever.
America, bro! I should've applied for disability right when I turned 18, but I didn't know that my condition was recognized as incapacitating.

It clearly is, and all autistcels deserve their gibs.

autism is made up bullshit

it's just shyness

"Shy" is a codeword for a genetically inferior male who has become socially withdrawn as a result of social rejection. Nobody is "just shy" - they are humbled by physical and/or neurological impairments (like ugliness and/or autism, which I can personally confirm exists).

I respect the fact that you are a steadfast person and have not succumbed to shyness despite rejection, but do not negate the lived experiences of many of us here.

Just because they werent diagnosed doesnt mean they didnt have it.

This is pretty low IQ

Precisely. Autism was not widely understood as a spectrum disorder until relatively recently.

It is funny to read about the misconceptions of the past, such as how autism allegedly differs from childhood schizophrenia:

Rimland describes autistic children as “almost invariably in excellent health, beautiful and well formed, and usually of dark complexion” (as opposed to those with childhood schizophrenia, whom he portrays as having blond hair and blue eyes, translucent skin, a receding chin, and “an almost foetus-like appearance”).”

Autistic Chad vs. Child Schizophrenic virgin, kek. :feelskek::feelskek:

He marvels at [autists'] “excellent, and in fact, often extraordinary motor ability . . . with regard to both gross body movement and finger dexterity,” and claims they enjoy a remarkable “freedom from allergies, asthma, metabolic disturbances, and skin problems.”

@FrustratedWhiteMale was young when these mistaken theories were being postulated.
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Low IQ thread.
Asperger's is only cool when you have some extraordinary skill like computer hacking or counting cards at the poker table.
Cope. Autism is real and debilitating for those who have it.
It is real, but many years ago, you could still get a girl and have kids, even with the Autism. I saw it with my own eyes.
Aspergers and Autism diagnoses, like most other health diagnoses, came into existence pretty much exclusively for the purpose of selling massive amounts of drugs and/or "treatments" to the gullible, low-IQ public.

95% of medicine/psychiatry/psychology is a sham.
“Aspergers” is a variation of the PUA/normie cope that it’s “your angry vibe and negative additude towards women that prevents you from getting laid”

It implies that your inability to attract women comes down to mental ineptness and not looks. In reality, no amount of smiling and being expressive can make a woman preselect you if she is below you in LMS.
I don’t know, there’s also an explosion of dyscalculia diagnosis.

Smart parents are labeling their sons to moneybux, not a bad idea.
Asperger's is only cool when you have some extraordinary skill like computer hacking or counting cards at the poker table.
Asperger's is just the name for "high functioning autism", where autism itself is a variable diagnosis because people can range from psychotic superhuman strength retards who smash apart their houses because someone moved a cup, to people who are otherwise functionally normal but have peculiarities about them.

Autism was probably underdiagnosed for a very long time, and we simply wrote it off as people being a bit weird. I have assburgers/HFA and I have two uncles that almost certainly do as well, who are undiagnosed. Its quite easy to spot when your eye is trained, anyone with an almost pathological adherence to routine is a strong sign, especially if they get upset at their routine being changed or disturbed.
No such thing as aspergers. Its basically just ugly people who don't know how to interact in society because they missed out on key developmental stages due to staying indoors all day. Autism is the same but with retards.
No such thing as aspergers. Its basically just ugly people who don't know how to interact in society because they missed out on key developmental stages due to staying indoors all day. Autism is the same but with retards.
I do believe in Autism, like I do believe The Holocaust happened,
but now, everyone who is odd, is Autistic, Like every Pro-White person is a Nazi.

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