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Venting What people mean when they tell you to „forgive“ your bullies.



Nov 13, 2019
Disclaimer: Violence is never the answer. Hitler was defeated with words and love.

Kids who have been bullied often get told to get over it and just forgive the treatment they had to endure.

Here is what people/society mean when they say this to you:

“Your desire for justice and dignity distracts you from being a useful wageslave for me, so just cut it.”

“Don’t act on those absolutely natural impulses for vengeance, because otherwise it could inconvenience me, …also, bullies are kinda hot.”

“If you took revenge of any kind, it would force me to acknowledge that my future treatment of you might have negative consequences for me personally. I would even be forced to have a modicum of respect for you as a person, but I just don’t want to see you as anything other than a doormat.”

This advice only serves to “keep the peace”. People whose job it is to deliver justice and protection just don’t want to be bothered by the problems of an ugly unpopular looser like you. Dealing with your bullies is more trouble than you are worth since you yourself will cause absolutely no trouble no matter what they do to you. (right?)

Should you ever complain about this state of affairs, you will immediately labeled as having a victim complex, your problems will be relativize and you should grow a thick skin. Congratulations, now people don’t even have to pretend to take your problems seriously, because you are a whiney bitch anyway and there are always starving children in Africa who have it so much worse than you.

Lol, what are people expecting to happen at this point? It’s like not maintaining your car and suddenly wondering why the brakes don’t work anymore. Oh right, they expect you to forgive.

People have to relearn that not being subjected to (retributive) violence is not a faggy human right but a privilege that individuals can revoke any time. You are so used to security and peace that you think its natural and don’t have to somehow adjust your behavior in order to maintain it.

Oh god I wish I could kick the shit out of my old ass teacher while simultaneously yelling at her “stand up for yourself”. Afterwards I would just tell her to get over it and forgive me. BTW, everyone who lost a loved one due to the actions of an incel should just get over it. Likewise for rape and holocaust victims. Empathy works only reflective you entitled fucks.

Writing this has felt extremely therapeutic. Might do it again.
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Incredibly based. It's so true how privileged the bullies are and how invalidated the victims are.
Incredibly based. It's so true how privileged the bullies are and how invalidated the victims are.
I blame christianity AKA CUCKtianity for this. Literally the same "blame the victim","get cucked and shat on and thank your bully for it" mindset.
If I could torture all my bullies I would. They're bad people who ruined dozens of kids lives and don't deserve anything good they have
I blame christianity AKA CUCKtianity for this. Literally the same "blame the victim","get cucked and shat on and thank your bully for it" mindset.
"Just take it up in the ass bro!" - Every Cucktian and every cuckservative.
Would crucify / 10
Most asians of my school (Majority asians and persians), especially male ones, they are Christians and guess what, they are bluepilled to the core.
I blame christianity AKA CUCKtianity for this. Literally the same "blame the victim","get cucked and shat on and thank your bully for it" mindset.
If i would have acted on my bullies i would be in prison instead of my room. I think it would have been worth it instead of being a empty shell. Plus prison isn't necessarily bad, you have a schedule, can train, can finish high school, and you get some street cred if you killed or disabled in gta 5 modded on pc.
Disclaimer: Violence is never the answer. Hitler was defeated with words and love.

Kids who have been bullied often get told to get over it and just forgive the treatment they had to endure.

Here is what people/society mean when they say this to you:

“Your desire for justice and dignity distracts you from being a useful wageslave for me, so just cut it.”

“Don’t act on those absolutely natural impulses for vengeance, because otherwise it could inconvenience me, …also, bullies are kinda hot.”

“If you took revenge of any kind, it would force me to acknowledge that my future treatment of you might have negative consequences for me personally. I would even be forced to have a modicum of respect for you as a person, but I just don’t want to see you as anything other than a doormat.”

This advice only serves to “keep the peace”. People whose job it is to deliver justice and protection just don’t want to be bothered by the problems of an ugly unpopular looser like you. Dealing with your bullies is more trouble than you are worth since you yourself will cause absolutely no trouble no matter what they do to you. (right?)

Should you ever complain about this state of affairs, you will immediately labeled as having a victim complex, your problems will be relativize and you should grow a thick skin. Congratulations, now people don’t even have to pretend to take your problems seriously, because you are a whiney bitch anyway and there are always starving children in Africa who have it so much worse than you.

Lol, what are people expecting to happen at this point? It’s like not maintaining your car and suddenly wondering why the brakes don’t work anymore. Oh right, they expect you to forgive.

People have to relearn that not being subjected to (retributive) violence is not a faggy human right but a privilege that individuals can revoke any time. You are so used to security and peace that you think its natural and don’t have to somehow adjust your behavior in order to maintain it.

Oh god I wish I could kick the shit out of my old ass teacher while simultaneously yelling at her “stand up for yourself”. Afterwards I would just tell her to get over it and forgive me. BTW, everyone who lost a loved one due to the actions of an incel should just get over it. Likewise for rape and holocaust victims. Empathy works only reflective you entitled fucks.

Writing this has felt extremely therapeutic. Might do it again.

View: https://youtu.be/vkOJ9uNj9EY&t=0m41s
If i would have acted on my bullies i would be in prison instead of my room. I think it would have been worth it instead of being a empty shell. Plus prison isn't necessarily bad, you have a schedule, can train, can finish high school, and you get some street cred if you killed or disabled in gta 5 modded on pc.
But getting fucked by faggots would be worse
But getting fucked by faggots would be worse
Stigma pushed by hollywood bullshit, irl you mind your own buisness and nothing will happen unless you did some sick shit or is a gang member that has to do dirty work.

I think it's more of a "don't start none, there's gonna be none" mentality.
Stigma pushed by hollywood bullshit, irl you mind your own buisness and nothing will happen unless you did some sick shit or is a gang member that has to do dirty work.

I think it's more of a "don't start none, there's gonna be none" mentality.
Nah,I've heard stories backing up my reply,but very few are faggots.I agree with you tho
Disclaimer: Violence is never the answer. Hitler was defeated with words and love.

Kids who have been bullied often get told to get over it and just forgive the treatment they had to endure.

Here is what people/society mean when they say this to you:

“Your desire for justice and dignity distracts you from being a useful wageslave for me, so just cut it.”

“Don’t act on those absolutely natural impulses for vengeance, because otherwise it could inconvenience me, …also, bullies are kinda hot.”

“If you took revenge of any kind, it would force me to acknowledge that my future treatment of you might have negative consequences for me personally. I would even be forced to have a modicum of respect for you as a person, but I just don’t want to see you as anything other than a doormat.”

This advice only serves to “keep the peace”. People whose job it is to deliver justice and protection just don’t want to be bothered by the problems of an ugly unpopular looser like you. Dealing with your bullies is more trouble than you are worth since you yourself will cause absolutely no trouble no matter what they do to you. (right?)

Should you ever complain about this state of affairs, you will immediately labeled as having a victim complex, your problems will be relativize and you should grow a thick skin. Congratulations, now people don’t even have to pretend to take your problems seriously, because you are a whiney bitch anyway and there are always starving children in Africa who have it so much worse than you.

Lol, what are people expecting to happen at this point? It’s like not maintaining your car and suddenly wondering why the brakes don’t work anymore. Oh right, they expect you to forgive.

People have to relearn that not being subjected to (retributive) violence is not a faggy human right but a privilege that individuals can revoke any time. You are so used to security and peace that you think its natural and don’t have to somehow adjust your behavior in order to maintain it.

Oh god I wish I could kick the shit out of my old ass teacher while simultaneously yelling at her “stand up for yourself”. Afterwards I would just tell her to get over it and forgive me. BTW, everyone who lost a loved one due to the actions of an incel should just get over it. Likewise for rape and holocaust victims. Empathy works only reflective you entitled fucks.

Writing this has felt extremely therapeutic. Might do it again.
Honestly I fantasize a lot about somehow reuniting with my old high school bully and swinging a baseball bat into his face. The only problem now is that we aren't in school anymore so we'd go to jail as opposed to the principals office. Which of course goes on our criminal records and affects our employment prospects
Disclaimer: Violence is never the answer. Hitler was defeated with words and love
This... this is why I'm not a catholic anymore. I let so many people step over me, I was raised to be an effeminate pussy in a world that didn't take mercy on the weak.
If I could torture all my bullies I would. They're bad people who ruined dozens of kids lives and don't deserve anything good they have
Honestly I fantasize a lot about somehow reuniting with my old high school bully and swinging a baseball bat into his face. The only problem now is that we aren't in school anymore so we'd go to jail as opposed to the principals office. Which of course goes on our criminal records and affects our employment prospects

I had a lot of similar fantasies in the past, but I start to think bullies are just like women. They just follow their nature.
It is the job of society (teachers, parents, ect.) to enforce justice, fairness and civilized behavior.
If those people are unwilling/unable or afraid to do this job, then the actively betray and lie to you. They lead you into a trap and you are not prepared to escape on your own. Because you thought they would at least help you.

Regarding my former bullies, I would be satisfied with beating them in a fair fistfight or something.

My former teachers however…
Seriously.. it is this aspect of society that just makes me want to ruin peoples lives. It is not enough that you have to endure abuse and mistreatment but you have to thank society for it.

All abuse and mistreatment should be flung back a thousand fold.. if this occurred more frequently society would benefit more.

Really makes me want to find a pregnant Foid in Minecraft and push her into a group of zombies.
If i would have acted on my bullies i would be in prison instead of my room. I think it would have been worth it instead of being a empty shell. Plus prison isn't necessarily bad, you have a schedule, can train, can finish high school, and you get some street cred if you killed or disabled in gta 5 modded on pc.

I think everyone has a point where personal dignity and self-respect becomes more valuable than freedom (unless you are a total cuck). When I was younger I spend every possible moment in my room so prison did not sound so threatening.

The only thing that prevented me from going mini-ER was bringing shame to my parents.

Looking back I think the golden way would have been to stealthy serialkiller-max on my bullies and teachers, or at least harm them or their property. So even if you get caught you can write a book and be semi-famous (heighten your SMV).
and there are always starving children in Africa who have it so much worse than you.
My parents actually used that excuse against me when I told them I have problems. :feelsree:
Lol, what are people expecting to happen at this point? It’s like not maintaining your car and suddenly wondering why the brakes don’t work anymore. Oh right, they expect you to forgive.
They expect you to be Empathetic as they abuse you.
Empathy works only reflective you entitled fucks.
Empathy.. something that really only exists in the minds of Foids. Chad only though, as with all femslimes. Their selective empathy shall lead to the day of the Grope I'm sure.
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I blame christianity AKA CUCKtianity for this. Literally the same "blame the victim","get cucked and shat on and thank your bully for it" mindset.
"Just take it up in the ass bro!" - Every Cucktian and every cuckservative.
This... this is why I'm not a catholic anymore. I let so many people step over me, I was raised to be an effeminate pussy in a world that didn't take mercy on the weak.

Have any of you seen the movie “Michael Kohlhaas” (2013) (or read the book or something)?

Mads Mikkelsen gets bullied hard by a Chad Baron, tries to get justice the legal way, gets denied and starts a beta uprising. Halfway he meets Martin Luther who basically tells him to take it up the ass like a good Christian.

Mads continues to go medieval ER but gets tricked by a Stacy to agree to a “fair” trial which ends by him getting executed.
Have any of you seen the movie “Michael Kohlhaas” (2013) (or read the book or something)?

Mads Mikkelsen gets bullied hard by a Chad Baron, tries to get justice the legal way, gets denied and starts a beta uprising. Halfway he meets Martin Luther who basically tells him to take it up the ass like a good Christian.

Mads continues to go medieval ER but gets tricked by a Stacy to agree to a “fair” trial which ends by him getting executed.
THEY know this and they laugh in our faces.
Ironically, it is discourses like this which labels us as "violent, terrorist groups"...

On the other side, untrustworthy or bullies' collaborationist's teachers should be kicked out of their workplace, and shouldn't be allowed to work with children/teenagers the same as those found guilty of pedophilia. Bullying is very real, and enforcing it is almost inexistent, you can make as many anti-bullying laws as you want, the majority will always win if you are an outcast in these cases. Part of the problem resides that parents are giving less and less authority and they almost totally rely on the public/private school system, to educate their children.
I will not allow these scumbag faggots all throughout my life have the last laugh. There is nothing wrong with being spiteful and petty when it's warranted/deserved. No bullshit "moral" advice from people will change that.

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