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Serious What % of indian women are having sex with white guys? In Britain

1 nonwhite white couple is too much. Even if you put the Ethnic Male White Female ratio at 1% of total dating, that's still a massive number that is too damn high.
Okay if you can't stand even 1 nonwhite white couple then opposing ethnic males in majority white countries makes sense even in light of the scant few ethnic males that manage to get women.
I thought it was more you couldn't even stand one ethnic male existing even if for the most part he was ldaring and not talking to anyone and had no relationships or friends.

That's why I support westernized ethnic ethnostates. A based black guy wouldn't be with a gay BLM marxist. He'd be in his own homeland with other based black guys.
Ethnostates are going to be tough to enact with so many mixed race people and the concept of race being diluted and the popularity of interracial fetishes tbh
In the past there were not so many mixed race people and previous acceptance of it so ethnostates were easier to set up. Now it isn't that easy to implement because not everyone is "pure" like in the past and their is already a precedent set of such people being born out of interracial relationships being the norm and not some strange new thing that can be blamed on subversion.
And a lot of ethnics that are in western anglo countries now would probably be glad to among people of their own race if they knew when going back that they had a reasonable guarantee of being accepted in their ethnic country of origin.
But as it stands right now they don't and they are going to a country where they might be as rejected by the locals as they are in the western countries they live and with an even greater chance of poverty, illness and low living standards.
A lot of the fault with that lies with people in their ethnic countries of origin that are jealous of ethnics that were born in western anglo countries and believe that westernized ethnics arrogantly see themselves as above the locals and not proud of their ethnic country of origin, even though all these westernized ethnics have ever known is living in a western anglo country and are as unfamiliar with the customs of their native ethnic country as white people living in anglo countries.

But what can you do really? You can't control how other people think as much as you might try to convince them. I think it is important to lessen these feelings of animosity between westernized ethnics and ethnics in the native ethnic countries of origin to cut down on this.
If this wasn't so much a problem a lot of westernized ethnic males not satisfied with their lives here would be more likely to move back to their ethnic countries of origin without question if it meant they didn't have to be mogged all the time by people that don't look like them.
But for the reasons stated about people in ethnic countries not accepting westernized ethnics that move back this isn't usually an option.

It is out of self interest that a lot of westernized ethnics do not move back to their ethnic countries of origin but when it is more likely that poverty and a slow painful death and starvation await them and no guarantee of even relating to or being accepted by anyone there can you blame them?

I never said I don't like nonwhites. I mean I hate a majority of them because they vote progressive parties in and are generally obnoxious ungrateful anti white shitheads who ruin the nations they inhabit, but I also hate a lot of white people (Specifically white women) for that same reason. There's based minorities, and I like based minorities, but they need to go and establish their own homeland and live separately. We can respect eachother but live in different countries.
I understand why you'd hate progressive nonwhites for the same reason you'd hate progressive whites.
But how can you say minorities are "based" if you want them to go back even if they believe most of everything you do? It doesn't make sense to me tbh

Take the example of curries and rice males. For the most part a lot of them (they non selfhating antifeminist ones anyway) don't vote progressive, aren't very pro diversity but more pro meritocracy and believe in not trying to redefine western customs and rules of law to better suit them. Some even go so far as to not even want to interact with white people or be friends with them and stick with their own or ldar. Many of them don't even committ any crime.
Yet all the same you want them to live in separate countries? I don't see how you can see them as based but want them away from you.

Irrespective of that the problems with expecting based minorities establishing their own homeland is:
it costs a lot of money to set up a territory for a certain group of people in the first place, there are not many new areas of land to lay claim to for just one racial or ethnic group of people, trying to do this is not guaranteed success, there is no plan if negotiations for this fall through and so on.

The average person, let alone a westernized ethnic male, does not have enough resources to set up an ethnic homeland for other westernized ethnics. And as stated before they likely wouldn't be accepted in their ethnic country of origin either so they don't really have anywhere else to turn to. They would be dooming themselves to being stateless nomads on the brink of poverty and starvation.
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Ethnostates are going to be tough to enact with so many mixed race people and the concept of race being diluted and the popularity of interracial fetishes tbh
In the past there were not so many mixed race people and previous acceptance of it so ethnostates were easier to set up. Now it isn't that easy to implement because not everyone is "pure" like in the past and their is already a precedent set of such people being born out of interracial relationships being the norm and not some strange new thing that can be blamed on subversion.
That's the goal dude. That's why nonwhites are in white countries. To mixx up and we all look the same and have no cultural or national ties to unite us so it's easy to just take us over and enslave us for the perfect ZOG world order.
And a lot of ethnics that are in western anglo countries now would probably be glad to among people of their own race if they knew when going back that they had a reasonable guarantee of being accepted in their ethnic country of origin.
But as it stands right now they don't and they are going to a country where they might be as rejected by the locals as they are in the western countries they live and with an even greater chance of poverty, illness and low living standards.
A lot of the fault with that lies with people in their ethnic countries of origin that are jealous of ethnics that were born in western anglo countries and believe that westernized ethnics arrogantly see themselves as above the locals and not proud of their ethnic country of origin, even though all these westernized ethnics have ever known is living in a western anglo country and are as unfamiliar with the customs of their native ethnic country as white people living in anglo countries.
Reintegration courses and compensation (5 niggas going back to liberia get whatever amount of money and a reintegration course, then liberia gets however much money)

I understand why you'd hate progressive nonwhites for the same reason you'd hate progressive whites.
But how can you say minorities are "based" if you want them to go back even if they believe most of everything you do? It doesn't make sense to me tbh

Take the example of curries and rice males. For the most part a lot of them (they non selfhating antifeminist ones anyway) don't vote progressive, aren't very pro diversity but more pro meritocracy and believe in not trying to redefine western customs and rules of law to better suit them. Some even go so far as to not even want to interact with white people or be friends with them and stick with their own or ldar. Many of them don't even committ any crime.
Yet all the same you want them to live in separate countries? I don't see how you can see them as based but want them away from you.
You can be respectful and friends but different. Races are different. If we won't fight, our children will fight. Race is simply an insurmountable obsticle and it never goes well when 2 races mix. One will eventually dominate the other or it will be perpetual fighting forever.

Irrespective of that the problems with expecting based minorities establishing their own homeland is:
it costs a lot of money to set up a territory for a certain group of people in the first place, there are not many new areas of land to lay claim to for just one racial or ethnic group of people, trying to do this is not guaranteed success, there is no plan if negotiations for this fall through and so on.
the countries already exist and will simply get compensation for bringing nonwhite westerners (Who went through re education). It would just be like the liberia plan but modern. Alot of countries already like this idea anyway

View: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/06/17/ghana-beyond-the-return-african-americans-george-floyd-busari-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn

The average person, let alone a westernized ethnic male, does not have enough resources to set up an ethnic homeland for other westernized ethnics. And as stated before they likely wouldn't be accepted in their ethnic country of origin either so they don't really have anywhere else to turn to. They would be dooming themselves to being stateless nomads on the brink of poverty and starvation.
it would be UN or government funded for sure. We don't need to have alot of expenses like fucking womens rights taxes (birth control abortion rights) or aid to israel and shit. If we took those 2 things away we'd have enough money to deport most people
Curries in UK are a bad example because entire cities in the UK are 100% curry and the Pakis and Sikh curries there are all thug maxxed.

The statistics report 10%, I got this from a article talking about the plight of ricecels in UK.
View attachment 338568

Curryfoids suffer from the same problem as blackfoids—they’re unattractive.
I feel like the number that actually have sex is a lot higher though.
That's the goal dude. That's why nonwhites are in white countries. To mixx up and we all look the same and have no cultural or national ties to unite us so it's easy to just take us over and enslave us for the perfect ZOG world order.
If there is an interracial mixing plan that is taking place it is succeeding way more in the realm of ethnic females getting with white males than vice versa tbh (ethnic males meaning non black nonwhite males).

Also it is important to note that as much as a lot of people would put this solely at the feet of jewish people and ZOG it has been more anglo white people obsessed with fetishizing ethnic cultures like many white liberals do today that have been responsible for a lot of the push for multiculturalism, interracial relationships and racial diversity in anglo countries that were previously mostly racially homogeneous.
They weren't happy with anglo white culture as it stood and wanted to go mucking around the rest of the world because they were greedy and wanted to bring people into their fold of influence.
It's important to realize the existence of such people whether they are jewish or not so that they do not easily gain control again in the future and cause the same cycle to repeat.

Reintegration courses and compensation (5 niggas going back to liberia get whatever amount of money and a reintegration course, then liberia gets however much money)
Reintegration courses and compensation have been floated before as possible solutions but it isn't that simple for reasons I'll go into toward the end of this post.
I think the best option is:

let ethnics migrating to western anglo countries know that their male children have a very big chance of ending up incel and with poor social support networks.
This won't stop all ethnics from migrating but it may cause them to reconsider.

Ethnics here can do their part by reminding any people from ethnic countries that might be reading how immigration to western countries doesn't necessarily result in a better life for them and their children but false promises of social success and riches that never come and are grossly overhyped.

You can be respectful and friends but different. Races are different. If we won't fight, our children will fight. Race is simply an insurmountable obsticle and it never goes well when 2 races mix. One will eventually dominate the other or it will be perpetual fighting forever.
I agree that racial differences foster tension but now that the races are jumbled up and forced to live next to each other it isn't easy to undo this. It's not as simple as telling everyone to "go back" especially when a lot of these people though of a different race were born in western anglo countries and have never known anything different.

the countries already exist and will simply get compensation for bringing nonwhite westerners (Who went through re education). It would just be like the liberia plan but modern. Alot of countries already like this idea anyway

View: https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/06/17/ghana-beyond-the-return-african-americans-george-floyd-busari-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn

it would be UN or government funded for sure. We don't need to have alot of expenses like fucking womens rights taxes (birth control abortion rights) or aid to israel and shit. If we took those 2 things away we'd have enough money to deport most people

Even re-education isn't a guarantee although it would help. In the end just the fact that people in ethnic countries can tell who is a westernized ethnic and who isn't is enough to still "other" westernized ethnics in ethnic countries.

I think the most successful course of action would be spreading awareness of the inevitability of inceldom of ethnic males in western countries and the decreased living and job prospects that come with it. Especially toward ethnics in ethnic countries that might be looking to move to western anglo countries for a "better life" for their children or children they are planning to have.
Damn the comments, I'm against ethnic men because it gives me more chance of women
Kek, Indian women have large breasts too
I see plenty attractive ones in london that are rather wheatish and light I would like to ejaculate inbetween ones pussy flaps
A fair number - honestly most white guys aren't all that struck on Indian women to be honest.

Most of them are pretty hairy and are absolutely insane - demanding and controlling like you wouldn't believe.

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