Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious What is your story? How did you find yourself on forums such as these?

  • Thread starter Incel_Because_Short
  • Start date


Nov 11, 2017
Despite what people think, nobody gets "indoctrinated" to be an incel. Everyone here used to be ignorant at some point, and it is only through life experiences that someone feels a desire to find others who share the same feelings. I want to know more about you guys.

Did you have a moment where everything just clicked? What was that like? How were you before and after realizing the blackpill?

Obviously keep everything anonymous. I'll share mine.

I was always a tiny bit conscious on how my looks affected how people perceived me. I stopped growing at 16 and reached my final height of 5'4". Never got bullied for it, but people seemed to point it out a lot and I never understood why. But for the longest time I was absolutely oblivious to height and didn't even realize it was important for anything.

I first discovered the blackpill in the Summer of 2015. I was 18 at the time and just finished my first year of University with a 3.8 GPA. I also managed to get my driver's license (after failing three times) and got my first job at a grocery store. I was honestly pretty happy with my life, and I was mostly content with playing video games and watching porn, which I did heavily.

It all started actually when I tried to quit my porn addiction. I masturbated twice a day and on normal days I would wake up at like 4am, and watch porn until I had to get up to go to Uni at 7am. I wanted to get control of the habit because I thought it was wrong. I discovered nofap, and they kept promising that nofap will change your life, so I took it seriously and decided to try it.

I did well actually, and managed to not watch any porn or masturbate for a good three months. But the longer I went without satisfying my urges, the lonelier I felt. Eventually I started asking myself why I haven't found a girlfriend yet and thought that nofap would be much easier if I had one. So I tried to do that.

I did it in the most autistic way however, and began talking to literally every girl I came across, I even asked out a girl in my workplace. After getting rejected hard, I wondered what was going on. I did a bit of digging online and found the r/short subreddit. It was honestly at that point that everything clicked. I spent hours reading through the top posts on that subreddit, and found that the experiences of many short men also mirrored mine. I also discovered that height did matter a lot to women, and that through no fault of my own, nothing I do will make a difference.

Honestly once I discovered this, I stopped nofap right away. I realized that porn and masturbation were symptoms, not the cause of me being lonely, but it was already too late.

The year after that I became incredibly depressed. I started noticing how small I was compared to everyone else. I remember how often I cried that year, often by my-self in my room. I remember taking hour-long showers while crying in them to let the pain out. I remember often skipping classes so that I could just go home and shelter my-self from the world. My grades dropped substantially, and I had to drop two classes that year.

The Summer of Second Year, I decided to do therapy (lmao). They prescribed my some zombie pills and that definitely helped, but they could not actually solve the root cause of my problem.

Third Year the zombie pills pacified me enough to take up lifting, and I pretty much gymcelled, hoping that if I at least tried, I could maybe get laid before I finished University. I definitely tried everything, but nothing seemed to work. It was around that time in 2016 that I discovered r/incels and really began to believe that it was all pointless. I attempted suicide, but was caught by authorities and made to stay at a mental ward for a day until I convinced them that I would not be a threat to my-self or others. Seeing the fear and hurt from my parents, I realized that killing my-self would be selfish so I no longer attempted it.

By Fourth Year, I pretty much gave up. I experimented with hard drugs like psychedelics, and somehow came to the conclusion that maybe I could live life through copes. I ended up graduating while still keeping my virginity.

Life would carry on, and I eventually found employment in some odd jobs. I found a decent paying job now, and I just visited my first escort two weeks ago. So at least I got my virginity out of the way, but at 23 years old and no actual romantic experience, it's definitely too late for me.

Either way now I've pretty much given up.

What's your story?
I want to die and I have no more copes.
i can't get laid or get a girlfriend
I found this site myself after coming to the conclusion that my looks were all the reason behind my loneliness. I realized my plight was exactly that of incels, and so I googled “incel forum” and made an account here following the brutal evening of November 30th
I don't remember anything before 4.

Between 4 and 9 I had an ok tier childhood, had friends, was not poor, went to decent private schools, my father was absent but I had my mother and various other family members.

Between 10 and 16 my life was utter shit. I lost the friendship with my best friend because he was my neighbor and my grandmother had a serious fight with his mom. My grandfather died and my family's finances worsened, I had to go to a public school which was absolute hell. Bullying everywhere, stolen stuff, actual criminals in my school. I almost got raped once and got beaten by a girl (didn't hit back because I was a pussy who thought one shouldn't hit girls).

I became so damaged that I didn't want to go to school anymore and started to cry and struggle nonstop when forced to, went to psychologists and psychiatrists, started taking Ritalin and after some years without school I came back to it and slowly rebuilt a social circle (although bullying was still rampant).

At 13 I started to become seriously interested in girls and already started my long streak of failures in great style, my first crush humiliated me in various different ways, she called me ugly all the time, said stuff like "thinking you're attractive is like thinking a cockroach is attractive", once she picked up a drawing of myself as I imagined in the future I had made and wrote "ugly" all over it, followed by the name of the guy she liked inside a big heart.

17-19 was the best part of my life. I made a test to a decent public school and passed (the fact you have to pass in a test filters the bulk of low-IQ favela monkeys that abounded in my other public school and made my life hell). Although inceldom/virginity was already a burden at that point, those were fun times. Nice people, friends, going over to events, playing in rock bands, feeling hope, having long hair, cheerful memories. I remember that in 2016 it was 10 years since my first year in that high school and I invited my best friend from those times to drink with me in a bar near that school, like we used to do back then. But he didn't show much interest, I could see he was busy with his gf and job. It didn't happen.

20-23= trying to move on to adulthood and failing. Dropped from college twice, some more crushing rejections from foids, social anxiety attacks, first jobs, all of which sucked.

24-26= NEETing and trying my luck for the last time with rock bands, I pretty much knew my chances of success were very low but tried anyway not to experience regret in the future. Started escortcelling here.

27-28= Did a professional course just to have some kind of qualification, some more jobs that sucked, semi-NEETing. Took the blackpill at that point also.

29-31= NEETed a bit more, then moved to Germany to work bluecollar, it was hell, I came back to Brazil and enrolled again in college

I found the incel movement back in 2014-2017, I don't remember, and found about this forum on 55chan on December 2017 if I recall correctly but only registered on May 2018.

Thank you for reading if you read all.
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Never got laid, saw FACEandLMS in my recommended, then I had a downward spiral from there.
I came across some Redpillfag youtubers back in 2017 when I was starting my approaches then came across mgtow used to browse r/Mgtow when it had like 20 k followers lurked there for like a year or so then realised that most of them are just "bitter" men mstows started browsing Braincels back in 2018 and occassionally some .co here and there nraincels wad the go to place then last year sept/Oct it got nuked after that I was just casually lurking here had my exams so was too busy to even think about registering here about 3 months ago I said fuck it I'm making my account and here we go
I am ugly but perceptive
22 year old KHHV, no chin, subhuman
im khhv and my life is trash, here's my story.
I want to die and I have no more copes.
i can't get laid or get a girlfriend
Basically captures it.
I don't remember anything before 4.

Between 4 and 9 I had an ok tier childhood, had friends, was not poor, went to decent private schools, my father was absent but I had my mother and various other family members.

Between 10 and 16 my life was utter shit. I lost the friendship with my best friend because he was my neighbor and my grandmother had a serious fight with his mom. My grandfather died and my family's finances worsened, I had to go to a public school which was absolute hell. Bullying everywhere, stolen stuff, actual criminals in my school. I almost got raped once and got beaten by a girl (didn't hit back because I was a pussy who thought one shouldn't hit girls).

I became so damaged that I didn't want to go to school anymore and started to cry and struggle nonstop when forced to, went to psychologists and psychiatrists, started taking Ritalin and after some years without school I came back to it and slowly rebuilt a social circle (although bullying was still rampant).

At 13 I started to become seriously interested in girls and already started my long streak of failures in great style, my first crush humiliated me in various different ways, she called me ugly all the time, said stuff like "thinking you're attractive is like thinking a cockroach is attractive", once she picked up a drawing of myself as I imagined in the future I had made and wrote "ugly" all over it, followed by the name of the guy she liked inside a big heart.

17-19 was the best part of my life. I made a test to a decent public school and passed (the fact you have to pass in a test filters the bulk of low-IQ favela monkeys that abounded in my other public school and made my life hell). Although inceldom/virginity was already a burden at that point, those were fun times. Nice people, friends, going over to events, playing in rock bands, feeling hope, having long hair, cheerful memories. I remember that in 2016 it was 10 years since my first year in that high school and I invited my best friend from those times to drink with me in a bar near that school, like we used to do back then. But he didn't show much interest, I could see he was busy with his gf and job. It didn't happen.

20-23= trying to move on to adulthood and failing. Dropped from college twice, some more crushing rejections from foids, social anxiety attacks, first jobs, all of which sucked.

24-26= NEETing and trying my luck for the last time with rock bands, I pretty much knew my chances of success were very low but tried anyway not to experience regret in the future. Started escortcelling here.

27-28= Did a professional course just to have some kind of qualification, some more jobs that sucked, semi-NEETing. Took the blackpill at that point also.

29-31= NEETed a bit more, then moved to Germany to work bluecollar, it was hell, I came back to Brazil and enrolled again in college

I found the incel movement back in 2014-2017, I don't remember, and found about this forum on 55chan on December 2017 if I recall correctly but only registered on May 2018.

Thank you for reading if you read all.
So are you in college now? What are you studying?
I came across some Redpillfag youtubers back in 2017 when I was starting my approaches then came across mgtow used to browse r/Mgtow when it had like 20 k followers lurked there for like a year or so then realised that most of them are just "bitter" men mstows started browsing Braincels back in 2018 and occassionally some .co here and there nraincels wad the go to place then last year sept/Oct it got nuked after that I was just casually lurking here had my exams so was too busy to even think about registering here about 3 months ago I said fuck it I'm making my account and here we go
How did you end up on mgtow forums in the first place? There must have been a story preceding this.
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I guess reality hit hard after I realized life isn't as beautiful or forgiven as I was told in school. "keep trying, you'll make it!" they said, but reality is very different, it is brutal and unforgiven, and many will fall behind for others to rise to the top.

So how did I become blackpilled? it wasn't some cult, it wasn't the alt-right, or some bullshit philosophy, it was soyciety itself that made me realize I was living a lie throughout my life. They gave me false hope, and at the end I got nothing.
Unironically because of ER,i really couldn't understand why he went ER jfl so i started digging until i found about the existence of incel forums.
I'm a 18 virgin,got bullied in HS,never had many friends,never had a gf so i stayed in my house playing videogames,watching movies/series and masturbating.
I started browsing reddit in 2015/16 when I still didn't realize how shit it was, then found r/incels and immediately knew it was home. I later migrated to r/braincels and then here

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