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What is your opinion on dark triad??



May 9, 2024
I know people will deny it and say only looks matter but Ive seen otherwise in my life experience
Dark triad is a good trait for getting women and success in life in general depending on the iq of the person

People will say you are not a true blackpiller you are a redpiller or whatever bullshit but all of this comes into the blackpill

The blackpill to me is the true nature of the world
Its obvious in this world that evil is rewarded and the evil people get ahead of most people in life because of what they are willing to do that others might not be

If a redpiller thought about this they would think “I just need to become more dark triad then”
But that isn't possible you either are or aren't dark triad

You cant change your nature

Ive seen a decent amount of examples where dark triad helps people in my area to get pussy
Obviously they aren't subhuman I’m not saying you can get pussy as a subhuman with dark triad
I would say you need to be atleast average looking for Dark triad to work

It also helps if they are intimidating in some way like having a good frame so That that they are able to use violence easier and intimidate people into getting what they want
A trait like this allows them to be more dominant over people which will help in attracting women

This aswell as being dark triad is what would have allowed the guy from this post to get pussy since his face isnt that good
Obviously it helps he is tall too but dark triad definitely had its part in helping him

One guy I was sort of friends with is a decent example of dark triad being a good trait

I met this guy when I was 16 and went to collage there was alot of roadmen in my class

this guy started talking to me and we became “friends”

I didnt really like him much and he would disrespect me a decent amount
I would put up with it since I had low self esteem at the time because I hadnt found the BP yet and still blamed myself for all my failures in life

I had nothing to do since it was quarantine and my friends wouldn’t go out
I was bored and sick of rotting away and thought maybe I would somehow get pussy through knowing this guy Or it would atleast be somewhat entertaining compared to rotting

This guy was a dealer but he only sold weed
he was friends with a decent amount of the crack and heroin dealers near my area
He came from a family of drug dealers and criminals

This guy wasnt tall
At the time I was 5’4/5 and still growing and this guy wasn't much taller then me maybe 5’5 or a weak 5’6 at best and I think he was done growing

He had an average looking face with a weird tooth gap like mike tyson and a wide face with deepset eyes
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He did have a very full beard for someone at that age though I still barely see anyone my age (20) with a full beard even now

He had a stubby sort of build he was chubby but had some muscle he wasnt a big guy though

He also had some weird problem with one of his hands where he couldn’t use it properly I think he said it was a problem with his brain or some shit

Honestly I don't remember much else about how he looked since this was years ago and My memory is bad but this is enough to get a vague description

By the time I knew him he was 17 and already had a kid Which surprised me and it felt weird knowing someone My age had a kid since I hadn’t known anyone with a kid at that age

He had a kid with this blonde white girl with light eyes
I think the kid was 1 or 2 when I met him

I remember one time When we were out he was telling me about how he would always get angry and argue with her about dumb shit for no reason and then he said one time he started beating her with a broom while they were arguing and how he used to hit her alot when they were together

I laughed because I didn’t really know what to say
Its not like I really cared about the morals of him beating his bitch but I was more surprised He would just tell me that randomly
And also wtf are you even supposed to say to that:feelskek:
there was barely any build up to it we were just talking about his ex and then he just dropped that story on me

I thought that If he could beat his girl like that someone who he said he “loved”
he could easily fuck me over if he felt like it since it seemed like he didn't like me that much

This is around when I decided to stop being friends with him because I felt like it was more trouble then it was worth

He tried stalking me after because he was probably angry someone like me had tried to throw him away
someone he saw as below him
it probably hit his narcissistic ego and fucked with him
I would see him on this hill opposite to my house looking at it a few times and then he stopped

Im surprised he never tried fucking with me because he easily could of made my life hellish with all the people he knew
maybe he did somewhat like me idk

The way he framed the story of him beating his girl to me was as if he was trying to say that he had changed into a better person or some shit when it’s obvious he hadnt because from the way he told it I could tell he didn't really care about what he did
I think that might of been why he wanted to be friends with my autistic ass
so he could prove to himself he had become a better person

She stayed with him after this btw I think they broke up not long before I met him from what I remember which was awhile after the broom beating
Their relationship went on for a few years in total where he was probably doing shit like this constantly even while they had their baby

A few times he would show me these girls he had been fucking after breaking up with her and none of them were ugly
He wouldn’t take them out on dates or anything he would just have one night stands with them

I was trying to find his facebook so I could give a better description of him but I only found his old one that had no pics

All of his friends on his friends list have gfs or girls they can fuck btw some of them also have kids
Most of these guys Are average looking
and a few are moggers( for my area)but most of them are average facially

Ive met most of these people whether through him or through the shitty pru school I was sent to Or Ive atleast heard stories about them and they are all pieces of shit

Some of these people sell crack or heroin they’ve robbed from people stabbed people beaten people all sorts of fucked up shit

One time I was with that guy and we met up with his crack dealer friends and stayed with them while they were out selling in the spot they met up with the junkies

These people had no care for the lives of these junkies and just saw them as walking money
They don’t care about the effect their shit has on their lives they just care about what they can get from them

And this is the view they have for all people
They care about no one but themselves

None of them liked me btw and they all treated me like shit apart from maybe one guy But He was probably only being somewhat nice to me to try and manipulate me into being some kind of pawn for them to use

Because they saw that I didn’t want to be used to deal drugs for them and they saw I wouldn't be useful in any way to them they just bullied me for most of the time that I was there
Hopefully they have all either been stabbed or have moved up to london to sell and had acid thrown in their face

I can guarantee the girls of these men get treated like shit but yeah Just have a good personality bro :feelskek:

I even have examples from women In my own family that get with men and then they are abused and they always say “he wasnt like that when I met him “ or “he has a nice side to him”
Yeah whatever
He was like that when you met him you just hadn't seen that side yet

They always stay with these men too btw
Not a single one of them ever left after being abused the first time

Its always so obvious when they are the type of men to do this too but their personality detectors malfunction
Whenever Ive been told about what happened to my family members I was never surprised

Women even do this with famous men who are known for being pieces of shit like richard ramirez and the world famous inspirational speaker Jeremy meeks

even though we all know he is a piece of shit
We all know he is in prison for dealing drugs for beating a teenager near to death and being a lifelong criminal women will still say he seems like a nice guy
This is mostly because of the halo effect of his looks I wont deny that
he wouldn't have been freed from prison without his looks

But he also wouldn’t have gotten famous if he wasn’t in prison for being dark triad:feelsthink:

Women will do this with any men they find attractive even with the mfs I was talking about earlier who aren't anything special looks wise

But those mfs would never get the jeremy meeks or wade wilson treatment because they arent attractive to a large majority of women they were just able to be successful with the women in their area

You will only get treated like that with genuinely good genes which is where I think the looks theory comes into it

This is my view on dark triad from my life experience anyway Im not saying im right about this because obviously I dont have all the answers to all this shit

But from what I can tell dark triad is a massive help for you in life in general and especially with foids

Just be dark triad bro:feelsdevil:
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Women prefer dark triad traits, without doubt: https://incels.wiki/w/Dark_triad

Darktraidmaxxing is just as important as looksmaxxing, and protects high neuroticism incels from society. I will be darktriadmaxxing. Dark triad people always win in criminal-worshipping, degenerate, hedonistic modern society.
I think it helps men to get women but not by much, you kind of have to have the body to match it.
Ive seen a decent amount of examples where dark triad helps people in my area to get pussy
Obviously they aren't subhuman I’m not saying you can get pussy as a subhuman with dark triad
so you're just bullshitting
that's how you sound, fucking retard, you can say that you're a rapist nazi murderer and get pussy if you're good looking, at the end of the day it remains as looks > everything, darktriad bullshit is another luxury that Chad can afford, not an incel.
I will be darktriadmaxxing.
Unless you already have dark triad traits there is no dark triad maxxxing

Im guessing you already have some traits though if you are saying this
Dark triad people always win in criminal-worshipping, degenerate, hedonistic modern society.

so you're just bullshitting
that's how you sound, fucking retard
People on here make out that without looks you wont get any pussy and even average men are struggling to get pussy

So what does it say when average looking dark triad men are getting pussy

Subhumans aren’t getting pussy unless they pay for it

Im guessing you didnt even read past that point so you didnt see anything else that I said
That's a massive wall of text, I'll be honest I didn't read it all.

The question dark triad raise to my mind is: are the women really attracted to the evil in darktriad men, or in features that could potentially be found in "good" men ?

For example : fearless, unapologetic, make his own rules, powerful, dangerous, intelligent (but not in a nerdy way, more like in a what you'd find in a mastermind or a CEO), cold blooded (not emotive).

These features are neutral, they can be used for good or evil.

But you'll definitely find them more often in psycopath than in your average computer scientist.

What if "dark" triad wasn't even "dark" in the first place ?

"psycopathy" can simply mean control over one's emotions
"narcissism" could just be confidence and looking for one's best interest
And "Machiavellianism" is the ability to read other people's emotions and agendas and taking advantage of it.

These traits are not necessarily negative, if you really think about it.
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Dark triad are like quagmire from family guy, ugly or average, but horny and slave to desires and will achieve them by any way.

Multiple people with dark triad/tetrad, including ugly men with such traits eventually succeed with women, because the narcissism lies in the fact of getting laid with a woman that hated you at first after chasing her, manipulating her then fucking her, gives a dopamine rush very high to psychopath who lives otherwise boring life.

It doesn't matter he keeps trying no matter what because he feels no shame and the ends justify the means.

None of us are dark triads otherwise wouldn't be here.

Most exhibit similar traits to them but aren't pure born type.
I'm not reading all of that but yes dark triad is important.
When people say "personality matters" they actually mean NT + Dark triad.

It's very important unless you're a subhuman or a chad, in which case personality is irrelevant. (although severe schizophrenia or autism could still make a chad an "incel" if he hides at home and pushes people away)
People on here make out that without looks you wont get any pussy and even average men are struggling to get pussy
Because "average men" are literally a haircut away from getting a gf, and you're giving advice to average men AKA Normies/Chads, not incels, so this isn't the place for that bs.
The "trust me bro tons of incels darktriadmaxxing are getting pussy on my area!" sounds exactly like "trust me bro a 5'2 midget friend got a Stacy it's all about personality bro!"
And darktriadmaxxing is 100% personality, you can afford worrying about your personality when you're at least a high-tier normie or chad, say that shit to any 5'7 and less guys and you're 100% bullshitting.
You can worry about "ork on your personality!" when you already have the looks.
It's very important unless you're a subhuman or a chad
so it's fucking pointless? because any truecel isn't an "average" Joe, and if you can afford that shit then you aren't an incel at all just a larper.
That's a massive wall of text, I'll be honest I didn't read it all.
Fair enough
I just wanted to tell some of the stories from when I was younger too before I forget about them again

The question dark triad raise to my mind is: are the women really attracted to the evil in darktriad men, or in features that could potentially be found in "good" men ?

For example : fearless, unapologetic, make his own rules, powerful, dangerous, intelligent (but not in a nerdy way, more like in a what you'd find in a mastermind or a CEO), cold blooded (not emotive).

These features are neutral, they can be used for good or evil.

But you'll definitely find them more often in psycopath than in your average computer scientist.
I think it depends on the woman honestly

Some of them are genuinely attracted to these men just because they are evil but some of them are probably just attracted to their ability to succeed because of these traits

I think they also enjoy being with these men because it would be more fun to them then being with a normal guy
There would be more drama which is a thing women enjoy
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Because "average men" are literally a haircut away from getting a gf, and you're giving advice to average men AKA Normies/Chads, not incels, so this isn't the place for that bs.
Im not here to give advice :feelskek:
Im asking what people here think about men with the dark triad because some people deny it has any effect at all and I wanted to see peoples views on it
The "trust me bro tons of incels darktriadmaxxing are getting pussy on my area!"
I never said anything about incels getting pussy with it
I literally said the opposite
you need to be average and above for it to have any effect at all
I never said anything about incels getting pussy with it
I literally said the opposite
you need to be average and above for it to have any effect at all
Idk lot of women are masochists and a guy with those traits will fuck that shit up
Im asking what people here think about men with the dark triad because some people deny it has any effect at all
again, just a Chad luxury, it's like comparing a Chad and a Football Chad Player, the second one will get more pussy despite both being Chad.
so Darktriadmaxxed Chad will get more pussy compared to vanilla Chad, again, just Chad/HT-Normie choices, no darktriadmaxxing for your face or height or race
you need to be average and above for it to have any effect at all
then I'm really wondering why the hell would you want to discuss Chad/HTNormie problems here
so it's fucking pointless?
it depends how ugly.
If you're a 3/10 IN MY OPINION you can still ascend if you are neurotypical, low inhibition, aggressive and very social.
On the opposite side, if you're a 5 or maybe even a 6/10 but you're neurodivergent, high inhibition and a pushover you will probably be an incel.

Unfortunately I don't think we have much control on our personalities so even if I am correct this info isn't "advice", just a fact.

if you can afford that shit then you aren't an incel at all just a larper.
wdym "afford that shit" ? afford what ?
If you're a 3/10 IN MY OPINION you can still ascend if you are neurotypical, low inhibition, aggressive and very social.
I feel like a 3/10 is a bit low if you were like a 4.5 facially with a good frame and decent height like 5’10 and above you could get some pussy from dark triad imo but you probably wouldn't slay unless you had high status and money too
Unless you already have dark triad traits there is no dark triad maxxxing

Im guessing you already have some traits though if you are saying this
I agree with you, it's extremely difficult and most people who want do it already have some of it in them. A study showed that generally it was people already high on dark triad traits that wanted to increase Machiavellianism.

Another study showed that people who wanted to change dark triad traits and used resources aimed at increasing agreeableness to actually change measured dark triad traits (so it's not impossible). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jopy.12714

You can use steroids/aromatase inhibitors, anhedonia inducing SSRIs, ECT if you really want to give it your all (not recommended). If you're under 25, there's still hope though, due to heightened neuroplasticity at that age, especially with the psychosocial development that comes in early adulthood. I've found thar reading psychoanalysis helps increase Machiavellianism, desensitizing yourself to gore helps increase psychopathy. Narcissism is difficult, since I never had any self-esteem in the first place (weight loss and wearing sunglasses has helped), but it's hard to adopt the Elliot Rodger mentality.
if you were like a 4.5 facially with a good frame and decent height like 5’10
4.5 is too high. 4.5 is very slightly below average. The vast majority of people aren't incels.
If you have these stats and NT + dark triad you're almost guaranteed to ascend.

A 3/10 will never be a slayer but he can still get SOMETHING (only IRL, not through online dating).
I'm not saying all 3/10s can get pussy, but I think a large amount can in the right circumstances.
so you're just bullshitting
that's how you sound, fucking retard, you can say that you're a rapist nazi murderer and get pussy if you're good looking, at the end of the day it remains as looks > everything, darktriad bullshit is another luxury that Chad can afford, not an incel.
I agree that OP is going too far on this.

Tons of normies have had sex and relationships after being conformist, feminist and playing the game 'by the rules.'

But drawing bluepilled conclusions from that would also be illegitimate.
again, just a Chad luxury, it's like comparing a Chad and a Football Chad Player, the second one will get more pussy despite both being Chad.
Also true in a way, status can have more effect than traits.
I was always of the opinion that for foids it is power/status > money > height > other physical attributes. Power/status and money overrule everything, if you think women choose mates based on lookism then you are just projecting male behavior onto foids. They don't get wet because of jawlines or muscles, they get wet because they feel the power of the male dominating them. Uglycels always have a chance to get laid, mentalcels and poorcels are doomed for eternity.
These traits are not necessarily negative, if you really think about it.
I mean, I'm not convinced that foids operate on the level of good and evil anyway.

Modern foids will typically enjoy a darktriad chad bc of the thrill they experience around him, in a myopic manner. It's not per se because he's 'evil,' which the foid brain typically can't understand, it's bc of her own sensations which aren't really moral in nature.

Foids are rarely capable of caring abt people's actual personalities or how the world is, they mostly just focus on their own sensations and experiences. As Kierkegaard said, "Woman is personified egotism. Her fervent, burning devotion to man is neither more nor less than her egotism. But His Honour, Man, has no inkling of this; he considers himself very lucky and feels highly flattered to be the object of such fervent devotion..."

The same traits may be treated as negative if done by an incel, bc she does not enjoy his company.
it depends how ugly.
If you're a 3/10 IN MY OPINION you can still ascend if you are neurotypical, low inhibition, aggressive and very social.
On the opposite side, if you're a 5 or maybe even a 6/10 but you're neurodivergent, high inhibition and a pushover you will probably be an incel.
That sounds like some redpilled bs
Dark triad is just the natural state of being a man. It can help you increase your smv by a little but if you don't have the looks for it, you will most likely fail
That sounds like some redpilled bs
meh, I'm not saying it will always work, I just think it can work in the right contexts irl. I can't imagine a 3/10 gang member being incel.
^ All about low inhib. INHIB IS THE ROOT OF ALL INCELDOM
Having low inhib only works if you exhibit other Chad traits with it like status and power. If I sent sexually suggestive messages to foids then I would be called a creep because foids don't think I have any status or power or anything I can provide them with. If rich, high status Chad sent those same perverse messages to fems then they would love it.

That is simply not true at all
Foids don't fall in love, youngcel. Not the same way you or me do at least. They want a host body like all parasite to leech off from. They love the things you give them, not you. Looks don't give much to women, money and power do. Foids would rather fuck a 0/10 manlet who is considered normal by soyciety in regards to beliefs and who has some form of power in his hands than with a 10/10 giant with a strong jawline and 100 packs of muscles who is deep on the autism spectrum or just generally considered a weirdo and has nothing to offer them in regards to resources or power. Money and status can buy you or get you anything.
Foids don't fall in love, youngcel. Not the same way you or me do at least. They want a host body like all parasite to leech off from. They love the things you give them, not you. Looks don't give much to women, money and power do. Foids would rather fuck a 0/10 manlet who is considered normal by soyciety in regards to beliefs and who has some form of power in his hands than with a 10/10 giant with a strong jawline and 100 packs of muscles who is deep on the autism spectrum or just generally considered a weirdo and has nothing to offer them in regards to resources or power. Money and status can buy you or get you anything.
That is demonstrably not true. A foid would rather fuck a homeless chad than an ugly man with money. First of all money doesn't even exist as such, it is just a paper with some symbols written on it and we as humans give some kind of value to it so no, women cannot be attracted to something fake and unnatural same as we men cannot be attracted to something fake and unnatural either. And yes autism can make your life harder but a chad is still a chad with or without autism. As I always say, as long as the autism is not too severe, even though it might be a challenge, it doesn't mean you can call yourself an incel just because of this one failo. Lastly money while it can buy you things cannot ever compensate for any natural disadvantages you might have(genetics). I can tell you are either coping and find it hard to accept the harsh reality or you are someone from reddit who is trying to convince le inkwell to delude himself
That is demonstrably not true. A foid would rather fuck a homeless chad than an ugly man with money. First of all money doesn't even exist as such, it is just a paper with some symbols written on it and we as humans give some kind of value to it so no, women cannot be attracted to something fake and unnatural same as we men cannot be attracted to something fake and unnatural either. And yes autism can make your life harder but a chad is still a chad with or without autism. As I always say, as long as the autism is not too severe, even though it might be a challenge, it doesn't mean you can call yourself an incel just because of this one failo. Lastly money while it can buy you things cannot ever compensate for any natural disadvantages you might have(genetics). I can tell you are either coping and find it hard to accept the harsh reality or you are someone from reddit who is trying to convince le inkwell to delude himself
Homeless Chads still give off an aura of power and authority that's why they can be popular with women. There are different kinds of powers in this world, a homeless drug addict violent Chad can be perceived as someone who deserves respect in the eyes of foids. Beta, poor, autist guys can't get laid, no matter how good looking they may be.
Money does exist or we playing a game of wordplay? You use it every single day and care about it, just like everyone else does. Your deconstruction of money as simply a piece of paper is irrelevant because the fact is you need money in society to live a comfortable life and all women love material comfort and hedonism. Money gets you resources and material comfort. Do you now deny that females enjoy the easy life? Will you try to demonstrate to me how they are hard working and ascetic in nature? Or how they don't care about earthly comforts and an easy life? Who is the deluded here and coping hard, ask yourself.
When did any woman care about genetics when choosing mates? If they were truly so concerned about genetics then there wouldn't exist any ugly people at all and neither would exist genetically inferior people. Don't you see the contradiction in your theory? You think you are ugly and that's why you can't get laid. Well, where did you get those inferior genes from? Obviously your ancestors must have been ugly too, at least some of them yet they could pass down their genes. So obviously there must be more to the story than you think.
You are just fixated on lookism because you are a youngcel and project your thinking onto foids. Your theory is full of critical flaws. And oh you think I'm here to spread some propaganda simply because I point out the flaws in your reasoning? When did I ever defend foids or said that you can man up and lose your virginity? Never. I agree with you that foids are shit, actually I'm even more blackpilled than you because I understand how evil and opportunistic they truly are while you childishly believe that if you were born with a better jawline then they would fawn all over you and love you unconditionally. Grow up.
ITT a GrAY denying the blackpill yawn
ITT a GrAY denying the blackpill yawn
Uglycels and manletcels are privileged and they are most likely just late bloomers. For us weirdcels, poorcels, betacels and mentalcels there was never any hope of leading a "normal" life. When you cry about being ugly that's just literally first world problems compared to the problems we truecels have.
Uglycels and manletcels are privileged and they are most likely just late bloomers. For us weirdcels, poorcels, betacels and mentalcels there was never any hope of leading a "normal" life. When you cry about being ugly that's just literally first world problems compared to the problems we truecels have.
You are 100% an infiltrator from Reddit. You can admit it, no problem
You are 100% an infiltrator from Reddit. You can admit it, no problem
I don't even browse reddit, unlike many people here who are fixated on what normalfags and foids think of them. And nice argument too, brocel. Whenever someone proves you wrong just call them an outsider. Very cool way to win debates.
Uglycels and manletcels are privileged and they are most likely just late bloomers. For us weirdcels, poorcels, betacels and mentalcels there was never any hope of leading a "normal" life. When you cry about being ugly that's just literally first world problems compared to the problems we truecels have.
>'fakecels are the real truecels'
Money does exist or we playing a game of wordplay?
Money only exists in your mind as an idea and yes of course it is a factor when it comes to attraction but the main factor will always be looks. You can't deny that
When did any woman care about genetics when choosing mates? If they were truly so concerned about genetics then there wouldn't exist any ugly people at all and neither would exist genetically inferior people.
There are many reasons why ugly people exist in this world but that is a whole another topic. And its absolutely dumb to ignore the basic fact that women care about genetics. Everything you say makes no sense at all. You are denying basic human nature
that if you were born with a better jawline then they would fawn all over you and love you unconditionally
This is what would unironically solve all my problems
>'fakecels are the real truecels'
You can preach to me about lookism and height mattering the most, literally every single manlet and ugly orc I knew in life had been Chads. I'd rather trust in my own experience than in broscience.
Money does exist or we playing a game of wordplay? You use it every single day and care about it, just like everyone else does. Your deconstruction of money as simply a piece of paper is irrelevant because the fact is you need money in society to live a comfortable life and all women love material comfort and hedonism.
Take a look at this video

View: https://rumble.com/v1o6yzh-existence-what-actually-exists.html

Sv3rige also made a video about the existance of money but I can't find it now
literally every single manlet and ugly orc I knew in life had been Chads.
we get lots of infiltrators from IT but this is a rare infiltrator who came from the twilight zone
You can preach to me about lookism and height mattering the most, literally every single manlet and ugly orc I knew in life had been Chads. I'd rather trust in my own experience than in broscience.
I don't think you actually ever even leave your basement
I don't even browse reddit, unlike many people here who are fixated on what normalfags and foids think of them.
Its obvious you are an infiltrator, come on now
30% - Bluepill
Money only exists in your mind as an idea and yes of course it is a factor when it comes to attraction but the main factor will always be looks. You can't deny that

There are many reasons why ugly people exist in this world but that is a whole another topic. And its absolutely dumb to ignore the basic fact that women care about genetics. Everything you say makes no sense at all. You are denying basic human nature

This is what would unironically solve all my problems
You can say that about anything, man. Trees only exist in your mind as an idea, people only exist in your mind as an idea, etc. Looks only matter in males in so far as it can be an indicator to status and power, like wearing expensive watches and expensive clothing. Also, can you introduce me to some high status and rich people here who are incels despite all that? Waiting...
You didn't provide any arguments at all about why we should suppose that women care about genetics. And why ugly people even exist IS related to the whole topic. Don't worm your way out of this.
I'm not trying to insult you when I say this but you do come off as a huge mentalcel yourself. With your whole insistence on money not existing you give autist or sperg vibes, strongly. I'm not judging you, I'm a mentalcel myself. Just an observation. So I don't think a stronger jawline would help you much in attracting foids.
You can say that about anything, man. Trees only exist in your mind as an idea, people only exist in your mind as an idea, etc. Looks only matter in males in so far as it can be an indicator to status and power, like wearing expensive watches and expensive clothing. Also, can you introduce me to some high status and rich people here who are incels despite all that? Waiting...
You didn't provide any arguments at all about why we should suppose that women care about genetics. And why ugly people even exist IS related to the whole topic. Don't worm your way out of this.
I'm not trying to insult you when I say this but you do come off as a huge mentalcel yourself. With your whole insistence on money not existing you give autist or sperg vibes, strongly. I'm not judging you, I'm a mentalcel myself. Just an observation. So I don't think a stronger jawline would help you much in attracting foids.
@LeFrenchCel @SlayerSlayer @Dregster @Uggo Mongo @TheProphetMuscle @PLA1092 @proudweeb

This guy is either a fed or an infiltrator spreading bluepilled nonsense. Take a look at this
I don't think he belongs here
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You will never see incel criminal. No matter how short or ugly he is he will have some pussy. Of course extreme manlets will never become criminals in the first place because they are simply powerless.

But many ugly, fat, short criminals have pussy only cause they are criminals.

Ted bundy for example is decent looking, but he would not get 0,1% of attention he had if he was not a killer.

Being a killer, drug dealer, gang or cartel member is one of biggest status boosts a man can have. Foids get wet for men who torture other people, steal, kill, rape.

All this said, it still cannot come close to looks. A chad that works in Mcdonalds will still mog the normie mafia boss, thats just undisputable.

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