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low iqcel
Nov 8, 2017
is he ugly or retarded?
torujo said:
is he ugly or retarded?

it saddens me to see people like that. Why are some people born disabled or very ugly and some are 6´4 Chads. Wheres the justice
xFeeLMyPaiN said:
it saddens me to see people like that. Why are some people born disabled or very ugly and some are 6´4 Chads. Wheres the justice

There is no justice. That's why this world must BURN.
This is actually the most effective argument against God. What kind of a sick fuck deity would create people like this in a world where people like this suffer endlessly. Religionfags btfoed.
/pol/cel said:
This is actually the most effective argument against God. What kind of a sick fuck deity would create people like this in a world where people like this suffer endlessly. Religionfags btfoed.

I would totally do this if I were God, why the fuck would God have any empathy when everything is beneath him? It would be extremely boring to exist forever, of course I'd make a race of miserables to suffer for my pleasure as I pass the time.
This is why I support assisted suicide
kkt6 said:
I would totally do this if I were God, why the fuck would God have any empathy when everything is beneath him? It would be extremely boring to exist forever, of course I'd make a race of miserables to suffer for my pleasure as I pass the time.

Especially if we are the creation of some incel god who is omnipotent in comparison to us and our universe but still an complete incel in comparison to the Chad gods of his own kind.
kkt6 said:
I would totally do this if I were God, why the fuck would God have any empathy when everything is beneath him? It would be extremely boring to exist forever, of course I'd make a race of miserables to suffer for my pleasure as I pass the time.

My point still stands. The idea ofw orshipping a sadistic god still btfoes religion and theism im general.
Sparky said:
If he fixed the recessed chin, his life might become marginally more bearable.

Genuinely feel for the poor guy, wish there was something I could do to help him :(

Give him a rope
modus_coperandi said:
Especially if we are the creation of some incel god who is omnipotent in comparison to us and our universe but still an complete incel in comparison to the Chad gods of his own kind.

Im pretty sure an incel god could just create a roastie out of thin air for him to fuck. Unless the defintion of incel is different in that plane of existence.
/pol/cel said:
Im pretty sure an incel god could just create a roastie out of thin air for him to fuck. Unless the defintion of incel is different in that plane of existence.

Yeah but that would be like one of us creating a VR gf. He can't get himself one of his own kind.
/pol/cel said:
My point still stands. The idea ofw orshipping a sadistic god still btfoes religion and theism im general.

Well now you see what society has come to without religion. No rule, idea or virtue is worth following if it isn't validated by divine authority. Now adultery, promiscuity, suicide and sin are popular and accepted because 'you only live once'. Now, people only exist to indulge. Secular men are cowards because they are afraid to lose the only life they have, and know that no reward for virtue comes afterwards.

You know why the West is snowballing into extinction at the hands of the righteous Islam? Because the West has produced generations of hedonistic cravens who believe that everything is nothing because we're all just space dust. Islam on the other hand believes that it has divine mandate to shape the world in its image, and will be rewarded eternally for it. Secularism has sapped the morale and will to exist of every civilization that has accepted it. Like it or not, the majority of people will always be too stupid, short-sighted and pleasure-seeking to ever care about long-term consequences or social decay unless Hellish, eternal punishment is threatened.

Now enjoy your Godless 'civilization', for however long it lasts.
kkt6 said:
Well now you see what society has come to without religion. No rule, idea or virtue is worth following if it isn't validated by divine authority. Now adultery, promiscuity and sin are popular and accepted because 'you only live once'. Now, people only exist to indulge. Secular men are cowards because they are afraid to lose the only life they have, and fear that nothing comes afterwards. 

You know why the West is snowballing into extinction at the hands of the righteous Islam? Because the West has produced generations of hedonistic cravens who believe that everything is nothing because we're all just space dust. Islam on the other hand believes that it has a divine mandate to shape the world in its image, and will be rewarded eternally for it.

Now enjoy your Godless 'civilization', for however long it lasts.

Fucking hell you truly are an imbecile. You're right, everthing is just space dust. A different rearrangement of matter. Atoms, compounds, molecules, mixtures. Nothing more, nothing less. What the fuck is the point in life without hedonism. If you're not happy in life, then change what you're doing, and if you cant change it then off yourself.

Yes, the west is collapsing because they are free enough to unfetter themselves from the brainwashing that is religion. Fucking hell, christfags piss me off. Society should collapse anyway, so why not be happy while destroying it? There is no hope, so stop the cope.
kkt6 said:
Well now you see what society has come to without religion. No rule, idea or virtue is worth following if it isn't validated by divine authority. Now adultery, promiscuity and sin are popular and accepted because 'you only live once'. Now, people only exist to indulge. Secular men are cowards because they are afraid to lose the only life they have, and know that no reward for virtue comes afterwards.

You know why the West is snowballing into extinction at the hands of the righteous Islam? Because the West has produced generations of hedonistic cravens who believe that everything is nothing because we're all just space dust. Islam on the other hand believes that it has divine mandate to shape the world in its image, and will be rewarded eternally for it.

Now enjoy your Godless 'civilization', for however long it lasts.

Na man. I despise this civilization and Im waiting for it to come tumbling down. I dont believe in God because I think hes an impotent piece of shit who isent dishing out fire and brimstone fast enough if he does indeed exist. 

That being said, I am still a moral absolutist who hates materialism, meaningless hedonism and institutionalized degeneracy. Despite all the shit I talk about religion I still appreciate the moral structure it can provide.
A very unfortunate individual, Unless he just got incredibly unlucky in the looks department its obviously a disability. Fuck the parents if they knew he had this before deciding not to abort.
Kointo said:
Fucking hell you truly are an imbecile. You're right, everthing is just space dust. A different rearrangement of matter. Atoms, compounds, molecules, mixtures. Nothing more, nothing less. What the fuck is the point in life without hedonism. If you're not happy in life, then change what you're doing, and if you cant change it then off yourself.

Yes, the west is collapsing because they are free enough to unfetter themselves from the brainwashing that is religion. Fucking hell, christfags piss me off. Society should collapse anyway, so why not be happy while destroying it? There is no hope, so stop the cope.

Because religion unraveling hasn't made incels "happier". It's just made the world more darwinistic and empowering to its strongest members (Chad and Stacy) at the expense of its weakest members (incels, i.e. you). No marriage (and if somehow you do get one it's with a cheating whore), extremely weak bond between people, etc... What possible hedonism has secularism brought that an incel could enjoy? Promiscuity? Free sex? That's wholly reserved for Chad and Stacy. 

You've given up the perks of a religious society, now you can enjoy the perks of an irreligious society such as... Watching Stacy fuck a thousand Chads? Remaining alone for your entire life? At least you don't have to go to Sunday school I guess..? Uh.. Well... Anime?

hence, E N J O Y
kkt6 said:
Because religion unraveling hasn't made incels "happier". It's just made the world more darwinistic and empowering to its strongest members (Chad and Stacy) at the expense of its weakest members (incels, i.e. you). No marriage (and if somehow you do get one it's with a cheating whore), extremely weak bond between people, etc... What possible hedonism has secularism brought that an incel could enjoy? Promiscuity? Free sex? That's wholly reserved for Chad and Stacy. 

You've given up the perks of a religious society, now you can enjoy the perks of an irreligious society such as... Watching Stacy fuck a thousand Chads? Remaining alone for your entire life? At least you don't have to go to Sunday school I guess..? Uh.. Well... Anime?

hence, E N J O Y

I will enjoy. Anything is better than being brainwashed by the higher ups of society to stay in line.

If those things bother you, just LDAR like me. Now you got all the time in the world with nobody to bother you.
Kointo said:
I will enjoy. Anything is better than being brainwashed by the higher ups of society to stay in line.

If those things bother you, just LDAR like me. Now you got all the time in the world with nobody to bother you.

But that's always going to happen no matter what, it doesn't cease to exist just because you took God out of the equation. Yesterday it was the cult of Jesus, today it's the cult of post-modern humanism, i.e. secular morality (muh gay marriage, muh white privilege, muh equality, muh free will).

You're just as likely to be ostracized from society at large for rejecting the cult of post-modern humanism as you were for rejecting the cult of Jesus. If you're here, chances are you already have been.

That control mechanic you hate so much is always going to exist, we still have it. Submitting just gives fewer benefits now :)
kkt6 said:
But that's always going to happen no matter what, it doesn't cease to exist just because you took God out of the equation. Yesterday it was the cult of Jesus, today it's the cult of post-modern humanism, i.e. secular morality (muh gay marriage, muh white privilege, muh equality, muh free will).

You're just as likely to be ostracized from society at large for rejecting the cult of post-modern humanism as you were for rejecting the cult of Jesus. If you're here, chances are you already have been.

That control mechanic you hate so much is always going to exist, we still have it. Submitting just gives fewer benefits now :)

Yes, I realize the control mechanic is still as prevalent as ever. Like you said, that's why I'm ostracized from society. Choosing one mind control over another doesn't make it better. It's like picking one bluepill over another.
Kointo said:
Yes, I realize the control mechanic is still as prevalent as ever. Like you said, that's why I'm ostracized from society. Choosing one mind control over another doesn't make it better. It's like picking one bluepill over another.
It does. In a religious society, you could've married, had sex with a young virgin, bonded in the company of your lonesome wife, and probably not gotten cheated on. The social expectations and values of a healthily religious society could've allowed you to do all this without being Chad.

In an irreligious society, you don't get any of those things if you're not a top-tier Chad. Even if you submit to post-modern society's cult of moral secularism and gynocracy, the most you'll be rewarded with is betabuxing for a whore. 

Society at large will break you for rejecting its values in either scenario, now which reward do you prefer?
kkt6 said:
It does. In a religious society, you could've married, had sex with a young virgin, bonded in the company of your lonesome wife, and probably not get cheated on. The expectations and values of a healthily religious society would've allowed you to do all this without being Chad.

In an irreligious society, you don't get any of those things if you're not a top-tier Chad. Even if you submit to post-modern society's cult of moral secularism and gynocracy, the most you'll be rewarded with is betabuxing for a whore. 

Society at large will break you in either scenario for rejecting its values, now which offers a greater reward?

Pretty much this. I think authority in the postmodern age is illegitimate and morally bankrupt but that dosent mean authority in general is bad if you get something reasonable back in return for your compliance. 

A religious society has an imposed moral structure that is designed to ensure stability and parity between the different social classes when it comes to finding a wife. Post modern progressive secularism is also a religious cult but its a death cult designed to facilitate human regression. 

If you embrace total individuality without restraint because you cite the muh freedom argument you are really no different from the degenerates we hate on this site.
/pol/cel said:
Pretty much this. I think authority in the postmodern age is illegitimate and morally bankrupt but that dosent mean authority in general is bad if you get something reasonable back in return for your compliance. 

A religious society has an imposed moral structure that is designed to ensure stability and parity between the different social classes when it comes to finding a wife. Post modern progressive secularism is also a religious cult but its a death cult designed to facilitate human regression. 

If you embrace total individuality without restraint because you cite the muh freedom argument you are really no different from the degenerates we hate on this site.

Sounds a lot like slavery with benefits.
Kointo said:
Sounds a lot like slavery with benefits.

So it's better to be a wizard because at least some nasty old preacher doesn't make you go to Sunday school.

kkt6 said:
So it's better to be a wizard because at least some nasty old preacher doesn't make you go to Sunday school.


Kointo said:
Kointo said:
What the fuck is the point in life without hedonism.

So then where's all that secular "hedonism" you could've been enjoying?

I thought there was no meaning to life outside of hedonism? Dying a virgin doesn't sound very hedonistic to me... So where's the meaning? 

Sounds to me like all that's left is to

Kointo said:
off yourself.
kkt6 said:
So then where's all that secular "hedonism" you could've been enjoying?

I thought there was no meaning to life outside of hedonism? Dying a virgin doesn't sound very hedonistic to me... So where's the meaning? 

Sounds to me like all that's left is to

Anime, vidya, manga, forums 

Don't worry, I'll be doing that in a few years too
He’s destined to be our next prophet.
He looks like those semi-fetus children but can walk. I still don't think he's fully consious of his exitence, looks way to retarded to think.

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