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Discussion What is it like for a currycel living in west? How they get treated in west?

If you can get arrange marriage then its fine. The west has a much better living condition and if you dont care about women or have arrange marriage option then go for it.
If you don't mind racism and shit then yeah sure go ahead. If you don't like it after a few years you can return back with loads of money and fuck local curry escorts here.
in China yes,but Internet companies often overwork you hard, and they are mostly located in first tier cities thus house price is insane,many people earn some money then return to second tier cities
how much do big indian companies offer to freshman masters
I dont know about that bro, I dont think big indian companies offer a lot of salary with no experienced software engineer. But they will offer a somewhat good package and If I get some experience working in west after masters I might get some more salary in indian companies but not as the they pay in west
If you don't mind racism and shit then yeah sure go ahead. If you don't like it after a few years you can return back with loads of money and fuck local curry escorts here.
That's what I am talking about my man:feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
If you can get arrange marriage then its fine. The west has a much better living condition and if you dont care about women or have arrange marriage option then go for it.
I have an arranged marriage option here but i want to go through this MGTOW so i want to fuck escorts
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TLDR: be based, not cucked just ignore women
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1. You can earn way more than a "mediocre" salary there as well. Even more if you're IITmaxxed. Besides. the "high salary" u think ull get in cuckmerica is a myth cuz when u move their your expenses will increase just as much as ur salary, if not more.
2. You don't have to look at currywhores "fucking and kissing" chadpreets. I mean India is pretty much 100 years behind the west on PUA. The most ull ever see is a foid on a bike with her bf or holding hands in a park. That too is frowned upon unless you live in a very high class society.
If anything it will be even more brutal in cuckmerica with foids literally giving blowjobs to tyrone and chad in public at times and making out in full view, you'll seethe hard and probably rope.
3. the "beautiful foids" u see getting fucked on ur screen to cope will still be just as unapproachable for you in the west as they are in curryland. Distance isn't the factor, looks are. And even if you're talking about literal whores, they might reject you too, and its too much money to pay tbh if you go for the hot ones, more than you'll be able to afford.
4. yes u can get looksmatch or even above looksmatch in india due to arranged marriage if u get gigarich, but its stupid cuz shed still be just as repulsed by u, only a gold digger/ transactional marriage with a dead bedroom. Either way its not like you wanna fuck ugly curry foids as you stated earlier (kek beggars choosers volcel moment but hey im not judging I used to be like you too). Even if u get GIGACURRYSTACY like the indid ones in bollywood movies, shed probably divorce/#metoo (section 498A) you.:blackpill:

TLDR: just ignore women
so u are saying to ignore women, and stay black pilled with no marriage :feelsugh: Now I get your point man. thanks for typing me out all this :feelsokman:

My goal is to find a cope of escorts and watching movies and gaming in usa and after i will go tours to all places, that's why i want to come to west to make money and if i cannot live in that country for more time I will definetly come back to india again and do some job in india itself in a big company and cope in india itself with the money I get.
I'm glad you have your priorities straight and understood my point brocel
yeah by the way how are you coping right now? can u list them out?
im gonna rope soon tbh, i have run out of copes negl, vidya and movies dont do it for me anymore nothing does tbh, only reason i havent done it yet is because of family
im gonna rope soon tbh, i have run out of copes negl, vidya and movies dont do it for me anymore nothing does tbh, only reason i havent done it yet is because of family
sad to hear bro and are u from india too?
im not, but have currycel friends from there
Go to US make some money then go back to India and arrange marriage with some poor girl. Thats maybe your only option if you are fine with bettabuxxing.
im not, but have currycel friends from there
Oh cool dont rope bro find some alternative copes wait for gta 6 and play games watch movies and find whatever the cope u want.
i wish that worked for me brocel:cryfeels:
do you think i get poverty if i do masters in computer science?

so are you suggesting me to stay in india among currycels where I earn mediocre salary and have to look at all this indian bitches fucking and kissing bad boys where I have to watch this beautiful foids fucking other men where I stay in home and work like a stupid and coping imagining foids getting fucked? Even I get a girl with my looksmatch I might get sex but I cannot get sex like I have with a beautiful looking women whom I can fuck for some money
If you’re intelligent enough to do that (masters in computer science) then you should not rob your country of your genius and brain power by leaving for someplace else.

Besides something ALL muds need to take into account before moving to the US or UK is you won’t have any success with women unless you’re a thug maxx’d rapper, gang banger or can effectively sell the bad boy illusion of being such.

“Excuse me miss I have a degree in computer science and am becoming quite wealthy from it” only works with oofy doofy white beta buxxers.
If you’re intelligent enough to do that (masters in computer science) then you should not rob your country of your genius and brain power by leaving for someplace else.

Besides something ALL muds need to take into account before moving to the US or UK is you won’t have any success with women unless you’re a thug maxx’d rapper, gang banger or can effectively sell the bad boy illusion of being such.

“Excuse me miss I have a degree in computer science and am becoming quite wealthy from it” only works with oofy doofy white beta buxxers.
But i am coming there to moneymaxx and get hookers bro
But i am coming there to moneymaxx and get hookers bro

Well in that case you should move to a place where prostitution is legal like Nevada with its brothels although the UK I believe it’s legal everywhere except its seemingly only legal if you work out an arrangement discretely as apparently from what I read brothels as well open public solicitation is not allowed.
Prepare to be treated as a second class citizen. Also prepare for isolation/loneliness. As a first gen curry you'd be too out of place to fit in with any normie group(except other subhuman first gen curries). You will survive but never get ahead in life. And don't even think about dating or gfs. White foids will think of you like we think of cockroaches, rats other pests. Even ugly ethnic foids wouldn't want anything to do with you. Also unlike shitholes getting an escort would be somewhat risky since laws are not that half arsedly enforced in first world countries, but @PPEcel can advise you better on that.

If you can live with all that then do come. In terms of relationships I'd advise you to arrangemarriagemaxx some village curry ho and bring her with you.
Just a note though, escorts are more likely to discriminate against curry than they do rice, this is because curries stereotypically have a habit of bartering
Just a note though, escorts are more likely to discriminate against curry than they do rice, this is because curries stereotypically have a habit of bartering

@PPEcel has entered the chat
Its a tradeoff man. Better all around life here in America in terms of materialism and comfort (even then, America is incredibly unequal). But without love, sex, and friendship as a man of color.

Indian, Rice, or Middle eastern in the Anglosphere = Better be totally enclosed and protected in your own ethnic enclave. Because if not. No chance to get matched up and find love. Will guaranteed, live a hellish existence in the marginalized fringes of white Anglo society unless you really stand out from other ethnics in terms of looks, height, and status.
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If you don't mind racism and shit then yeah sure go ahead. If you don't like it after a few years you can return back with loads of money and fuck local curry escorts here.
Racism is real but even with it, the competition for good jobs is far far less than curryland
in China yes,but Internet companies often overwork you hard, and they are mostly located in first tier cities thus house price is insane,many people earn some money then return to second tier cities
how much do big indian companies offer to freshman masters
I wish I can enter a big company this year, I am in Beijing now
Lmao no one in curryland is earning $50k in IT right of out of college except the few top 100 something graduates.
I have an arranged marriage option here but i want to go through this MGTOW so i want to fuck escorts
Curryfoids are whores too. No point marrying a non virgin whore.
I find it cringe tbh

Bartering puts incels and other people with social anxiety at a disadvantage

Have a stated price and stick to it
I don't like it either but I don't escortcel so roasties can eat mu dick.
Racism is real but even with it, the competition for good jobs is far far less than curryland
Competition with a bunch of low iq shitskins
Lmao no one in curryland is earning $50k in IT right of out of college except the few top 100 something graduates.

Curryfoids are whores too. No point marrying a non virgin whore.

I don't like it either but I don't escortcel so roasties can eat mu dick.

Competition with a bunch of low iq shitskins
the low IQ shitskins are giga fucking tryhard. competition is absolutely insane there
You can settle in the west, but dont hang around white folk.
I'm not pro-racism or pro-white or right wing anything, but when I see a curry here I almost have to hold back laughter, especially if they're holding themselves with any kind of pride or dignity. It's impossible to respect a curry and you will not be able to live in the west without constant humiliation. Curries are truly the lowest among incel kind.
Look, don't hear those that are saying for you to go to America/West.
They want to see you fail and suffer.

Don't come to the West, there really is nothing here for curries.
You and the entire curry species are better off putting in the effort and making India into a real country instead of a streetshithole.

You talk about making money and being a "badboy" in the West. Fucking lol, just imagine a "badboy" currycel.
That aside, why can't you be a "badboy" in India? What is the difference?

I will tell you the truth:

White foids only fuck Chad (alpha whites), Tyrones (alpha blacks) and maybe some muscular Juans (good health latinos/spaniards/mexicans). They don't give ANY sex to ugly whites, ugly blacks, asians or curries.

Black/ethnic foids only give sex to Chads and Tyrones.
Black foids are more racist than the old guard White Supremacists. I am being 100% serious.
Black foids hate ugly black men with a passion. Almost as much as the noodlewhores hate their ricemen.

They make the slave-labor plantation owners seem moderate.
Ethnic women in the West hate ethnic men. That is what the West made them into.
I want to gain more money in usa and escortmaxx and I am not looking forward to date a foid in west, if I desperately need to date one i have indian foids here in west as well, but as i am a sub5 currycel I dont think that even curry foids will like me so I moneymaxx a lot here as i get more money in west and fuck escorts, now tell me can I come to west?
So you want to go all the way to the West from India just to fuck prostitutes and escorts? Really bruh?
There are no escorts in India? No prostitutes? Not a single one? I don't believe you.

You want me to believe that you have 600million foids and no foid escorts there in curryland?
Or perhaps you are desperate for white foids, like all ethnics are?

Joe Biden: C'mon man...
there are, but if i work in india as a fresher i don't earn a lot of money and i need a lot of time to get some money to get settled and cant spend money especially on hookers and I will earn as much as money i can in USA and I will come back to india again and fuck all high end indian escorts in india, I don't want my younger self to die a virgin and I will fuck as many girls I can, I could be a fuckboi but as a currycel it is impossible, so I have no other option than this. I want to fuck american escorts too but have to look forward to moneymaxx, now tell me is my decision wrong?
It will be hell. I knew this one decent-looking but dark-skinned south indian dude. As far as indian dudes go he was probably upper-tier normie face-wise but was kind of short. However his thick accent, combined with his reservedness simply due to his traditional indian upbringing fucked him so hard. Girls would literally call him "cute" as in like a little brother kind of way and EVEN I felt fucking bad for him. I may look like a disgusting ginger ogre abomination but at least I don't have women emasculating me THAT hard.

Simply DO NOT COME to the west as an Indian guy. Indians are probably the least attractive race to women. The only reason Indian men in India get Indian women is because Indian women in India don't have any other options.
It will be hell. I knew this one decent-looking but dark-skinned south indian dude. As far as indian dudes go he was probably upper-tier normie face-wise but was kind of short. However his thick accent, combined with his reservedness simply due to his traditional indian upbringing fucked him so hard. Girls would literally call him "cute" as in like a little brother kind of way and EVEN I felt fucking bad for him. I may look like a disgusting ginger ogre abomination but at least I don't have women emasculating me THAT hard.

Simply DO NOT COME to the west as an Indian guy. Indians are probably the least attractive race to women. The only reason Indian men in India get Indian women is because Indian women in India don't have any other options.
I totally agree with that, but the problem is for those people who are trying to date american foids, i am just there for money thats it, do you think if I want to focus on money rather than on women it is a good option?
I am a sub5 currycel who is living in india now doing bachelors degree and wanted to do masters in USA and wanted to settle in west my whole life,

How my life will be in west as an ugly indian?

and as far as i am concerned and on my experience most of indian women and men are black and ugly.

My goal of coming to west is to earn more money as best as I can and escortmaxx all beautiful ladies.
Okay so here are the different kinds of rope because its super super super over if you come here. Theres cotton rope, jute rope, leaded polysteel rope, nylon rope and the classic manilla. It only gets worse I promise you.
Okay so here are the different kinds of rope because its super super super over if you come here. Theres cotton rope, jute rope, leaded polysteel rope, nylon rope and the classic manilla. It only gets worse I promise you.
how can I earn money then? My reason of coming there is to gain money and I even have indian guys who settles in west too. I can hangout with them.
NO you got it wrong i am completely black pilled not bluepilled at all, I want to go to escorts because i want to fuck all beautiful women before i die without getting settled with one woman in my life that's what my goal is.

I am not waiting for any white girl to date me bro. I just want to fuck women that's it. I want to feel all different kinds of women like i see in porn i am a porn addict, i literally want to live my life like leonardo dicaprio in the movie " The Wolf of Wall Street"( only the part where he fucks different women ,not getting married), I want to have sex with all money i have until my sex drive will go and after i will look for some alternatives to cope, so that is the reason i want to come to west to get some money
You have a good mindset. I agree that no young person with high sex drive should remain sexless and if you don't get a girl the normal way you should escortmaxx.

The thing is you can fuck white escorts in homeland too tho you will have to spend lot of money. You can get some hot curry escorts as well. Problem with going to US is you gotta ensure that your degree can easily give you a career and you don't end up jobless and in debt. You'll still be spending 2 years in us as a student with no money and working part time to support yourself. It'll get very lonely and depressing. I don't think white escorts are worth all that effort. But if you want to moneymax for other better reasons as well go for it. Just take care pf your mental health and don't end up jobless.
You have a good mindset. I agree that no young person with high sex drive should remain sexless and if you don't get a girl the normal way you should escortmaxx.

The thing is you can fuck white escorts in homeland too tho you will have to spend lot of money. You can get some hot curry escorts as well. Problem with going to US is you gotta ensure that your degree can easily give you a career and you don't end up jobless and in debt. You'll still be spending 2 years in us as a student with no money and working part time to support yourself. It'll get very lonely and depressing. I don't think white escorts are worth all that effort. But if you want to moneymax for other better reasons as well go for it. Just take care pf your mental health and don't end up jobless.
Yeah I will make sure for that, I will try to find the best job and moneymaaxx a lot
I am a sub5 currycel who is living in india now doing bachelors degree and wanted to do masters in USA and wanted to settle in west my whole life,

How my life will be in west as an ugly indian?

and as far as i am concerned and on my experience most of indian women and men are black and ugly.

My goal of coming to west is to earn more money as best as I can and escortmaxx all beautiful ladies.
Better to not experience the west, particularly NA, while curry or rice

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