whogivesafucc said:
True, it's been a couple years and there's already been 1697816169017861 PSL theories
Mostly though it has just devolved to autistic shitposting such as "maybe the real reason I can't get a girl is because of my subhuman interocular distance bruh" or some shit. (just see 90% of posts on lookism lol)
I actualy have a theory (now bare with me here, it's still a theory) that inceldom is not based on looks but on intelligence, and the fact that people mate based on similar intelligence levels. Now ofcourse, looks do matter and especialy do so for hook ups, no question here, but my theory is about why it's impossible for us to find a partner not why we aren't slayers.
Now you gonna ask "But there are both smarter and dumber people than us with gfs?". That's absolutely true, but the problem with us is that we are stuck in such a paradox where we are usualy smarter or dumber than the people surrounding us and there so making it impossible for us to partner with someone. We are stuck where we aint smart enough for the smart and not dumb enough for the dumb, and there so left without any options.
I came up with this theory while observing couples during my workday... i'd see a lot of guys scoring my looks or even lower having gf, family, kids etc. BUT being so dumb (sharing the level of their gfs), that they actualy suit eachother perfectly. Think about it... these people share interests, but IF/WHEN we go out on a date we have to dumb ourselves down to our date's level instead of acting natural, which is why it doesn't work.
This is the short version, i may create a thread at some point with the actual wall of text.