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Based What I Would Do If I Became A Dictator.



Nov 20, 2022
If I became a dictator of my country(USA) here's what I would do:

-I would remove all foids rights: They would not be allowed to vote in any more elections; would lose all rights to divorce & alimony; abortion would be very restricted & only allowed in certain cases; bared from all higher education; as well as many other more restrictions to ensure foids remain in subservience. They would not be considered full citizens, more or less.

-I would end all aid to other countries, but especially to Israel & all third-world ones in general. We can barely afford to keep the lights on in this country, so I would cut all the foreign aid spending & invest it back into our infrastructure, economy, industries, etc. & at least partially return some of it to the taxpayers.

-I would actually do what the holocast supposedly did to the kikes & their associates.

-I would criminalize homosexuality: Anyone caught practicing would face prison time & possible euthanasia. Transgenders would be euthanized also. Anyone who promotes or defends the LGBTQ+ agenda would also be subject to possible criminal charges, or at the very least a heavy fine.

-I would end the war on drugs: It has costed the US government & taxpayers billions annually, criminalizes people just for minor possession of often relatively harmless drugs(ie weed or shrooms), and has only serve to give profit to the Cartels. I would essentially legalize most if not all drugs & regulate them; people will do drugs regardless of the legality(I would know). This will at least generate revenue we can invest back into the economy, allow for safe production of drugs(most of the time when someone ODs from any drug, it is due to the fact it was laced, contaminated, etc), and allow for research into them which could find possible benefits of the substance & safer ways of usage.

-I would commence TND: Total Nigger Deportation. They would all be sent back to Africa or a designated colony somewhere; I would allow those with at least a good chunk of white ancestry & very high IQs to stay, but they would not be allowed to racemix with a full white foid.

-I would build an actual, heavily fortified border wall with Mexico.

-I would ban all immigration from non-white countries & deport all those who aren't Whites, East Asians, or White-passing Latinos who prove to have a high IQ & are loyal to the White race: Racemixing would also be illegal under law with very very few exceptions, such as strictly between non-whites & mutts under specific circumstances.

Basically I would allow mutt brocels or those very high-IQ(mostly white-passing latinos ig) to stay & give them a hapa, mutt, or non-white foid :feelsYall:.

-I would defend the rights of all citizens to own firearms; owning firearms is a basic human right in my honest opinion, and it is in the interest of communities to form well regulated militias to defend them.

-I would nationalize banking & return to the gold-standard.

-I would pass laws guaranteeing every man would be assigned their objective foid looksmatch, based on looks, IQ, genetic history, etc. Who is required to remain a virgin & cannot be fat. This way, we allow for us to breed the best of the best based on IQ & genetic potential, whilst also giving every man a right to a foid who will be loyal to him.

-I would research into means of genetic engineering so that we may erase undesirable traits completely, not require foids for reproduction, and creating foids who naturally are submissive & obeying to males.

-I would transform the economy into one based around the Corporatist, National Socialist, or general Third-Positionist model: In a way, I would combine the best elements of Capitalism with that of Socialism. We would value the innovation which Capitalism can bring, whilst also making sure the lower & middle working classes are protected from exploitation: We would allow for various social classes to exist within society, but they would all be equal & understand their role in developing the race & nation. We would also try & become self-reliant as a nation, so we do not have to trade too much or get sold out like we have been now.

-I would generate a sense of racial identity based around the history & achievements of the White race: I would also allow for Christianity to still exist, but I would try & build some sort of new identity for whites based around the race as a whole, or perhaps even a new set of religious beliefs.

Very long already, so >inb4 "dnr" but to those who did read: What do you think, what would you add, and what would you do if you became the dictator of your country?
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tagging brocels who might be interested: @TBIcel @Govid_Dorious @Corvus @IronsideCel @B/W muttcel @Uggo Mongo @LeFrenchCel @Adolf Hitler @EngelCallDell19 @wereq @Chudpreet
Pretty based for the most part but I don't agree with the drug legalizing you really don't want shit like meth just being sold out in the open.
Fair enough; I think I mainly had in mind stuff such as marijuana, shrooms, LSD, MDMA, even opioids. Often times, the issue people have with these is that they are laced/contaminated, plus they are very commonly used so it's just handing over cash to organized crime.

I think I would use the more safer, lab made hard drugs for those addicts trying to get off them so they dont get laced stuff.
If I became a dictator of my country(USA) here's what I would do:

-I would remove all foids rights: They would not be allowed to vote in any more elections; would lose all rights to divorce & alimony; abortion would be very restricted & only allowed in certain cases; bared from all higher education; as well as many other more restrictions to ensure foids remain in subservience. They would not be considered full citizens, more or less.

-I would end all aid to other countries, but especially to Israel & all third-world ones in general. We can barely afford to keep the lights on in this country, so I would cut all the foreign aid spending & invest it back into our infrastructure, economy, industries, etc. & at least partially return some of it to the taxpayers.

-I would actually do what the holocast supposedly did to the kikes & their associates.

-I would criminalize homosexuality: Anyone caught practicing would face prison time & possible euthanasia. Transgenders would be euthanized also. Anyone who promotes or defends the LGBTQ+ agenda would also be subject to possible criminal charges, or at the very least a heavy fine.

-I would end the war on drugs: It has costed the US government & taxpayers billions annually, criminalizes people just for minor possession of often relatively harmless drugs(ie weed or shrooms), and has only serve to give profit to the Cartels. I would essentially legalize most if not all drugs & regulate them; people will do drugs regardless of the legality(I would know). This will at least generate revenue we can invest back into the economy, allow for safe production of drugs(most of the time when someone ODs from any drug, it is due to the fact it was laced, contaminated, etc), and allow for research into them which could find possible benefits of the substance & safer ways of usage.

-I would commence TND: Total Nigger Deportation. They would all be sent back to Africa or a designated colony somewhere; I would allow those with at least a good chunk of white ancestry & very high IQs to stay, but they would not be allowed to racemix with a full white foid.

-I would build an actual, heavily fortified border wall with Mexico.

-I would ban all immigration from non-white countries & deport all those who aren't Whites, East Asians, or White-passing Latinos who prove to have a high IQ & are loyal to the White race: Racemixing would also be illegal under law with very very few exceptions, such as strictly between non-whites & mutts under specific circumstances.

Basically I would allow mutt brocels or those very high-IQ(mostly white-passing latinos ig) to stay & give them a hapa, mutt, or non-white foid :feelsYall:.

-I would defend the rights of all citizens to own firearms; owning firearms is a basic human right in my honest opinion, and it is in the interest of communities to form well regulated militias to defend them.

-I would nationalize banking & return to the gold-standard.

-I would pass laws guaranteeing every man would be assigned their objective foid looksmatch, based on looks, IQ, genetic history, etc. Who is required to remain a virgin & cannot be fat. This way, we allow for us to breed the best of the best based on IQ & genetic potential, whilst also giving every man a right to a foid who will be loyal to him.

-I would research into means of genetic engineering so that we may erase undesirable traits completely, not require foids for reproduction, and creating foids who naturally are submissive & obeying to males.

-I would transform the economy into one based around the Corporatist, National Socialist, or general Third-Positionist model: In a way, I would combine the best elements of Capitalism with that of Socialism. We would value the innovation which Capitalism can bring, whilst also making sure the lower & middle working classes are protected from exploitation: We would allow for various social classes to exist within society, but they would all be equal & understand their role in developing the race & nation. We would also try & become self-reliant as a nation, so we do not have to trade too much or get sold out like we have been now.

-I would generate a sense of racial identity based around the history & achievements of the White race: I would also allow for Christianity to still exist, but I would try & build some sort of new identity for whites based around the race as a whole, or perhaps even a new set of religious beliefs.

Very long already, so >inb4 "dnr" but to those who did read: What do you think, what would you add, and what would you do if you became the dictator of your country?
based department? Hello?
This’s be a nation i’d fight for :feelsYall:
Pretty based for the most part but I don't agree with the drug legalizing you really don't want shit like meth just being sold out in the open.
Yeah u do meth is based and isn't much worse than adderall rlly. All homeless druggies get sent to the death camps tho along with everyone OP mentioned
what's the national religion?
what's the national religion?
Technically, it would be none, but I would allow all religions that are White in origin(Christianity, European Paganism, Agnosticism, etc).
GIGAcucked, abortion is murder and should be illegal.
I would allow it if the baby could have a very serious birth defect or if the baby is from a mixed relationship.
That's based ngl+ kind of ironic since OP is a white larper but ok
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Based but you should force criminal white toilets to marry and breed subhuman shitskins and send them to shit hole countries
Nah, they would be given to whitecels as sextoys.
Nah, they would be given to whitecels as sextoys.
what about the surplus white toilets (not the landwhales, they should be shot in situ) pretty please :feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww::feelsaww:
Yeah u do meth is based and isn't much worse than adderall rlly.
I believe the Nazis used it in WWII to enhance their soldiers ability; perhaps we could use it to enhance the guards at the camps:feelshmm:
All homeless druggies get sent to the death camps tho along with everyone OP mentioned
Fair enough tbh, though through my plan I mentioned here:
I think I mainly had in mind stuff such as marijuana, shrooms, LSD, MDMA, even opioids. Often times, the issue people have with these is that they are laced/contaminated, plus they are very commonly used so it's just handing over cash to organized crime.

I think I would use the more safer, lab made hard drugs for those addicts trying to get off them so they dont get laced stuff.
I would offer them safer alternatives sure, but if they use it as a way to quit then I guess they can be redeemed & useful again. However, if they use to the point they eventually harm their body so much they die, I guess that's kind of doing natural selection then.
Thanks brocel, any suggestions to add to the list?
Allowing Christianity but minus the kikes who disobeyed God multiple times like worshipping a golden calf jfl
Allowing Christianity but minus the kikes who disobeyed God multiple times like worshipping a golden calf jfl
I would suppose it wouldn't really be Christianity since it's not going by Jewish standard, I'd make it more emphasis on God and Jesus only instead of recognizing people who betrayed God so many times.
I would suppose it wouldn't really be Christianity since it's not going by Jewish standard, I'd make it more emphasis on God and Jesus only instead of recognizing people who betrayed God so many times.
Definitely rule out Judaism for sure though, i hate those kikes.
More of a racial purist than that also would criminalized toilets hair showing or them being in public without a male relative accompanying them also disagree on war of drugs shit I think all problems can be solved by hucking it off a rooftop
You should aim for total nigger death not deportation because in the event of deportation, those nigs would just migrate to Europe and destroy it.
Also, you should aim for total jewish death.
Also, you should aim for total jewish death.
I basically said that:

If I became a dictator of my country(USA) here's what I would do:

-I would actually do what the holocast supposedly did to the kikes & their associates.
You should aim for total nigger death not deportation because in the event of deportation, those nigs would just migrate to Europe and destroy it.
Valid point tbh; I guess I will initiate TND in the United States :feelshmm:.
Definitely rule out Judaism for sure though, i hate those kikes.
Indeed- it would be a banned religion alongside many others; only govt. official with the intent of learning about our greatest-enemy would be allowed to read Talmudic texts.
If I became a dictator of my country(USA) here's what I would do:

-I would remove all foids rights: They would not be allowed to vote in any more elections; would lose all rights to divorce & alimony; abortion would be very restricted & only allowed in certain cases; bared from all higher education; as well as many other more restrictions to ensure foids remain in subservience. They would not be considered full citizens, more or less.

-I would end all aid to other countries, but especially to Israel & all third-world ones in general. We can barely afford to keep the lights on in this country, so I would cut all the foreign aid spending & invest it back into our infrastructure, economy, industries, etc. & at least partially return some of it to the taxpayers.

-I would actually do what the holocast supposedly did to the kikes & their associates.

-I would criminalize homosexuality: Anyone caught practicing would face prison time & possible euthanasia. Transgenders would be euthanized also. Anyone who promotes or defends the LGBTQ+ agenda would also be subject to possible criminal charges, or at the very least a heavy fine.

-I would end the war on drugs: It has costed the US government & taxpayers billions annually, criminalizes people just for minor possession of often relatively harmless drugs(ie weed or shrooms), and has only serve to give profit to the Cartels. I would essentially legalize most if not all drugs & regulate them; people will do drugs regardless of the legality(I would know). This will at least generate revenue we can invest back into the economy, allow for safe production of drugs(most of the time when someone ODs from any drug, it is due to the fact it was laced, contaminated, etc), and allow for research into them which could find possible benefits of the substance & safer ways of usage.

-I would commence TND: Total Nigger Deportation. They would all be sent back to Africa or a designated colony somewhere; I would allow those with at least a good chunk of white ancestry & very high IQs to stay, but they would not be allowed to racemix with a full white foid.

-I would build an actual, heavily fortified border wall with Mexico.

-I would ban all immigration from non-white countries & deport all those who aren't Whites, East Asians, or White-passing Latinos who prove to have a high IQ & are loyal to the White race: Racemixing would also be illegal under law with very very few exceptions, such as strictly between non-whites & mutts under specific circumstances.

Basically I would allow mutt brocels or those very high-IQ(mostly white-passing latinos ig) to stay & give them a hapa, mutt, or non-white foid :feelsYall:.

-I would defend the rights of all citizens to own firearms; owning firearms is a basic human right in my honest opinion, and it is in the interest of communities to form well regulated militias to defend them.

-I would nationalize banking & return to the gold-standard.

-I would pass laws guaranteeing every man would be assigned their objective foid looksmatch, based on looks, IQ, genetic history, etc. Who is required to remain a virgin & cannot be fat. This way, we allow for us to breed the best of the best based on IQ & genetic potential, whilst also giving every man a right to a foid who will be loyal to him.

-I would research into means of genetic engineering so that we may erase undesirable traits completely, not require foids for reproduction, and creating foids who naturally are submissive & obeying to males.

-I would transform the economy into one based around the Corporatist, National Socialist, or general Third-Positionist model: In a way, I would combine the best elements of Capitalism with that of Socialism. We would value the innovation which Capitalism can bring, whilst also making sure the lower & middle working classes are protected from exploitation: We would allow for various social classes to exist within society, but they would all be equal & understand their role in developing the race & nation. We would also try & become self-reliant as a nation, so we do not have to trade too much or get sold out like we have been now.

-I would generate a sense of racial identity based around the history & achievements of the White race: I would also allow for Christianity to still exist, but I would try & build some sort of new identity for whites based around the race as a whole, or perhaps even a new set of religious beliefs.

Very long already, so >inb4 "dnr" but to those who did read: What do you think, what would you add, and what would you do if you became the dictator of your country?
i notice there are a lot of white supremacists in the united states, haven't they tried to create some sort of ethno-state inside the country? like a whites only state? lol.
If I became a dictator of my country(USA) here's what I would do:

-I would remove all foids rights: They would not be allowed to vote in any more elections; would lose all rights to divorce & alimony; abortion would be very restricted & only allowed in certain cases; bared from all higher education; as well as many other more restrictions to ensure foids remain in subservience. They would not be considered full citizens, more or less.

-I would end all aid to other countries, but especially to Israel & all third-world ones in general. We can barely afford to keep the lights on in this country, so I would cut all the foreign aid spending & invest it back into our infrastructure, economy, industries, etc. & at least partially return some of it to the taxpayers.

-I would actually do what the holocast supposedly did to the kikes & their associates.

-I would criminalize homosexuality: Anyone caught practicing would face prison time & possible euthanasia. Transgenders would be euthanized also. Anyone who promotes or defends the LGBTQ+ agenda would also be subject to possible criminal charges, or at the very least a heavy fine.

-I would end the war on drugs: It has costed the US government & taxpayers billions annually, criminalizes people just for minor possession of often relatively harmless drugs(ie weed or shrooms), and has only serve to give profit to the Cartels. I would essentially legalize most if not all drugs & regulate them; people will do drugs regardless of the legality(I would know). This will at least generate revenue we can invest back into the economy, allow for safe production of drugs(most of the time when someone ODs from any drug, it is due to the fact it was laced, contaminated, etc), and allow for research into them which could find possible benefits of the substance & safer ways of usage.

-I would commence TND: Total Nigger Deportation. They would all be sent back to Africa or a designated colony somewhere; I would allow those with at least a good chunk of white ancestry & very high IQs to stay, but they would not be allowed to racemix with a full white foid.

-I would build an actual, heavily fortified border wall with Mexico.

-I would ban all immigration from non-white countries & deport all those who aren't Whites, East Asians, or White-passing Latinos who prove to have a high IQ & are loyal to the White race: Racemixing would also be illegal under law with very very few exceptions, such as strictly between non-whites & mutts under specific circumstances.

Basically I would allow mutt brocels or those very high-IQ(mostly white-passing latinos ig) to stay & give them a hapa, mutt, or non-white foid :feelsYall:.

-I would defend the rights of all citizens to own firearms; owning firearms is a basic human right in my honest opinion, and it is in the interest of communities to form well regulated militias to defend them.

-I would nationalize banking & return to the gold-standard.

-I would pass laws guaranteeing every man would be assigned their objective foid looksmatch, based on looks, IQ, genetic history, etc. Who is required to remain a virgin & cannot be fat. This way, we allow for us to breed the best of the best based on IQ & genetic potential, whilst also giving every man a right to a foid who will be loyal to him.

-I would research into means of genetic engineering so that we may erase undesirable traits completely, not require foids for reproduction, and creating foids who naturally are submissive & obeying to males.

-I would transform the economy into one based around the Corporatist, National Socialist, or general Third-Positionist model: In a way, I would combine the best elements of Capitalism with that of Socialism. We would value the innovation which Capitalism can bring, whilst also making sure the lower & middle working classes are protected from exploitation: We would allow for various social classes to exist within society, but they would all be equal & understand their role in developing the race & nation. We would also try & become self-reliant as a nation, so we do not have to trade too much or get sold out like we have been now.

-I would generate a sense of racial identity based around the history & achievements of the White race: I would also allow for Christianity to still exist, but I would try & build some sort of new identity for whites based around the race as a whole, or perhaps even a new set of religious beliefs.

Very long already, so >inb4 "dnr" but to those who did read: What do you think, what would you add, and what would you do if you became the dictator of your country?
Pretty based but you would be nuked by the cia one minute to being the leader
Pretty based but you would be nuked by the cia one minute to being the leader
Well this is very hypothetical, and under this scenario I would have removed them already & they would no longer exist.
Planning on updating this list later. :feelsokman:
you would side with IncelTears over me? lol
No, how did my response imply that?

I dont care about IT, they're a cesspit of troons, bluepilled incels, etc.

And I don't want to work with a Fed: Thanks for the offer though! :feelsokman:
Make me your Minister of Decency and I'll implement a public dress code. The days of sluts sexually harassing men with their licentious attire will be no more.

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