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Serious What have you worked on to fix this issue?



Mar 21, 2018
User was banned for this.
Look, I'm a Chad. Not going to lie about it, but looking at this forum makes me feel bad for guys here. I want to let you know that even though I'm 6' 3", muscular (I workout a LOT and skip meals so it's not an easy thing to accomplish..), and decent looking I STILL get turned down ALL THE TIME. 2 out of 10 will be interested, and that's how girls are. You aren't into every girl you see, and it works both ways. So, how have you worked on your issue? There are a lot of resources out there gentleman to help you with this. I would like to help and give you YouTube videos and things that can help your appearance, seduction skills, etc. There is a lot of false information on here about women, you don't need to be a model to get girls. Shit, many of them DONT LIKE models. Why? They make girls feel insecure, and they usually look too feminine for their tastes. Namaste, gentlemen. I hope I can help you, and that one day you find someone who will treat you right. They exist, I promise you.
I am facially deformed, I repulse women, I cannot fix this unless I go for plastic surgery which is something I don't want. Women avoid me in public even if I don't look at them; they judge me completely based upon looks. The other day I was walking next to a dirty, smoking hobo, guess which side the women decided to pass after looking at the hobo and me? The hobo's. The smoke was even blowing in their direction. That's how disgusting I am.
get out.

also inb4 shower meme
I am facially deformed, I repulse women, I cannot fix this unless I go for plastic surgery which is something I don't want. Women avoid me in public even if I don't look at them; they judge me completely based upon looks. The other day I was walking next to a dirty, smoking hobo, guess which side the women decided to pass after looking at the hobo and me? The hobo's. The smoke was even blowing in their direction. That's how disgusting I am.
I think that's just how you perceive yourself, and therefore you think things like that. Maybe the girl wasn't even noticing you, and had nothing to do with you and your "repulsive" looks. You realize that women care more about your personality than your looks, right? Chiseled jaw lines? You think that's what gets you the girl? No, it's being an interesting, confident, and genuinely good person. I'm just trying to help out here..
I only follow realistic optimism.

There is nothing that I can actually do to get laid here.
I think that's just how you perceive yourself, and therefore you think things like that. Maybe the girl wasn't even noticing you, and had nothing to do with you and your "repulsive" looks. You realize that women care more about your personality than your looks, right? Chiseled jaw lines? You think that's what gets you the girl? No, it's being an interesting, confident, and genuinely good person. I'm just trying to help out here..

Looks matter for more than personality, but personality definitely matters as well, contrary to what most here believe

I'd say your looks and your height are like the entry to a club, without them, you're not getting in.

Personality and being an interesting person is what finally secures the girl, but then again, some guys are so good looking that this doesn't matter whatsoever for them, but they are rare.

Also, if only 2/10 girls find you attractive, you're not a Chad lol. I don't think it's THAT harsh out there YET

Perhaps you are a 6/10?
I think that's just how you perceive yourself, and therefore you think things like that. Maybe the girl wasn't even noticing you, and had nothing to do with you and your "repulsive" looks. You realize that women care more about your personality than your looks, right? Chiseled jaw lines? You think that's what gets you the girl? No, it's being an interesting, confident, and genuinely good person. I'm just trying to help out here..

What?! How I perceive myself?! Bruh I've been telling you about how women perceive me. Not how I perceive myself. I am objectively disgusting if they go out of their way to avoid me. If women cared so much about personality then how come they avoid me in the streets? This "personality matters!" meme only works if you're not sub 3, I'm 2/10. If I was 6/10, yeah, it'd be a different story.
@Yourfriendchad I don't think you're a Chad BTW, also even though you're banned, you can still PM me if you wish to respond.
What?! How I perceive myself?! Bruh I've been telling you about how women perceive me. Not how I perceive myself. I am objectively disgusting if they go out of their way to avoid me. If women cared so much about personality then how come they avoid me in the streets? This "personality matters!" meme only works if you're not sub 3, I'm 2/10. If I was 6/10, yeah, it'd be a different story.
I think that's just how you perceive yourself, and therefore you think things like that. Maybe the girl wasn't even noticing you, and had nothing to do with you and your "repulsive" looks. You realize that women care more about your personality than your looks, right? Chiseled jaw lines? You think that's what gets you the girl? No, it's being an interesting, confident, and genuinely good person. I'm just trying to help out here..
LOOOL This thread is giving me a good laugh
It's all about perception bro, percieve yourself as a 6 foot 4 chisled turbochad and you shall be drowning in pussy
LOOOL This thread is giving me a good laugh
Normies will never understand. It's always "in my head." Bitch how is it in my head? It's happening right in front of my eyes. -_-
Doing gods work
If a CHAD 8/10 gets rejected all the time, what do you think will happen to a 2/10? LMAO

he's likely larping

there is absolutely no way that it's THAT bad, at least not yet

if he truly is a chad and is getting rejected at that rate, no one here should bother trying then.
If a CHAD 8/10 gets rejected all the time, what do you think will happen to a 2/10? LMAO
He's not a Chad. Chads don't spend their time on the internet.
blah blah seduction skills blah blah pua crap blah you will find someone special
The problem lies withing society and how it treats us, this applies to all of us, even those who desperately try to get women, point is, even if you're not seeking out women, you'll suffer because of your physical appearance, nice try cucktears, fuck off.

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