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LifeFuel What Every Autistic Should Do (in GTA)

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
While playing as the main character (autistic), NPC's ( NT's) will often make offensive comments for no reason (autistic discrimination). They will often look down on you (ostracism and bullying) and deny you the freedom to move your fists and feet at them (autistic stims/forced masking). The only way to get even is to defeat them (preemptive self defense) this will teach them to not mess with you (societal fear). Have a wondERful day.
I don't understand.
you want to beat up people because you're a huge faggot who is unable to express himself around them?
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I don't understand.
you want to beat up people because you're a huge faggot who is unable to express himself around them?
I don't understand
You enjoy hurting people less fortunate than you because you are a sadistic npc?
I don't understand
You enjoy hurting people less fortunate than you because you are a sadistic npc?
what are normies actively doing to stop you from "expressing yourself"?
you must be really "egotistical" to think that people out there give a single fuck about you and your existence in general.
what are normies actively doing to stop you from "expressing yourself"?
you must be really "egotistical" to think that people out there give a single fuck about you and your existence in general.
Listed below are some of the transgressions NT society has committed against me because of being autistic.

1. Being actively discriminated against or treated negatively at most businesses and services run or provided by NT's
2. Being looked down on and avoided in all social situations
3. Never receiving a single bit of validation or crumb of affection despite having a good personality, decent intelligence, great character and making an effort to act kindly towards others
4. Difficulties with employment since they don't like autistics
5. Being repeatedly bullied ,shunned, and abused for standing out
6. Being part of the most oppressed and disadvantaged group in society, yet receiving no support or sympathy and instead being tortured.
1. Being actively discriminated against or treated negatively at most businesses and services run or provided by NT's
2. Being looked down on and avoided in all social situations
3. Never receiving a single bit of validation or crumb of affection despite having a good personality, decent intelligence, great character and making an effort to act kindly towards others
4. Difficulties with employment since they don't like autistics
5. Being repeatedly bullied ,shunned, and abused for standing out
6. Being part of the most oppressed and disadvantaged group in society, yet receiving no support or sympathy and instead being tortured.
those are experiences we all shared.
I avoid people because I know that every form of weakness is punished in a social environment ,but it is still not enough to advocate for indiscriminate violence.
getting revenge against bullies is understandable but using violence against random people who don't even know you exist is something that can't be justified.
those are experiences we all shared.
I avoid people because I know that every form of weakness is punished in a social environment ,but it is still not enough to advocate for indiscriminate violence.
getting revenge against bullies is understandable but using violence against random people who don't even know you exist is something that can't be justified.

Not to the same degree as autistics do, sure an NT incel can have some of these things happen, but he will still have friends, acquaintances or at least some social interaction. As an autistic, it's pure loneliness and misery. Even online, where people can't see my face I am neither liked nor accepted. And why's that, because I am different from 99+% of people, and they refuse to tolerate or see past it.

There's a >99% chance that said random person is an NT, which means he's neurologically wired to hate, torture and cause pain to autistic people. He will despise us as soon as he sees us, there's no good in him, he's just another NT scumbag.
How has this not been deleted yet
One day you will have your revenge (((in minecraft))).
those are experiences we all shared.
I avoid people because I know that every form of weakness is punished in a social environment ,but it is still not enough to advocate for indiscriminate violence.
getting revenge against bullies is understandable but using violence against random people who don't even know you exist is something that can't be justified.
@universallyabhorred based

@TheReaper death to your kind.
Should buy a nice watch in GTA
Screenshot 20200223 163958 DuckDuckGo
The NPCs in GTA are always very rude, don't know why they coded it that way.
I cant help but feel like an austist when playing most games tbh
you guys should do something because being tough on this forum is too easy.
advocating for violence and keep living living like good boys because you fear ripercussions is the definition of "Cowardice".
so, when are you going to sacrifice your lives for the cause?
What cause? I just want to see the world burn...

Cowardice! Kek...I thought you were blackpilled...let me ask you something absurd, is a domesticated house cat cowardice for not entering a fight with a fuckin wild hyena?...
When i played GTAV i would walk around town and kill women and Jews. Also the occasional guy who would try to pick a fight with me
What cause? I just want to see the world burn...
how would this benefit me or you?
you're completely brain dead or you're trying too hard to be edgy.
Cowardice! Kek...I thought you were blackpilled...let me ask you something absurd, is a domesticated house cat cowardice for not entering a fight with a fuckin wild hyena?...
you want to see the world burning, but you won't do anything to make it happen because you're a giant pussy.
my criticism was just:
"be consistent, if you say violence is the way to go then do something IRL instead of simply posting here".
how would this benefit me or you?
you're completely brain dead or you're trying too hard to be edgy.

you want to see the world burning, but you won't do anything to make it happen because you're a giant pussy.
my criticism was just:
"be consistent, if you say violence is the way to go then do something IRL instead of simply posting here".
No need for consistency. Cognitive dissonance is normal for humans and should be encouraged.
how would this benefit me or you?
you're completely brain dead or you're trying too hard to be edgy.
Who said I want a benefit?...you're projecting your mindset on me..I never had a chance in this world nor do i have anything to lose .so between wishing to see this world blossom or burn.why should wish choose the latter?.

You sound like that a foid. "Just work hard enough and she'll come to you".It's thr same analogy ...greater men than men tried to subdue the world and all ended in book history yet their achievements are so insignificant they barely matter.

I am inconsistent you dumb fuckin retard. What i am not, is being able to do what I want because it's outside the limits of my capacity.

You're talkin shit WITHOUT understating what you're saying . VERY stereotypical of neuortypicals.
Who said I want a benefit?...you're projecting your mindset on me..I never had a chance in this world nor do i have anything to lose .so between wishing to see this world blossom or burn.why should wish choose the latter?.

You sound like that a foid. "Just work hard enough and she'll come to you".It's thr same analogy ...greater men than men tried to subdue the world and all ended in book history yet their achievements are so insignificant they barely matter.

I am inconsistent you dumb fuckin retard. What i am not, is being able to do what I want because it's outside the limits of my capacity.

You're talkin shit WITHOUT understating what you're saying . VERY stereotypical of neuortypicals.
if you think that using violence is the right thing to do but you refuse to do something IRL you're a PUSSY, end of the story.
your retarded ways of justifying yourself are irrelevant and pathetic.
keep complaining on the internet because that's the only option left for you.
I dare say this is a based thread.
keep complaining on the internet because that's the only option left for you.


back to you . You never answered my question...so I'll ask again and I'll be very straightforward this time...when does the line of bravery ,studpity .cowardice and self awareness start and HOW do you distinguish between the four ?.
"I want something unattainable so I'm dispensed from acting in a concrete way".
nice move, but still RETARED as fuck, if you know that extinction is unattainable you should change your purpose in order to meet realistic standards.
you're being stupid on purpose for the sake of being right, you filthy piece of shit.
back to you . You never answered my question...so I'll ask again and I'll be very straightforward this time...when does the line of bravery ,studpity .cowardice and self awareness start and HOW do you distinguish between the four ?.
read a fucking dictionary, I'm not playing this game with you.
"I want something unattainable so I'm dispensed from acting in a concrete way".
And that's pussy cowardice how?

Not dispensed. >Unable<

Realistic standards for what?.what purposes and whose standard's?. Jfl what? Do you think I live for humanity's end .?. .what's the foundation here? ? Yours lol ? the people .the same people who says we're equal under laws while at the same time teaching us the "just world fallacy"?.

I do not seek value or meaning in this world nor do I seek validation so ...AGAIN , YOU'RE PROJECTING YOUR MINDSET AND VIEW ON LIFE ON ME!. Just like when you asked how will this benfit you or me...AGAIN. there is nothing to gain here . So wtf am I to do with standards?

Going by your very definition .no one should ever EVEN wish for something beyond their ability to happen. No one should have an imagination. No one should even dream about anything that's not realistically possibe because it goes against your realistic standards . apply it to society. no incel should ever even look at a stacy because she's above him in every conceivable way too. right? (False) .

when I wish for Extinction. I do not discriminate. if it means I'll go too then I'll accept my fate. Coward By the literal definition is a person who is contemptibly lacking in the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. So I'm neither a coward or a pussy. I'm simply not dumb enough to compromise for something that isn't even guaranteed.

Oh? it's a rhetoric question...it should be pretty obvious for anyone with a normal sized ego, that there is no line. See,
You're not smart .You're not preaching about consistency. You're simply using shaming tactics like a foid .

You will not answer my question because it brings up the element of self awareness which is crucial for critical thinking. Otherwise we'd all end up like eliot dumb ass.acting WITHOUT a second thought or questioning ones own behaviour .. Especially when the results are guaranteed to backfire .
So .Like @Transcended Trucel said. Nothing wrong with cognitive dissonance . Not when you're self aware of YOUR own thoughts.

Now answer my fuckin question OR SHUT THE FUCK UP

is a domesticated house cat cowardice for not entering a fight with a fuckin wild hyena?...
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I just wanted to Go and Enjoy Reality. NTs won't let me.
And that's pussy cowardice how?
because having unrealistic/absurd/unattainable standards prevents you from acting, and without acting you have a 100% chance of not failing.
as I already said.
you're too much of a PUSSY to pursue something realistic because in that case you should face a possible failure and you're afraid of that.
it's a basic psychological mechanism that is protecting your fragile ego.

Going by your very definition .no one should ever EVEN wish for something beyond their ability to happen. No one should have an imagination. No one should even dream about anything that's not realistically possibe because it goes against your realistic standards . apply it to society. no incel should ever even look at a stacy because she's above him in every conceivable way too. right? (False) .
NO, you keep misunderstanding me on purpose because you're a DUMB NIGGER.
you're mixing the ideal and the objective planes of existence.
anybody can wish/dream what he wants, even absurd things, but ,when you take the next step and you act in the real world according to your desires, you must have the basic understanding of what's realistic/achievable and of what's absurd/impossible,and then you must also conform your desires to the world's functioning in order to make them achievable.
there's a difference between the actual desires that are leading our daily actions and the childish fantasies we contemplate in our minds,
but since you said something like "I want extinction and I'm sad because that's out of my possibilities" I assume that the difference I just pointed out is incomprehensible to you.
anyway, good luck with your personal exstinction:feelsEhh:
Now answer my fuckin question OR SHUT THE FUCK UP
is a domesticated house cat cowardice for not entering a fight with a fuckin wild hyena?...
it's a dumb nigger analogy, men don't need to physically overpower other men in order to win a fight because there are things called "weapons".

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