Tripped on acid about 5 times, MDMA 4 times, weed countless times. Bad trips can fuck you up, I've had a glimpse into that on about 150 ug or one and a half tabs of acid. Acid in some ways has been life fuel because I don't get horny and obsessive over women when tripping, and focus more on contemplating other aspects of life. On MDMA, it's different, you love everyone. So far I've only rolled on MD with close friends so my experiences have been positive. The thing with MDMA is it can make you feel some sense of temporary bliss, which I've never experienced before, even if you're in a shit position. Unfortunately, it's not a consistent drug and you really shouldn't be taking it more than once a month at most because of how it releases your serotonin. People in the UK take it back to back on weekends and go clubbing, that's a ticket to fucking yourself up in the future IMO. When I trip on acid I normally see dark things but I've gotten used to it, first proper trip was probably the most anxiety inducing, but 12 hours after tripping I tend to feel like I've got a new view on life. Smoking weed and acid can be both fun and get very very weird, I normally smoke weed on the comedown.
If it's been at least a month since you last rolled on MDMA I'd say go for MDMA - and if you've never combined MDMA and weed, you might as well try it, smoking weed on molly comedown for me removes comedown effects and in some ways kind of extends the feelings I get. I'm going to be doing a candy flip, which is dropping acid and then taking MDMA about 4 hours into the trip with 2 of my closest friends in maybe 5 days time. I'd say psychedelics aren't drugs you should take to 'feel good', but they are most likely to inspire you to be better in some way. I think acid's made me somewhat less lazier and more independent, but it hasn't been life changing.