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Experiment What do you want more, a girlfriend who loves you or just plain sex?

A girlfriend who loves you or just sex?

  • Loving girlfriend.

    Votes: 44 47.3%
  • Sex.

    Votes: 12 12.9%
  • Both.

    Votes: 37 39.8%

  • Total voters


Rotting collegecel. Women hate me for existing.
Nov 7, 2017
If you were to choose ONE...
I don't want either, I want something inbetween.
Does one exclude the other? I feel like Im more lonely than horny atm and so would like a loving gf more. But if she doesnt want sex then Id feel really unloved tbh love depends on sex.
Love and validation for my beauty and personality from cute adorable loli of culture, and sex as part of it (necessary part)
Does one exclude the other? I feel like Im more lonely than horny atm and so would like a loving gf more. But if she doesnt want sex then Id feel really unloved tbh love depends on sex.
Added a both option tbh.
I’d much rather have a loving girlfriend. I’d imagine sex is fun and all but there’s no point in sex if it isn’t with someone you love.
id rather a loving girlfriend man
A few years ago I'd have said sex. But now I realize that while you can imitate the act sex by jerking off, or fucking a doll or whatever, there's no alternative to having a living, breathing femoid who loves you and cares for you.
lol I chose both

but we both know that it is unrealistic bro

true love(and all types of love now) is reserved for Chadlite or better

also JFL at incels coping with ascension

descension is where it is at

imagine wanting to go higher when you have to fight to maintain your ascension quo and possibly ascend
there’s no point in sex if it isn’t with someone you love.


The mindset you have here is exactly why this forum has gone to shit, and is going to continue to go into shit, you'll notice the userbase is becoming more and more bold in saying stuff they would not dare say when the forum was new for fear of being banned, now that shit is becoming normalized, because mods allowed that kind of mindset to spread and fester, its only a matter of time till you are left with a love shy forum, and all you see are threads about appealing to normies to "see incels in a different light", when you let emotional arguments and subjectivity thrive, you better expect it to become the dominating force in that environment, its only a matter of time

OP if you are joking I'm sorry, Poe's Law is in full effect, its impossible to tell if users are joking about this shit anymore, the userbase is becoming this cucked, stuff like this is no longer obviously sarcastic
3D foids are incapable of loving men, so I'll take the sex.
Plain sex with different girls so hookups
Loving girlfriend. I can have sex with myself. I can't love myself.
Love is more important but if she rreally love sme she would give me sex whenever i want
You guys are coping hard right now, that experience isn't even close to what sex is
Doesn't matter. I'm not sexually frustrated. I'm perfectly satisfied jerking off. I'm just lonely and want a companion.
Why did you include both as an option?

If I had to choose it would be a loving girlfriend. Of course if she was my girlfriend she wouldnt be having sex with anyone else. If she doesnt want to have sex with me often then I guess I could always masturbate. I will dump her ass in a heartbeat if I find out she is cheating on me, but if she is truly loving then she wouldn't.
I'm perfectly satisfied jerking off.

Sure bud, tell yourself whatever you need to JFL

Unless you masturbate to darkness with your eyes closed, you have to see the irony in saying you're perfectly satisfied jerking off to other people engaging in the act that arouses you, which allows you to jerk off to begin with

Without the visual and/or auditory stimuli of said act that you are perfectly fine without (sex), you would not even be able to engage in the substitute that you claim is perfectly satisfactory (masturbation).

That's very ironic

Its like someone who turns on the tv on the food network and eats a homemade baloney sandwich while watching

If fhey are satisfied just from the act of eating a baloney sandwich, then why are they eating it while watching the food network?

If they can only eat said sandwich while looking at other foods that spike their appetite, isn't that proof that the sandwich is not satisfactory as it doesn't spike their appetite all on its own, its just all they have to eat
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I want to look normal
true love(and all types of love now) is reserved for Chadlite or better

also JFL at incels coping with ascension

descension is where it is at

imagine wanting to go higher when you have to fight to maintain your ascension quo and possibly ascend
Girlfriend when I was younger and in my prime.
I am too old now to ever get what I want so now I just want sex and release.
I'd like like to have both but I know that foids can never love a man.

So sex it is.
A loyal gf who loves me it's just fantasy, but I really want it.
You guys are coping hard right now, that experience isn't even close to what sex is
Of course, masturbation isn't as good as sex, but it's an approximation of it. On the other hand, having a loving partner is an experience that can't even be approximated.
having a loving partner is an experience that can't even be approximated.

1. Friendship is an approximation

2. Love doesn't exist, not in the sense you are portraying it as with your words, its completely physical, saying you wish you had a woman that "loved" you, is just a euphemistic way of saying you wish you had a woman that was "physically attracted" to you, why beat around the bush with poetic subjectivity to make "love" seem like something unreal and magical
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Love doesn't exist unless you're chad
I only want sex.
Can’t tell if you’ve never had either
1. Friendship is an approximation

2. Love doesn't exist, not in the sense you are portraying it as with your words, its completely physical, saying you wish you had a woman that "loved" you, is just a euphemistic way of saying you wish you had a woman that was "physically attracted" to you, why beat around the bush with poetic subjectivity to make "love" seem like something unreal and magical
1. I don't think it is.

2. I don't mean love in such an abstract sense, that would be absurd. What I have in mind includes cuddling, hugging, kissing, etc.
1. I don't think it is.


2. I don't mean love in such an abstract sense, that would be absurd. What I have in mind includes cuddling, hugging, kissing, etc.

Those are physical acts that can be done seperate from the concept of "love", again what you mean is someone physically attracted to you, because only such a person would do those things with you (without direct payment)
I don't believe in "love"
All femoids are whores, and I fap once a week to 2D qties
Both but girlfriend would be my greatest desire
Love doesn't exist unless you're chad

Still doesn't exist, women don't love Chad, they love Chad genetics, no different than loving a man for his wealth really, only difference is the thing being judged is inherent to that persons body



She never loved him, look at her face now that he's ugly as fuck, she loved his genetics, anyone who believes in love is extremely blue pilled, it doesn't exist as this magical thing like people speak of it, its biologically based, "unconditional love" is an oxymoron, of course there are conditions to something like that.
Love and validation does not exist if you are a sub 5 male. So by default it has to be sex.

Those are physical acts that can be done seperate from the concept of "love", again what you mean is someone physically attracted to you, because only such a person would do those things with you (without direct payment)
I feel that friendship is of a completely different category from love, like they involve different parts of the brain. You mention physical attraction, and there's no disagreement here -- sexual attraction is presupposed by romantic love. No woman will love you if she isn't attracted to you sexually.

This is a semantic dispute.

OP if you are joking I'm sorry, Poe's Law is in full effect, its impossible to tell if users are joking about this shit anymore, the userbase is becoming this cucked, stuff like this is no longer obviously sarcastic
It's normal for a person to want to feel loved and validated, despite how unlikely it is for an incel to get a femoid to love and validate him

There is clearly a divided view on this board, some people just want sex whilst others want to stop feeling lonely and have a companion who validates them (and have sex lmao)

It's not cucked to feel lonely at all, it's a normal human emotional response to loneliness


Wanting to feel love/belonging is even on Maslow's heirachy of needs

It's the same logic to call a friendless loser, who feels a strong need for validation + approval + acceptance, dumb because he feels lonely and longs for having friends. He can't control the fact that he feels lonely and depressed bc it's a normal reaction to the lack of any acceptance.

Can he find ways to cope with it (e.g. via games, taking part in some forum, and other forms of media)? Yes

But will it cure him of his loneliness? No

This is basically why some people on this board would want a loving gf (as unlikely it is to find a foid who would want to validate you) over sex with some prostitute. Because they want to stop being lonely, and having sex with a prostitute is merely coping with loneliness instead of curing it.
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It's normal for a person to want to feel loved and validated, despite how unlikely it is for an incel to get a femoid to love and validate him

There is clearly a divided view on this board, some people just want sex whilst others want to stop feeling lonely and have a companion who validates them (and have sex lmao)

It's not cucked to feel lonely at all, it's a normal human emotional response to loneliness

View attachment 123600
Wanting to feel love/belonging is even on Maslow's heirachy of needs
View attachment 123603

It's the same logic to call a friendless loser, who feels a strong need for validation + approval + acceptance, dumb because he feels lonely and longs for having friends. He can't control the fact that he feels lonely and depressed bc it's a normal reaction to the lack of any acceptance.

Can he find ways to cope with it (e.g. via games and other forms of media)? Yes

But will it cure him of his loneliness? No

This is basically why some people on this board would want a loving gf (as unlikely it is to find a foid who would want to validate you) over sex with some prostitute. Because they want to stop being lonely, and having sex with a prostitute is merely coping with loneliness instead of curing it.

I keep telling you guys, appeal to nature is a double edged sword, the entire point of the black pill as a concept, is that one can be introspective and CHOOSE not to be blue pilled, if you are going to use appeal to nature to excuse yourself of being weak minded and not making any conscious effort to change, then you have to apply appeal to nature the same way to the actions of normies and women, so stop complaining about hypergamy then, because "they can't control the fact that they exclusively fuck Chad and have unrealistic standards"

We both know that's complete BS, if that was true the patriarchy would never have worked because women would rather die than be restricted to monogamy with a "lesser male"

You do have choice, just like normies, its just easier for you to give yourself a pass and not try to change your mindset, just like its easier for women to just tell themselves - "you can't help who you are attracted to" or "you can't help who you love", rather than exert conscious effort to be fair, realistic and understanding for the sake of society and men as a collective

In the past marriage was about joining two families together often for political reasons, or for reasons of ending feuds by joining two factions by having individuals from either side marry eachother, those people learned to love eachother, love isn't this deep sacred magical thing, its based on physical attraction, and as long as someone isn't absolutely hideous, if given enough time and effort, anyone can learn to love anyone

The argument that "we can't help ourselves" is complete blue pilled BS, you can stop feeling lonely, you can stop caring about companionship, etc


A mindset can be changed, a physical craving cannot

One can stop craving attention, you can't stop craving food

Stop making BS arguments comparing the two as if they are the same, you know what you're saying is illogical

Anybody can get over anything that is psychological, and concepts like "validation + approval + acceptance" are psychological NOT BIOLOGICAL
I keep telling you guys, appeal to nature is a double edged sword, the entire point of the black pill as a concept, is that one can be introspective and CHOOSE not to be blue pilled, if you are going to use appeal to nature to excuse yourself of being weak minded and not making any conscious effort to change, then you have to apply appeal to nature the same way to the actions of normies and women, so stop complaining about hypergamy then, because "they can't control the fact that they exclusively fuck Chad and have unrealistic standards"

We both know that's complete BS, if that was true the patriarchy would never have worked because women would rather die than be restricted to monogamy with a "lesser male"

You do have choice, just like normies, its just easier for you to give yourself a pass and not try to change your mindset, just like its easier for women to just tell themselves - "you can't help who you are attracted to" or "you can't help who you love", rather than exert conscious effort to be fair, realistic and understanding for the sake of society and men as a collective

In the past marriage was about joining two families together often for political reasons, or for reasons of ending feuds by joining two factions by having individuals from either side marry eachother, those people learned to love eachother, love isn't this deep sacred magical thing, its based on physical attraction, and as long as someone isn't absolutely hideous, if given enough time and effort, anyone can learn to love anyone

The argument that "we can't help ourselves" is complete blue pilled BS, you can stop feeling lonely, you can stop caring about companionship, etc


A mindset can be changed, a physical craving cannot

One can stop craving attention, you can't stop craving food

Stop making BS arguments comparing the two as if they are the same, you know what you're saying is illogical

Anybody can get over anything that is psychological, and concepts like "validation + approval + acceptance" are psychological NOT BIOLOGICAL

I keep telling you guys, appeal to nature is a double edged sword, the entire point of the black pill as a concept, is that one can be introspective and CHOOSE not to be blue pilled

what's the difference between a depressed blackpiller and a depressed bluepiller? Their way of thinking is different, but either way they're still both depressed. Their beliefs didn't magically alter their brains.

Same way here, how someone may be both blackpilled but still crave validation due to loneliness. By merely acknowledging the blackpill, you're not going to alter the chemistry of your brain and your psychological state.

I didn't argue against the blackpill in my response, rather I stated that it doesn't make anyone bluepilled for feeling lonely since loneliness is influenced by a variety of factors that can coincide with the belief of the blackpill.

I mean, it's been proven that loneliness can have links to depression and low self esteem which makes sense in the case of incels seeing, because of their looks, incels weren't validated/approved/accepted by their peers. This all can lead to isolation n shit which is very detrimental towards one health and well-being.

Also, it's been proven that loneliness can be very damaging to one's physical and mental health. Physical risks can be higher levels of stress, increased risk of developing a disability, heart disease, being more vulnerable to chronic illnesses and etc.

All of this doesn't fade away because of the blackpill, it can still very well effect you.

if you are going to use appeal to nature to excuse yourself of being weak minded and not making any conscious effort to change

change what exactly? you can't change your looks unless you undergo surgery.

you can find ways to cope with loneliness, depression and whatnot but it ultimately doesn't cure it (tbf, this depends on the individual and the severity of their mental state). would actively trying to fight against it be recommended? yes, but there isn't a guarantee that it'll be cured. this issue isn't black and white, it's quite grey.

so stop complaining about hypergamy then, because "they can't control the fact that they exclusively fuck Chad and have unrealistic standards"

Incels complaining about hypergamy usually stems from their frustration and venting. Whether an incel uses appeal to nature or not, it doesn't stop him from complaining about hypergamy because he's being affected by it.

Someone can hate a lion for eating an innocent gizelle, and still use appeal to nature because they could simply hate how things are like.

if that was true the patriarchy would never have worked because women would rather die than be restricted to monogamy with a "lesser male"

Society implementing rules and restrictions and social norms plays a role in how someone ACTS. For example, let's say a sexually frustrated man with 0 legal access of sex feels a really strong desire to satiate his desire. What's stopping him from raping someone (excluding morals and other factors)? The rules that society implements (jail for sexual assault) prevents such a man from doing such an act.

Does this get rid of his urges and desires? Nope, it just limits the way he acts.

I guess you can argue that social conditioning could be a factor, but then again this issue isn't a black and white issue: it's quite grey. In other words, it doesn't apply for all bc it can vary.

You do have choice, just like normies, its just easier for you to give yourself a pass and not try to change your mindset

Choice can be limited by various factors. The reasons why normies are generally more outgoing and stable is due to the validation, approval and acceptance of their normie peers that allows them to be mentally stable.

If anything, it's an example of just world fallacy to believe that an incel has as much of a choice and opportunity as a normie once you consider his current conditions, mental state, physical condition and etc.

just like its easier for women to just tell themselves - "you can't help who you are attracted to" or "you can't help who you love", rather than exert conscious effort to be fair, realistic and understanding for the sake of society and men as a collective

Without social norms, rules and regulations a foid is motivated purely by hedonism. By implementing these factors, it doesn't stop what the foid may desire but rather it limits their actions or even keeps them away from performing unwanted actions.

In the past marriage was about joining two families together often for political reasons, or for reasons of ending feuds by joining two factions by having individuals from either side marry eachother, those people learned to love eachother, love isn't this deep sacred magical thing, its based on physical attraction, and as long as someone isn't absolutely hideous, if given enough time and effort, anyone can learn to love anyone

don't think I argued against this point, but still it's an interesting piece of information.

The argument that "we can't help ourselves" is complete blue pilled BS, you can stop feeling lonely, you can stop caring about companionship, etc

Again, this issue isn't black and white at times. Depending on various factors, one doesn't simply stop feeling lonely or stop caring about companionship.

How would you suggest someone stops feeling and caring about any of those? Especially considering the real affects of loneliness as I've already stated.

A mindset can be changed, a physical craving cannot

One can stop craving attention, you can't stop craving food

Again its not black and white, it's contingent. A clinically depressed person has a good chance of not curing their depression, but they can attempt to cure it.

Anybody can get over anything that is psychological

Again, not black and white etc etc.

and concepts like "validation + approval + acceptance" are psychological NOT BIOLOGICAL

I don't recall arguing against this

ded srs
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Still doesn't exist, women don't love Chad, they love Chad genetics, no different than loving a man for his wealth really, only difference is the thing being judged is inherent to that persons body



She never loved him, look at her face now that he's ugly as fuck, she loved his genetics, anyone who believes in love is extremely blue pilled, it doesn't exist as this magical thing like people speak of it, its biologically based, "unconditional love" is an oxymoron, of course there are conditions to something like that.
Everything is conditional.
All the unconditional nonsense only exists in DisneyLand.

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