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What do you think will be the highest percentage of young men (18-30) not getting sex before society starts changing/collapsing?

What do you think will be the peak percentage of young men (18-30) not getting sex?

  • 28% (things will improve from now on) - bluepiller if you vote this

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • 30%

    Votes: 2 2.2%
  • 35%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40%

    Votes: 7 7.6%
  • 50%

    Votes: 18 19.6%
  • 60%

    Votes: 19 20.7%
  • 70%

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • 80%

    Votes: 14 15.2%
  • 90%

    Votes: 13 14.1%
  • 100% (no man gets sex anymore - Chads turn volcel or sex robots fully take over)

    Votes: 9 9.8%

  • Total voters
Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
Right now we're at 28%.


What kind of percentage do you think will be the ultimate high before things will start to change? 40%? 50%? More?
70% or more. it is more than 28% now for sure, more like 50% lol
How is the women line at 18%? That's demonstrably a false.
Cope to think anything will happen
>80% is where balance should broke. Something needs to change.
99% gigachad fucks all the foids
Right now we're at 28%.


What kind of percentage do you think will be the ultimate high before things will start to change? 40%? 50%? More?

I don't know history enough to answer this but can you have a civilization where most men are just slaves barely making enough money to live on?
80 I'd guess. Being optimistic here.
What exactly is a societal collapse
I don't think the revolution will ever happen tbh, even if we hit 70% incels. The reason for this is because most incels are still incels in denial and don't even dare to think of it as a problem due to the heavy amount of propaganda.
I think what matters more is how long the percentage is sustained. 30 years of 40% will destroy a country.
I don't think the revolution will ever happen tbh, even if we hit 70% incels. The reason for this is because most incels are still incels in denial and don't even dare to think of it as a problem due to the heavy amount of propaganda.

You do not understand how human nature works.

Its crazy how naive some of you guys are, despite being "black pilled", Its like youve never read history, never read any evolutionary psychology, never read anything.
I say around 50-60%, we are probably around 40% at his moment. I will give it 10 years at most. But we will already now see things happening in terms of men dropping out, commiting suicide, becoming "woman haters". Weve already seen a massive uprise in incel and mgtow-forums the last 2 years.

One thing is for sure, the coming decade will be extremely interesting to see, and everyone will eventually know we were right all along.
90% by 2040

Society will perceive hordes of Non-Chad men being incels as pretty common and regular.
You do not understand how human nature works.

Its crazy how naive some of you guys are, despite being "black pilled", Its like youve never read history, never read any evolutionary psychology, never read anything.
I say around 50-60%, we are probably around 40% at his moment. I will give it 10 years at most. But we will already now see things happening in terms of men dropping out, commiting suicide, becoming "woman haters". Weve already seen a massive uprise in incel and mgtow-forums the last 2 years.

One thing is for sure, the coming decade will be extremely interesting to see, and everyone will eventually know we were right all along.
I mean, i hope you are right. But what you think is gonna happen? You think its gonna get better anyway? I doubt it!
How do you even solve the incel problem?
Women have been too exposed to chads with social media, their egos are too high with tinder. Its almost irreversible
I mean, i hope you are right. But what you think is gonna happen? You think its gonna get better anyway? I doubt it!
How do you even solve the incel problem?
Women have been too exposed to chads with social media, their egos are too high with tinder. Its almost irreversible

Obviously, it wont officially be about "the incel problem", It will be something else, IE struggle regarding economy, war etc. Professor in evolutionary psychology Geoffrey Miller says it always comes down to sex, always. In war, everything, its all about the sex. So when u get a large group of men in a country who cannot get sex and reproduce, eventually, with time, tension will grow, then they will "find ways" to create chaos and war. It wont be framed as an incel-problem, it will be something else, like "muuh politics muuh lefties muuh nazis muuh immigration!" etc, that will be the "official reason", but deep down, in our primitive lizard brains, at its core, its because of lack of sex.
Obviously, it wont officially be about "the incel problem", It will be something else, IE struggle regarding economy, war etc. Professor in evolutionary psychology Geoffrey Miller says it always comes down to sex, always. In war, everything, its all about the sex. So when u get a large group of men in a country who cannot get sex and reproduce, eventually, with time, tension will grow, then they will "find ways" to create chaos and war. It wont be framed as an incel-problem, it will be something else, like "muuh politics muuh lefties muuh nazis muuh immigration!" etc, that will be the "official reason", but deep down, in our primitive lizard brains, at its core, its because of lack of sex.
Oh yeah, i dont doubt that will eventually happen. But i think its further away than we think, and it wont even get better for us anyway. So its nothing to really look forward to
I will give it 10 years at most.

I read this same "10 years at most" prediction ten years ago and that didn't pan out. Now people are calling him out on it.

I hope you will make an update to your article "The Misandry bubble also". It will soon be ten years since its publication, and I am very curious about your updated judgment.
You predicted a burst of this bubble by the end of the decade but it seems to me that this bubble is ever inflating, even the rate of growth seem to increase.

I hope you're right, but am not holding my breath since I've seen it all before - since the early-2000s when I first became an active participant in online MGTOW and antifeminist communities.
Well, even if he wasnt right, it has truly gotten alot worse, and I mean alot. Between 2010 and 2020, its two different worlds, night and day. Social media has truly fucked things up. In the coming decade, we will see even worse social media apps, putting hypergamy on wildfire.

You simply cannot hold a society together when the majority of young men dont get any pussy and have nothing to look forward too. More and more will find black pilled videos on youtube, describing their situation, so they will find incel and mgtow forums. The snowball is already rolling now and it will grow larger and larger.
Well, even if he wasnt right, it has truly gotten alot worse, and I mean alot. Between 2010 and 2020, its two different worlds, night and day. Social media has truly fucked things up. In the coming decade, we will see even worse social media apps, putting hypergamy on wildfire.

You simply cannot hold a society together when the majority of young men dont get any pussy and have nothing to look forward too. More and more will find black pilled videos on youtube, describing their situation, so they will find incel and mgtow forums. The snowball is already rolling now and it will grow larger and larger.

The (((((elites))))) just need men to remain docile until automation renders us obsolete in the workplace and robots have the capability to "neutralize" us. That will probably happen before a critical mass of men wake up to how badly they're getting screwed, and more importantly, organize to DO something about it.

The growth rates of MGTOW and incel forums aren't that promising. The most popular MGTOW community, /r/MGTOW, is only at 139k subscribers. That's less than 40k new subscribers in the past eight months. To put things into perspective, IncelTears has over 300k subscribers and has been growing at a much higher rate.

Ya, we will see. Comparing what guys wrote on forums in my country 2010, regarding women, compared to 2019 is night and day. If someone critizised women in 2010, he was attacked by hundreds of guys.

Nowadays? Now its hundreds of guys who are talking shit about women, lol. And the bitterness keep incrising.

Its just logical, the more sexless men, the more bitterness.
We would need some way of knowing for sure that this percentage of men were going without sex. Even if I'm not having sex, it's easy for me to assume that someone is. And as long as someone is, it doesn't seem as bad to me from a societal perspective.
Ya, we will see. Comparing what guys wrote on forums in my country 2010, regarding women, compared to 2019 is night and day. If someone critizised women in 2010, he was attacked by hundreds of guys.

Nowadays? Now its hundreds of guys who are talking shit about women, lol. And the bitterness keep incrising.

Its just logical, the more sexless men, the more bitterness.

Bitterness is many, many steps away from outright revolution. Here in North America (the U.S. and Canada are pretty much ground zero for feminism, slut culture, and female shallowness), unattractive men have been bitter for decades and yet nothing has been accomplished besides venting online. As a 37 year-old truecel, I've pretty much given up on anything changing for the better in this despicable culture - and honestly believe my best play would be to leave it all behind and disappear next year. Hoping for men to ever organize for their best interests will lead to the same disappointment that hoping to attract women as a genetically-cursed male in 2019. We're beyond fucked and I just want out of this dejecting existence that I never fucking asked for!
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Lol well, its over for western men in the west, so im not hoping for anything, I will ascend in SEA after my studies. However, there will be something happening in the west, with time, im 100% sure of it. Wait and see. Might take 10 or 20 years, but we will live to see it.
The growth rates of MGTOW and incel forums aren't that promising. The most popular MGTOW community, /r/MGTOW, is only at 139k subscribers. That's less than 40k new subscribers in the past eight months. To put things into perspective, IncelTears has over 300k subscribers and has been growing at a much higher rate.

View attachment 177302

That's because men who are unhappy and are actually prepared to do something don't go on internet forums to chit chat with a bunch of autists. Reddit is for virtue signalling cucks while forums are for autistic loners.

But you're right that changes aren't going to happen any time soon. I'm in my 30s and I also gave up on the idea that something will change for the good. Even if things start changing I will be way too old when that will be happening. I won't get any benefits from it because I'll be like 60 years old, if anything I will get fucked over if some revolution happens when I'm an oldcel.
If Western society continues on the same trajectory, it will converge to the 80/20 rule.
Right now we're at 28%.


What kind of percentage do you think will be the ultimate high before things will start to change? 40%? 50%? More?
That was over a year ago, i would say 1 in 3 now minimum
agreed. at that point the number of men not fucking is so high, it will lead to ERs daily, massive men quitting jobs, right wingers being voted in.
Bitterness is many, many steps away from outright revolution. Here in North America (the U.S. and Canada are pretty much ground zero for feminism, slut culture, and female shallowness), unattractive men have been bitter for decades and yet nothing has been accomplished besides venting online. As a 37 year-old truecel, I've pretty much given up on anything changing for the better in this despicable culture - and honestly believe my best play would be to leave it all behind and disappear next year. Hoping for men to ever organize for their best interests will lead to the same disappointment that hoping to attract women as a genetically-cursed male in 2019. We're beyond fucked and I just want out of this dejecting existence that I never fucking asked for!

You don't need a revolution. If enough men go hikkikomori, it will weaken an economy, make infrastructure fail, defense of the state will be weakened. It's a death trap. You have to remember that population will also fall sharply.

The elites are hoping that AI and automation will hold these effects back. It's really a race right now to see which will come first.
That's because men who are unhappy and are actually prepared to do something don't go on internet forums to chit chat with a bunch of autists. Reddit is for virtue signalling cucks while forums are for autistic loners.

But you're right that changes aren't going to happen any time soon. I'm in my 30s and I also gave up on the idea that something will change for the good. Even if things start changing I will be way too old when that will be happening. I won't get any benefits from it because I'll be like 60 years old, if anything I will get fucked over if some revolution happens when I'm an oldcel.
it will happen when we are far beyond our YouTh maybe we'll be retired. over for us. we must make peace with subhumanity, waiting for ecternal change is too mentally taxing and futile
That's because men who are unhappy and are actually prepared to do something don't go on internet forums to chit chat with a bunch of autists.

I don't believe these men you're describing (who are "lurking in the shadows") are prepared to overthrow or radically reform society. They would need to organize to accomplish that because one man can't do it all himself. The most we're going to see in the coming years are more "lone wolf" attacks because of there's no real organization among systematically beaten-down males and no real plan of action. Not to mention, a lack of willing participants who are willing to risk everything - including their lives and freedom - to restore society.
Won't happen in our lifetime
When women and boomers realize the new generation of guys dont want to care for them when they're old because they ruined society, we'll start seeing oblivious articles like "are millenial and zoomer men experiencing a sexual drought?"
Probabaly 99% of those 28% of men think their lack of sex is their fault, and they have to improve themselves. With mindsets like that, the number could be 99% and there wouldn’t be any civil unrest . But even a 5-10% INCEL rate could have huge consequences I think. If 10% of men were sexless and they knew it’s because of their looks and knew they had no hope to change their circumstances..
When we reach 70%, I predict a solid third of us alone can hold all of society at a metaphorical gunpoint. Give us women or else!
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A lot tbh. most of that 28% are bluepilled soy cucks that comment on inceltears and orbit landwhales
I'd bet against collapse, because I think its more likely that Muslims just outpopulate everyone else for a few decades until a full conversion to an Islamic state takes place.
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We only need around 50% of young men to start the beta uprising.
Some low votes on here.

Don't people remember 80% of men in some Asian country being single (incel)?

It has to be more than 90%, to the point where in a group of friends, zero or one guy ever gets laid.

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