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what do you think happens when you die?



Oct 1, 2019
I think about this a lot because I'm going to be dead in a couple years (due to disease not rope). I'm not a religious person but I've always held out hope that there's some sort of afterlife. Most empirical evidence supports materialistic views of the universe but I've always felt like materialism falls short of explaining indescribable phonomena like qualia and consciousness, and that's made me wonder if consciousness continues after death some how (although it should be noted that materialism being false does not necessarily imply that there would be a continuity of consciousness after death).

Personally I want to be reincarnated and get a second chance at life. Maybe I could be a stacy or a chad, but even if I get reborn as a cel again I'd still want to reincarnate. I've given up hope on getting laid or having a happy life, but there are a lot of things I want to do but won't have time to do before I die. Stuff like writing computer programs, going to Japan, certain shows/games I never got around to finishing, etc. I was *just* starting to develop some hobbies and learn how to be happy alone when I got diagnosed with cancer. So I spent about a decade wasting away and not doing anything and just when I was starting to experience a fulfilling life I found out it was going to be taken away from me.

I'm not such a big fan of Christian ideas like heaven and hell. We're not told anything about Heaven and Hell other than one's good and the other's bad. I think I'd rather just go to the ancient Greek afterlife; according to greek myths it's boring and everybody's aimless but that's not a whole lot different from the real world for me so I feel like I'm well-equipped for that (although I'd still rather get re-incarnated as a different person);.

What do you guys think about death/afterlife? I'm really interested in hearing other peoples' opinions because my greatest fear is that when I die I'll just fade away into nothing, and that's more terrifying to me than the Christian hell.

Also let me know if you want me to try to send some sort of signal or talk to a dead person on your behalf after I'm dead. Obviously I can't make any promises but I'll see what I can do. As stated above, I'm going to be dead soon so I spend a lot of time thinking about things that probably most people don't think about until they're in their 60s at least.
Basically, if you can't astral project then yer doomed... (Or at least fly 8n your dreams)

@transcendaltrucel thoughts?
Oh well i tried
i believe we revert back to the state as we were in before birth, i'd like to think that im wrong and theres more to it but thats my stance
There will be a white tunnel when you die, it is a trap to recycle your soul, wipe your memory and reincarnate you in a new body.

They will disguise themselves as angels, god or even a loved one in order to fool you. It is a trap, don’t go into the white tunnelof light.
Sorry bro. There is no afterlife. Its just pitch black nothingness. The thing is we already have experienced death before. There is no reason why the experience would be any different this time around.

But think about it this way. If that's all there is to it then it doesn't really matter.
Be born as a diseased incel or a healthy Chad who sees old age, we are all doomed either way. Nothing of us is left except the genes we leave behind in our children and even that is just a poor reflection of our true alive selves. Maybe you can find some solace in this
Basically, if you can't astral project then yer doomed... (Or at least fly 8n your dreams)

@transcendaltrucel thoughts?
Oh well i tried
@Transcended Trucel
What disease?
I'm agnostic. I don't deny the possibility of a higher being existing, but I have seen no strong evidence to support its existence either. So it all comes down to possibilities.

Consciousness is a small possibility that happened. We are beings who evolved from miserable organisms in a random planet in the middle of nowhere in this place called universe. How unrealistic is that? But it happened anyways, so even the small possibility could turn out to be true, and it's the same thing when it comes to God. The possibility seems low, but it doesn't mean it can't be real. All you have to do is keep fighting and have faith.
I was *just* starting to develop some hobbies and learn how to be happy alone when I got diagnosed with cancer.
I'm so sorry, brocel.:feelsbadman::feelscry::cryfeels:
I'll be summoned once again.
Unbelievable pain while dying . Maybe it will get streamed and Jews will eat some caviar and champagne enjoying themselves to the comedy
Sorry bro. There is no afterlife. Its just pitch black nothingness. The thing is we already have experienced death before. There is no reason why the experience would be any different this time around.

But think about it this way. If that's all there is to it then it doesn't really matter.
Be born as a diseased incel or a healthy Chad who sees old age, we are all doomed either way. Nothing of us is left except the genes we leave behind in our children and even that is just a poor reflection of our true alive selves. Maybe you can find some solace in this

@Transcended Trucel
Thanks bro. He should enjoy this topic
There will be a white tunnel when you die, it is a trap to recycle your soul, wipe your memory and reincarnate you in a new body.

They will disguise themselves as angels, god or even a loved one in order to fool you. It is a trap, don’t go into the white tunnelof light.
Just avoid the alien soul trap bro
What disease?
a type of cancer called Synovial Sarcoma. It was already stage 4 when they diagnosed me.

Unbelievable pain while dying . Maybe it will get streamed and Jews will eat some caviar and champagne enjoying themselves to the comedy
I actually wouldn't mind livestreaming my death just to remind everybody that some people die young. Healthcare and disability in this country is all skewed towards older people. It's really fucking hard to get help as a young cripple, but everybody wants to help able-bodied people 3x my age who will probably still die after me.
It's not possible to imagine what happens post-moriuntur. It's utterly inconceivable to us as there's no way of perspective-taking in what never happened from an individual point of perspective.
I mean, how would you know? If I tell you that nothing happens, your physical body perishes and there's only the eternal oblivion, how could you possibly understand not experiencing ,,nothing"? there wouldn't be ,,you" to experience anything, there would be no experience, no ,,nothingness" as nothingness implies an absence of activity, existence or being; the nearest we can reach to understand such concept is avoiding external stimuli while in attempting absent-mindedness. It's still not true ,,nothingness". the notion of a true vacant vacuum may not even exist.
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[UWSL]Just avoid the alien soul trap bro[/UWSL]
Each sould has free will, the reason they try to convince you to go in is because they need your consent, by simply choosing not to go in the trap can be avoided.
I actually wouldn't mind livestreaming my death just to remind everybody that some people die young. Healthcare and disability in this country is all skewed towards older people. It's really fucking hard to get help as a young cripple, but everybody wants to help able-bodied people 3x my age who will probably still die after me.

God, man. If you're faced with fast approaching mortality and you feel the need to impart some kind of message that might help people, that's maybe the most responsible thing you can do. To speak up for others who might be in the same kind of pain as you.
Is there no way of fighting the cancer?
Thought a greycel posted this but it was u and u r actually dying, I actually have same problems Right now, waiting for a CT scan. Thought dying would be a blessing but thinking about it for the whole day now such a diagnosis must really suck. You only have a few years left at best. In your case stage 4 it's months we r talking about. If it'd be 10 years it would be different could at least save some money for retirement of my parents and still trying to fullfil some personal wishes. It's just cope to make death more enjoyable but in the end it's going to be all the same. Horrible pain, I am very afraid of and then darkness
a type of cancer called Synovial Sarcoma. It was already stage 4 when they diagnosed me.

I actually wouldn't mind livestreaming my death just to remind everybody that some people die young. Healthcare and disability in this country is all skewed towards older people. It's really fucking hard to get help as a young cripple, but everybody wants to help able-bodied people 3x my age who will probably still die after me.
Try not to not let it get to you bro...

Everyone and everything dies.:whitepill:

Try to enjoy the time you have left. If possible.
I think about this a lot because I'm going to be dead in a couple years (due to disease not rope). I'm not a religious person but I've always held out hope that there's some sort of afterlife. Most empirical evidence supports materialistic views of the universe but I've always felt like materialism falls short of explaining indescribable phonomena like qualia and consciousness, and that's made me wonder if consciousness continues after death some how (although it should be noted that materialism being false does not necessarily imply that there would be a continuity of consciousness after death).

Personally I want to be reincarnated and get a second chance at life. Maybe I could be a stacy or a chad, but even if I get reborn as a cel again I'd still want to reincarnate. I've given up hope on getting laid or having a happy life, but there are a lot of things I want to do but won't have time to do before I die. Stuff like writing computer programs, going to Japan, certain shows/games I never got around to finishing, etc. I was *just* starting to develop some hobbies and learn how to be happy alone when I got diagnosed with cancer. So I spent about a decade wasting away and not doing anything and just when I was starting to experience a fulfilling life I found out it was going to be taken away from me.

I'm not such a big fan of Christian ideas like heaven and hell. We're not told anything about Heaven and Hell other than one's good and the other's bad. I think I'd rather just go to the ancient Greek afterlife; according to greek myths it's boring and everybody's aimless but that's not a whole lot different from the real world for me so I feel like I'm well-equipped for that (although I'd still rather get re-incarnated as a different person);.

What do you guys think about death/afterlife? I'm really interested in hearing other peoples' opinions because my greatest fear is that when I die I'll just fade away into nothing, and that's more terrifying to me than the Christian hell.

Also let me know if you want me to try to send some sort of signal or talk to a dead person on your behalf after I'm dead. Obviously I can't make any promises but I'll see what I can do. As stated above, I'm going to be dead soon so I spend a lot of time thinking about things that probably most people don't think about until they're in their 60s at least.
Which disease brocel, im gunna be blunt and straight the true religion is Islam please go watch hamzas den and EF dawah if you want to be assured. The ones who reject Islam after it becomes manifest as the truth to them will spend eternity in hell with the whores and other evil doers. In all serious go research islam and ask your creator with guidance with an open heart
Islam says there will way more women in hell than men. I don't know what more proof you need of the truth
There are definitely old souls and new souls.

My Little nephew is clearly a new soul, he is naive and open to the world, he approaches everyone with openness and love... it means that sometimes people disappoint him and hurt him, but he is just a fresh, positive, beautiful little person who spreads kindness and enthusiasm everywhere he goes.

His little sister is clearly an old soul who has done all of this before, she is always thinking a step ahead, she's onto your shit and she is not going to take it. From when she was little she always holds back a bit, she assesses people and things and she doesn't commit to shit until she's thought it through and decided it is safe / advantageous for her. She gets really angry and frustrated when she fails at something. It is like watching an old person get mad because they can no longer get out of their chair easily. I used to be able to do this. WHY CAN'T I DO THIS NOW??!?

Sorry I haven't got a study to back this up. But I have spent a lot of time with these kids since they were babies and there is no escaping these observations. We all saw it.

Buddhists are probably right, you'll come back as a slightly older and wiser soul than you were this time. And on and on, until you attain enlightenment and ascend to wherever the enlightened souls go.
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I'm agnostic. I don't deny the possibility of a higher being existing, but I have seen no strong evidence to support its existence either. So it all comes down to possibilities.

Consciousness is a small possibility that happened. We are beings who evolved from miserable organisms in a random planet in the middle of nowhere in this place called universe. How unrealistic is that? But it happened anyways, so even the small possibility could turn out to be true, and it's the same thing when it comes to God. The possibility seems low, but it doesn't mean it can't be real. All you have to do is keep fighting and have faith.
Ask yourself how can conscienceness even exist we should all be animals but humans have inner subject consciousness. Philosophers have battled with this for a over 10 millennia it still hasn't been unriddled
Basically, if you can't astral project then yer doomed... (Or at least fly 8n your dreams)

@transcendaltrucel thoughts?
Oh well i tried
brutal misspelling
Ask yourself how can conscienceness even exist we should all be animals but humans have inner subject consciousness. Philosophers have battled with this for a over 10 millennia it still hasn't been unriddled
Exactly. It's a total mystery. No one truly knows. Religion has an interesting take on this, but I guess the only way to find out is by literally dying... so see you on the other side.
Exactly. It's a total mystery. No one truly knows. Religion has an interesting take on this, but I guess the only way to find out is by literally dying... so see you on the other side.
Fuck that I'm going with the best bet since my eternity is on the line the best bet is deen al islam. Think about it for a second. more than one GOD makes absolutely no sense so that disqualifies every religion on earth barring Judaism and islam which are both Abrahams religions. Jews believe only ethnic Jews will go to heaven so it immediately disqualifies itself which leaves the truth.
i believe we revert back to the state as we were in before birth, i'd like to think that im wrong and theres more to it but thats my stance
If reincarnation is true, you were just another being before birth that also died eventually.

It's not possible to imagine what happens post-moriuntur. It's utterly inconceivable to us as there's no way of perspective-taking in what never happened from an individual point of perspective.
I mean, how would you know? If I tell you that nothing happens, your physical body perishes and there's only the eternal oblivion, how could you possibly understand not experiencing ,,nothing"? there wouldn't be ,,you" to experience anything, there would be no experience, no ,,nothingness" as nothingness implies an absence of activity, existence or being; the nearest we can reach to understand such concept is avoiding external stimuli while in attempting absent-mindedness. It's still not true ,,nothingness". the notion of a true vacant vacuum may not even exist.
What about when you sleep but aren’t dreaming?

a type of cancer called Synovial Sarcoma. It was already stage 4 when they diagnosed me.
What are your chances with chemotherapy/radiotherapy?

Fuck that I'm going with the best bet since my eternity is on the line the best bet is deen al islam. Think about it for a second. more than one GOD makes absolutely no sense so that disqualifies every religion on earth barring Judaism and islam which are both Abrahams religions. Jews believe only ethnic Jews will go to heaven so it immediately disqualifies itself which leaves the truth.
Zoroastrianism is monotheistic. Also, there are religions like Jainism, Buddhism, or Taoism that don’t believe in a God.

Ask yourself how can conscienceness even exist we should all be animals but humans have inner subject consciousness. Philosophers have battled with this for a over 10 millennia it still hasn't been unriddled
What if animals also have consciousness? They probably do tbh
If reincarnation is true, you were just another being before birth that also died eventually.

What about when you sleep but aren’t dreaming?

What are your chances with chemotherapy/radiotherapy?

Zoroastrianism is monotheistic. Also, there are religions like Jainism, Buddhism, or Taoism that don’t believe in a God.

What if animals also have consciousness? They probably do tbh
So your really dying, brother please read the Quran and I'm actually begging you
So your really dying, brother please read the Quran and I'm actually begging you
Not me bro, it’s the OP. Besides, I’m already an orthodox kike.
If reincarnation is true, you were just another being before birth that also died eventually.

What about when you sleep but aren’t dreaming?

What are your chances with chemotherapy/radiotherapy?

Zoroastrianism is monotheistic. Also, there are religions like Jainism, Buddhism, or Taoism that don’t believe in a God.

What if animals also have consciousness? They probably do tbh
No they don't animals live on instincts brother they communicate with each other they feel pain and but they don't have what we have.
Not me bro, it’s the OP. Besides, I’m already an orthodox kike.
Kikecel? You rich? :smonk:
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No they don't animals live on instincts brother they communicate with each other they feel pain and but they don't have what we have.
Most people also live on instincts, hence they destroy their lives and make bad decisions based on them. But animals can also plan long term, like when squirrels bury acorns for much later and don’t just stuff their face immediately. Even some fish with good vision can recognize themselves in a mirror, so they seem to have self awareness as well.

we just jump time. almost instantaneously to onset of sleeping to waking up.
what about dreams? Those happen in between that as well.

Kikecel? You rich? :smonk:
I wasn’t born rich, but I went to college when I was 15 and make a lot now.
you fall into the black abyss forever
Incomprehensible agony
Is there no way of fighting the cancer?
What are your chances with chemotherapy/radiotherapy?
I already hit my lifetime limits on both radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The tumor has been surgically removed but not before it spread to my lungs. Further treatments are only going to postpone the inevitable.

I'm trying to get into clinical trials for experimental new treatments and maybe there's a miracle drug in there, but it's more likely to just do a slightly better job of prolonging my life than current treatments.

According to the American Cancer Society, 85% of patients with my cancer are dead in less than five years. The remaining 15% are not necessarily cured, they just aren't dead yet. Some of them may still die of cancer at a later date.
Islam says there will way more women in hell than men.
Huh. Maybe I can finally lose my virginity after I die. :feelsdevil:
There are definitely old souls and new souls.

My Little nephew is clearly a new soul, he is naive and open to the world, he approaches everyone with openness and love... it means that sometimes people disappoint him and hurt him, but he is just a fresh, positive, beautiful little person who spreads kindness and enthusiasm everywhere he goes.

His little sister is clearly an old soul who has done all of this before, she is always thinking a step ahead, she's onto your shit and she is not going to take it. From when she was little she always holds back a bit, she assesses people and things and she doesn't commit to shit until she's thought it through and decided it is safe / advantageous for her. She gets really angry and frustrated when she fails at something. It is like watching an old person get mad because they can no longer get out of their chair easily. I used to be able to do this. WHY CAN'T I DO THIS NOW??!?

Sorry I haven't got a study to back this up. But I have spent a lot of time with these kids since they were babies and there is no escaping these observations. We all saw it.

Buddhists are probably right, you'll come back as a slightly older and wiser soul than you were this time. And on and on, until you attain enlightenment and ascend to wherever the enlightened souls go.
I've always had difficulties communicating with other people; in general I feel like I'm confused and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. Do you think that could mean I was a young soul this whole time?
what about dreams? Those happen in between that as well.

[UWSL]Immersive imagery dreaming you're still experiencing something though your [/UWSL][UWSL]consciousness is mainly ,,resting" as frontal-cortex activity decreases due synaptic downscaling pruning energy requirements, lower EMG and lowered voltage mixed frequency EEG with sawtooth waves, and generated waves switches in length i.e slow-wave-activity (0.5 to 4.0Hz); there's less agency of authorship occurring meaning we're less aware of ourselves and the absolute disarrayed bizarreness of dreams - time dilation also occurs in active immersive imagery vivid dreams.[/UWSL]
In the case of dreamless sleep, there's barely any ,,experience" but bodily sensations, most of times we jumps in time while residual unnecessary irrelevant memory flushing is the mainly unconscious activity taking place once you're approaching towards waking-up, however, during the sleep your declarative memories were consolidated. - t[UWSL]his makes perfect sense too. If we reincarnate, we could possibly been dead for billions of years but at renascence there would' be no grasp of passed time as it indeed didn't exist nor was experienced from your perspective. [/UWSL][UWSL]It would just be a time jump. (I didn't receive your alert btw).[/UWSL]
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I already hit my lifetime limits on both radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The tumor has been surgically removed but not before it spread to my lungs. Further treatments are only going to postpone the inevitable.

I'm trying to get into clinical trials for experimental new treatments and maybe there's a miracle drug in there, but it's more likely to just do a slightly better job of prolonging my life than current treatments.

According to the American Cancer Society, 85% of patients with my cancer are dead in less than five years. The remaining 15% are not necessarily cured, they just aren't dead yet. Some of them may still die of cancer at a later date.
This is going to sound absolutely insane, but it's better to try it and potentially live, as opposed to staying the course and most certainly dying soon:

Do multiple week long fasts, spaced every 3-4 weeks. It will starve your cancer cells of nutrients (they will shrink), plus it will revitalize your immune system by forcing your bone marrow to recreate new white blood cells. This will both weaken the cancer and strengthen your body to fight what's left of it.

I suggest you do some research in your spare time and look into this. In the mean time try to train your body for the hunger by ignoring your hunger response the next time you get it. You will get used to the hunger.
I no longer suffer.
I think it's just darkness, and silence. Much like my life already.
You get mogged by foids even there :feelskek::feelskek:
I'm agnostic. I don't deny the possibility of a higher being existing, but I have seen no strong evidence to support its existence either. So it all comes down to possibilities.

Consciousness is a small possibility that happened. We are beings who evolved from miserable organisms in a random planet in the middle of nowhere in this place called universe. How unrealistic is that? But it happened anyways, so even the small possibility could turn out to be true, and it's the same thing when it comes to God. The possibility seems low, but it doesn't mean it can't be real. All you have to do is keep fighting and have faith.
The problem with consciousness is not that it's unlikely, the problem is that nobody can describe exactly what it is or where it arises from, and yet it patently exists. We know from computers that consciousness is not synonymous with intelligence because computers are able to exhibit intelligent behavior without having any sort of consciousness.

Intelligent behavior in humans and other animals comes from the brain and it is assumed that consciousness must also, but it is not known what the relationship between the brain and consciousness is. No other physical object is known to have a consciousness or anything remotely similar to it other than an animal's brain. It is not known how the brain creates and maintains consciousness. From this it follows that consciousness may not actually be part of the brain or any other bodily organ; this raises the question of whether or not consciousness is able to exist after the body has died (although it should be noted that consciousness being separate from the brain does not necessarily imply that consciousness continues to exist after death).
Which disease brocel, im gunna be blunt and straight the true religion is Islam please go watch hamzas den and EF dawah if you want to be assured. The ones who reject Islam after it becomes manifest as the truth to them will spend eternity in hell with the whores and other evil doers. In all serious go research islam and ask your creator with guidance with an open heart
Islam says there will way more women in hell than men. I don't know what more proof you need of the truth
You're completely right bro Islam makes the most sense out of all religions. Also nice to see more Muslims on here. :feelsLSD:
i hope it is the void
I already hit my lifetime limits on both radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
They don't want to give you any more because it might be.... bad for you?
I've always had difficulties communicating with other people; in general I feel like I'm confused and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. Do you think that could mean I was a young soul this whole time?
Maybe you are.


  • XubpsOGYFQcbS.gif
    490 KB · Views: 246
Thread smells like high IQ deserves to be on ID
Also let me know if you want me to try to send some sort of signal or talk to a dead person on your behalf after I'm dead.
If you come across my grandpa tell him to fuck off and stop getting into my dreams. He's some short nigger spic nicknamed "Lobizón" and he doesn't speak English so you're gonna have to do me a favor and memorize this: "no molestes a tu ñeto" (don't bother your grandson). You're gonna have to walk (or hover) all the way down to Uruguay and ask every ghost if they're "El Lobizón" until you find him :feelsLSD:I know it sounds like too much but it'll give you something to do which is better than fucking around aimlessly like a retard creeping up on people and shit amerite? Be a useful ghost and do me a solid bro. Thank you in advance.
[UWSL]Immersive imagery dreaming you're still experiencing something though your [/UWSL][UWSL]consciousness is mainly ,,resting" as frontal-cortex activity decreases due synaptic downscaling pruning energy requirements, lower EMG and lowered voltage mixed frequency EEG with sawtooth waves, and generated waves switches in length i.e slow-wave-activity (0.5 to 4.0Hz); there's less agency of authorship occurring meaning we're less aware of ourselves and the absolute disarrayed bizarreness of dreams - time dilation also occurs in active immersive imagery vivid dreams.[/UWSL]
In the case of dreamless sleep, there's barely any ,,experience" but bodily sensations, most of times we jumps in time while residual unnecessary irrelevant memory flushing is the mainly unconscious activity taking place once you're approaching towards waking-up, however, during the sleep your declarative memories were consolidated. - t[UWSL]his makes perfect sense too. If we reincarnate, we could possibly been dead for billions of years but at renascence there would' be no grasp of passed time as it indeed didn't exist nor was experienced from your perspective. [/UWSL][UWSL]It would just be a time jump. (I didn't receive your alert btw).[/UWSL]
The ending makes a lot of sense. If we live in a multiverse, then maybe a quintillion years in the future in some other universe, you pop again as something else? Who knows

I already hit my lifetime limits on both radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The tumor has been surgically removed but not before it spread to my lungs. Further treatments are only going to postpone the inevitable.

I'm trying to get into clinical trials for experimental new treatments and maybe there's a miracle drug in there, but it's more likely to just do a slightly better job of prolonging my life than current treatments.

According to the American Cancer Society, 85% of patients with my cancer are dead in less than five years. The remaining 15% are not necessarily cured, they just aren't dead yet. Some of them may still die of cancer at a later date.
Goddam. Well, at least try to make the last years count and so what you think is important to you in life. You literally have nothing to lose.
The problem with consciousness is not that it's unlikely, the problem is that nobody can describe exactly what it is or where it arises from, and yet it patently exists. We know from computers that consciousness is not synonymous with intelligence because computers are able to exhibit intelligent behavior without having any sort of consciousness.

Intelligent behavior in humans and other animals comes from the brain and it is assumed that consciousness must also, but it is not known what the relationship between the brain and consciousness is. No other physical object is known to have a consciousness or anything remotely similar to it other than an animal's brain. It is not known how the brain creates and maintains consciousness. From this it follows that consciousness may not actually be part of the brain or any other bodily organ; this raises the question of whether or not consciousness is able to exist after the body has died (although it should be noted that consciousness being separate from the brain does not necessarily imply that consciousness continues to exist after death).
The theory I've had is that consciousness is a kind of natural force in the universe, much like the four fundamental forces. Consciousness is the fifth, fundamental natural force in the universe that operates across all spatio-temporal dimensions. The force manifests in sufficiently complex biological structures, and it is there that it is observed. Consciousness is to (sufficiently complex) biological life what gravity is to objects with mass. This force is projected onto your body from a higher dimensional space onto three dimensional space (where the effect is observed). The standard of measure I've suggested is to use the human consciousness as 1 cu ("consciousness unit"). It becomes difficult to quantify, let alone use to perform any meaningful or useful calculations, but we can (in a sense) "observe" that other animals have some degree of consciousness that is strictly <1 cu.

A dog, for example, has some lower level, lesser degree of consciousness. It has some awareness of itself, as well as others, relative to its own surroundings that is necessarily distinct from its primal instinct. It has emotions, including remorse. It has memory and learns, therefore it can anticipate a future event based on past events (hence, trainable). In many ways it has very similar aspects of consciousness that is also present in us. It's obviously not us, but if the human brain is capable of storing (human) consciousness, then it follows that other non-human brains are capable of storing (non-human) consciousness also. It then stands to reason that the phenomenology (analytic, not philosophical definition) of consciousness is not necessarily limited to humans.

Under this framework, which remains as physicalist/materialist, continuity of consciousness, post mortem, remains a logical possibility. "Soul" is a lot easier for the average person to understand than, "universal force projected onto 3-space from some higher n-space."
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There will be a white tunnel when you die, it is a trap to recycle your soul, wipe your memory and reincarnate you in a new body.

They will disguise themselves as angels, god or even a loved one in order to fool you. It is a trap, don’t go into the white tunnelof light.
Ill get reincarnated as an Indian pajeet:feelsbadman:
you fall into the black abyss forever
Sounds pleasant enough. Actually I died once and it was like this. Only to wake up in er:feelsbadman:

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