I think they'll be the successful batch of what millennials were supposed to be. We were largely spoonfed given the basic SJW/women are wonderful propaganda, but it was done just a little bit too late - we STILL had some vague recollection of a sane society, whether it through watching old TV shows, parents relationships, or just having lived during saner (mid 2000s) time periods. So for is in response you had shit like MGTOW, TheRedPill, Blackpill coming out in full force and the remainder of Chads (always there, always will be) and various normies who are now simps or may dive into MGTOW or TheRedPill. We were like a trial run, some simps created, some Chads isolated to Tinder, but not a great success because NEETs aren't fulfilling their desired roles as worker bees + blackpillers spread awareness about the fucked up situation.
Most zoomers I know are FUCKED. Growing up i felt like i had to watch what i say (be very careful with the word fag, obviously don't ever say nigger even if you are literally just quoting the word jfl) but never over shit like trannies, cisgenderism and the like. They are literally fucked. It's not just the norm for girls to be raised on/watching porn now, it's the norm, so that means they think 8x6 is average and will be disappointed with anything less). E-Boys/TikTok - is there even a need to comment? Literal genetic gods just FLOATING on camera, that's ALL they do and women have proven THAT'S ALL THEY WANT. LMFAO. But do zoomers look at this shit and think "lol wtf it's over"? Not in my experience. Most of them just appear to be docile, or worse, they'll run their own TikTok/twitch channel in the hope that it could ever generate any of the interest whatsoever of these people who actually make money from it. Weird times