Virgin worship is not a problem at all for multiple reasons:
First, encouraging and praising women for remaining virgin in our current social climate is a good thing. It helps to re-balance the skewed sexual market. It helps fight back against feminism and liberalism that has poisoned our young western women. It gives women accountability, something that the modern left has stripped from them. It is one way to help encourage monogamy, and a return to a monogamous culture would be the best thing that could happen to any given incel.
Second, it's more or less factually proven that virgin women are more faithful in marriage to their partners. I have shared the statistics so many times on this website, I'm sure a quick search of my user profile will net you them. Nothing scares me more than the potential of marrying a non virgin woman who will lust after another man; it is both emasculating and unfaithful. She won't be thinking about Chad or Tyrone if you are the only one she's had.
As a disclaimer, there is no 100% foolproof way to ensure a woman's faith, but this is about the best way to do it.
Third, it encourages traditional Christian values into our society, which are desperately needed. Nobody wants to have Faith in the Christ anymore, tricked by the Satan and his minions: the Jews. If we encourage women and praise women for chastity, it may help lead people back to the Church, which is the ultimate goal.
As for myself, I will marry/have children with a virgin or I will do neither.
There are virgins who are waiting for Chad, believe it or not lol...
This is the truth. There is a huge piece of misinformation that is spread in the incelosphere: that there are no virgins past 14/16/18/whateverage. That is incredibly wrong. It's safe to say that
there aren't alot, but they exist is a tangible and measurable number. The real issue is like you state: they only want Chad. I say these women want "Tim", named for Tim Tebow, the ultimate Christian Chad. Trying to get these women as a 23 year old incel like myself is a bit of a challenge, but I do believe it can be possible.