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Experiment What causes your Inceldom in your opinion?

What causes your Inceldom?

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Jul 7, 2018
Title. I was just thinking about this. A lot of members here either have Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, Schizophrenia, or some other disorder. You personally, do you believe that you are Incel because of your appearance, a mental illness, or something else entirely? I'm curious to see what people say here.

Feel free to select all the options that apply. I allowed for multiple choices.
Where's frame?
height, weight, autism, introversion, ADHD, anxiety and mainly PMO. PMO is resonspible for at least half of that list.
Title. I was just thinking about this. A lot of members here either have Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, Schizophrenia, or some other disorder. You personally, do you believe that you are Incel because of your appearance, a mental illness, or something else entirely? I'm curious to see what people say here.

Feel free to select all the options that apply. I allowed for multiple choices.

As per my votes.

I'm a framecel also.

Other mental disorders: shyness, high inhibition, circumstantial depression, anxious, introversion, distracted easily leading to procrastination etc.
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Ugliness of face + high pretentious of modern women
Face, height and weight. Blaming mental disorders is a cope.
Face, Autism, Social Anxiety, Stutter, depression, jawline introversion and lack of social skills.
virginity, height, and the fact that people like me aren't accepted in modern America.
Porn Masturbation Orgasm
I see.
Face, height and weight. Blaming mental disorders is a cope.
I disagree with this, though. Women can also smell mental disorders. If someone like ER (6.5/10) was NT, he could have ascended with a Becky with a bit of effort at least. That would have never happened as he had a lot going on with his mental health.
In my case: height, face, extremely introverted, and very likely on the autism spectrum
Face, race, autism, paranoid disorder, OCD, social anxiety and so on.
I disagree with this, though. Women can also smell mental disorders. If someone like ER (6.5/10) was NT, he could have ascended with a Becky with a bit of effort at least. That would have never happened as he had a lot going on with his mental health.
Elliot Rodger wasn’t a 6.5, he was a 5. To all the girls I showed him they said that he was very ugly.
I see.

I disagree with this, though. Women can also smell mental disorders. If someone like ER (6.5/10) was NT, he could have ascended with a Becky with a bit of effort at least. That would have never happened as he had a lot going on with his mental health.
ER was below average in looks, ethnic and short by foid standards. He could get a gf yes but he'd put in a lot of effort.
pretty much confirms my bias here, its usually the same five factors.
Facial features and virginity
Location. I've been Volcel outside of L.A. I can't afford to move, constantly denied job applications, I have seen less qualified women and minorities get hired over me countless times.
bald cell




Virginity reinforcing itself; never got initiated when it was acceptable to be inexperienced
Likely, personality disorder; I thought it might be Avoidant, but @Juxtaposition6 set me straight and it appears to be more like Schizoid


The corruptness, stupidity, philistinism, and greed of scumfuck whores
1. I'm shy. Always have been, resulting in me not having many friends and thus not being very social
2. Highly sensitive and high inhibition
3. Sheltered by parents until it was too late
4. Always analyzing everything, thus analyzing women at an early age and realizing they are shit people and thus not pursuing them
5. Beta and low T in general
6. Kinda low IQ
7. Avarage looking, doesn't get me girls since I'm not NT
8. Uncommon interests, hobbies, again making me asocial

I'd say I'm mostly a mentalcel. I know a lot of users say we don't exist, but I'm living in a third world Slavic shithole where if you're not an NT social faggot with a car and money in your 20s it's over for you.
Being a truecel with low T. Looking too scrawny, could have a prettier face. Also i'm not even trying to lose my virginity. Not many single girls where i live. Most of them already have a family with chad. Thats one thing i'm really not looking forward to. Having to travel to the big city just to go on dates and find a GF.
Location. I've been Volcel outside of L.A. I can't afford to move, constantly denied job applications, I have seen less qualified women and minorities get hired over me countless times.

same here except in the Democrat-laden area of the Rust Belt. the more this happens, the shootings will go up
Being a truecel with low T. Looking too scrawny, could have a prettier face. Not many single girls where i live. Most of them already have a family with chad. Thats one thing i'm really not looking forward to. Having to travel to the big city just to go on dates and find a GF.

I have the opposite problem, abnormally high T due to aspergers. I'm a complete pig around women and still get hated on.
Such type of questions have been asked infinite times, Answere is simple the FACE
Location. I've been Volcel outside of L.A. I can't afford to move, constantly denied job applications, I have seen less qualified women and minorities get hired over me countless times.
Claiming bi-racial heritage is always a good safeguard against this bias.

Light complexity? Claim white/asian heritage.
Fair complexity? Claim white/arab heritage.
Darker complexity? Claim white/black heritage.
Elliot Rodger wasn’t a 6.5, he was a 5. To all the girls I showed him they said that he was very ugly.

If he was a 5 then I'm a 3. He's got a very attractive face, was extremely well put together, had a decent frame (shut up gymcels, super muscular isn't that attractive so stop coping) and was rich.

As for myself I've got an alien head, gigantic nose (that will keep growing for the rest of my life fml) aswell as being on the spectrum + anxiety disorders.
All of the above. Also no friends, money, or experience. Oh, and I'm a picky eater. Oh, and I fixate on the grotesque, macabre, and cynical.

Other than being white, having hair, and being mostly coherent; I'm the antithesis of what women desire.
ADHD, dyslexia, C-PTSD (fucked up childhood) were contributing factors on top of being ugly-faced, fat and short.
Elliot Rodger wasn’t a 6.5, he was a 5. To all the girls I showed him they said that he was very ugly.
It's irrelevant what a foid is saying.
If ER was a 5 that will be a universe black pill cause 99% on this forum are looking worse.
bullying. bullying during childhood based on looks.
Face, hair (the lack of), introversion/slight assburgers. Those are the most "pressing', so as to say.
For me, in order:

1. Manlet (5'7". Height is the single most important factor.)
2. Race (half white, half Asian hapa, typical WM/AF parents. I don't think my father ever scored with a white girl in his life).
3. Asperger's/social anxiety.
4. Framecel/unathleticcel (I have smaller wrists than a lot of women, and most girls could beat me in athletic tests like the softball throw).
5. Face (my face is probably a 4/10, this would be higher up on the list if the rating was lower).
Title. I was just thinking about this. A lot of members here either have Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, Schizophrenia, or some other disorder. You personally, do you believe that you are Incel because of your appearance, a mental illness, or something else entirely? I'm curious to see what people say here.

Feel free to select all the options that apply. I allowed for multiple choices.



The answer to the OP poll IMHO is societal conditioning.
Which means that us incels are looking for a needle in a haystack =
.0001% of chicks who actually, literally and metaphorically possess a warm heart.

99% of girls would help you tie the rope BEFORE they put out...
then post pics on inceltears... then resume fuckboying

My facial features, skin color, and low IQ.

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