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Serious What can mentally retarded incels (such as myself) do?



Alcoholic, Porn addict
Feb 12, 2022
Being profoundly mentally retarded and sub-80 IQ has destroyed my life. I can't succeed at anything in life.
I have a friend who started business the same time as me, he already has like 3 million to his name and I'm still fucking around with mild success here and there. There was a time where I thought things would work out and I was doing rougly 15k a day in revenue, but that all crashed.
I can't learn languages, I wanted to do that but I'm simply too low IQ. So I can't do that neither and every single day, what was once my first language, Darija Arabic is deteroriating. I could not get a degree because I'm too low IQ, programming is like Chinese to me, can't comprehend it at all.

I can't even improve at stupid video games, I'm always like one of the worst people at games. Troonsu! remains one of my biggest cases of being dogshit at game, literally unable to improve in any way whatsoever, just getting worse every day due to being brown and getting older (and low IQ of course). And I'm not exxagerating when out of millions of players I might unironically be one of the worst.

And of course, I'm truecel. This is the only thing I'm good at, staying virgin.
Being so socially retarded makes me feel like I will be living a loser life until the day I’m dead.
get a trade job
im literally a downsyndromecel and i will rope. i cant even move around without getting lost in my city. but i dont like to demotivate you. you can probably survive for sure i guess.
im literally a downsyndromecel and i will rope. i cant even move around without getting lost in my city. but i dont like to demotivate you. you can probably survive for sure i guess.
You actually have down syndrome? I have honestly never seen or heard of someone with down syndrome post here so I’m just curious & I’m sorry to hear that by the way.
I’m also surprised that we don’t have more down syndrome users since down syndromes are truecels.
You actually have down syndrome? I have honestly never seen or heard of someone with down syndrome post here so I’m just curious & I’m sorry to hear that by the way.
thannks bro. its over for me. i think i might have learning disability or adhd but definitely something so brutal. im not diagnosed cuz im with brutal parents in retarded curryland. sorry if im spreading sadness tho.
I’m also surprised that we don’t have more down syndrome users since down syndromes are truecels.
if someone gave me average IQ incel pill till death and a sexhaver pill with my current brain. i would choose the incel pill cuz lacking basic intellect required fro daily fucntion is too brutal :feelsrope:
thannks bro. its over for me. i think i might have learning disability or adhd but definitely something so brutal. im not diagnosed cuz im with brutal parents in retarded curryland. sorry if im spreading sadness tho.
Don’t worry about it, brocel. I don’t think any of us here are happy.
Being profoundly mentally retarded and sub-80 IQ has destroyed my life. I can't succeed at anything in life.
I have a friend who started business the same time as me, he already has like 3 million to his name and I'm still fucking around with mild success here and there. There was a time where I thought things would work out and I was doing rougly 15k a day in revenue, but that all crashed.
I can't learn languages, I wanted to do that but I'm simply too low IQ. So I can't do that neither and every single day, what was once my first language, Darija Arabic is deteroriating. I could not get a degree because I'm too low IQ, programming is like Chinese to me, can't comprehend it at all.

I can't even improve at stupid video games, I'm always like one of the worst people at games. Troonsu! remains one of my biggest cases of being dogshit at game, literally unable to improve in any way whatsoever, just getting worse every day due to being brown and getting older (and low IQ of course). And I'm not exxagerating when out of millions of players I might unironically be one of the worst.

And of course, I'm truecel. This is the only thing I'm good at, staying virgin.
How did you aquire 15k a day? Ive often wondered to myself how to start a sidehustle.
Being profoundly mentally retarded and sub-80 IQ has destroyed my life. I can't succeed at anything in life.
. I could not get a degree because I'm too low IQ, programming is like Chinese to me, can't comprehend it at all.

I can't even improve at stupid video games, I'm always like one of the worst people at games.
It's terrible to hear that. I don't know what it's like to have 80 iq, however to combine that with being ugly makes it completely over. I struggle in school too. For whatever reason information just does not process into my brain. About video games, I'm terrible in online games too. That's why I mostly play single player games. They're generally less rage inducing, and a lot more fun.
Being profoundly mentally retarded and sub-80 IQ has destroyed my life. I can't succeed at anything in life.
I have a friend who started business the same time as me, he already has like 3 million to his name and I'm still fucking around with mild success here and there. There was a time where I thought things would work out and I was doing rougly 15k a day in revenue, but that all crashed.
I can't learn languages, I wanted to do that but I'm simply too low IQ. So I can't do that neither and every single day, what was once my first language, Darija Arabic is deteroriating. I could not get a degree because I'm too low IQ, programming is like Chinese to me, can't comprehend it at all.

I can't even improve at stupid video games, I'm always like one of the worst people at games. Troonsu! remains one of my biggest cases of being dogshit at game, literally unable to improve in any way whatsoever, just getting worse every day due to being brown and getting older (and low IQ of course). And I'm not exxagerating when out of millions of players I might unironically be one of the worst.

And of course, I'm truecel. This is the only thing I'm good at, staying virgin.
Jordan peterson talk about this.
It's despicable how feminsts claim to want to recognize inequality but pretend it doesn't exists when it comes to IQ
they may PRETEND it doesn't exist, but at the expense of placing the failures of people like you as moral failings on your (guys's) part when it was never your fault
Jordan peterson talk about this.
It's despicable how feminsts claim to want to recognize inequality but pretend it doesn't exists when it comes to IQ
they may PRETEND it doesn't exist, but at the expense of placing the failures of people like you as moral failings on your (guys's) part when it was never your fault
stopped reading @ Jerdan Juderson
Trades are comfy or so I hear. Anyhow if I wasn't STEMmaxing I'd be getting into trades or just working in the equine sector.

You wouldn't believe how much fucking money you can win by shoveling shit and cleaning horses.
I can't succeed at anything in life.
There was a time where I thought things would work out and I was doing rougly 15k a day in revenue,
Bro what. I don't know what standard of success you've set for yourself or how you're defining it in economic terms, but it sounds like success is already there to some degree. Even shaving off 2/3 of that after expenses, taxes, and whatnot, that's 5k euros a day. Millions of wage slaves would kill for that kind of take home.

That's it. That's the thing you can succeed at life. Businessmaxxing.
Bro what. I don't know what standard of success you've set for yourself or how you're defining it in economic terms, but it sounds like success is already there to some degree. Even shaving off 2/3 of that after expenses, taxes, and whatnot, that's 5k euros a day. Millions of wage slaves would kill for that kind of take home.

That's it. That's the thing you can succeed at life. Businessmaxxing.
Still gigaover, besides it was never stable. You can't compensate being a giga subhuman with money, it's impossible. Yes, money is nice so you can go on holiday and shit, buy cool stuff and obviously buy your way out of shitty situations. But you will still never experience teen love, or love at all because if it is based on money it is not love.

Either way, if you don't have like 100 million by the time your 30 your life is over.

I think it's absolutely peak clown world when these low IQ niggers who wagecuck for €2000 a month have a wife and multiple kids while living in a dogshit 1-bedroom apartments. Height and looks are everything, really everything. After a certain point money will not improve your life if you are an incel. Once you are stable and living and have some of the things you want like a nice PC & new phone, money won't make your life better at all.
I can't even improve at stupid video games, I'm always like one of the worst people at games.
According to @tehgymcel420 sand nigger training gets mogged by Chad reflexes.
jfl thinking high iq will get you laid
i am above 118 iq and still a loser KHHV in my 30s...
its ovER
According to @tehgymcel420 sand nigger training gets mogged by Chad reflexes.
I am bad at osu because im a sandnigger
jfl thinking high iq will get you laid
i am above 118 iq and still a loser KHHV in my 30s...
its ovER
I am low IQ so I believe high IQ is the key to ascension, brutal IQ pill. I have sub-70 IQ. I can't help being retarded.
Embrace the one true Catholic faith.
Manual labour in construction, Work shall set you free.
Still gigaover, besides it was never stable.
You can achieve a baseline average that will be significantly higher than even most careermaxxed professionals. 500 euros a day is over 180k/year pre-tax. If 5k/day is unstable, then at least 1/10 of that is likely to be stable if you take a yearly average.

You can't compensate being a giga subhuman with money, it's impossible. Yes, money is nice so you can go on holiday and shit, buy cool stuff and obviously buy your way out of shitty situations. But you will still never experience teen love, or love at all because if it is based on money it is not love.
That's not the point, buddy boyo. You're not trying to compensate for anything with money. We already know that money can't buy love or give you your lost time back.

The point is to make the one's shitty existence as an incel slightly more tolerable by having access to luxuries and material pleasures. You can eat restaurant food all day, everyday for the rest of your life and never have to cook or even clean your own house ever. If you wanted to, you could live out of Air BnBs for years and years all over the world. You can be rich and LDAR all day with anime and video games, if that's what you truly wanted. It beats the hell out of LDARing as a broke NEET living off of welfare, because you can say fuck you and change where you live.

Either way, if you don't have like 100 million by the time your 30 your life is over.
That is a ridiculous statement, buddy boyo, and you know it. What the hell are you going to do with 100M that you can't with 50M or 10M even? And why 30 years old? You're just mentioning arbitrary numbers for the sake of it, without any justification for it.

100M... Most human being on the face of the planet will never see that kind of money in their entire lives, including the lives of their great grand children. Come on, brocel. JFL

I think it's absolutely peak clown world when these low IQ niggers who wagecuck for €2000 a month have a wife and multiple kids while living in a dogshit 1-bedroom apartments. Height and looks are everything, really everything. After a certain point money will not improve your life if you are an incel. Once you are stable and living and have some of the things you want like a nice PC & new phone, money won't make your life better at all.
Yes, that is peak clown world. You can be a broke dumbass, but live a fulfulling life, all because of your looks genetics.
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I am bad at osu because im a sandnigger

I am low IQ so I believe high IQ is the key to ascension, brutal IQ pill. I have sub-70 IQ. I can't help being retarded.
pretty sure low iq people fk and breed more cuz low inhib than passive high iq
Jordan peterson talk about this.
It's despicable how feminsts claim to want to recognize inequality but pretend it doesn't exists when it comes to IQ
they may PRETEND it doesn't exist, but at the expense of placing the failures of people like you as moral failings on your (guys's) part when it was never your fault
The world would rather expend your dignitiy if it means conserving their sense of security (just world model)

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