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Experiment what came of your childhood friends?



May 13, 2018
just interested.
my childhood friends vanished, nowhere to be seen in my hometown
What friends?

I had two friends in elementary, one turned into a faggot that does theater and the other is autistic and lives with his mother still on NEETbux. I talked to him once about 4 years ago and he didn’t seem interested in rekindling our friendship.
All my childhood friends grew up to be vapid people I share little to no common interests with. Then again I was raised in a pretty bourgeois area in the UK so it's not really all that surprising.

my childhood friends vanished, nowhere to be seen in my hometown

It's quite alright, most likely their personalities would've deviated as they matured, as did yours.

You probably wouldn't be friends with them if you met them today, would you.
If you didn't spend time outside of school hours with them, they weren't friends, and being the low status punching bag of the group also means they were not your friends.
They all got girlfriends and ascended because they're taller and better looking than me.
most of my aspie gamer friends became slayers
I still talk wit them, they are my only irl friends.
My best childhood friend ended up in prison for attempted murder, though he is still a total Chad and has most likely fucked more foids than everyone here whose ever looked at one before. even though he was autistic that didn't stop him since he was well-built even as a kid, while standing at 6'4ft tall as an adult.
I've lost contact with them all after school ended.
If we're talking about elementary school, I'm only in contact with one of them anymore. If high school friends, I'm only really in contact with about 3 of them.
He asked if I was gay so I dropped all contact with him. I only know that he has an Instagram account with 72 followers.
They are more successful than me
They grew up, got a wife, had kids, and have long since forgotten about my existence.
Didn’t have any real friends till high school.
I don't envy them. They look miserable beta buxing old hags.
just interested.
I never had childhood friends thanks to my autism and helicopter mom. I did however get a friend when i was 11, infact i still talk to him online.
They’re probably in college
Had only one good childhood friend. We drift apart at the moment. He's about to become successful and then he won't need me by his side, anymore. For him I am only a loser - and that's true in every regard. He always talks about foids and economic success. One day I asked him for advice, he only told me, that he never had problems associated with entering relationships, because it's not that hard. He told me that in a very condescending manner - that was the last time I asked him for any advice. As we were children we were best friends, nowadays not so much. I just hang around with him and silently nod my head, whenever he says something, backtalk would only lead to a loss of face for me. Sometimes I still choose misery over loneliness, but in my later days I realize, that I am better off completely alone.
My childhood friend moved away and is a normalfag, I still talk to him on Xbox on some occasions and he can tolerate my shit.
I am still in contact with a very few of my childhood friends (online friends tbh). They are probably in a similiar situation like me.
Nothing good hopefully.
Traitors. They not helped me to search for girls, was left alone
Most of them moved away to study, some are successful in work. Almost all of them are in relationships. Some are on disability, some are drug addicts. I don't talk to them anymore, but I still have one childhood friend who seems to know everything about everyone and gived me updates (even though I don't ask for them).
Normies with rich social, romantic and academic lives. It's a tragedy that I'm not only socially deficient, but academically and intellectually as well.
Moved, created a family or started studying at unvisersity.
Like a few years after highschool I searched for them on facebook like every other year.
Now I don't care anymore. I am glad, if I never have to see them again.
It's kinda annoying to run into them at places. Like when I was on a holiday resort with my dad, they were randomely there as well. Complete coincidence.

I also saw them at the supermarket just a few months ago.

They remind me of the times, when I was very autistic, didn't even try to be social and was content to just be ignored by everyone.
I can at least do small talk now and interact with people, even though I am not very charming to them, because I am "too cold".
they are doing better than me ER fuel
I had a few friends in elementary school and then a few in what you'd call middle school but there was some overlap between the two groups. I have no idea what happened to most of them because I never attempted to contact them and no longer live in my hometown but I can take a guess. Most of them were the anti-social nerd-types who watched anime or played videogames all day and some were even somewhat blackpilled so they're probably not doing much better than I am. There was one guy that I did stay in contact with for a while who killed himself.

I recently met an old classmate of mine who wasn't exactly a friend but close to it and he has lived pretty much the same type of lifestyle as I have for the last few years; staying inside all day and only leaving for school, no friends to speak of, no social life to speak of etc. It's pretty interesting that I'm not the only one in my 'area' who lives like that. Who knows just how many young men of my generation have already slipped through the cracks and are living without meaning, without a job, without friends, just coping away with anime and slowly dying inside.
I don't know them anymore, so I have no idea what they are doing.
I have some left, though I feel many of them are distant towards me. They are either successful chadlites or coping incels that wants nothing to do with the blackpill truth unfortunately.
All married,having sex and so on
dont know i lost all contact due to either them moving or me moving and i refuse to look them up
Never had one. My brother is the only one who I would consider as a friend, and he's as incel as me.
I had 2 friends in school, I talk to them like once or twice a year now, but both are doing worse than me.
One is dating a landwhale, and the other one a shitskin, low class, weeb, commy foid.
Jfl, they have no dignity
It's quite alright, most likely their personalities would've deviated as they matured, as did yours.

You probably wouldn't be friends with them if you met them today, would you.

well no, of course we wouldn't be friends again.
but it seem like these people are very careful when it comes to rekindling old relationships and bringing up past memories.
me for example, i don't mind taking an hour to reminisce with an old friend and that's the end of it. some of these people took the notion of "moving on" too far and too seriously and they won't even take 15 to talk with an old friend
My secondary school friends literally just turned on me after one of them started a band and decided he was to popular for me and pretty much encouraged everyone to bully me literally just to boost his own status. Completely fucked up my ability to deal with other people for years after that due to people criticising literally every single action I made no matter what it was to the point where I was terrified to do literally anything. Seriously hope they all get murdered some day.

I left school with no friends after that and spent two years as a NEET because I literally didn't know how to deal with people any more.

you have to understand that normies see social interactions in a different way than we do. i had this happen to me quite alot where an old friend did a 180 and suddenly turned into a monster.
during school period its always easy to maneuver around and switch friends on and off but at some point these people will have to be likable and charismatic enough to sustain a real-world relationship and that applies to everyone.
an unhinged and overly emotional person can't sustain a relationship no matter how much schmoozing he puts into it. you need to have a certain type of temper (composure) to sustain a real relationship
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After I moved during middleschool I made no friends afterwards. And I lost contact with the ones in elementary.
All of them a thousand light years ahead of me. I don't even look at cuckbook anymore, especially their profiles, it's suicidefuel. Looking at the cuckbook of the girls i met through childhood it's even more depressing and demeaning. It's not worth it, i don't recommend it.
one of my incel friends took his own life by jumping in front of a train
Never had any to know
They all ran away from me
I know what happened to some of the few I had, but none of them know about me. I'm a ghost, no presence on the internet and no friends IRL. If I died now only my family, and those who know them, would know.
Most of them are inches in denial tbh, one or two ascended I think, I suspect one turned out gay lmao
i was the ugly one of the group, all of them are in relationships two of them have kids most of them are married. It makes it hard when you were boys back when everyone was single but now they seemingly cant understand whats wrong with you. I want to nominate vagina into the world heaths magazine for addictive drugs.
Mine just became normies and chadlites while im rotting here.
I'm probably the only one who didn't become a physical worker. Most of them just grew up to be thugs, some of them had problems with law. But those thugs have girlfriends and maybe even kids now. Personality I guess.
way more succseful than me. im a FAILURE

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