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Experiment What are your views on the pedophile agenda?



May 20, 2018
I believe it's very possible that what this guy predicts will begin to happen in coming years..

The pedo agenda is a part of the homo agenda. Remember that all the priests fucking boys were technically gays who wanted sex with an underage male.

But PC culture loves to blame it on Christians because they're not a protected and sugarcoated group as the faggots.

Fuck Christianity tho
liking a woman under 25 is paedophilia in the eyes of normies
It´s degenerated. But what do you expect when homosexuality is seen as something normal and women have more power than ever. Poor Jonas.
Around the same time as women fucking fido becomes normalised and celebrated by society.
I think homosexuality and pedophilia are disgusting and those who in engage in them should be flayed.

I don’t consider liking 15-16 year olds pedophilia btw. I mean children who are prepubescent.
seriously, i don't think pedophile acceptance will ever be mainstream.

pedos that don't rape kids will NEVER come out as pedos, therefore, pedo acceptance it's basically sympathy towards child rapists.

if this ever becomes a new liberal agenda, they will never stand a chance in elections.
I think homosexuality and pedophilia are disgusting and those who in engage in them should be flayed.

I don’t consider liking 13-14 year olds pedophilia btw. I mean children who are prepubescent.
I think homosexuality and pedophilia are disgusting and those who in engage in them should be flayed.

I don’t consider liking 15-16 year olds pedophilia btw. I mean children who are prepubescent.
seriously, i don't think pedophile acceptance will ever be mainstream.

pedos that don't rape kids will NEVER come out as pedos, therefore, pedo acceptance it's basically sympathy towards child rapists.

if this ever becomes a new liberal agenda, they will never stand a chance in elections.

never under estimate how cucked normies are

they would gladly give up their children to (((pedos))) while voting democrat and do it with a smile
I mean, it literally is an "unfortunate disorder" as that guy says, and more people are slowly realizing it.
People nowadays are conditioned from a young age to react hysterically to the mere mention of nonces. The more people are starting to think for themselves, the more they'll realize that it's immoral to want to kill a person for something that's entirely beyond their control (talking about non-offenders here).
I think we should be wondering who would benefit from sexualized Children and the Pedophile Agenda, it wont be us, it wont be society, it'll be powerful rich degenerates. Just as it was in The Weimar Republic, child prostitutes roaming the streets run by sex trafficking organizations run by (((A Certain People))) who gets to have sex with all these corrupted and stolen Goyim children for free.

It's evil stuff.
I think we should be wondering who would benefit from sexualized Children and the Pedophile Agenda, it wont be us, it wont be society, it'll be powerful rich degenerates. Just as it was in The Weimar Republic, child prostitutes roaming the streets run by sex trafficking organizations run by (((A Certain People))) who gets to have sex with all these corrupted and stolen Goyim children for free.
Low IQ, the richest can already fuck whoever and whatever they want. Why would they want higher likelihood of second-hand goods?
Low IQ, the richest can already fuck whoever and whatever they want. Why would they want higher likelihood of second-hand goods?
If it's streamlined, controlled, normalized, and legalized they have more control and a never ending supply of fresh girls to violate. Look at who is running the porn industry, and sex trafficking already. Especially Elite Sex Trafficking, what do you think is going to happen once they Jew their way to making it seem normal and legal and "Haha we're just giving more freedom to the people"
it's coming

liking a woman under 25 is paedophilia in the eyes of normies

it's for the exclusive 'queers only' club. sjws can just enforce it against all logic once they have the levers of power.
look at steam where standards for sexual content in queer/gay games are much more relaxed than the ones for straight/normal games. nothing queer gets censored
If it's streamlined, controlled, normalized, and legalized they have more control and a never ending supply of fresh girls to violate. Look at who is running the porn industry, and sex trafficking already. Especially Elite Sex Trafficking, what do you think is going to happen once they Jew their way to making it seem normal and legal and "Haha we're just giving more freedom to the people"
They don't care about it being streamlined or normalized, since they can get it anyway. Also the more mainstream something is, the less appeal it has to the rich.
They don't care about it being streamlined or normalized, since they can get it anyway.
Wrong, if this was the case the elites wouldn't be pushing this shit, just as they did in the past.
Also the more mainstream something is, the less appeal it has to the rich.
Next up will be slavery, and legalized child murder for fun, they do that shit in basements already, once the basic sexual stuff is legalized, hardcore BDSM, snuff, etc, that's what is next after that.

This is the future they chose

Inceldom will only increase aswell.
It's not only the rainbow agenda, but it's about immigration too. In Northen Europe there were cases of underage refugee brides who were allowed to live with their adult husbands.
Wrong, if this was the case the elites wouldn't be pushing this shit, just as they did in the past.
What elites? The ones that pushed for the current high AOC laws? Or the ones that are censoring the internet in the name of protecting children? :feelskek:
What elites? The ones that pushed for the current high AOC laws? :feelskek:
No, the Elites who run the major media outlets, whether they be News or Entertainment, yunno the things that actually influence culture and NPCs.
No, the Elites who run the major media outlets, whether they be News or Entertainment, yunno the things that actually influence culture and NPCs.
Oh, so it's the ones that are cashing in on the pedo hysteria? Okay.
Pedophiles need to be a killed. Real pedophiles tbh, not people who are attracted to 15 year old that look like they are 20+
Oh, so it's the ones that are cashing in on the pedo hysteria? Okay.
Is the pushing of trans and gay children in the media "pedo hysteria"? How about sexualized child models?
I didn't watch the video. BUT! There is no group more hated than pedophiles. You can literally get away with shooting a pedophile on video and not go to jail. That case is an extreme example but common in that pedophiles are always de-humanized and villainized.

Since I don't believe in free-will, I also don't believe in moral responsibility, thus making a pedophile a further victim of their own innate sexual orientation. I have sympathy for the devil. Unfortunately the subject is so taboo that even showing an interest in pedophilia (other than outright hatred) is not-tolerated.

Think of the posters defending Nazi's and spouting garbage like the new world order. Heck, think of the misogyny encouraged on this site! But even writing the word "pedophile" has the mods reaching for the ban button. We fetishize jail-bait, but somehow people here freak-out at the thought of fucking a pre-pubescent, even more-so than homosexuality.
Infantophilia (sometimes called nepiophilia) is a subtype of pedophilia describing a sexual preference for children less than 5 years old (including toddlers and infants).

Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.

Hebephilia is the strong, persistent sexual interest by adults in pubescent children, which is typically ages 11–14.

Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.
muslims and gays will be able to fuck children all day and be praised for it

straight males will be put in jail for wanting to fuck a woman under 30
It's a bullshit conspiracy both left-wingers and right-wingers believe in. The truth is, that we're witnessing the very opposite trend. A French author can cause world-wide outrage for declaring his preference for 25 year-old-women over 50 y/os. Even Leonardo DiCaprio is constantly accused of being creepy. It's also wrong to say that feminists and tumblr support pedophilia, while they, too, share the same kind of hysteria right-wingers have. In SJW circles, people believe in things such as women being forced to shave their legs because men are all pedos and will soon go the next step. Let alone what they write about Trump and Ivanka, for instance. Both the left as well as teh right is obsessed with this conspiracy although the reality is that the very opposite trend is occuring and there is more and more pressure to "man up" and fuck old hags because everything else would be "creepy" (left) or "degenerate" (right") and definitely pedo (both left and right).

(Reminds me, a while ago I read a /pol/ thread where these dudes patted each other on the back for not even being attracted to 18 y/o anymore now that they are approaching their 30s, JFL. I hope all these right-wing assholes get murdered by Mexican gangs.)
I feel bad for pedophiles and I don't think they deserve much hate. They were born with a mental disease just like autism

Child molesters need to get tortured tho
muslims and gays will be able to fuck children all day and be praised for it

straight males will be put in jail for wanting to fuck a woman under 30
Mark his words.
I think homosexuality and pedophilia are disgusting and those who in engage in them should be flayed.

I don’t consider liking 15-16 year olds pedophilia btw. I mean children who are prepubescent.
I think homosexuality and pedophilia are disgusting and those who in engage in them should be flayed.

I don’t consider liking 15-16 year olds pedophilia btw. I mean children who are prepubescent.

Yeah, 16 is the absolute limit imo. Anything under that age is no.
I support non-existent pedo agenda because females either punished lightly or not punished at all for being pedos (notice how in these female teacher-male teen articles they always call it "romp"). If you're anti-pedo you don't actually care about children, you're simply misandrist.
muslims and gays will be able to fuck children all day and be praised for it

straight males will be put in jail for wanting to fuck a woman under 30
High iq future prediction
muslims and gays will be able to fuck children all day and be praised for it

straight males will be put in jail for wanting to fuck a woman under 30
When Henry Cavill was dating a 19 year old...you should have seen the article comments. And some people were calling her "a child". So there are people who would define a 32/33 year old man banging a 19 year old young woman as pedophilia.
i just wanna a girlfriend
Both the left as well as teh right is obsessed with this conspiracy although the reality is that the very opposite trend is occuring and there is more and more pressure to "man up" and fuck old hags because everything else would be "creepy" (left) or "degenerate" (right") and definitely pedo (both left and right).
High IQ. National socialism is the only way.
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne already legalized femoid teachers to be nude for their students once it's a mission of the LGBTQP agenda.
It's degeneracy just like LGBTQ. But I am not capable of changing it nor I do give a damn anymore. So I will sit back and watch the western society go down the drain.
that happenms when 1 sex closes their gates and just let the most superficial man in,

would man be in power we would have more male trannys
would woman be in power ( what they are ) we would have more woman trannys
if womans dont allow sex to man, man will ( woman trannys )
pedophillia is just the tip of the iceberg since little girls arent that conscious yet

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