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What are your thoughts on Universal Basic Income?



May 10, 2018
I feel like we've probably needed it for the past 30+ years here in the UK. When Margaret Thatcher closed down the mines and dismantled our manufacturing industry, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people were left without jobs and there was no alternative employment around their areas. Anyway, it seems as though the discussion around the concept of UBI has only recently come up. Personally, I'd love it. It'd mean I could carry on living the NEET life and not have to deal with the asshole staff at the Job Centre anymore. My granddad worked right up until he reached retirement age and he has fuck all to show for it. He lives in a council house and drives a shitty Daewoo Matiz. Is that what all the time he wasted working was building up to? JFL. I'd rather just be a NEET if I'm honest. And before anyone says anything, I'm not your stereotypical bummy NEET. I don't live with my parents, I keep my bedroom relatively tidy, I eat quite healthily, I hardly ever drink and I don't do drugs whatsoever. I spend the majority of my money on rent and food. I'm basically just a guy who's living his life how he sees fit and doesn't want to put into a system that he hates. I feel like the system hates people like me even more than alcoholics and druggies who are a true drain on society. And you know because I'm a white, single, childless man, the hate towards me from the system is doubly so. If I was a Syrian refugee with a wife from a forced marriage and 11 kids, they'd practically be throwing money at me.
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>government subsidized NEETdom
Sign me up.
At the point we are technologically, I'd be for it. Seems to me that many jobs are on the verge of being automated anyway, so I think it'd be silly to not, at the very least, re-evaluate our expectations for the common citizen. The mental prototype of what a job even is has morphed over the past 50 or so years, and new solutions that were not previously possible need to be considered in light of the momentum at which technology is moving. And from the literature I've been exposed to, actual UBI systems have been successful so far.
Lastly, it would be a good step in the direction of increasing the quality of life for the common person.
me as an individual? sure, gib UBI. then i can just go NEET and cope until i die without worrying about anything.

if you look at the big pictures, the long term societal effects would be disastrous. but i dont care about that because society is already on the path to catastrophe anyway, so UBI wont make too much of a difference.
Poorthern cope tbh
Socialist bullshit. Have you ever heard of inflation and the necessity of a labor force?
Only incels should qualify to receive this.
My selfish self is tempted to say yes because it'd instantly turn me from NEETcel living with parents to maybe move to a remote rural location where I can live on a barn or something but when I look at it from a macroeconomic perspective I don't see this go too well.
Seems to me that many jobs are on the verge of being automated anyway,

I wanna know what will happen then. How are humans gonna be slaves when they can't work anymore? Sure women can be used for sex but what will happen to men?
I'm down but it might cause societal collapse
the system hates people like me even more than alcoholics and druggies who are a true drain on society. And you know because I'm a white, single, childless man, the hate towards me from the system is doubly so
This is me. People assumed i was a drug addict when i was NEET. I got kicked out of 2 houseshares even though my rent was paid for. All the people who hated on me were working shitty minimum wage jobs. I love how the majority of wage slaves are hedonistic addicts,yet we get shit on despite living a clean lifestyle.
I think it should be implemented as soon as possible.
We have no problem with you being a bummy neet
Sounds cool because I could do what I want and learn what I want, but it is not great from an economic perspective
All commies must die.
I wanna know what will happen then. How are humans gonna be slaves when they can't work anymore? Sure women can be used for sex but what will happen to men?
Incels will skyrocket, but at least we'll all have money to cope with. Judging by communities like Wizchan, the clear main reason for our depression is wageslavery, and the utter pointlessness of slaving ourselves for a society that hates us.

UBI is an inevitability. In the US, a negative income tax was proposed in 1971 and nearly passed, which led to the SSI system we have now. The percentage of wageslaves that are in poverty is at 15% now and continues to grow, and will only grow further with businesses already being fucked over creating a bunch of unnecessary filler jobs at their cost.
This is me. People assumed i was a drug addict when i was NEET. I got kicked out of 2 houseshares even though my rent was paid for. All the people who hated on me were working shitty minimum wage jobs. I love how the majority of wage slaves are hedonistic addicts,yet we get shit on despite living a clean lifestyle.
Yeah. That's why I prefer Chinese landlords. They don't run credit checks on you and don't nosy around in your business in general. Every white landlord I've seen advertising houseshares have wanted to do a credit check to judge you. Like, fuck outta here snooping around in my bank account, you nosy bastard. The Chinese definitely don't do things by the books, but that actually works to my advantage in this case. If you have the money to move in, then it's all good. They only care that you have enough money to pay your rent, not where you get it from and that's the way it should be. As long as you pay your rent, keep the property tidy, don't damage stuff and don't make a ton of noise, then landlords should mind their own fucking business.
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Pretty NEET neat but I don't think it's sustainable. Like @Fontaine mentioned just the other day, we're supposed to acquire our bread through our sweat (pardon me for not being able to quote it verbatim), it's in the Bible and it's true. Or else it just means other people are working to sustain us.
Pretty NEET neat but I don't think it's sustainable. Like @Fontaine mentioned just the other day, we're supposed to acquire our bread through our sweat (pardon me for not being able to quote it verbatim), it's in the Bible and it's true. Or else it just means other people are working to sustain us.
Fuck the Bible
Fuck the Bible
Cool edges, bro. I'm not Christian either but there is lots of wisdom there. Like in all great religions tbh.

How female sexuality must be treated is a good example.
I'm not Christian either but there is lots of wisdom there. Like in all great religions tbh.
I do believe that people who lack moral compasses do need religion to keep them from harming themselves or others, but those people are either weak-minded or fatherless barbarians that need a father figure to civilize them.
I do believe that people who lack moral compasses do need religion to keep them from harming themselves or others, but those people are either weak-minded or fatherless barbarians that need a father figure to civilize them.
All women are in that category though.

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