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Serious What are your Life Plans?



Apr 3, 2018
Don't see many of you guys on here talking about the future too much, so I was wondering if any of you have ideas/concrete plans for yourselves going forward.
Preferably ones that don't involve a heavy dose of LDAR
I'm in the process of buying my own house/moving out of my parent's place. I suppose that's noteworthy. Hopefully sell it for more later.
After I graduate I just plan to make a bunch of money and do sex trips around the world, fucking as many whores as I can. Maybe that will even boost my confidence enough to actually get roasties to desire me
Live as a hermit in the middle of nowhere.
rot in the bando
I'm in the process of buying my own house/moving out of my parent's place. I suppose that's noteworthy. Hopefully sell it for more later.
That's great man! I hope it all goes well for you
Live as a hermit with mares or neck myself before 45, maybe much sooner.
After I graduate I just plan to make a bunch of money and do sex trips around the world, fucking as many whores as I can. Maybe that will even boost my confidence enough to actually get roasties to desire me
Good chance to talk to them at the same time. Lots of people pay prostitutes to just have dinner with them (sex optional obviously), so I'd take the opportunity to practice socialising while you're at it.
education: finish my college education, do a degree, get a job.

looksmaxx: gymcel to get low body fat% which would reduce the bloat and give me muscles, acquire accutane for acne, use HGH for growth and weight loss and pray that i grow to 5'11 or at least 10 before my plates close(im 17), use lifts to boost height, get a badass low inhib haircut. nofap will also help with acne and make my skin clearer. cold showers will also benefit my skin.

NTmaxx: rebuild my old social circle from secondary school to practice socialising and expand it for more opportunities, go out more, boost confidence with gymcelling, read books to boost mental capabilities so i can keep up with fast paced conversations, post my real picture on social media, indulge in more normie hobbies. nofap and cold showers will benefit me significantly in this department for countless reasons.
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get out of unemployment, and then cope with videogames.

don't really see a future where I escape inceldom.
education: finish my college education, do a degree, get a job.

looksmaxx: gymcel to get low body fat% which would reduce the bloat and give me muscles, acquire accutane for acne, pray that i grow to 5'11 or at least 10, use lifts to boost height, get a badass low inhib haircut. nofap will also help with acne and make my skin clearer. cold showers will also benefit my skin.

NTmaxx: rebuild my old social circle from secondary school to practice socialising and expand it for more opportunities, go out more, boost confidence with gymcelling, read books to boost mental capabilities so i can keep up with fast paced conversations, post my real picture on social media, indulge in more normie hobbies. nofap and cold showers will benefit me significantly in this department for countless reasons.
now that's a fucking plan. Good luck dude, praying it works out for you
I'm gonna wagecel so I can afford and expand my copes but I still don't have a fucking job
Saving enough money from where I'm working while living with my parents. Then move to another country by the end of the year and start everything over from scratch (hopefully a new "life"). I need to erase my past.
get a job or rope or something
Tbh I want to get a PhD, but I'll probably snap and go ER before that happens
Saving enough money from where I'm working while living with my parents. Then move to another country by the end of the year and start everything over from scratch (hopefully a new "life"). I need to erase my past.

sounds alpha as fuck. will you change your name too?
Getting surgery in July. Finishing associates in December and transferring. After bachelor's it's Bangkok life to escape this hell
sounds alpha as fuck. will you change your name too?
Thanks. No, I remember thinking about it when I was younger but I don't care anymore. Right now I'm bodymaxxing and hobbymaxxing, also trying to go out a bit more. Also apart from my family, I will probably cut off anyone from where I am now.
Pass my GCSEs and A-Levels, get a degree in Software Engineering, get a good job and make a lot of money. If I'm still a virgin at 30 then rope.
Pass my GCSEs and A-Levels, get a degree in Software Engineering, get a good job and make a lot of money. If I'm still a virgin at 30 then rope.
You are still doing GCSE lol not an incel get outta here kiddo
NEETing for the rest of my pathetic life.
Another on board for moneymaxing and becoming a hermit.
I wish i could say i have a plan of action but i really don't. I'm like the part at an end of a film where the screen just stays blank after the credits. It's technically still playing but nothing is being produced.

The film was crap also. I just feel done and that there is no day coming that is going to be worth waking up for.
Get rich by investment banking and buy a sex robot
>Get a well paid job and see if the "careermaxxing" theory is legit (Will be difficult since I have a foreign sounding name so my CV is the first to go regardless of qualifications)
>Wait to see if my mental states gets better or worse
>Sui if not normie by the age of 30. (at least a double digit partner count excl. escorts)
Moving out soon, working some shitty job and trying to live cheap, rotting in free time. Or then just neck.
Don't see many of you guys on here talking about the future too much, so I was wondering if any of you have ideas/concrete plans for yourselves going forward.
Preferably ones that don't involve a heavy dose of LDAR
Starting a farm and living off the grid
Smoke, eat, die
Careermaxing and hoping that I escape Inceldom
Get my fucking degree, move out of my parents house, hobbymaxxing, lookmaxxing, socialmaxxing and escortcel till death.
To get some booty and sex for free.
I will escortcell until I ran out of money and kms
Hopefully suicide in a few years
To live in a mental hospital or worse prison

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